Cakephp Geocoding Behaviour - geocoding

I have been following this tutorial. Basically I want to take an address from a table I have and place that address on a google map. The tutorial seems pretty straight forward, create the table places, put the behavior in and model and what not.
Just kind of confused how I'd actually use that with my existing tables. I've read through the section in the cookbook about behaviors but am still a little confused about them. Mostly about how I'd integrate the tutorial into other views and controllers that aren't within place model?

first you need to add latitude / longitude coordinates to your address table...
you can do that with a writing parser around this google maps api call:
once your addresses contain the coordinates, all you need is to pass the coordinates
to a javascript google maps in your view, just copy the source :
here is a cakephp 2.0 shell to create latitude / longitude data
to run: "cake geo"
GeoShell.php :
class GeoShell extends Shell {
public $uses = array('Business');
public function main() {
$counter = 0;
$unique = 0;
$temps = $this->Business->find('all', array(
'limit' => 100
foreach($temps as $t) {
$address = $this->geocodeAddress($t['Business']['address']);
if(!empty($address)) {
$data['Business']['id'] = $t['Business']['id'];
$data['Business']['lat'] = $address['latitude'];
$data['Business']['lng'] = $address['longitude'];
$this->Business->save($data, false);
$this->out(' - Processed Records: ' . $counter . ' - ');
$this->out(' - Inserted Records: ' . $unique . ' - ');
public function geocodeAddress($address) {
$url = '' . urlencode($address) . '&sensor=false';
$response = #file_get_contents($url);
if($response === false) {
return false;
$response = json_decode($response);
if($response->status != 'OK') {
return false;
foreach ($response->results['0']->address_components as $data) {
if($data->types['0'] == 'country') {
$country = $data->long_name;
$country_code = $data->short_name;
$result = array(
'latitude' => $response->results['0']->geometry->location->lat,
'longitude' => $response->results['0']->geometry->location->lng,
'country' => $country,
'country_code' => $country_code,
'googleaddress' => $response->results['0']->formatted_address,
return $result;


How can I get email from Google People API?

I am using Google people API client library in PHP.
After successfully authenticating, I want to get email
Help me to find out the problem from my code below.
Can i use multiple scopes to get email, beacuse when i m using different scope it gives me error
function getClient() {
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName('People API');
$client->setPrompt('select_account consent');
$str = file_get_contents('credentials.json');
$json = json_decode( $str, true );
$url = $json['web']['redirect_uris'][0];
if (isset($_GET['oauth'])) {
$auth_url = $client->createAuthUrl();
header('Location: ' . filter_var($auth_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
} else if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
$redirect_uri = $url;
header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect_uri,FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
} else if (isset($_SESSION['access_token']) && $_SESSION['access_token']) {
$people_service = new Google_Service_PeopleService($client);
} else {
$redirect_uri = $url.'/?oauth';
header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect_uri, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
return $people_service;
$optParams = array(
'pageSize' => 100,
'personFields' => 'addresses,ageRanges,biographies,birthdays,braggingRights,coverPhotos,emailAddresses,events,genders,imClients,interests,locales,memberships,metadata,names,nicknames,occupations,organizations,phoneNumbers,photos,relations,relationshipInterests,relationshipStatuses,residences,sipAddresses,skills,taglines,urls,userDefined',
$people_service = getClient();
$connections = $people_service->people_connections-
>listPeopleConnections('people/me', $optParams);

Yii php unit test action create

I have installed php unit in my local server, but I dont understand (reading the php unit help) how to test my action create. My action is this, and the only thing I want to test is if it saves on database.
* Creates a new model.
* If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
public function actionCreate() {
$_class = $this->getClassName();
$model = new $_class;
if (isset($_POST)) {
$model->attributes = $_POST;
$this->armaMensajeABMGrilla($model->save(), $model);
$this->renderPartial('create', array(
'model' => $model,), false, true);
protected function armaMensajeABMGrilla($guardoOk, $modelo = null) {
if ($guardoOk == true) {
$this->respuestaJSON = array('success' => true, 'mensaje' => 'ok');
} else {
$erroresMensaje = 'Listado de Errores: <br/><ul>';
$i = 0;
if (isset($modelo->errors)) {
foreach ($modelo->errors as $error) {
$erroresMensaje .= '<li>Error(' . $i . '): ' . $error[0] . '</li>';
$this->respuestaJSON = array('success' => false, 'mensaje' => $erroresMensaje);
How will be the test method? something like this?
public function actionCreateTest(){
$model = new Model;
write functional tests for testing controllers functionality instead of unit tests,also
the thing that you are asserting here
if the outcome of $controller->actionCreate() is the value true, which is not!
you are $this->renderPartial() in that and returning nothing, so that statement will never be true.

getting products and their attributes from prestashop webservice

I'm going to use Prestashop 1.5.4 web-service to get all products with their attributes such as description, name and etc. My problem is whenever I call web-service it returns to me only the products Ids. How can I get attributes too?
Edited :
code :
class ShopApi
public $client;
public function __construct()
public function getClient()
try {
// creating web service access
$this->client = new PrestaShopWebservice('', 'A38L095W0RHRXE8PM9CM01CZW7KIU4PX', false);
} catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $ex) {
// Shows a message related to the error
echo 'error: <br />' . $ex->getMessage();
class ProductApi extends ShopApi
public function findAll()
$products = array();
/// The key-value array
$opt['resource'] = 'products';
$opt['display'] = '[description]';
$opt['limit'] = 1;
$xml = $this->client->get($opt);
$resources = $xml->products->children();
foreach ($resources as $resource)
$products[] = $resource->attributes();
return $products;
I've found that the response from webservice is ok. but there is a problem during parsing xml with simplexml_load_string() function. any idea?
it's $product var_dump :
SimpleXMLElement#1 ( [products] => SimpleXMLElement#2 ( [product] => SimpleXMLElement#3 ( [description] => SimpleXMLElement#4 ( [language] => SimpleXMLElement#5 ( [#attributes] => array ( 'id' => '1' ) ) ) ) ) )
I think that $opt['display'] = 'full'; would do the job
You can also select only some specific attribute e.g.
$opt['display'] = '[id,name]';
Take a look at the official documentation, you might find it interesting

blank json array in symfony2

i am writing webservice in symfony2 but i facing some problem regarding the output ,as it is giving blank output.
class DefaultController extends Controller {
* #Route("/webservices/activity/{id}", name="user_json_activity")
* #Method("get")
public function activityAction($id) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$list = $em->getRepository('FitugowebserviceBundle:activity')->findOneById($id);
$r_array = $this->routes2Array($list);
$r = array('activity' => $r_array);
return new Response(json_encode($r));
private function routes2Array($routes) {
$points_array = array();
foreach ($routes as $route) {
$r_array = array('activity' => $route->getActivity(),
'icon' => $route->getIcon());
$points_array[] = $r_array;
return $points_array;
When i try to fetch data for id=1 it is giving output as follows
It look very strange that you want get array with findOneById method. The first thing I suggest to add a check that the entity founded by id exist. Then look that findOneById returns and check your controller logic.

Setting id in ember data with createRecord

If I try to create a record with something like
var myObject = App.ModelName.createRecord( data );
the id of myObject is never set.
This says that id generation should be handled by EmberData (first response). So what should be happening? Where is the new id determined. Shouldn't there be a callback to the API to get valid id?
ID is the primary key for your record which is created by your database, not by Ember. This is JSON structure submit to REST post, notice no ID.
At your REST Post function you must get the last insert ID and return it back with the rest of the model data to Ember using this following JSON structure. Notice the ID, that is the last insert ID. You must get that last insert ID manually using your DB api.
This is my sample code for my REST post. I coded this using PHP REST Slim framework:
$app->post('/posts', 'addPost'); //insert new post
function addPost() {
$request = \Slim\Slim::getInstance()->request();
$data = json_decode($request->getBody());
//logging json data received from Ember!
$file = 'json1.txt';
file_put_contents($file, json_encode($data));
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
$postData = $value;
$post = new Post();
foreach($postData as $key => $value) {
if ($key == "title")
$post->title = $value;
if ($key == "author")
$post->author = $value;
if ($key == "body")
$post->body = $value;
$file = 'json2.txt';
file_put_contents($file, json_encode($post));
$sql = "INSERT INTO posts (title, author, body) VALUES (:title, :author, :body)";
$db = getConnection();
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam("title", $post->title);
$stmt->bindParam("author", $post->author);
$stmt->bindParam("body", $post->body);
$insertID = $db->lastInsertId(); //get the last insert ID
$post->id = $insertID;
//prepare the Ember Json structure
$emberJson = array("post" => $post);
$file = 'json3.txt';
file_put_contents($file, json_encode($emberJson));
//return the new model back to Ember for model update
echo json_encode($emberJson);
catch(PDOException $e)
//$errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
//$data = Array(
// "insertStatus" => "failed",
// "errorMessage" => $errorMessage
With some REST adapters, such as Firebase, you can define the id as a variable of the record you are going to create.
App.User = DS.Model.extend({
firstName: DS.attr('string')
var sampleUser ='user', {
id: '4231341234891234',
firstName: 'andreas'
JSON in the database (Firebase)
"users": {
"4231341234891234": {
"firstName": "andreas"