Visual Studio 2008 Navigation Bar Confused - c++

I am refactoring a (rather long) C program using Visual Studio Professional 2008 (9.0.30729.4462 QFE). I use function picker drop-down in the navigation bar to jump between functions in the source quickly.
I added a function to the top of some source code and now the function picker drop-down in the navigation bar is just wrong. It sometimes jumps me to a different function, or inside another function.
I've tried cleaning, building, rebuilding the project, closing and reopening the project and even rebooting my computer, and nothing fixes this.
My supposition is that the IDE needs to rebuild its source code index, but I've been searching to no avail to location such a file much less how to force a rebuild.

Deleting the .ncb file and reopening the solution should fix the problem.
Visual studio parses your source code and stores the results inside the .ncb (Intellisense database). The file is used for auto-completion, class-view browser, etc... It usually rebuilds automatically, but sometimes it needs a manual clean.


Changing .fl file in fluid doesn't change the UI when run with Visual Studio

I am working on a C++ project on Visual Studio which relies on UserInterface.fl file for its GUI. Intuitively I would understand that changing the UserInterface.fl file with FLTK would allow me to see those changes on actual GUI when built and run with Visual Studio, however that doesn't happen.
I have already tried restarting Visual Studio and rescanning and rebuilding the project but it hasn't helped.
The .fl contains the following lines of code to which I have tried to make changes as well to see results, but without success.
header_name {UserInterface.h}
code_name {UserInterface.cpp}
I would expect the changes to be visible on the GUI as soon as I change the UserInterface.fl file using FLTK without even having to alter the UserInterface.cpp or UserInterface.h files.
Thanks for any help in advance.
FLTK's fluid environment is completely different from your Visual Studio .sln solution. Thus your files would not automatically update to show the changes made through Fluid. However, you should be able to find the option of "Write Code" under the "File" menu in fluid. The shortcut is "Ctrl+Shift+c". This writes your code to the corresponding .h and .cpp file.

Visual Studio warning about copies of files with different contents

When I go to debug my C++ project in Visual Studio, up pops a little warning dialogue box that tells me:
A copy of datum.h was found in
c:/users/brad/desktop/source/binary/datum.h, but the current
source code is different from the version built into
I'm having trouble understanding what this is even trying to tell me, let alone how to fix it. At first I thought it might be complaining that I'd accidentally duplicated a file in the directory, which I checked, and found nothing of the sort, which leaves me pretty stumped. I also tried excluding the file from the solution and adding it again, which didn't fix the problem either.
The warning doesn't appear to actually hinder the development of my project, but I suppose warnings exist for a reason, so if anyone knows what's gone wrong, any advice would be greatly appreciated. To my knowledge, I didn't change anything to cause the message to appear, it just popped up one time I went to debug the solution and has kept on appearing ever since.
Also, more copies of the same warning have started popping up, pertaining to other header files in my solution (I haven't recieved any about .cpp files yet, but it could be a coincidence, because it's only been going on for about 20 minutes).
Try removing breakpoints from the file in question.
This worked for me when it occurred with Visual Studio 2013 for a header file in debug build.
Source: Release mode file sync issue - current source code different from the version built
Additional notes: Clean / Rebuild also works, but that is painful for regularly changing code. Enabling the break point after starting debugger merely delays the message.
I solved it:
Close the window of the .h file in Visual Studio if it's open.
Close Visual Studio.
CUT the .h file from its normal location and paste it into a temporary folder that VS doesn't know about.
Restart VS and compile. It'll complain about the missing .h file. Good -- Make the bastard beg for it!
Paste the .h file back into its original location.
Compile. VS will gratefully accept the missing file. (Damn I hate Microsoft!)
This occurs if you rename an implementation file (*.c, *.cpp, etc.) to a header file.
This is because the Item Type still remains as C/C++ Source File, making it get compiled as a separate translation unit rather than as an actual header, preventing Visual Studio from recognizing its inclusion as a header elsewhere.
It took me quite a while to figure this out.
To fix this:
Right-click your header file in Solution Explorer and select Properties.
Select All Configurations, All Platforms.
Under General, change Item Type to C/C++ Header.
Press OK.
Force-recompile any file that #includes your header (or just Rebuild the solution).
The problem is that the debugger thinks that the checksum of the source file is different from what the compiler calculated and put in there. The debugger will then refuse to apply breakpoints in the files that mis-match, to prevent you from seeing data it can't guarantee is correct.
I have had this keep happening even after a clean rebuild. This is with VS 2015. My guess is perhaps the debugger and the compiler disagree on how to hash newlines or something like that? The fix is to turn off "require source files to exactly match the original version" in Debug -> Options -> Debugging -> General
Could you by any chance be debugging another executable (not the one actually built?). This is a common issue in scenarios where Visual Studio builds the binaries in one directory but then they are copied over to some other directory for debugging. I'd suggest you compare the target path under the debugging settings and the output directory under the general settings in Visual Studio.
This would explain the issue, since you are actually debugging some older version of the binary (not the one built currently) and thus the warning, since Visual Studio can't find the version of the source files for that version of the binary.
The reason may be circular header dependencies. datum.h may includes another_header.h (directly or indirectly), which includes datum.h.
I see the real reason of this question is not answered. So for someone still looking, here it goes...
The most common reason of this problem is that the source files used to build the existing obj files are different than the existing ones. In other words the
particular project did not build after new modifications to source. The solution to this problem is to rebuild the project after modifying.
This happened to me in situation where I had modified my static library projects files and then without building that project I started my application project which was using this static library project.
this worked for me:
close VS
delete *.vcxproj.filters file
restart VS
problem should be gone.
this worked for me:
clean project
debug/delete all breakpoints :)
This worked for me (as of March 2019):
Click the 'Build' drop-down menu in the top left of your Visual Studio window
Select 'Rebuild Solution'
I've changed the file name and it works now.
Just encountered this. In my case, one of my .h files contained implementation (a class with static methods), which was #included by one of my .cpp files, but the Project Settings were also telling Visual Studio to compile the .h file.
I manually edited both the .vcxproj and .vcxproj.filters project files, moving the .h file from the <ClCompile> ItemGroup to the <ClInclude> ItemGroup.
This did the trick for me; I never saw the "A copy different from..." pop-up again.(Note that this was after I had thoroughly failed in attempts to get <DependentUpon> to work.)
My solutiion:
Build -> Configuration manager
Switch to another configuration (any, example Releas or Debug)
Switch to previous configuration
It is possible to have multiple projects, each with their own entry point within a solution. Make sure that the correct project is being run.
The source code is different message can appear in a project A's source when you are running project B. In this case, the message can mean This breakpoint won't be hit because you're running a project that doesn't include it

Turn off Visual Studio popups

I have a large project that I have to load and work on. Nothing I can do about it - just load the solution and all projects within it.
Problem is that first several minutes VS loads project one by one and it constantly inform me about it by constantly displaying some "Loading project is required..." window. Sure, I know it is required, but cannot it be somehow done in the background? I would be content if I could just open some text editor and tune configs or read documentation without popups stealing the focus.
It happens on all project regeneration (we use GYP) - since VS solution and projects are generated each time I have to work on new C++ defines/flags/dependencies settings I have to sit and watch VS spamming those little windows.
It has another drawback - if right after project regeneration I'll try to build it VS will "block" - it will complain that it cannot close the project when build is running and I have to terminate the build in order to "close" the project. I understand that what it really does is close and reopen it in order to update settings... but popup that locks whole IDE certainly makes it more annoying.
I know that I can disable automatic reload of source file when it was edited outside by e.g. Sublime Text. Are there some solutions that would allow me to do the same for projects? Some settings, plugins or register entries that would prevent those windows from spamming or which would reload project when it suits me? It's really annoying when I have to switch to ST each time I regenerate and build projects because Visual Studio will stay locked until the build is finished.
I have a similar issue with CMake-generated Visual Studio solutions. While I don't have a solution, I've found a workaround which works just fine for me - close the solution before re-running the generator, and open it again when the re-run's finished. Under normal keymappings, it's Alt+FT to close, and Alt+FJ1 to open again.
Disable Intellisense, Visual Studio usually takes a great deal of time during project load parsing headers and building up its intellisense database. Disable that and see if your load times improve.
Might not be applicable if you can't change your solution, but I'd try to move less important modules/projects to DLL or prebuilt libraries. Candidates for this are 3rd party / external libraries that you don't plan on changing or potentially really stable sections of your code base.
Good luck.
The VS system records the last solution associated with each project in the .SUO files. If you delete the .SUO files, you will then be able to open the project files individually, and then save a solution containing just the projects you want to open.

Does Visual Studio support C++ code indexing?

Does Visual Studio have a source code indexing feature for C++? That is, it statically parses your project, storing symbols in an index, such that you can easily and quickly jump to a definition of a symbol or see uses of it (i.e. call hierarchy)?
From what I can tell, in Visual Studio 2010, it has "Go to Definition" and "View Call Hierarchy" functions (if you right-click a symbol), but it takes a long time (a minute on my project) to find the info and do the action. It seems to be doing a crude text search in some cases.
I'm used to using Eclipse, which has an indexer, so those actions are almost instantaneous (after the indexing has completed).
Yes, Visual Studio Intellisense does just this. If your "go to definition" is taking a long time, it indicates that the project is not set up properly inside Visual Studio. You should be able to hover the mouse over a symbol (function name, variable name, etc.) and Intellisense should pop up instantly.
One cause of slow or incorrect Intellisense is creating a new project from a folder structure. If you have a bunch of .cpp and .h files in a complicated folder hierarchy, sometimes the project does not get created in a way that Intellisense can easily do symbol indexing. Also, if your project uses a lot of third party libraries, you need to make sure the header files are included in your project or else Intellisense will not be able to do anything with those symbols.

Why doesn't my visual studio build properly?

Okey, I am REALLY having problems with the Visual Studio 2012, and looked all over for a solution, with no result.
So the problem is this... Usually the play button, starts building and debugging in the end running the program. And each time a source file is updated, it should do that again. Well, for me it does not. Every time I write something new in a file, I need to REBUILD the program and then hit play, when before, just hitting the F5 button would do the trick.
The thing is, I have checked, all probable causes that were diagnosed over the internet, so no it's not related to the settings in visual studio, and no, it's not a timestamp issue.
The oddest thing though, is that sometimes, some of the files inside the project look excluded( they have a tiny red circle on them and I have to select and reinclude them). I do not understand why that happens, they were not implemented by me, they are just some "dependency" files on which other classes that I am ussing are built.
Furthermore, the problem of not updating the program. At the moment I have 2 classes. If I write code inside one of them, F5 will work properly and run with the expected modified result. On the other class though, nothing will happen. F5 will find no errors, but it will run without any modification, altough there was code added in one of the classes.
This is really driving me crazy, and I really need a conclusive answer. Why are the dependencies file being involuntarely excluded? Why does visual Build correctly changes from one file but not from another?
You made your visual studio to do it (i.e to launch code with errors).
By default when there is an error you get this popup:
Now if you tick the checkbox - VS will not bother asking you again;
even when errors occur - it will just execute last executable that it has.
To revert this change - go to: Tools > Options > Project & Solutions > Build & Run:
Change this setting to *Prompt to Launch and you are done.