PWC6228: #{...} not allowed in a template text body - templates

I have a JS script which is called when a submit button action is fired successfully:
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{user$webreports$webfilteroverview.submitted}">
<script type="text/javascript">alert('Done!');</script>
the above code works perfect. What I want to do is to get the alert box text from resource bundle:
<script type="text/javascript">alert('#{msg.report_alert_text}');</script>
but I get error:
PWC6228: #{...} not allowed in a template text body.
I did this:
<h:commandbutton onClick="alert('#{msg.report_alert_text}');"/>
and it was working fine. I don't understand why the above code doesn't work. Is it possible to do this? If yes, what is wrong with the above code? Thanks in advance.

PWC6228: #{...} not allowed in a template text body.
You're apparently using the legacy JSP(X) instead of its successor Facelets. Deferred EL #{} in template text is not supported by JSP(X). It only supports standard EL ${} in template text (template text means outside tags / JSF components):
<script type="text/javascript">alert('${msg.report_alert_text}');</script>
If that doesn't work because ${msg} is not been prepared (the #{} will namely autocreate it if it does not exist yet at that point of the view), then you need <h:outputText> instead:
<script type="text/javascript">alert('<h:outputText value="#{msg.report_alert_text}" />');</script>
You'll only need to remove that <f:verbatim> tag in order to get JSF components to run there. The <f:verbatim> is a leftover from JSF 1.0/1.1 and not necessary anymore since JSF 1.2 and deprecated since JSF 2.1.
This problem has nothing to do with JavaScript. You got the error from the webserver, not from the webbrowser.


'$' is undefined in SharePoint Search Display Template

I customized a display template. The html display template code is exactly the same as UAT. When I deployed to Prod, I got this error when ran a search:
Display Error: The display template had an error. You can correct it by fixing the template or by changing the display template used in either the Web Part properties or Result Types.
'$' is undefined (CoreRender: ~sitecollection/catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item***.js)
I checked in both the html page and js file, there is no extra $ in the file. One time I fat fingered an extra $ to the html page but couldn't find anything wrong this time.
What could be the issue?
This sounds you used jQuery library in your template, if so, try to include it in your display template as the demo
$includeScript(this.url,"~sitecollection/style library/js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js");

RenderComponentPresentation before any other markup Tridion Razor Page

I have a page template in Tridion 2011 with Razor code that prints information based on RenderComponentPresentation() as the first thing in the page. No other markup comes before it, because the component, not the page, contains the initial markup. Unless I put at least one character before the first RenderComponentPresentation in the published output, the template refuses to render any presentations.
So, for example, if this is all that is in the layout TBB this works (in my real code the tcms are real of course):
but this does not
The first prints the contents of the component preceded by the "<", whereas the second does nothing at all. I don't want to have ANY markup directly at the start of the page template, I want the first thing to be the component. Is it possible?
I've just done a quick test in Template Builder using the latest version of the Razor Mediator (1.2) and couldn't replicate your issue.
Maybe you could try:
It won't render any additional markup but may trick the mediator into doing what you want (though like I said, I can't replicate your problem so can't verify whether it does).
Normally with Razor you iterate over any and all Component Presentations on the page, and right now I'm working with
#foreach(var cp in ComponentPresentations){
This will render every component on the page, regardless of predefined schema's or templates. Your issue however suggest a problem elsewhere. What kind of output does your page template generate (do mind its the page template using a compound template which in turn includes the Razor TBB you describe here). Is it .aspx, HTML or other? And what is the Component templates' output? is it an HTML fragment, or anything else?
As far as you syntax goes, that should be just fine other than the template invocation:
#RenderComponentPresentation("tcm:x-xxx-xx", "tcm:xx-xxx-xx")
I have a feeling this code only works when used within HTML tags, though, but that's just a hunch.
Bit of a hack but have you tried:
<text>#RenderComponentPresentation("tcm:x-xxx-xx", "tcm:xx-xxx-xx")</text>
#Html.Raw(RenderComponentPresentation("tcm:x-xxx-xx", "tcm:xx-xxx-xx"))
Disclaimer: not really used Razor mediator. Just Razor.

Meteor full page template

Im using Meteor. I'm trying to have a full page template (including the body and head tags). Because one is to be for the mobile version.
I tried having
{{> desktop}}
<template name="desktop">
<template name="mobile">
I get a syntax error with this (Due to the >desktop handlebar)also How would I switch between the two templates? (Meteor adds the <html> tags and a bunchload of script tags so its somewhat problematic
Create desktop_head and desktop_body templates instead for desktop, do the same for mobile.
Then, at run-time, add the templates to the body and head tags based on your device. Do not introduce additional head and body tags because that's not how it works, you need to have a single body / head...
Furthermore, you might want to consider a responsive design instead...

KnockoutJs How can I get the `if` binding to work inside of a template block?

So the if binding of KnockoutJs is powerful, but I need to use it in a template block because I have to bind nested content E.G. <UL>'s.
<script id="my-template3" type="text/html">
<span data-bind="if:IsInherited">foobar</span><br />
This doesn't seem to render no matter what $data.IsInherited is set to. How can one perform an if databind in a tempate block using KnockoutJs?
As posted in the comments.
Are you using jquery.tmpl because if that is included I believe the control flow bindings will not work in script blocks.
Using native only will solve that

How to insert custom Javascripts in Sitecore backend

Pretty simple, I need to insert a script in Sitecores (v. 6.4) backend - how do I do it?
It doesn't matter if the script is placed inside <head> or <body>, nor does it matter if I can only specify the src of a <script> tag or if I can insert an actual Javascript snippet (the latter is preferable though).
The script needs to be inserted in the HTML when a Content Editor window is opened.
It is not an installation of my own, nor do I develop anything for Sitecore (I do have admin access, however), so something along the lines of installing a plugin would be the best solution I reckon.
I've previously inserted the script in Sitecore 5.4, but not in a pretty way (editing XML files) and if a better solution could be found here too, that'd be pretty great.
Update using Jens Mikkelsens answer in Sitecore Xpress 6:
I tried placing the following in web.config:
<script src="/test.js" language="javascript" />
<script src="/test.js" language="javascript" />
Being a little bit overzealous (and wanting to make sure the test.js file can be found) I put a js.test in the following locations:
inetpub\wwwroot\SitecoreWebsite\WebSite\sitecore\shell\Applications\Content Manager\
Content of the test.js:
alert("Test [PATH TOKEN]");
Where the path token is just the parent folder name, so I know which test.js was loaded, e.g. inetpub\wwwroot\SitecoreWebsite\WebSite\sitecore\shell\Applications\Content Manager\test.js holds:
alert("Test Content Manager");
When I try to log in using the default Xpress admin user one of three things happens (in all three cases the frontend loads without errors, but no script present. I have NOT been able to determine when the errors happen, the only thing I can say for sure is that no errors occur when the test.js has not been included in web.config):
Case 1:
The content editor loads as expected, but no script is loaded. This happens most of the time when the clientscript have been included.
Case 2 - Server Error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Empty strings are not allowed.
Parameter name: value
Stack Trace:
[ArgumentException: Empty strings are not allowed.
Parameter name: value]
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(String argument, String argumentName) +241
Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.PageScriptManager.GetEveryPageScripts() +410
Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.PageScriptManager.GetScripts() +702
Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Page.OnInit(EventArgs e) +62
System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) +143
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1477
Case 3 - Sitecore error:
A required license is missing
Most likely causes:
The resource you are trying to access requires the following license: Runtime.
I'm not sure whether or not Xpress simply doesn't support clientscripts, but even if it doesn't it is weird that some times the content editor loads.
Update after testing in Sitecore 5.4 full version:
It does indeed work to put a script tag inside the <clientscripts> section in web.config as Jens Mikkelsen answered. It is, however, neccessary to put it inside the subsection <everypage> to get it to appear on every single page in the backend, whereas <htmleditor> only works for the Telerik RadEditor popup window in Sitecore 5.4.
Update after testing in Sitecore 6 full version:
The same method as described for Sitecore 5.4 works for Sitecore 6 with the addition of little thing: <script> embedded in <clienscripts> now require a key attribute:
<script src="/test.js" language="javascript" key="test script" />
I don't think you will be able to add the script with out modifying a file. However you can take a look at the <clientscripts> section in the web.config. There you can add scripts to be loaded. However I don't know if it will only load in the content editor.
I have experimented with this before, and I ended up using the above setting, but as I remember it also loaded on the Page Editor and the Desktop.
Perhaps you can use this example code to add controls to the <head> on the front-end but instead alter it to use the <renderContentEditor> pipeline to somehow inject a new <script> tag into the editor.
here is a good example of it Injecting javascript and css to Sitecore Content Editor Page