How many bytes does a Xeon bring into the cache per memory access? - c++

I am working on a system, written in C++, running on a Xeon on Linux, that needs to run as fast as possible. There is a large data structure (basically an array of structs) held in RAM, over 10 GB, and elements of it need to be accessed periodically. I want to revise the data structure to work with the system's caching mechanism as much as possible.
Currently, accesses are done mostly randomly across the structure, and each time 1-4 32-bit ints are read. It is a long time before another read occurs in the same place, so there is no benefit from the cache.
Now I know that when you read a byte from a random location in RAM, more than just that byte is brought into the cache. My question is how many bytes are brought in? Is it 16, 32, 64, 4096? Is this called a cache line?
I am looking to redesign the data structure to minimize random RAM accesses and work with the cache instead of against it. Knowing how many bytes are pulled into the cache on a random access will inform the design choices I make.
Update (October 2014):
Shortly after I posed the question above the project was put on hold. It has since resumed and based on suggestions in answers below, I performed some experiments around RAM access, because it seemed likely that TLB thrash was happening. I revised the program to run with huge pages (2MB instead of the standard 4KB), and observed a small speedup, about 2.5%. I found great information about setting up for huge pages here and here.

Today’s CPUs fetch memory in chunks of (typically) 64 bytes, called cache lines. When you read a particular memory location, the entire cache line is fetched from the main memory into the cache.
More here :

A cache line for any current Xeon processor is 64 bytes. One other thing that you might want to think about is the TLB. If you are really doing random accesses across 10GB of memory then you are likely to have a lot of TLB misses which can potentially be as costly as cache misses. You can get work around with with large pages, but it's something to keep in mind.

Old SO question that has some info that might be of use to you (in particular the first answer where to look for Linux CPU info - responder doesn't mention line size proper, but 'other info' on top of associativity etc). Question is for x86, but answers are more general. Worth a look.
Where is the L1 memory cache of Intel x86 processors documented?

You might want to head over to and grab the optimization PDFs available there - there's a lot of good (low-level) information in there. Pretty focused on assembly language level, but there's lessons to be learned for C/C++ programmers as well.
Volume 3, "The microarchitecture of Intel, AMD and VIA CPUs" should be of interest :-)

Good (long) article about organizing data structures to take cache and RAM hierarchy into account from GNU's libc maintainer: (full PDF here:


What is cache in C++ programming? [closed]

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Firstly I would like to tell that I come from a non-Computer Science background & I have been learning the C++ language.
I am unable to understand what exactly is a cache?
It has different meaning in different contexts.
I would like to know what would be called as a cache in a C++ program?
For example, if I have some int data in a file. If I read it & store in an int array, then would this mean that I have 'cached' the data?
To me this seems like common sense to use the data since reading from a file is always bad than reading from RAM.
But I am a little confused due to this article.
In a CPU there can be several caches, to speed up instructions in
loops or to store often accessed data. These caches are small but very
fast. Reading data from cache memory is much faster than reading it
from RAM.
It says that reading data from cache is much faster than from RAM.
I thought RAM & cache were the same.
Can somebody please clear my confusion?
EDIT: I am updating the question because previously it was too broad.
My confusion started with this answer. He says
RowData and m_data are specific to my implementation, but they are
simply used to cache information about a row in the file
What does cache in this context mean?
Any modern CPU has several layers of cache that are typically named things like L1, L2, L3 or even L4. This is called a multi-level cache. The lower the number, the faster the cache will be.
It's important to remember that the CPU runs at speeds that are significantly faster than the memory subsystem. It takes the CPU a tiny eternity to wait for something to be fetched from system memory, many, many clock-cycles elapse from the time the request is made to when the data is fetched, sent over the system bus, and received by the CPU.
There's no programming construct for dealing with caches, but if your code and data can fit neatly in the L1 cache, then it will be fastest. Next is if it can fit in the L2, and so on. If your code or data cannot fit at all, then you'll be at the mercy of the system memory, which can be orders of magnitude slower.
This is why counter-intuitive things like unrolling loops, which should be faster, might end up being slower because your code becomes too large to fit in cache. It's also why shaving a few bytes off a data structure could pay huge dividends even though the memory footprint barely changes. If it fits neatly in the cache, it will be faster.
The only way to know if you have a performance problem related to caching is to benchmark very carefully. Remember each processor type has varying amounts of cache, so what might work well on your i7 CPU might be relatively terrible on an i5.
It's only in extremely performance sensitive applications that the cache really becomes something you worry about. For example, if you need to maintain a steady 60FPS frame rate in a game, you'll be looking at cache problems constantly. Every millisecond counts here. Likewise, anything that runs the CPU at 100% for extended periods of time, such as rendering video, will want to pay very close attention to how much they could gain from adjusting the code that's emitted.
You do have control over how your code is generated with compiler flags. Some will produce smaller code, some theoretically faster by unrolling loops and other tricks. To find the optimal setting can be a very time-consuming process. Likewise, you'll need to pay very careful attention to your data structures and how they're used.
[Cache] has different meaning in different contexts.
Bingo. Here are some definitions:
Definition: To place data in some location from which it can be more efficiently or reliably retrieved than its current location. For instance:
Copying a file to a local hard drive from some remote computer
Copying data into main memory from a file on a local hard drive
Copying a value into a variable when it is stored in some kind of container type in your procedural or object oriented program.
Examples: "I'm going to cache the value in main memory", "You should just cache that, it's expensive to look up"
Noun 1
Definition: A copy of data that is presumably more immediately accessible than the source data.
Examples: "Please keep that in your cache, don't hit our servers so much"
Noun 2
Definition: A fast access memory region that is on the die of a processor, modern CPUs generally have several levels of cache. See cpu cache, note that GPUs and other types of processors will also have their own caches with different implementation details.
Examples: "Consider keeping that data in an array so that accessing it sequentially will be cache coherent"
My definition for Cache would be some thing that is in limited amount but faster to access as there is less area to look for. If you are talking about caching in any programming language then it means you are storing some information in form of a variable(variable is nothing a way to locate your data in memory) in memory. Here memory means both RAM and physical cache (CPU cache).
Physical/CPU cache is nothing but memory that is even more used than RAM, it actually stores copies of some data on RAM which is used by CPU very often. You have another level of categorisation after that as well which is on board cache(faster) and off-board cache. youu can see this link
I am updating the question because previously it was too broad. My
confusion started with this answer. He says
RowData and m_data are specific to my implementation,
but they are simply used to cache information about a row in the file
What does cache in this context mean?
This particular use means that RowData is held as a copy in memory, rather than reading (a little bit of) the row from a file every time we need some data from it. Reading from a file is a lot slower [1] than holding on to a copy of the data in our program's memory.
[1] Although in a modern OS, the actual data from the hard-disk is probably held in memory, in file-system cache, to avoid having to read the disk many times to get the same data over and over. However, this still means that the data needs to be copied from the file-system cache to the application using the data.

Determine Values AND/OR Address of Values in CPU Cache

Is there a way to determine exactly what values, memory addresses, and/or other information currently resides in the CPU cache (L1, L2, etc.) - for current or all processes?
I've been doing quite a bit a reading which shows how to optimize programs to utilize the CPU cache more effectively. However, I'm looking for a way to truly determine if certain approaches are effective.
Bottom line: is it possible to be 100% certain what does and does not make it into the CPU cache.
Searching for this topic returns several results on how to determine the cache size, but not contents.
Edit: To clarify some of the comments below: Since software would undoubtedly alter the cache, do CPU manufactures have a tool / hardware diagnostic system (built-in) which provides this functionality?
Without using specialized hardware, you cannot directly inspect what is in the CPU cache. The act of running any software to inspect the CPU cache would alter the state of the cache.
The best approach I have found is simply to identify real hot spots in your application and benchmark alternative algorithms on hardware the code will run on in production (or on a range of likely hardware if you do not have control over the production environment).
In addition to Eric J.'s answer, I'll add that while I'm sure the big chip manufacturers do have such tools it's unlikely that such a "debug" facility would be made available to regular mortals like you and I, but even if it were, it wouldn't really be of much help.
Why? It's unlikely that you are having performance issues that you've traced to cache and which cannot be solved using the well-known and "common sense" techniques for maintaining high cache-hit ratios.
Have you really optimized all other hotspots in the code and poor cache behavior by the CPU is the problem? I very much doubt that.
Additionally, as food for thought: do you really want to optimize your program's behavior to only one or two particular CPUs? After all, caching algorithms change all the time, as do the parameters of the caches, sometimes dramatically.
If you have a relatively modern processor running Windows then take a look at
and see if that might provide some of what you are looking for.
To optimize for one specific CPU cache size is usually in vain since this optimization will break when your assumptions about the CPU cache sizes are wrong when you execute on a different CPU.
But there is a way out there. You should optimize for certain access patterns to allow the CPU to easily predict what memory locations should be read next (the most obvious one is a linear increasing read). To be able to fully utilize a CPU you should read about cache oblivious algorithms where most of them follow a divide and conquer strategy where a problem is divided into sub parts to a certain extent until all memory accesses fit completly into the CPU cache.
It is also noteworthy to mention that you have a code and data cache which are separate. Herb Sutter has a nice video online where he talks about the CPU internals in depth.
The Visual Studio Profiler can collect CPU counters dealing with memory and L2 counters. These options are available when you select instrumentation profiling.
Intel has also a paper online which talks in greater detail about these CPU counters and what the task manager of Windows and Linux do show you and how wrong it is for todays CPUs which do work internally asynchronous and parallel at many diffent levels. Unfortunatley there is no tool from intel to display this stuff directly. The only tool I do know is the VS profiler. Perhaps VTune has similar capabilities.
If you have gone this far to optimize your code you might look as well into GPU programming. You need at least a PHD to get your head around SIMD instructions, cache locality, ... to get perhaps a factor 5 over your original design. But by porting your algorithm to a GPU you get a factor 100 with much less effort ony a decent graphics card. NVidia GPUs which do support CUDA (all today sold cards do support it) can be very nicely programmed in a C dialect. There are even wrapper for managed code (.NET) to take advantage of the full power of GPUs.
You can stay platform agnostic by using OpenCL but NVidia OpenCL support is very bad. The OpenCL drivers are at least 8 times slower than its CUDA counterpart.
Almost everything you do will be in the cache at the moment when you use it, unless you are reading memory that has been configured as "uncacheable" - typically, that's frame buffer memory of your graphics card. The other way to "not hit the cache" is to use specific load and store instructions that are "non-temporal". Everything else is read into the L1 cache before it reaches the target registers inside the CPU itself.
For nearly all cases, CPU's do have a fairly good system of knowing what to keep and what to throw away in the cache, and the cache is nearly always "full" - not necessarily of useful stuff, if, for example you are working your way through an enormous array, it will just contain a lot of "old array" [this is where the "non-temporal" memory operations come in handy, as they allow you to read and/or write data that won't be stored in the cache, since next time you get back to the same point, it won't be in the cache ANYWAYS].
And yes, processors usually have special registers [that can be accessed in kernel drivers] that can inspect the contents of the cache. But they are quite tricky to use without at the same time losing the content of the cache(s). And they are definitely not useful as "how much of array A is in the cache" type checking. They are specifically for "Hmm, it looks like cache-line 1234 is broken, I'd better read the cached data to see if it's really the value it should be" when processors aren't working as they should.
As DanS says, there are performance counters that you can read from suitable software [need to be in the kernel to use those registers too, so you need some sort of "driver" software for that]. In Linux, there's "perf". And AMD has a similar set of performance counters that can be used to find out, for example "how many cache misses have we had over this period of time" or "how many cache hits in L" have we had, etc.

Initializing Billion Integers to value 1

What is good posix thread design to initialize billion integers using c/c++ on linux platform 8-core CPU with 32GB of DRAM?
Thanks for your help.
This is a trivial operation and you need not consider multi-threading. Just do it with a memcpy in a single thread.
The exact number of threads will not be such a limiting factor, but sometimes for this questions it is worth to overcommit, say use 2 threads per physical core.
But the real bottleneck will be IO, writing the data into the RAM. You'd have to take care that the data that is to be replaced will never read before you erase it. Then you should assure that writes to memory appear in large chunks and (if possible) as "write through", mondern CPU have instructions for the later.
Usually something like memcpy with a fixed sized buffer (some pages) that contains the pattern that you want to see should be optimized quite well.
What is that for? Depending on usage, the following scenario might work: you initialize one memory page (that's several KB) to all 1's. Then you map that page into the virtual address space as many times as needed with a copy-on-write flag. This way, on reading you'll get all ones from all those virtual pages, on writing the system will allocate more physical pages as needed.
Perhaps a divide and conquer algorithm? Partition the memory containing the integers by some number corresponding to the number of threads optimal for your system. Then launch one thread per partition which initializes all of its integers.
If you do attempt multithreading, aligning your writes with the native cache line size will likely provide optimal memory throughput. As everyone says, the memory throughput will dominate the performance but there is some portion of CPU time required for these writes. Minimizing that time with multithreading and vectorized instructions may be helpful.
The real answer is to profile your system (since you stated a very specific target, it sounds like you don't want to design a balanced algorithm which is good enough for most targets). Modern CPUs which have access to 32GB of DRAM often have hardware performance counters (Intel's and AMD's do) which make finding out CPU, caching activity pretty easy.

Programmatically counting cache faults

I need to evaluate the time taken by a C++ function in a bunch of hypothesis about memory hierarchy efficiency (e.g: time taken when we have a cache miss, a cache hit or page fault when reading a portion of an array), so I'd like to have some libraries that let me count the cache miss / page faults in order to be capable of auto-generating a performance summary.
I know there are some tools like cachegrind that gives some related statistics on a given application execution, but I'd like a library, as I've already said.
edit Oh, I forgot: I'm using Linux and I'm not interested in portability, it's an academic thing.
Any suggestion is welcome!
Most recent CPUs (both AMD and Intel) have performance monitor registers that can be used for this kind of job. For Intel, they're covered in the programmer's reference manual, volume 3B, chapter 30. For AMD, it's in the BIOS and Kernel Developer's Guide.
Either way, you can count things like cache hits, cache misses, memory requests, data prefetches, etc. They have pretty specific selectors, so you could get a count of (for example) the number of reads on the L2 cache to fill lines in the L1 instruction cache (while still excluding L2 reads to fill lines in the L1 data cache).
There is a Linux kernel module to give access to MSRs (Model-specific registers). Offhand, I don't know whether it gives access to the performance monitor registers, but I'd expect it probably does.
It looks like now there is exactly what I was searching for: perf_event_open.
It lets you do interesting things like initializing/enabling/disabling some performance counters for subsequently fetching their values through an uniform and intuitive API (it gives you a special file descriptor which hosts a struct containing the previously requested informations).
It is a linux-only solution and the functionalities varies depending on the kernel version, so be careful :)
Intel VTune is a performance tuning tool that does exactly what you are asking for;
Of course it works with Intel processors, as it access the internal processor counters, as explained by Jerry Coffin, so this probably not work on an AMD processor.
It expose literally undreds of counters, like cache hit/misses, branch prediction rates, etc. the real issue with it is understanding which counters to check ;)
The cache misses cannot be just counted easily. Most tools or profilers simulate the memory access by redirecting memory accesses to a function that provides this feature. That means these kind of tools instrument the code at all places where a memory access is done and makes your code run awfully slowly. This is not what your intent is I guess.
However depending on the hardware you might have some other possibilities. But even if this is the case the OS should support it (because otherwise you would get system global stats not the ones related to a process or thread)
EDIT: I could find this interesting article that may help you:

C++ cache aware programming

is there a way in C++ to determine the CPU's cache size? i have an algorithm that processes a lot of data and i'd like to break this data down into chunks such that they fit into the cache. Is this possible?
Can you give me any other hints on programming with cache-size in mind (especially in regard to multithreaded/multicore data processing)?
According to "What every programmer should know about memory", by Ulrich Drepper you can do the following on Linux:
Once we have a formula for the memory
requirement we can compare it with the
cache size. As mentioned before, the
cache might be shared with multiple
other cores. Currently {There
definitely will sometime soon be a
better way!} the only way to get
correct information without hardcoding
knowledge is through the /sys
filesystem. In Table 5.2 we have seen
the what the kernel publishes about
the hardware. A program has to find
the directory:
This is listed in Section 6: What Programmers Can Do.
He also describes a short test right under Figure 6.5 which can be used to determine L1D cache size if you can't get it from the OS.
There is one more thing I ran across in his paper: sysconf(_SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_SIZE) is a system call on Linux which is supposed to return the L2 cache size although it doesn't seem to be well documented.
C++ itself doesn't "care" about CPU caches, so there's no support for querying cache-sizes built into the language. If you are developing for Windows, then there's the GetLogicalProcessorInformation()-function, which can be used to query information about the CPU caches.
Preallocate a large array. Then access each element sequentially and record the time for each access. Ideally there will be a jump in access time when cache miss occurs. Then you can calculate your L1 Cache. It might not work but worth trying.
read the cpuid of the cpu (x86) and then determine the cache-size by a look-up-table. The table has to be filled with the cache sizes the manufacturer of the cpu publishes in its programming manuals.
Depending on what you're trying to do, you might also leave it to some library. Since you mention multicore processing, you might want to have a look at Intel Threading Building Blocks.
TBB includes cache aware memory allocators. More specifically, check cache_aligned_allocator (in the reference documentation, I couldn't find any direct link).
Interestingly enough, I wrote a program to do this awhile ago (in C though, but I'm sure it will be easy to incorporate in C++ code).
The get_cache_line function is the interesting one, which returns the location of right before the biggest spike in timing data of array accesses. It correctly guessed on my machine! If anything else, it can help you make your own.
It's based off of this article, which originally piqued my interest:
You can see this thread:
The short answer is in this other thread:
On modern IA-32 hardware, the cache line size is 64. The value 128 is
a legacy of the Intel Netburst Microarchitecture (e.g. Intel Pentium
D) where 64-byte lines are paired into 128-byte sectors. When a line
in a sector is fetched, the hardware automatically fetches the other
line in the sector too. So from a false sharing perspective, the
effective line size is 128 bytes on the Netburst processors. (
IIRC, GCC has a __builtin_prefetch hint.
has an excellent section on this. Basically, it suggests:
__builtin_prefetch (&array[i + LookAhead], rw, locality);
where rw is a 0 (prepare for read) or 1 (prepare for a write) value, and locality uses the number 0-3, where zero is no locality, and 3 is very strong locality.
Both are optional. LookAhead would be the number of elements to look ahead to. If memory access were 100 cycles, and the unrolled loops are two cycles apart, LookAhead could be set to 50 or 51.
There are two cases that need to be distinguished. Do you need to know the cache sizes at compile time or at runtime?
Determining the cache-size at compile-time
For some applications, you know the exact architecture that your code will run on, for example, if you can compile the code directly on the host machine. In that case, simplify looking up the size and hard-coding it is an option (could be automated in the build system). On most machines today, the L1 cache line should be 64 bytes.
If you want to avoid that complexity or if you need to support compilation on unknown architectures, you can use the C++17 feature std::hardware_constructive_interference_size as a good fallback. It will provide a compile-time estimation for the cache line, but be aware of its limitations. Note that the compiler cannot guess perfectly when it creates the binary, as the size of the cache-line is, in general, architecture dependent.
Determining the cache-size at runtime
At runtime, you have the advantage that you know the exact machine, but you will need platform specific code to read the information from the OS. A good starting point is the code snippet from this answer, which supports the major platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS). In a similar fashion, you can also read the L2 cache size at runtime.
I would advise against trying to guess the cache line by running benchmarks at startup and measuring which one performed best. It might well work, but it is also error-prone if the CPU is used by other processes.
Combining both approaches
If you have to ship one binary and the machines that it will later run on features a range of different architectures with varying cache sizes, you could create specialized code parts for each cache size, and then dynamically (at application startup) choose the best fitting one.
The cache will usually do the right thing. The only real worry for normal programmer is false sharing, and you can't take care of that at runtime because it requires compiler directives.