Find index of an element matching a predicate in Clojure? - clojure

With Clojure, how do I find the first index with a positive value in this vector [-1 0 3 7 9]?
I know you can get the first result of something rather elegantly with first and filter:
(first (filter pos? [-1 0 99 100 101]))
This code returns the value 99. The answer I want is the index which is 2.

Using keep-indexed you can get a sequence of indices for which a predicate is satisfied:
(defn indices [pred coll]
(keep-indexed #(when (pred %2) %1) coll))
With this simple function you'll solve your problem with the expression
user=> (first (indices pos? [-1 0 99 100 101]))
Note that, due to the lazyness of keep-indexed (and indices), the entire sequence need not be realized so no extraneous calculations are performed.

(defn first-pos [x]
(loop [arr x n 0]
(if (pos? (first arr))
(recur (next arr) (inc n)))))
This is a good example of using functional programming's powerful tail recursion.

(first (filter #(not (nil? %)) (map #(when (pos? %1) %2) [-1 1 0 99 100 101] (range))))
Map can take one or more collections and return one list,put condition on map,and filter nil.

(defn pred-idx [pred [idx hist] cur]
(if (pred cur)
[(inc idx) (conj hist idx)]
[(inc idx) hist]))
(defn idx-filter [pred col]
(second (reduce (partial pred-idx pred) [0 []] col)))
(first (idx-filter pos? [-1 0 99 100 101]))
Not sure if this is better, but it works. I think it forces evaluation of the entire sequence though, and if you need all indices that would be better. The correct thing to do is probably turn it into a lazy sequence somehow, but I'm done for the evening.

I'm a little late to the party, but I prefer:
(defn index-of-pred
[pred coll]
(ffirst (filter (comp pred second) (map-indexed list coll))))
;; example usage
(index-of-pred pos? [-1 -2 -5 0 3 4 1 -100])
;=> 4

Try this:
(defn first-index
([pred coll] (first-index coll pred 0))
([pred coll idx]
(cond (= coll '()) -1
(pred (first coll)) idx
:else (recur pred (rest coll) (inc idx)))))
And use it like this:
(defn is-pos? [x]
(> x 0))
(first-index is-pos? [-1 0 3 7 9])
It returns the zero-based index of the first element that satisfies the predicate (is-pos? in the example), or -1 if no element matches the predicate.


insert-sort with reduce clojure

I have function
(defn goneSeq [inseq uptil]
(loop [counter 0 newSeq [] orginSeq inseq]
(if (== counter uptil)
(recur (inc counter) (conj newSeq (first orginSeq)) (rest orginSeq)))))
(defn insert [sorted-seq n]
(loop [currentSeq sorted-seq counter 0]
(cond (empty? currentSeq) (concat sorted-seq (vector n))
(<= n (first currentSeq)) (concat (goneSeq sorted-seq counter) (vector n) currentSeq)
:else (recur (rest currentSeq) (inc counter)))))
that takes in a sorted-sequence and insert the number n at its appropriate position for example: (insert [1 3 4] 2) returns [1 2 3 4].
Now I want to use this function with reduce to sort a given sequence so something like:
(reduce (insert seq n) givenSeq)
What is thr correct way to achieve this?
If the function works for inserting a single value, then this would work:
(reduce insert [] givenSeq)
for example:
user> (reduce insert [] [0 1 2 30.5 0.88 2.2])
(0 0.88 1 2 2.2 30.5)
Also, it should be noted that sort and sort-by are built in and are better than most hand-rolled solutions.
May I suggest some simpler ways to do insert:
A slowish lazy way is
(defn insert [s x]
(let [[fore aft] (split-with #(> x %) s)]
(concat fore (cons x aft))))
A faster eager way is
(defn insert [coll x]
(loop [fore [], coll coll]
(if (and (seq coll) (> x (first coll)))
(recur (conj fore x) (rest coll))
(concat fore (cons x coll)))))
By the way, you had better put your defns in bottom-up order, if possible. Use declare if there is mutual recursion. You had me thinking your solution did not compile.

Clojure: find repetition

Let's say we have a list of integers: 1, 2, 5, 13, 6, 5, 7 and I want to find the first number that repeats and return a vector of the two indices. In my sample, it's 5 at [2, 5]. What I did so far is loop, but can I do it more elegant, short way?
(defn get-cycle
(loop [[x & xs_rest] xs, indices {}, i 0]
(if (nil? x)
[0 i] ; Sequence is over before we found a duplicate.
(if-let [x_index (indices x)]
[x_index i]
(recur xs_rest (assoc indices x i) (inc i))))))
No need to return number itself, because I can get it by index and, second, it may be not always there.
An option using list processing, but not significantly more concise:
(defn get-cycle [xs]
(first (filter #(number? (first %))
(fn [[m i] x] (if-let [xat (m x)] [xat i] [(assoc m x i) (inc i)]))
[(hash-map) 0] xs))))
Here is a version using reduced to stop consuming the sequence when you find the first duplicate:
(defn first-duplicate [coll]
(reduce (fn [acc [idx x]]
(if-let [v (get acc x)]
(reduced (conj v idx))
(assoc acc x [idx])))
{} (map-indexed #(vector % %2) coll)))
I know that you have only asked for the first. Here is a fully lazy implementation with little per-step allocation overhead
(defn dups
(letfn [(loop-fn [idx [elem & rest] cached]
(if elem
(if-let [last-idx (cached elem)]
(cons [last-idx idx]
(lazy-seq (loop-fn (inc idx) rest (dissoc cached elem))))
(lazy-seq (loop-fn (inc idx) rest (assoc cached elem idx))))))]
(loop-fn 0 coll {})))
(first (dups v))
=> [2 5]
Edit: Here are some criterium benchmarks:
The answer that got accepted: 7.819269 µs
This answer (first (dups [12 5 13 6 5 7])): 6.176290 µs
Beschastnys: 5.841101 µs
first-duplicate: 5.025445 µs
Actually, loop is a pretty good choice unless you want to find all duplicates. Things like reduce will cause the full scan of an input sequence even when it's not necessary.
Here is my version of get-cycle:
(defn get-cycle [coll]
(loop [i 0 seen {} coll coll]
(when-let [[x & xs] (seq coll)]
(if-let [j (seen x)]
[j i]
(recur (inc i) (assoc seen x i) xs)))))
The only difference from your get-cycle is that my version returns nil when there is no duplicates.
The intent of your code seems different from your description in the comments so I'm not totally confident I understand. That said, loop/recur is definitely a valid way to approach the problem.
Here's what I came up with:
(defn get-cycle [xs]
(loop [xs xs index 0]
(when-let [[x & more] (seq xs)]
(when-let [[y] (seq more)]
(if (= x y)
{x [index (inc index)]}
(recur more (inc index)))))))
This will return a map of the repeated item to a vector of the two indices the item was found at.
(get-cycle [1 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 4 5 6 7])
;=> {1 [0 1]}
(get-cycle [1 2 1 2 4 2 1 4 5 6 7 7])
;=> {7 [10 11]}
(get-cycle [1 2 1 2 4 2 1 4 5 6 7 8])
;=> nil
Here's an alternative solution using sequence functions. I like this way better but whether it's shorter or more elegant is probably subjective.
(defn pairwise [coll]
(map vector coll (rest coll)))
(defn find-first [pred xs]
(first (filter pred xs)))
(defn get-cycle [xs]
(find-first #(apply = (val (first %)))
(map-indexed hash-map (pairwise xs))))
Edited based on clarification from #demi
Ah, got it. Is this what you have in mind?
(defn get-cycle [xs]
(loop [xs (map-indexed vector xs)]
(when-let [[[i n] & more] (seq xs)]
(if-let [[j _] (find-first #(= n (second %)) more)]
{n [i j]}
(recur more)))))
I re-used find-first from my earlier sequence-based solution.

Is there any better and more idiomatic way of taking "while not enough" from a seq?

I need to take some amount of elements from a sequence based on some quantity rule. Here is a solution I came up with:
(defn take-while-not-enough
[p len xs]
(loop [ac 0
r []
s xs]
(if (empty? s)
(let [new-ac (p ac (first s))]
(if (>= new-ac len)
(recur new-ac (conj r (first s)) (rest s)))))))
(take-while-not-enough + 10 [2 5 7 8 2 1]) ; [2 5]
(take-while-not-enough #(+ %1 (%2 1)) 7 [[2 5] [7 8] [2 1]]) ; [[2 5]]
Is there any better way to achieve the same?
Somebody posted that solution, but then removed it. It does the same is the answer that I accepted, but is more readable. Thank you, anonymous well-wisher!
(defn take-while-not-enough [reducer-fn limit data]
(->> (reductions reducer-fn 0 data) ; 1. the sequence of accumulated values
(map vector data) ; 2. paired with the original sequence
(take-while #(< (second %) limit)) ; 3. until a certain accumulated value
(map first))) ; 4. then extract the original values
My first thought is to view this problem as a variation on reduce and thus to break the problem into two steps:
count the number of items in the result
take that many from the input
I also took some liberties with the argument names:
user> (defn take-while-not-enough [reducer-fn limit data]
(take (dec (count (take-while #(< % limit) (reductions reducer-fn 0 data))))
user> (take-while-not-enough #(+ %1 (%2 1)) 7 [[2 5] [7 8] [2 1]])
([2 5])
user> (take-while-not-enough + 10 [2 5 7 8 2 1])
(2 5)
This returns a sequence and your examples return a vector, if this is important then you can add a call to vec
Something that would traverse the input sequence only once:
(defn take-while-not-enough [r v data]
(->> (rest (reductions (fn [s i] [(r (s 0) i) i]) [0 []] data))
(take-while (comp #(< % v) first))
(map second)))
Well, if you want to use flatland/useful, this is a kinda-okay way to use glue:
(defn take-while-not-enough [p len xs]
(first (glue conj []
(constantly true)
#(>= (reduce p 0 %) len)
But it's rebuilding the accumulator for the entire "processed so far" chunk every time it decides whether to grow the chunk more, so it's O(n^2), which will be unacceptable for larger inputs.
The most obvious improvement to your implementation is to make it lazy instead of tail-recursive:
(defn take-while-not-enough [p len xs]
((fn step [acc coll]
(when-let [xs (seq coll)]
(let [x (first xs)
acc (p acc x)]
(when-not (>= acc len)
(cons x (step acc xs)))))))
0 xs))
Sometimes lazy-seq is straight-forward and self-explaining.
(defn take-while-not-enough
([f limit coll] (take-while-not-enough f limit (f) coll))
([f limit acc coll]
(when-let [s (seq coll)]
(let [fst (first s)
nacc (f acc fst)]
(when (< nxt-sd limit)
(cons fst (take-while-not-enough f limit nacc (rest s)))))))))
Note: f is expected to follow the rules of reduce.

Given a partially ordered set, remove all smaller items

I'm struggling to find a beautiful, idiomatic way to write a function
(defn remove-smaller
[coll partial-order-fn]
where partial-order-fn takes two arguments and return -1 0 or 1 is they are comparable (resp. smaller, equal, bigger) or nil otherwise.
The result of remove-smaller should be coll, with all items that are smaller than any other item in coll are removed.
Example: If we defined a partial order such as numbers are compared normally, letters too, but a letter and a number are not comparable:
1 < 2 a < t 2 ? a
Then we would have:
(remove-smaller [1 9 a f 3 4 z])
==> [9 z]
(defn partial-compare [x y]
(when (= (type x) (type y))
(compare x y)))
(defn remove-smaller [coll partial-order-fn]
(fn [x] (every? #(let [p (partial-order-fn x %)]
(or (nil? p) (>= p 0)))
(defn -main []
(remove-smaller [1 9 \a \f 3 4 \z] partial-compare))
This outputs (9 \z), which is correct unless you want the return value to be of the same type as coll.
In practice I might just use tom's answer, since no algorithm can guarantee better than O(n^2) worst-case performance and it's easy to read. But if performance matters, choosing an algorithm that is always n^2 isn't good if you can avoid it; the below solution avoids re-iterating over any items which are known not to be maxes, and therefore can be as good as O(n) if the set turns out to actually be totally ordered. (of course, this relies on transitivity of the ordering relation, but since you call this a partial order that's implied)
(defn remove-smaller [cmp coll]
(reduce (fn [maxes x]
(let [[acc keep-x]
,,(reduce (fn [[acc keep-x] [max diff]]
(cond (neg? diff) [(conj acc max) false]
(pos? diff) [acc keep-x]
:else [(conj acc max) keep-x]))
[[] true], (map #(list % (or (cmp x %) 0))
(if keep-x
(conj acc x)
(), coll))
(def data [1 9 \a \f 3 4 \z])
(defn my-fn [x y]
(when (= (type x) (type y))
(compare x y)))
(defn remove-smaller [coll partial-order-fn]
(mapv #(->> % (sort partial-order-fn) last) (vals (group-by type data))))
(remove-smaller data my-fn)
;=> [9 \z]
Potentially the order of the remaining items might differ to the input collection, but there is no order between the equality 'partitions'

Clojure: number of consecutive repetition items

I need a function to calculate the number of consecutive equal entries in a sequence. For example, (consecutive "abcdefg") should return 0, while (consecutive "aabcdddefg") should return 3.
Is the way i wrote it idiomatic or could it be improved?
(defn consecutive [p]
(second (reduce
#(vector %2
(if (= (first %1) %2)
(inc (second %1))
(second %1)))
[nil 0]
I think that (consecutive "abcdefg") should return 1, not 0.
Here's a simple implementation that achieves this:
(defn consecutive [s]
(apply max (map count (partition-by identity s))))
user> (defn consecutive [s] (->> s (partition-by identity) (reduce #(+ % (dec (count %2))) 0)))
user> (consecutive "abcdefg")
user> (consecutive "aabcdddefg")
I prefer the (partition-by identity) idiom when some consecutive sequences are required.
try this.
(defn consecutive [string]
(let [n (apply max (map count (partition-by identity string)))]
(if (= n 1) 0 n)))
it's common pattern