how to get a value from a char[] - c++

however,thanks everyone who help me.
I want to get the VmRSS value from /proc/pid/status,below is the code
int main()
const int PROCESS_MEMORY_FILE_LEN = 500;
FILE *file;
std::string path("/proc/4378/status");
//path += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( pid );
//path += "/status";
if(!(file = fopen(path.c_str(),"r")))
std::cout <<"open " << path<<"is failed " << std::endl;
return float(-1);
memset(fileBuffer, 0, PROCESS_MEMORY_FILE_LEN);
if(fread(fileBuffer, 1, PROCESS_MEMORY_FILE_LEN - 1, file) != (PROCESS_MEMORY_FILE_LEN - 1))
std::cout <<"fread /proc/pid/status is failed"<< std::endl;
return float(-1);
unsigned long long memoryUsage = 0;
int a = sscanf(fileBuffer,"VmRSS: %llu", &memoryUsage);
std::cout << a << std::endl;
std::cout << memoryUsage << std::endl;
at last,thanks

Based on your comments: To find VmRSS within your char array use C++ algorithms in combination with the C++ string library. Then you'll get the position of VmRSS and all you'll have to do is to retrieve the wanted result. With a little knowledge of the structure of these entries, this should be an easy task.
In addition to that it might be better to use fstream for reading directly into a string.


passing array as return from function in multi threaded app

i try to make code which is multithreaded and at certain step i have to retrieve array made on heap.
this is the code:
the following function will call another function called read_bi5_to_bin and it will pass to it unsigned char* initialized as nullptr data_bin_buffer
int HTTPRequest::read_bi5_main(boost::filesystem::path p, ptime epoch)
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> read_bi5_to_bin_lock(m_read_bi5_to_binMutex,boost::defer_lock);
unsigned char *buffer;
size_t buffer_size;
int counter;
size_t raw_size = 0;
std::string filename_string = p.generic_string();
path p2 = p;
std::string filename_string_2_bin =p2.generic_string() ;
path p3 = p;
std::string filename_string_2_csv = p3.generic_string();
const char *filename = filename_string.c_str();
const char *filename_2_bin = filename_string_2_bin.c_str();
const char *filename_2_csv = filename_string_2_csv.c_str();
if (fs::exists(p) && fs::is_regular(p))
buffer_size = fs::file_size(p);
buffer = new unsigned char[buffer_size];
else {
//??5-17-2020 isolate multithreaded error
BOOST_LOG((*mHTTPRequest_LoggingInstance_shared_pointer).mloggerCoutLog) << "Error: couldn't access the data file. |"
<< filename << "|" << std::endl;
return 2;
std::ifstream fin(filename, std::ifstream::binary);
//, std::ifstream::binary);<char*>(buffer), buffer_size);
//5-11-2020 the next line will be commented and put in HTTPCLIent constructor
//mHTTPRequest_Symbol_str= mHTTPRequest_HTTPClient_shared_pointer->Get_mHttpClient_HttpSymbolPrepareGet_shared_pointer()->mSymbol_strGet() ;
std::size_t pos = mHTTPRequest_Symbol_str.find("JPY");// position of "h_ticks.bi5" in str
double PV;
if (pos != std::string::npos)
//??5-17-2020 isolate multithreaded error
//boost::shared_ptr<unsigned char> data_bin_buffer = boost::make_shared<unsigned char>() ;
//n47::tick_data *data = n47::read_bi5_to_bin(
// buffer, buffer_size, epoch, PV, &raw_size, data_bin_buffer.get());
unsigned char* data_bin_buffer = nullptr;
n47::tick_data *data = n47::read_bi5_to_bin(
buffer, buffer_size, epoch, PV, &raw_size, data_bin_buffer);
//5-11-2020 here i will save binary file
//boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> read_bi5_to_bin_lock(m_read_bi5_to_binMutex);
std::string file_name_path_string=output_compressed_file_2(data_bin_buffer, raw_size, filename_2_bin);
path file_name_path_2{ file_name_path_string };
buffer_size = 0;
if (fs::exists(file_name_path_2) && fs::is_regular(file_name_path_2))
//??5-17-2020 isolate multithreaded error
BOOST_LOG((*mHTTPRequest_LoggingInstance_shared_pointer).mloggerCoutLog) << boost::this_thread::get_id() <<"\t we can access the data .bin file. |"
<< filename_2_bin << "| with size ="<< fs::file_size(file_name_path_2) << std::endl;
else {
//??5-17-2020 isolate multithreaded error
BOOST_LOG((*mHTTPRequest_LoggingInstance_shared_pointer).mloggerCoutLog) << "Error: couldn't access the data .bin file. |"
<< filename_2_bin << "|" << std::endl;
return 2;
n47::tick_data_iterator iter;
//5-11-2020 here i will save file.csv from data which is pointer to vector to pointers to ticks
if (data == 0) {
//??5-17-2020 isolate multithreaded error
BOOST_LOG((*mHTTPRequest_LoggingInstance_shared_pointer).mloggerCoutLog) << "Failure: Failed to load the data!" << std::endl;
//5-14-2020 file is empty
//return 0;
//5-15-2020 take care that without else ,error happens with empty files because data is pointer to vector of pointers to ticks .so when data is made inside read_bi5 ,it is made as null pointer and later it is assigned to vector if file has ticks.if file does not have ticks ,then it is just returned as null pointer .so when dereferencing null pointer we got error
else if (data->size() != (raw_size / n47::ROW_SIZE)) {
//??5-17-2020 isolate multithreaded error
BOOST_LOG((*mHTTPRequest_LoggingInstance_shared_pointer).mloggerCoutLog) << "Failure: Loaded " << data->size()
<< " ticks but file size indicates we should have loaded "
<< (raw_size / n47::ROW_SIZE) << std::endl;
//5-14-2020 file is empty
//return 0;
//??5-17-2020 isolate multithreaded error
BOOST_LOG((*mHTTPRequest_LoggingInstance_shared_pointer).mloggerCoutLog) << "time, bid, bid_vol, ask, ask_vol" << std::endl;
counter = 0;
std::ofstream out_csv(filename_string_2_csv);
if (data == 0)
else if (data != 0)
for (iter = data->begin(); iter != data->end(); iter++) {
//5-11-2020 here i will save file.csv from data which is pointer to vector to pointers to ticks>>>>>>>here i should open file stream for output and save data to it
out_csv << ((*iter)->epoch + (*iter)->td) << ", "
<< (*iter)->bid << ", " << (*iter)->bidv << ", "
<< (*iter)->ask << ", " << (*iter)->askv << std::endl;
//??5-17-2020 isolate multithreaded error
BOOST_LOG((*mHTTPRequest_LoggingInstance_shared_pointer).mloggerCoutLog) <<
boost::this_thread::get_id() << "\t"<<((*iter)->epoch + (*iter)->td) << ", "
<< (*iter)->bid << ", " << (*iter)->bidv << ", "
<< (*iter)->ask << ", " << (*iter)->askv << std::endl;
//??5-17-2020 isolate multithreaded error
BOOST_LOG((*mHTTPRequest_LoggingInstance_shared_pointer).mloggerCoutLog) << ".end." << std::endl << std::endl
<< "From " << raw_size << " bytes we read " << counter
<< " records." << std::endl
<< raw_size << " / " << n47::ROW_SIZE << " = "
<< (raw_size / n47::ROW_SIZE) << std::endl;
delete data;
delete[] buffer;
delete [] data_bin_buffer;
return 0;
then inside read_bi5_to_bin function ,there will be a call to another function n47::lzma::decompress . this is the code of read_bi5_to_bin:
tick_data* read_bi5_to_bin(
unsigned char *lzma_buffer, size_t lzma_buffer_size, pt::ptime epoch,
float point_value, size_t *bytes_read, unsigned char* buffer_decompressed) {
tick_data *result = 0;
// decompress
int status;
buffer_decompressed = n47::lzma::decompress(lzma_buffer,
lzma_buffer_size, &status, bytes_read);
if (status != N47_E_OK)
bytes_read = 0;
else {
// convert to tick data (with read_bin).
result = read_bin(buffer_decompressed, *bytes_read, epoch, point_value);
//delete[] buffer;
return result;
then inside n47::lzma::decompress there will be making an array on heap called outBuffer .this buffer i need to retrieve at read_bi5_main in data_bin_buffer
this is code for n47::lzma::decompress
unsigned char *decompress(
unsigned char *inBuffer, size_t inSize, int *status, size_t *outSize) {
unsigned char *outBuffer = 0;
elzma_file_format format = ELZMA_lzma;
elzma_decompress_handle handle;
handle = elzma_decompress_alloc();
if (handle == 0) {
*status = -1;
} else {
// decompression...
datastream ds(inBuffer, inSize);
*status = elzma_decompress_run(
inputCallback, static_cast<void*>(&ds),
outputCallback, static_cast <void*>(&ds),
if (*status == ELZMA_E_OK) {
*outSize = ds.outData.size();
outBuffer = new unsigned char[ ds.outData.size() ];
std::copy(ds.outData.begin(), ds.outData.end(), outBuffer);
return outBuffer;
when i run this it gives error.a very helpful one here told me that it is the data_bin_buffer which is the problem because it is just one byte.and advised me to avoid shared pointer.when i convert it to normal pointer it gives another error if initialzed it to nullptr.should i not initialize the pointer???
Your read_bi5_to_bin code is broken.
tick_data* read_bi5_to_bin(
unsigned char *lzma_buffer, size_t lzma_buffer_size, pt::ptime epoch,
float point_value, size_t *bytes_read, unsigned char* buffer_decompressed) {
tick_data *result = 0;
The code receives a pointer called buffer_decompressed.
// decompress
int status;
buffer_decompressed = n47::lzma::decompress(lzma_buffer,
lzma_buffer_size, &status, bytes_read);
Then it throws away the value it received and gets some other value.
if (status != N47_E_OK)
bytes_read = 0;
else {
// convert to tick data (with read_bin).
result = read_bin(buffer_decompressed, *bytes_read, epoch, point_value);
//delete[] buffer;
return result;
And it never returns or frees the value it stored in buffer_decompressed.
I found the problem in my code.
it is the way i pass pointer to unsigned char to read_bi5_to_bin .
at first I thought passing the pointer variable is correct"as if i am passing lvalue reference" but i was so much wrong.reference is different than pointer.
pointer variable is lvalue variable of type it is copied into function making new lvalue variable in function .the new variable has same value of pointer passed.this value is the address to first unsigned char in array.
but what i really need is to pass pointer to pointer to unsigned char.then pointer to pointer will be copied into function.the value of copied variable will be address of pointer to unsigned char.this is what i need retrieve from function.
I used & operator to get pointer to pointer .then I read very useful comment suggesting using ** so i changed the code to use **.voila,it works
this is the modified code:
//boost::shared_ptr<unsigned char> data_bin_buffer = boost::make_shared<unsigned char>() ;
//n47::tick_data *data = n47::read_bi5_to_bin(
// buffer, buffer_size, epoch, PV, &raw_size, data_bin_buffer.get());
unsigned char *data_bin_buffer = 0 ;
n47::tick_data *data = n47::read_bi5_to_bin(
buffer, buffer_size, epoch, PV, &raw_size, &data_bin_buffer);
//5-11-2020 here i will save binary file
//boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> read_bi5_to_bin_lock(m_read_bi5_to_binMutex);
std::string file_name_path_string=output_compressed_file_2(&data_bin_buffer, raw_size, filename_2_bin);
and this is the modified code in read_bi5_to_bin:
tick_data* read_bi5_to_bin(
unsigned char *lzma_buffer, size_t lzma_buffer_size, pt::ptime epoch,
float point_value, size_t *bytes_read, unsigned char** buffer_decompressed) {
tick_data *result = 0;
// decompress
int status;
*buffer_decompressed = n47::lzma::decompress(lzma_buffer,
lzma_buffer_size, &status, bytes_read);
thanks alot to DavidSchwartz for his very helpful comment.

Is there a way to put "QByteArray" variable data directly into "int" variable without casting?

The conversion you're trying to do is not just converting the QByteArray data to an int.
For example, assuming that QByteArray a [3] contains [0] = 36, 1 = 23, and [2] = 12 data, use the b variable in the form of int b in the form b = 362312. I want to do it.
In order to use QByteArray data as int data, QByteArray variable is assigned to QString variable and cast to string variable.
And I tried to print out the string variable, but the strange unknown data is output.
I tried to cast a string using toInt () after confirming that the string is printed normally, but the string is printed as strange characters.
So I could not do toInt ().
I run a lot of tests and the code is messy.
The reason I didn't delete the comment was not to show that I've tried various things.
if (QCanBus::instance()->plugins().contains(QStringLiteral("socketcan"))) {
qWarning() << "plugin available";
QString errorString;
QCanBusDevice *device = QCanBus::instance()->createDevice(
QStringLiteral("socketcan"), QStringLiteral("vcan0"), &errorString);
if (!device) {
qWarning() << errorString;
} else {
std::cout << "connected vcan0" << std::endl;
device->connect(device, &QCanBusDevice::framesReceived, [this, device]() {
QCanBusFrame frame = device->readFrame();
QString testV = frame.toString();
// int testI = testV.split(" ")[0].toInt();
QString qvSpeed = frame.payload();
// int a = frame.payload().length();
std::string text = testV.toUtf8().constData();
std::string vSpeed = qvSpeed.toLocal8Bit().constData();
//At that point the vVal values ​​are being updated in real time.
//I want to pass the updated vVal to qml gui in real time.
// int vVal = static_cast<int>(frame.payload()[0]);
// for(int i = 0; i < frame.payload().length(); ++i)
// std::cout << std::hex << static_cast<int>(frame.payload()[i]);
// std::cout << std::endl;
// if(vVal)
// int tSpeed = static_cast<int>(frame.payload()[0]);
// std::stringstream stream;
// stream <<
testVal1 += 0;
// if(frame.frameId() == 001)
// testVal2 = static_cast<int>(frame.payload()[0]);
// testVal2 += 20;
// duration += 200;
// emit sendMessage(testVal1, testVal2);
std::cout << vSpeed << std::endl;
// if(frame.frameId() == 001)
// std::cout << testI << std::endl;
// std::cout << "--------------" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(frame.payload()[0]) << "----------------" << std::endl;
Finally, QByteArray a [3] = {32, 34, 12};
Assuming you have data, you want to use this like int b = 323412.
In order to do that, I thought it would convert to a string and then to an integer, but even strings are not normal output.
I'm also attaching the strange string that is currently printed out below.
enter image description here
Since QByteArray stores its data as char * you can just cast its internal data, for example:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
uint32_t num = 1234;
std::cout << "original number:" << num << std::endl;
std::cout << "bytes: " << std::endl;
QByteArray arr(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&num), sizeof(uint32_t));
for(int i = 0;i < arr.size();i ++)
std::cout << " 0x" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << ( & 0xFF) << std::endl;
uint32_t *num2 = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(;
std::cout << "casted number :" << std::dec << *num2 << std::endl;
return a.exec();
But I would not recommend this 'C' approach since it is fraught with errors.
Btw, I've never seen CAN data converted to QString. Usually it just 8 bytes of data, you worth cast it to a data struct instead, for example:
struct Data
uint32_t value1;
uint32_t value2;
} inData, outData;
inData.value1 = 1234;
inData.value2 = 5678;
QByteArray arr(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&inData), sizeof(Data));
outData = *reinterpret_cast<Data *>(;
//memcpy(&outData,, static_cast<size_t>(arr.size())); // or this

Coping buffer using memcpy results to output 0?

I have tried to simplify the original code to a simple test example which replicates the issue that I am having. I do apologize for the simple question in advance.. I am a beginner with C++.
So moving on the actual question.. why do I get 0 as an output? For the purposes of my this example and for my understanding, functions should not be modified with the exception of the numerical values in them should it be required (meaning I got it wrong:).
Many thanks in advance.
static unsigned short buffer[5];
void settingMemory()
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
void copingMemory(const unsigned short *pixels)
memcpy(&buffer[5], pixels, 5*sizeof(unsigned short));
void printingMemory()
unsigned short *test = buffer;
std::cout << *test << std::endl;
std::cout << *test++ << std::endl;
std::cout << *test++ << std::endl;
std::cout << *test++ << std::endl;
std::cout << *test++ << std::endl;
std::cout << *test++ << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
unsigned short test[5];
test[0] = 5;
test[1] = 55;
test[2] = 555;
test[3] = 5555;
test[4] = 55555;
My output is:
The line memcpy(&buffer[5], pixels, 5*sizeof(unsigned short)); copies to the start of the 6th element of buffer (i.e. the first element /outside/ the buffer. Replace it with memcpy(&buffer[0], pixels, 5*sizeof(unsigned short));, so you copy it to the 1st element instead.

Has anyone been able to use libsensors properly?

Long story short I am trying to write an application that can check cpu temperatures. Using the libsensors(3) man pages I've been able to at least get the libsensors_version number. As of now, here is my code:
#include <sensors/sensors.h>
#include "SensorData.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
string SensorData::GetVersion()
ostringstream Converter;
Converter<<"Version: "<<libsensors_version;
return Converter.str();
void SensorData::FetchTemp()
With the man pages I know that sensors_get_value expects
const sensors_chip_name *name
int subfeat_nr
double *value
to be passed to it. The problem is I have no idea what those are exactly. Just about every function in the documentation has this problem. They all expect vague things I don't know how to supply.
So here is the bulk of the question: Does anyone have any working examples of this library I could look at? Or at the very least does anyone know how to give these functions the values they need?
Since no one seems to know much about this library, does anyone know of a different way to get temperatures?
You can find out how to use the API by browsing the source code. The code for the sensors program isn't too complex to follow.
To get you started, here's a quick function that:
enumerates all the chips
enumerates all their features
prints the values of their readable subfeatures
You can just add it to your existing skeleton class as-is.
(This code is for demo purposes only, not tested thoroughly at all.)
void SensorData::FetchTemp()
sensors_chip_name const * cn;
int c = 0;
while ((cn = sensors_get_detected_chips(0, &c)) != 0) {
std::cout << "Chip: " << cn->prefix << "/" << cn->path << std::endl;
sensors_feature const *feat;
int f = 0;
while ((feat = sensors_get_features(cn, &f)) != 0) {
std::cout << f << ": " << feat->name << std::endl;
sensors_subfeature const *subf;
int s = 0;
while ((subf = sensors_get_all_subfeatures(cn, feat, &s)) != 0) {
std::cout << f << ":" << s << ":" << subf->name
<< "/" << subf->number << " = ";
double val;
if (subf->flags & SENSORS_MODE_R) {
int rc = sensors_get_value(cn, subf->number, &val);
if (rc < 0) {
std::cout << "err: " << rc;
} else {
std::cout << val;
std::cout << std::endl;
The Gnome panel Sensors applet works with libsensors (and other backends); the full sources are available from Sourceforge, here:
… in particular, the libsensors plug-in looks fairly legible… I believe this should be a usable gitweb link straight to that code:;a=blob;f=plugins/libsensors/libsensors-plugin.c;h=960c19f4c36902dee4e20b690f2e3dfe6c715279;hb=HEAD
Your code should looks like this:
/* Read /etc/sensors.d to get the names or use code in above post */
std::string chip_name = "CHIP_NAME-*";
/* Here you get the path to the chip you want to read */
int rc;
sensors_chip_name name;
rc = sensors_parse_chip_name(chip_name.c_str(), &name);
/* Check rc != 0 */
/* Here you get the internal structure */
int nr = 0; //Here I silently assume you have only one chip to read
const sensors_chip_name* p_chip;
p_chip = sensors_get_detected_chips(&name, &nr);
/* Check p_chip != 0 */
/* Now you read the value - this you can repeat in some for/while cycle */
double val;
/* Replace the "1" with the feature you want to read */
rc = sensors_get_value(p_chip, 1, &val);
std::cout << "Now I can use sensors library " << val << std::endl;
Hope it helps despite the fact it is not copy/paste solution.
You can obtain the const sensors_chip_name* p_chip; from the code above post as well.
I believe the problem is in fact the const sensors_chip_name MUST be returned and filled by sensors library.

Can someone provide an example of seeking, reading, and writing a >4GB file using boost iostreams

I have read that boost iostreams supposedly supports 64 bit access to large files semi-portable way. Their FAQ mentions 64 bit offset functions, but there is no examples on how to use them. Has anyone used this library for handling large files? A simple example of opening two files, seeking to their middles, and copying one to the other would be very helpful.
Short answer
Just include
#include <boost/iostreams/seek.hpp>
and use the seek function as in
boost::iostreams::seek(device, offset, whence);
device is a file, stream, streambuf or any object convertible to seekable;
offset is a 64-bit offset of type stream_offset;
whence is BOOST_IOS::beg, BOOST_IOS::cur or BOOST_IOS::end.
The return value of seek is of type std::streampos, and it can be converted to a stream_offset using the position_to_offset function.
Here is an long, tedious and repetitive example, which shows how to open two files, seek to offstets >4GB, and copying data between them.
WARNING: This code will create very large files (several GB). Try this example on an OS/file system which supports sparse files. Linux is ok; I did not test it on other systems, such as Windows.
* WARNING: This creates very large files (several GB)
* unless your OS/file system supports sparse files.
#include <boost/iostreams/device/file.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/positioning.hpp>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using boost::iostreams::file_sink;
using boost::iostreams::file_source;
using boost::iostreams::position_to_offset;
using boost::iostreams::seek;
using boost::iostreams::stream_offset;
static const stream_offset GB = 1000*1000*1000;
void setup()
file_sink out("file1", BOOST_IOS::binary);
const char *greetings[] = {"Hello", "Boost", "World"};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
out.write(greetings[i], 5);
seek(out, 7*GB, BOOST_IOS::cur);
void copy_file1_to_file2()
file_source in("file1", BOOST_IOS::binary);
file_sink out("file2", BOOST_IOS::binary);
stream_offset off;
off = position_to_offset(seek(in, -5, BOOST_IOS::end));
std::cout << "in: seek " << off << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
char buf[6];
std::memset(buf, '\0', sizeof buf);
std::streamsize nr =, 5);
std::streamsize nw = out.write(buf, 5);
std::cout << "read: \"" << buf << "\"(" << nr << "), "
<< "written: (" << nw << ")" << std::endl;
off = position_to_offset(seek(in, -(7*GB + 10), BOOST_IOS::cur));
std::cout << "in: seek " << off << std::endl;
off = position_to_offset(seek(out, 7*GB, BOOST_IOS::cur));
std::cout << "out: seek " << off << std::endl;
int main()