.asmx file requires rebuild before allowing full site build to succeed - web-services

I've been working with my web application for a long time, and recently two of the asmx files have started behaving rather oddly. As far as I know, nobody has touched them in ages, but suddenly when I go to build the website it fails because custom classes being called in the asmx file aren't recognized, when all the other pages that use them are fine.
The weird thing is, if I individually click on the asmx file and select "Rebuild Page" for both of them, everything works fine until the next time I try to build the website.
Does anyone know what I can do to fix this issue? It's become a rather large annoyance, though I'm still able to work around it. Anything is helpful, even if it's just steps to follow to troubleshoot.
An example of some of the errors I get is:
Type expected
Type "Class.Subclass" is undefined

I finally figured it out :) It seems like the problem had to do with a class both of the .asmx files were using. I opened up the class, right clicked and used the Visual Studio "Rename" feature to give it (and all usages of it) a different name and the error no longer occurs.


How to use different IDE with Netsuite

I'm admittedly new to Netsuite, so this may be obvious, although I've been unable to find anything specific one way or the other. In fact, I don't even attend any training until next week, but I'm trying to get part of my development environment setup with one of the editors/IDEs I prefer. I know that Netsuite offers an Eclipse plugin, but I'm not an Eclipse fan. I'd prefer to use either WebStorm or TextMate. (I'm on MacOS Sierra)
I tried installing the WebStorm plugin, but it's throwing an exception and is not functional. I submitted a bug on GitHub, but what I'd really like to know is if it's possible for me to write my own script to upload/download files to the cabinet, so I could just roll my own feature in TextMate. Is this possible, and if so, how? (Just a link to the docs is perfectly fine)
In other words, is it possible via their API, to submit changes to a script I've been working on in another editor/IDE? Or interact with our cabinet? (Not sure if I'm using the proper NS verbiage, but hopefully you get my intent) I'm thinking about writing a Python script, that accepts a local script path as a parameter, that will then get submitted to our cabinet. Thanks for the help in advance.
I wrote a plugin for JetBrains IDEs (I use WebStorm specifically though) that mimics NetSuite's Eclipse plugin. Feel free to take a look. It is open source and has ~1500 downloads at the current moment.
If you are the same person that opened this issue (https://github.com/Topher84/NetSuite-Tools-For-WebStorm/issues/7), it has been closed and was due to using an older version of WebStorm.
I don't like eclipse personally, so I just make my scripts in whatever and use Netsuite's script backend to upload the scripts as 'new' when I'm done. If I want to change them, simply use their backend again to 'edit' the script. You'll see a simple editor, where you can change things, or you just copy and paste what you have in there. It's a little more work than something integrated, but it does work..

Are you able to get hints from what template a message is coming from with dev tools?

I have this website that I'm editing for a friend and they want to get rid of this message at the checkout screen but their boss doesnt know who implemented it. Its an error message at the top in read that says "If you are having trouble checking out, please contact us at sales#cbobaby.com" and is in the check out page. This is an open cart website and I only work with wordpress sites so I'm having trouble figuring out where the source of the message is coming from. I've dug through some of the template files in the theme and I can't seem to find or delete anything that gets rid of it. My question is if there is anything in Chrome dev tools that would help me identify the source or template it lives in? I only use dev tools for adjusting css but I know there's so much more you can do it with. Thanks.
No, DevTools can't relate your front-end code to what generates it for the DOM. For the exact same reason we are unable to persist edits in the DOM to your source.
You need to use grep, or some code editor with "find all" functionality and look for some part of the string. If that fails, search your database and see if it is coming out of there. You can then either edit the database and hope nothing breaks, or try to back-track through the application logic to find where is calling that part of the DB. It should give you some ground as to where to look.
In the Sources tab, you can see the resources, that are loaded when you are on a particular page. You can also use the Inspect tool in the Elements tab to find the element that hosts that bit of text to narrow things down in your search.
To add to this, if content is generated on the server side, the resources you see will likely be a merge from multiple generated sources, e.g. with templates in your case. You can search your solution for aspects of the DOM elements you see in Chrome Developer Tools, but look for the static parts instead of the dynamic parts. For example, the text itself won't be part of the template file, a placeholder will exist - a CSS class could be useful.

VS 2010 - Opening Win32 Application Wizard as .html file

I'm a little bit reluctant as to ask question, as it was asked already here, but the problem is, it wasn't answered sufficiently enough, so I'm forced to ask it second time.
So, just as previously mentioned asker I'm trying to create new project in Microsoft Visual 2010. And instead of showing normal window, it prompts me to save .html file, as shown in picture below.
Saving it and that opening it results in the following window:
though it does nothing - just page with no influence over the project at all.
Notably, this happens not only for Win32 application, but for MFC applications too.
As for the cause of this I don't know of it. As you can see from first screenshot, I was doing Web applications before hand, but I didn't change any of preferences at all (though, my guess is that it's somehow connected).
As for solving this issue, I tried uninstalling IE8, as stated in previous topic, but that didn't help. Also, I tried doing Tools -> Import & Export Settings -> Reset, but it didn't help either.
Please, if someone know solution for this, tell me - I'm out of my wits with this problem.
This problem is occurred because some Visual studio setting is corrupted.
I'd like to recommend to reset settings like following
start > Run> devenv.exe /resetsettings
Unfortunately, many parts of this case related to disturbing or collisions among files. In my experience, some programmes, which were installed recently, might cause this concern.
I'd like to recommend to install all service packs and update patches for VS 2010 and then try it again. If it doesn't fixed, reinstalling VS will be a relevant solution for saving your time and conserving your passion.

How to create a login application with Visual Basic (using WebHttpRequest)

Hei there, I'm not experienced at all in C++ as I need to start learning year the next year at my university, though, I've been creating a browser based game and I'm looking for someone to transform it into pc app.
Though, I'm wondering how to make that application send a http request via POST to a file on my webserver with the username / pw.
After all the tutotials I've been reading, I concluded that none worth spending my time with, because they all based on own database, and I'm looking for one that connects to a maestro server and requests the data from there.
This may not be the answer you are looking for, but you may consider two alternatives to a more pure C++ application.
If you already have a working browser game, try to take that same code and put the html/javascript/whatever in a file and give the file a ".hta" extention. It basically opens inside a browser to run your files, but it acts more like an application from the user's viewpoint. (And, as much as I hate Windows, they're pretty fun to create if I may say so). However, your source code with this option is easily read because it can be renamed to a text file (or html file).
You could use Visual C++ (or VB.net, which you have tagged to the question, as well as "Visual" C#) to create an application which mostly consists of a browser view. It could be a "standalone" application (however would rely completely on the .Net framework - may or may not be what you want) that basically accomplishes the same as the option above, but adds that you can "hide" your files inside your application.
Using the two above alternatives, you could make an application relatively quickly that would load your files, which I assume you have already created. Note that neither of the above alternatives will work on anything other than Windows OS's.
If the two above alternatives are not what you want, or if you have questions about either one, I'd be glad to attempt to help.
I've been able to find a friend that would do it in Delphi because I wouldn't want users to download net framework just for this ap.
So the program that would fit most for any apps is Delphi Prism XE (even if it's an addon of Visual Studio)

Inconsistent 'Cannot find CFML template for custom tag' error

I have a CF9 site set up locally on OSX Snow Leopard, and it's started to behave very strangely - probably about 1 out of every 5 times I load any page in the site, it will throw a 'Cannot find CFML template for custom tag' error. I just refresh the page and then everything works fine. It can happen on any page, but it never happens consistently with any one page. Furthermore, this doesn't happen at all on the live server when the code is checked in through SVN, so I figure it has to be some kind of configuration problem on my local instance. I can still do my work, but it's pretty annoying having to refresh pages ALL the time. Has anyone run into similar difficulties?
Try using <cfmodule template="pathTo/yourTag.cfm"> rather than <cf_yourtag>, so you can specify the exact location of the template (in case the server is getting confused as to where it resides).
FYI, this is based on a tip from Raymond Camden's blog post: http://www.raymondcamden.com/index.cfm/2006/8/17/ColdFusion-Custom-Tag-Tips
Chris, odd that I should run into your question now, as this just started happening to me last night. I have all of my CF errors being emailed to me, and I am seeing that similar problems are happening across multiple sites that all run the same software, some of which haven't been touched in a long time. That got me thinking, it's probably a corrupt compiled template in the CF cache. You can recompile the template by making a slight change to it, say add an extra line or a comment or something, then access the site again. Or, purge the whole cache and let CF rebuild everything, which is likely what I'll do since who knows what else might be affected.
Clearing the Cache in Coldfusion Production server