Does the Qt framework support manipulating videos files? - c++

Using the Qt framework is there a way to add watermarks to videos? If not what are my options?

to embedd something into a video you have to reencode the video. for this you have to extract frame by frame, add your watermark to each frame and reencode each frame.
i would use ffmpeg for this task.
qt and it's multimedia framework might help to decode a video, i am not aware of the encoding part. so, to answer your question: no.
might be helpful: (which has some prebuilt win32 binaries in the repository already)


Recording desktop using Qt multimedia

I'm trying to record microphones, cameras and monitors using Qt's multimedia module. But I couldn't find anything about screen recording in documentation. So it seemed I'd to do it by myself.
I've searched about that, found that answer:
How to display desktop in windows form using Qt?
Seems I've to use FFMPEG to merge these taken screenshots into mp4 file, also it doesn't seem an efficient way. I want to show real time recording output with QVideoWidget. I was going to use QMediaCaptureSession, QMediaRecorder. But they only work with camera. Is there any way to record desktop screen with Qt's multimedia module?
P.S: Please correct me, if my question is wrong

Does Qt has any library/APIs which can be used for trimming/cropping to create audio/video thumbnails?

Need to create thumbnails for audio & video files. Is there any built-in or programmatic way in Qt to be able to do it?
Related: Execute ffmpeg to Crop Audio in Qt

Qt5 extracting audio from video

I have a task: user chooses a video file, I need to get an audio track from it and give an opportunity to play it with equalizer and then save this audio in mp3.
I found an example of media player in Qt. Playing video with Qt is very easy as the example has shown so I'd like to realize this task only with Qt API. The only way I know to get audio track from video is to use libAV or similar libraries. Is there an opportunity to get audio from video with Qt API? Also I haven't found the way to save an audio in a specific format with Qt. Is it possible?
Thanks a lot.

Video preview image using vlc-qt (or libvlc directly)

I'd like to make a detailed video list in my Qt application using vlc-qt. Other playback engines such as QtAV or QtMultimedia are not an option. It should be vlc-qt (libvlc). That's why I need to get a small picture of a video, a preview, but can't find anything suitable for this task, except libvlc_video_take_snapshot. This method will save a picture locally, and I guess it needs a real render window to exist. That's not a good variant for me, maybe there's some better solution?

Windows media foundation use raw image to encode video

I'm working on a project that requires me to record webcam, microphone, and the screen. I have webcam recording, audio is a work in progress, and I stumbled across CMonitor wrapper (which I did some minor modifications to) to grab RGB images of the desktop on a specified monitor (if there are multiple monitors).
How do I go about pushing my raw RGB frames into windows media foundation to encode into a video file? My current video encoding is using a slightly modified version of this msdn sample, if that's easier to modify than it is to write a new class handler.
Or, perhaps there is some sort of media foundation route to recording the screen that I don't know of (which is possible, I'm not that great of a win32 programmer)?
Found PushSource in the Windows SDK samples, which does this.
Check Desktop Duplication API for capture desktop. Media Foundation provides two solution for encoding, MF Sink Writer for simple encoding, Media Session for a more flexible control of the media pipeline. Read this overview page first.