Bounding boxes and models - c++

I've made a basic .obj mesh loader that can load models and texture them in OpenGL. However, my question is what would be the best solution to then put bounding boxes on them. For example if I a load a model which is a circle, would putting an AABB around it be a terrible solution?
My idea is to make an object have a global AABB box then the model also has a list of more perfect bounding boxes.
My question is, what should I use to make this list of more perfected bounding boxes?

Don't worry about "more perfect bounding boxes" for your collision detection. That is not the point of them. What you want is a bounding element - and possibly a hierarchy of them - which allows you to easily test for intersections and reject large sets of polygons/elements on which you don't need to perform your elementary intersection tests.
I would say, start out with your AABBs (or even bounding spheres, for the simplicity of them). And either top down, or bottom up (using some appropriate heuristic) construct a tree out of them. Your top node has your large AABB which fits your entire model. And each branch (with its AABB) contains an ever smaller subset of your mesh. You want the final tree to be well balanced.
Should you notice that your AABBs cause problems (as in, not enough performance perhaps), then you can always select other bounding elements. OBBs or k-DOPs perhaps. In our garment simulation code for example k-DOPs have shown to be a good fit.
In any case, you might want to look up the book "Real-time collision detection". It goes into this topic in depth and is IMHO an excellent resource if you're interested in a topic like this. But just keep things simple at first. Make them work, then worry about optimization.


how to detect the coordinates of certain points on image

I'm using the ORB algorithm to detect and get the coordinates of the crossings of rope shown in the image, which is represented by the red dot. I want to detect the coordinates of the four points surrounding the crossing represented by the blue dots. All the four points have the same distance from the red spot.
Any idea how to get their coordinates by getting use of the red spot coordinate.
Thank you in Advance
Although you're using ORB, you're still going to need an algorithm to segment the rope from the background, or at least some technique to identify image chunks that belong to the rope and that are equidistant from the red dot. There are a number of options to explore.
It's important to consider your lighting & imaging as separate problems to be solved if this is meant to be a real-world application. This looks a bit like a problem for a class rather than for a application you'll sell and support, but you should still consider lighting:
Will your algorithm(s) still work when light level is reduced?
How will detection be affected by changes in camera pose relative to the surface where the rope will be located?
If you'll be detecting "black" rope, will the algorithm also be required to detect rope of different colors? dirty rope? rope on different backgrounds?
Since you're object of interest is rope, you have to consider a class of algorithms suitable for detection of non-rigid objects. Always consider the simplest solution first!
Connected Components
Connected components labeling is a traditional image processing algorithm and still suitable as the starting point for many applications. The last I knew, this was implemented in OpenCV as findContours(). This can also be called "blob finding" or some variant thereof.
Depending on lighting, you may have to take different steps to binarize the image before running connected components. As a start, convert the color image to grayscale, which will simplify the task significantly.
Try a manual threshold since you can quickly test a number of values to see the effect. Don't be too discouraged if the binarization isn't quite right--this can often be fixed with preprocessing.
If a range of manual thresholds works (e.g. 52 - 76 in an 8-bit grayscale range), then use an algorithm that will automatically calculate the threshold for you: Otsu, entropy-based methods, etc., will all offer comparable performance. Whichever technique works best, the code/algorithm can be tweaked further to optimize for your rope application.
If thresholding and binarization don't work--which for your rope application seems unlikely, at least how you've presented it--then switch to thinking in terms of gradient-based (edge-based, energy-based) techniques.
But assuming you can separate the rope from the background, you're still going to need a method to start at the red dot [within the rope] and move equal distances out to the blue points. More about that later after a discussion of other rope segmentation methods.
Note: connected components labeling can work in scenarios beyond just binarizing black & white images. If you can create a texture field or some other 2D representation of the image that makes it possible to distinguish the black rope from the relatively light background, you may be able to use a connected components algorithm. (Finding a "more complicated" or "more modern" algorithm isn't necessarily going to be the right approach.)
In a binarized image, blobs can be nested: on a white background you can have several black blobs, inside of one or more of which are white blobs, inside of which are black blobs, etc. An earlier version of OpenCV handled this reasonably well. (OpenCV is a nice starting point, and a touchpoint for many, but for a number of reasons it doesn't always compare favorably to other open source and commercial packages; popularity notwithstanding, OpenCV has some issues.)
Once you have a "blob" (a 4-connected region of pixels) in a 2D digital image, you can treat the blob as an object, at which point you have a number of options:
Edge tracing: trace around the inside and outside edges of the blob. From what I recall, OpenCV does (or at least should) have some relatively straightforward method to get the edges.
Split the blob into component blobs, each of which can be treated separately
Convert the blob to a polygon
A connected components algorithm should be high on the list of techniques to try if you have a non-rigid object.
Boolean Operations
Once you have the rope as a connected component (and possibly even without this), you can use boolean image operations to find the spots at the blue dots in your image:
Create a circular region in data, or even in the image
Find the intersection of the circle (an annulus) and the black region representing the rope. Using your original image, you should have four regions.
Find the center point of the intersection regions.
You could even try this without using connected components at all, but using connected components as part of the solution could make it more robust.
Polygon Simplification
If you have a blob, which in your application would be a connected set of black pixels representing the rope on the floor, then you can consider converting this blob to one or more polygons for further processing. There are advantages to working with polygons.
If you consider only the outside boundary of the rope, then you can see that the set of pixels defining the boundary represents a polygon. It's a polygon with a lot of points, and not a convex polygon, but a polygon nonetheless.
To simplify the polygon, you can use an algorithm such as Ramer-Douglas-Puecker:
Once you have a simplified polygon, you can try a few techniques to render useful data from the polygon
Angle Bisector Network
Triangulation (e.g. using ear clipping)
Triangulation is typically dependent on initial conditions, so the resulting triangulation for slighting different polygons (that is, rope -> blob -> polygon -> simplified polygon). So in your application it might be useful to triangulate the dark rope region, and then to connect the center of one triangle to the center of the next nearest triangle. You'll also have to deal with crossings, such as the rope overlap. Ultimately this can yield a "skeletonization" of the rope. Speaking of which...
If the rope problem was posed to you as a class exercise, then it may have been a prompt to try skeletonization. You can read about it here:
Skeletonization and thinning have their own problems to solve, but you should dig into them a bit and see those problems themselves.
The Medial Axis Transform (MAT) is a related concept. Long story there.
Edge-based techniques
There are a number of techniques to generate "edge images" based on edge strength, energy, entropy, etc. Making them robust takes a little effort. If you've had academic training in image processing you've likely heard of Harris, Sobel, Canny, and similar processing methods--none are magic bullets, but they're simple and dependable and will yield data you need.
An "edge image" consists of pixels representing the image gradient strength [and sometimes the gradient direction]. People may call this edge image something else, but it's the concept that matters.
What you then do with the edge data is another subject altogether. But one reason to think of edge images (or at least object borders) is that it reduces the amount of information your algorithm(s) will need to process.
Mean Shift (and related)
To get back to segmentation mentioned in the section on connected components, there are other methods for segmenting figures from a background: K-means, mean shift, and so on. You probably won't need any of those, but they're neat and worth studying.
Stroke Width Transform
This is an intriguing technique used to extract text from noisy backgrounds. Although it's intended for OCR, it could work for rope since the rope width is relatively constant, the rope shape varies, there are crossings, etc.
In short, and simplifying quite a bit, you can think of SWT as a means to find "strokes" (thick lines) by finding gradients antiparallel to each other. On either side of a stroke (or line), the edge gradient points normal to the object edge. The normal on one side of the stroke points opposite the direction of the normal on the other side of the stroke. By filtering for pixel-gradient pairs within a certain distance of each other, you can isolate certain strokes--even automatically. For your example the collection of points representing edge pairs for the rope would be much more common than other point pairs.
Non-Rigid Matching
There are techniques for matching non-rigid shapes, but they would not be worth exploring. If any of the techniques I mentioned above is unfamiliar to you, explore some of those first before you try any fancier algorithms.
CNNs, machine learning, etc.
Just don't even think of these methods as a starting point.
Other Considerations
If this were an application for industry, security, or whatnot, you'd have to determine how well your image processing worked under all environmental considerations. That's not an easy task, and can make all the difference between a setup that "works" in the lab and a setup that actually works in practice.
I hope that's of some help. Feel free to post a reply if I've confused more than helped, or if you want to explore some idea in more detail. Though I tried to touch on some common(ish) techniques, I didn't mention all the different ways of addressing this problem.
And briefly: once you have a skeleton, point network, or whatever representing a reduced data set for the rope and the red dot (the identified feature), a few techniques to find the items at the blue dots:
For a skeleton, trace along each "branch" of the rope outward from the know until the geodesic distance or straight-line 2D distance is the distance D that you want.
To use geometry, create a circle of width 1 - 2 pixels. Find the intersection of that circle and the rope. Find the center point of the intersections of circle and rope. (Also described above.)
Good luck!

Nodes collision testing - but not on bouding rectangles

I'm looking for some simple and somehow efficient way to detect collisions of Nodes (not necessarily Sprites) while ignoring collisions of transparent parts of Nodes' images.
It is easy to implement bounding Rects collision... but it does not reflect the transparency.
There were published other approach named "Pixel-perfect"... ok, but I see it as inefficient and somehow complicated. In cases of full-hd and bigger displays...
I suppose it could be possible to yield some "non-transparent" masks of both sprites, get them only in intersect of their bounding rects and finally perform AND operation on those masks...
Please, did anybody see something similar? Or better? Can I yield transparent and non-transparent parts of image of node?
I also found this and this well. Not studied yet but now I'd like use cocos2d-js .... :)
Thanks a lot
Give quadtrees a try. The algorithm works by splitting nodes into 4 quadrants recursively into a list with likely collideables. There are plenty of resources about them.
I combined this with pixel perfect check. I'm afraid it's the only way to properly check images' collisions short of using the per pixel algorithm to create unique concave and convex shapes to represent the collision space and then using other algorithms (such as Minkowski portal refinement). However if you images change or are animated, your game can takr an equal performance hit.
Interestingly enough, pp intersection was used in games like pong, with much less processing power. Pp also gives the most accurate intersection as compared to other algorithns.
You can use physics collisions. And set-up physics body to repeat not-transparent part of the node.

Counting objects on a grid with OpenCV

I'm relatively new to OpenCV, and I'm working on a project where I need to count the number of objects on a grid. the grid is the background of the image, and there's either an object in each space or there isn't; I need to count the number present, and I don't really know where to start. I've searched here and other places, but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I will need to be tracking the space numbers of the grid in the future, so I will also eventually need to know whether each grid space is occupied or empty. I'm not going so far as to ask for a coded example, but does anybody know of any source or tutorials to accomplish this task or one similar to it? Thanks for your help!
Further Details: images will come from a stable-mounted camera, objects are of relatively uniform shape, but varying size and color.
I would first answer a few questions:
Will an object be completely enclosed in a grid cell? Or can it be placed on top of a grid line? (In other words, will the object hide a line from the camera?)
Will more than one object be in one cell?
Can an object occupy more than one cell? (closely related to question 1)
Given reasonable answers to those questions, I believe the problem can be broken into two parts: first, identify the centers of each grid space. To count objects, you can then sample that region to see if anything "not background" is there.
You can then assume that a grid space is defined by four strong, regularly-placed, corner features. (For the sake of discussion, I'll assume you've performed the initial image preparation as needed: histogram equalization, gaussian blur for noise reduction, etc.) From there, you might try some of OpenCV's methods for finding corners (Harris corner detector, cvGoodFeaturesToTrack, etc). It's likely that you can borrow some of the techniques found in OpenCV's square finding example (samples/c/square.c). For this task, it's probably sufficient to assume that the grid center is just the centroid of each set of "adjacent" (or sufficiently near) corners.
Alternatively, you might use the Hough transform to identify the principal horizontal and vertical lines in the image. You can then determine the intersection points to identify the extents of each grid cell. This implementation might be more challenging since inferring structure (or adjacency) from "nearby" vertices in order to find a grid center seems more difficult.

How do I render thick 2D lines as polygons?

I have a path made up of a list of 2D points. I want to turn these into a strip of triangles in order to render a textured line with a specified thickness (and other such things). So essentially the list of 2D points need to become a list of vertices specifying the outline of a polygon that if rendered would render the line. The problem is handling the corner joins, miters, caps etc. The resulting polygon needs to be "perfect" in the sense of no overdraw, clean joins, etc. so that it could feasibly be extruded or otherwise toyed with.
Are there any simple resources around that can provide algorithm insight, code or any more information on doing this efficiently?
I absolutely DO NOT want a full fledged 2D vector library (cairo, antigrain, OpenVG, etc.) with curves, arcs, dashes and all the bells and whistles. I've been digging in multiple source trees for OpenVG implementations and other things to find some insight, but it's all terribly convoluted.
I'm definitely willing to code it myself, but there are many degenerate cases (small segments + thick widths + sharp corners) that create all kinds of join issues. Even a little help would save me hours of trying to deal with them all.
EDIT: Here's an example of one of those degenerate cases that causes ugliness if you were simply to go from vertex to vertex. Red is the original path. The orange blocks are rectangles drawn at a specified width aligned and centered on each segment.
Oh well - I've tried to solve that problem myself. I wasted two month on a solution that tried to solve the zero overdraw problem. As you've already found out you can't deal with all degenerated cases and have zero overdraw at the same time.
You can however use a hybrid approach:
Write yourself a routine that checks if the joins can be constructed from simple geometry without problems. To do so you have to check the join-angle, the width of the line and the length of the joined line-segments (line-segments that are shorter than their width are a PITA). With some heuristics you should be able to sort out all the trivial cases.
I don't know how your average line-data looks like, but in my case more than 90% of the wide lines had no degenerated cases.
For all other lines:
You've most probably already found out that if you tolerate overdraw, generating the geometry is a lot easier. Do so, and let a polygon CSG algorithm and a tesselation algorithm do the hard job.
I've evaluated most of the available tesselation packages, and I ended up with the GLU tesselator. It was fast, robust, never crashed (unlike most other algorithms). It was free and the license allowed me to include it in a commercial program. The quality and speed of the tesselation is okay. You will not get delaunay triangulation quality, but since you just need the triangles for rendering that's not a problem.
Since I disliked the tesselator API I lifted the tesselation code from the free SGI OpenGL reference implementation, rewrote the entire front-end and added memory pools to get the number of allocations down. It took two days to do this, but it was well worth it (like factor five performance improvement). The solution ended up in a commercial OpenVG implementation btw :-)
If you're rendering with OpenGL on a PC, you may want to move the tesselation/CSG-job from the CPU to the GPU and use stencil-buffer or z-buffer tricks to remove the overdraw. That's a lot easier and may be even faster than CPU tesselation.
I just found this amazing work:
It seems to do exactly what you want, and its licence allows to use it even in commercial applications. Plus, the author did a truly great job to detail his method. I'll probably give it a shot at some point to replace my own not-nearly-as-perfect implementation.
A simple method off the top of my head.
Bisect the angle of each 2d Vertex, this will create a nice miter line. Then move along that line, both inward and outward, the amount of your "thickness" (or thickness divided by two?), you now have your inner and outer polygon points. Move to the next point, repeat the same process, building your new polygon points along the way. Then apply a triangualtion to get your render-ready vertexes.
I ended up having to get my hands dirty and write a small ribbonizer to solve a similar problem.
For me the issue was that I wanted fat lines in OpenGL that did not have the kinds of artifacts that I was seeing with OpenGL on the iPhone. After looking at various solutions; bezier curves and the like - I decided it was probably easiest to just make my own. There are a couple of different approaches.
One approach is to find the angle of intersection between two segments and then move along that intersection line a certain distance away from the surface and treat that as a ribbon vertex. I tried that and it did not look intuitive; the ribbon width would vary.
Another approach is to actually compute a normal to the surface of the line segments and use that to compute the ideal ribbon edge for that segment and to do actual intersection tests between ribbon segments. This worked well except that for sharp corners the ribbon line segment intersections were too far away ( if the inter-segment angle approached 180' ).
I worked around the sharp angle issue with two approaches. The Paul Bourke line intersection algorithm ( which I used in an unoptimized way ) suggested detecting if the intersection was inside of the segments. Since both segments are identical I only needed to test one of the segments for intersection. I could then arbitrate how to resolve this; either by fudging a best point between the two ends or by putting on an end cap - both approaches look good - the end cap approach may throw off the polygon front/back facing ordering for opengl.
See my source code here :
I'm interested in this too, since I want to perfect my mapping application's (Kosmos) drawing of roads. One workaround I used is to draw the polyline twice, once with a thicker line and once with a thinner, with a different color. But this is not really a polygon, it's just a quick way of simulating one. See some samples here:
I'm not sure if this is what you need.
I think I'd reach for a tessellation algorithm. It's true that in most case where these are used the aim is to reduce the number of vertexes to optimise rendering, but in your case you could parameterise to retain all the detail - and the possibility of optimising may come in useful.
There are numerous tessellation algorithms and code around on the web - I wrapped up a pure C on in a DLL a few years back for use with a Delphi landscape renderer, and they are not an uncommon subject for advanced graphics coding tutorials and the like.
See if Delaunay triangulation can help.
In my case I could afford to overdraw. I just drow circles with radius = width/2 centered on each of the polyline's vertices.
Artifacts are masked this way, and it is very easy to implement, if you can live with "rounded" corners and some overdrawing.
From your image it looks like that you are drawing box around line segments with FILL on and using orange color. Doing so is going to create bad overdraws for sure. So first thing to do would be not render black border and fill color can be opaque.
Why can't you use GL_LINES primitive to do what you intent to do? You can specify width, filtering, smoothness, texture anything. You can render all vertices using glDrawArrays(). I know this is not something you have in mind but as you are focusing on 2D drawing, this might be easier approach. (search for Textured lines etc.)

Mesh rendering using Octree algorithm

I'm the founder of SceneMax - a 3D scripting language since 2005. I want to add a scene rendering using one mesh object built with 3d package like 3ds max and split by octree algorithm for optimized performance.
Do you know where can I find an algorithm which takes a mesh .X file, splits it to nodes (octree) and knows how to render it? I want to add it to my engine. The engine is open source (google for SceneMax if you're interested).
There are several variations, but when building an octree, one approach is this:
Start with one node (ie. a cube) encompassing your entire scene or object being partitioned.
For each element in your scene/object (eg. a mesh, or a poly, or whatever granularity you're working to):
Check if that element fits completely inside the node.
If yes, subdivide the node into eight children, then recursively do Step 2 for each child.
If no, then continue to the next node until there are no nodes left.
Add the element to the smallest node that can contain it.
It's also common to stop recursion based on some heuristic, like if the size of the nodes or the number of elements within the node is smaller than a certain threshold.
See this Flipcode tutorial for some more details about building the octree.
Once you have the octree, there are several approaches you can take to render it. The basic idea is that if you can't "see" a node, then you can't see its children either, so everything inside that node (and its children) don't need to be rendered.
Frustum culling is easy to implement, and does the "can you see it?" test using your view projection's frustum. has an article discussing frustum culling and some other approaches.
You can also go further and implement occlusion culling after frustum culling, which will let you skip rendering any nodes which are covered up by nodes in front of them, using the z-buffer to determine if a node is hidden. This involves being able to traverse your octree nodes from closest to furthest. This technique is discussed in this Gamasutra article.
It's important to first consider the types of mesh files that you will be having to support.
There are effectively 3 different kinds of objects.
1. Open natural terrain. This fits with a quadtree very well as an octree brings complexity that is unnecessary. There's little reason to introduce a 3rd dimension if it won't give you much performance gain.
2. Open terrain with many tall objects. This fits into an octree very well as an octree allows you to remove things on the vertical axis from rendering and a scene such as this has a lot of those. I honestly can't name any that fit into this off the top of my head.
3. Enclosed spaces or character models/static meshes. This fits very well into BSP trees. A BSP tree allows for objects that are fully onscreen, or enclosed spaces to only render as many polygons as needed.
I would recommend adding 1 and 3, assuming 1 is even a model type you need to support. #3 is very standard for first person shooters or character models and adding support for that may give you the best bang for your buck. The overall idea is to remove as much geometry from a render as possible, thus a quad tree for 95% of the outdoor terrain players game worlds have is perfect. An octree has uses, but less than you may think.
Each of these algroithms are relatively easy to write. For example I wrote an octree in 3 hours many years ago. Generally these are processed at load time, pieces of geometry being added to each square (if quad/octree) or to the tree (if BSP) and then rendering follows suit. There are a lot of great articles out there via a quick Google search that I will leave for your research. A quick note is that BSP tree's also have the ability to handle collision detection and are ideal candidates for character models and static meshes. Thus this is an algorithm that I would recommend taking your time on in order to ensure it is flexible enough for multiple uses.