I am trying to capture an image of the screen for use in screencasting. Thus I need a fast solution, and cannot rely on shell programs such as import or xwd.
This is the code I have written so far, but it fails and gives me a junk image, which just seems to show fragments of several images with odd colors tossed together.
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <CImg.h>
using namespace cimg_library;
int main()
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Window root = DefaultRootWindow(display);
XWindowAttributes gwa;
XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &gwa);
int width = gwa.width;
int height = gwa.height;
XImage *image = XGetImage(display,root, 0,0 , width,height,AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
unsigned char *array = new unsigned char[width * height * 3];
unsigned long red_mask = image->red_mask;
unsigned long green_mask = image->green_mask;
unsigned long blue_mask = image->blue_mask;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height ; y++)
unsigned long pixel = XGetPixel(image,x,y);
unsigned char blue = pixel & blue_mask;
unsigned char green = (pixel & green_mask) >> 8;
unsigned char red = (pixel & red_mask) >> 16;
array[(x + width * y) * 3] = red;
array[(x + width * y) * 3+1] = green;
array[(x + width * y) * 3+2] = blue;
CImg<unsigned char> pic(array,width,height,1,3);
printf("%ld %ld %ld\n",red_mask>> 16, green_mask>>8, blue_mask);
return 0;
You are mistaken about the way array is laid out in memory, as you can find out by declaring img before the loop and adding this printf to your inner loop:
printf("%ld %ld %u %u %u\n",x,y,pic.offset(x,y,0),pic.offset(x,y,1),pic.offset(x,y,2));
This yields (on my 1920x1200 screen):
0 0 0 2304000 4608000
0 1 1920 2305920 4609920
0 2 3840 2307840 4611840
and so on, indicating that the red/green/blue subimages are kept "together" instead of the three color components of a single pixel being adjacent to each other.
The builtin CImg accessors will make your code work:
pic(x,y,0) = red;
pic(x,y,1) = green;
pic(x,y,2) = blue;
You can use libpng
int code = 0;
FILE *fp;
png_structp png_ptr;
png_infop png_info_ptr;
png_bytep png_row;
// Open file
fp = fopen ("test.png", "wb");
if (fp == NULL){
fprintf (stderr, "Could not open file for writing\n");
code = 1;
// Initialize write structure
png_ptr = png_create_write_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (png_ptr == NULL){
fprintf (stderr, "Could not allocate write struct\n");
code = 1;
// Initialize info structure
png_info_ptr = png_create_info_struct (png_ptr);
if (png_info_ptr == NULL){
fprintf (stderr, "Could not allocate info struct\n");
code = 1;
// Setup Exception handling
if (setjmp (png_jmpbuf (png_ptr))){
fprintf(stderr, "Error during png creation\n");
code = 1;
png_init_io (png_ptr, fp);
// Write header (8 bit colour depth)
png_set_IHDR (png_ptr, png_info_ptr, width, height,
// Set title
char *title = "Screenshot";
if (title != NULL){
png_text title_text;
title_text.compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
title_text.key = "Title";
title_text.text = title;
png_set_text (png_ptr, png_info_ptr, &title_text, 1);
png_write_info (png_ptr, png_info_ptr);
// Allocate memory for one row (3 bytes per pixel - RGB)
png_row = (png_bytep) malloc (3 * width * sizeof (png_byte));
// Write image data
int x, y;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++){
for (x = 0; x < width; x++){
unsigned long pixel = XGetPixel (image, x, y);
unsigned char blue = pixel & blue_mask;
unsigned char green = (pixel & green_mask) >> 8;
unsigned char red = (pixel & red_mask) >> 16;
png_byte *ptr = &(png_row[x*3]);
ptr[0] = red;
ptr[1] = green;
ptr[2] = blue;
png_write_row (png_ptr, png_row);
// End write
png_write_end (png_ptr, NULL);
// Free
fclose (fp);
if (png_info_ptr != NULL) png_free_data (png_ptr, png_info_ptr, PNG_FREE_ALL, -1);
if (png_ptr != NULL) png_destroy_write_struct (&png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL);
if (png_row != NULL) free (png_row);
image has to stored in memory as R1R2R3R4R5R6......G1G2G3G4G5G6.......B1B2B3B4B5B6.
cimg storage
Although I have successfully utilized stb_image/CImg/lodepng open source to get a char array, the memory usage is too huge that I can't implement it in a low power embedded system.
Therefore, I try to use libpng to read a png type image, and get a char array.
However, I am completely not familiar with libpng......
Anyone can help?
According to some website sample programs, I write the following function. But I encounter Segmentation Fault, I think that I have problem dealing with the variables, raw_pointers and image. Anyone can review my code and give me some suggestions?
unsigned char* read_png_file(const char *filename)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
int bit_depth;
int color_type;
png_structp png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
png_infop info = png_create_info_struct(png);
png_init_io(png, fp);
png_read_info(png, info);
width = png_get_image_width(png, info);
height = png_get_image_height(png, info);
color_type = png_get_color_type(png, info);
bit_depth = png_get_bit_depth(png, info);
int numchan = 4;
// Set up row pointers
row_pointers = (unsigned char**) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * height);
for (int y=0; y<height; y++)
row_pointers[y] = (unsigned char*) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * width);
png_read_image(png, row_pointers);
// Put row pointers data into image
unsigned char * image = (unsigned char *) malloc (numchan*width*height);
for (unsigned int i=0;i<height;i++)
for (unsigned int j=0;j<width;i++)
*image++ = row_pointers[j][i];
cout << height << ", " << width << ", " << bit_depth << ", " << numchan << endl;
return image;
I successfully use libpng to get a char array.
However, the memory usage is up to 915.1KB which is higher than stb_image !!! (Use Valgrind)
Ah... Could anyone tell me some directions to optimize the memory usage?
unsigned char* read_png_file(const char *filename)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
png_byte bit_depth;
png_byte color_type;
png_structp png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
png_infop info = png_create_info_struct(png);
png_init_io(png, fp);
png_read_info(png, info);
width = png_get_image_width(png, info);
height = png_get_image_height(png, info);
color_type = png_get_color_type(png, info);
bit_depth = png_get_bit_depth(png, info);
if(color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
if(color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8)
if(png_get_valid(png, info, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
if(color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB || color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
png_set_filler(png, 0xFF, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
if(color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)
png_read_update_info(png, info);
int numchan = 4;
// Set up row pointer
png_bytep *row_pointers = (png_bytep*)malloc(sizeof(png_bytep) * height);
unsigned int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
row_pointers[i] = (png_bytep)malloc(png_get_rowbytes(png,info));
png_read_image(png, row_pointers);
// Put row pointers data into image
unsigned char *image = (unsigned char *) malloc (numchan*width*height);
int count = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < height ; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < numchan*width ; j++)
image[count] = row_pointers[i][j];
count += 1;
for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
free(row_pointers[i]) ;
free(row_pointers) ;
return image;
I'm creating a qrcode with the library qrencode.h
This creation is working nice but how would one output the qrcode to a BMP file within c++?
At this very moment i have this code:
const char* szSourceSring = QRCODE_TEXT;
unsigned int unWidth, x, y, l, n, unWidthAdjusted, unDataBytes;
unsigned char* pRGBData, *pSourceData, *pDestData;
QRcode* pQRC;
FILE* f;
if (pQRC = QRcode_encodeString(szSourceSring, 4, QR_ECLEVEL_H, QR_MODE_8, 1))
unWidth = pQRC->width;
unWidthAdjusted = unWidth * OUT_FILE_PIXEL_PRESCALER * 3;
if (unWidthAdjusted % 4)
unWidthAdjusted = (unWidthAdjusted / 4 + 1) * 4;
unDataBytes = unWidthAdjusted * unWidth * OUT_FILE_PIXEL_PRESCALER;
// Allocate pixels buffer
if (!(pRGBData = (unsigned char*)malloc(unDataBytes)))
printf("Out of memory");
// Preset to white
memset(pRGBData, 0xff, unDataBytes);
// Prepare bmp headers
kFileHeader.bfType = 0x4D42; // "BM"
kFileHeader.bfSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) +
kFileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
kFileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;
kFileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) +
kInfoHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
kInfoHeader.biWidth = unWidth * OUT_FILE_PIXEL_PRESCALER;
kInfoHeader.biHeight = -((int)unWidth * OUT_FILE_PIXEL_PRESCALER);
kInfoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
kInfoHeader.biBitCount = 24;
kInfoHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
kInfoHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
kInfoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
kInfoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
kInfoHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
kInfoHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
// Convert QrCode bits to bmp pixels
pSourceData = pQRC->data;
for(y = 0; y < unWidth; y++)
pDestData = pRGBData + unWidthAdjusted * y * OUT_FILE_PIXEL_PRESCALER;
for(x = 0; x < unWidth; x++)
if (*pSourceData & 1)
for(l = 0; l < OUT_FILE_PIXEL_PRESCALER; l++)
for(n = 0; n < OUT_FILE_PIXEL_PRESCALER; n++)
*(pDestData + n * 3 + unWidthAdjusted * l) = PIXEL_COLOR_B;
*(pDestData + 1 + n * 3 + unWidthAdjusted * l) = PIXEL_COLOR_G;
*(pDestData + 2 + n * 3 + unWidthAdjusted * l) = PIXEL_COLOR_R;
// Output the bmp file
/*if (((f = fopen(OUT_FILE, "r")) != NULL))
f = fopen(OUT_FILE, "wb");
fwrite(&kFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 14, f);
fwrite(&kInfoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 40, f);
fwrite(pRGBData, sizeof(unsigned char), unDataBytes, f);
/* }
printf("Unable to open file");
// Free data
printf("NULL returned");
But somehow this creates a BMP with corrupt headers. Whenever i'm opening the bmp file it says:
"BMP Image has unsupported header size"
What am i doing wrong?
And is it possible to save to png instead of BMP?
I have access to the libPNG library
Here is a code example which dumps a 24 bpp bmp file created from a QR-Code. The error you see is probably not caused by the QR-Code library, but rather something in the bmp file code.
The bmp file created by this example works fine with the image viewer packaged with my Windows 8.1. If you also do not see the error, you could check for differences in each binary output to pinpoint the problem. If you want.
This question is tagged "C++" and "C++11", so this example uses the C++ std library for file output, and doesn't use malloc. (But almost equally bad -- I use new and delete in some container code, where a std::vector member is preferred...don't tell anyone). Also, this example writes each piece of data directly to the file, instead of using a file-sized intermediate buffer, like pDestData.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
// A fake (or "somewhat limited") QR Code data container
struct Qrc {
int dimsize; // the width and height
unsigned char* data; // buffer which contains the elements
Qrc() {
static const unsigned int bin[] = { // encodes an important secret message
0xd38c2272,0xa3f76155,0x5366a7ab,0x9bdd2257,0x300d5520,0x85842e7f,0 };
dimsize = 33;
data = new unsigned char[dimsize * dimsize];
auto p = data;
auto endp = p + dimsize * dimsize;
for(unsigned int b : bin) {
for(int i=0; i<32; ++i) {
if(p == endp) break;
*(p++) = b & (1 << i) ? 255 : 0;
} } }
Qrc(const Qrc&) = delete;
Qrc& operator = (const Qrc&) = delete;
~Qrc() { delete [] data; }
struct BIH { // a private definition of BITMAPINFOHEADER
unsigned int sz;
int width, height;
unsigned short planes;
short bits;
unsigned int compress, szimage;
int xppm, yppm;
unsigned int clrused, clrimp;
void SaveBmp(const char* filename, const Qrc& qrc) {
// Asker's Qrc struct delivered as a pointer, from a C API, but this example doesn't mimic that.
std::ofstream ofs(filename, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary);
if(!ofs) {
std::cout << "Writing " << filename << " failed\n";
const int side_len = qrc.dimsize; // width and height of the (square) QR Code
const int pixel_side_len = 4; // QRC element's size in the bmp image (in pixels)
const int bmp_line_bytes = side_len * pixel_side_len * 3;
const int bmp_line_pad_bytes = (4 - bmp_line_bytes % 4) % 4; // bmp line data padding size
const int bmp_data_size = side_len * (bmp_line_bytes + bmp_line_pad_bytes);
BIH bih = { sizeof(bih) };
bih.width = side_len * pixel_side_len; // element count * element size
bih.height = -side_len * pixel_side_len; // negative height => data begins at top of image
bih.planes = 1;
bih.bits = 24;
const int header_size = sizeof(bih) + 14; // size of the bmp file header
const int filesize = header_size + bmp_data_size; // size of the whole file
ofs.write("BM", 2);
ofs.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&filesize), 4);
ofs.write("\0\0\0\0", 4); // 2x 16-bit reserved fields
ofs.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&header_size), 4);
ofs.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&bih), sizeof(bih));
// pixel colors, as Blue, Green, Red char-valued triples
// the terminating null also makes these usable as 32bpp BGRA values, with Alpha always 0.
static const char fg_color[] = "\0\0\0";
static const char bg_color[] = "\xff\xff\xff";
auto pd = qrc.data;
// send pixel data directly to the bmp file
// QRC elements are expanded into squares
// whose sides are "pixel_side_len" in length.
for(int y=0; y<side_len; ++y) {
for(int j=0; j<pixel_side_len; ++j) {
auto pdj = pd;
for(int x=0; x<side_len; ++x) {
for(int i=0; i<pixel_side_len; ++i) {
// *pdj will be 0 or 255 (from "fake" Qrc)
// Using "*pdj & 1" here, just to match asker's code
// without knowing why this was done.
ofs.write(*pdj & 1 ? fg_color : bg_color, 3);
if(bmp_line_pad_bytes) {
ofs.write("\0\0\0", bmp_line_pad_bytes);
pd += side_len;
int main() {
SaveBmp("MyQrCode.bmp", Qrc());
I could need some help to figure out how to feed the proc below. I need to write a monochrome BMP file. The code below (its from: How to Save monochrome Image as bmp in windows C++ ?) looks like to be able to do this. I'm now stuck on how to convert a std::bitset or preferably boost::dynamic_bitset into this byte* format. All of my attempts so far failed, I wasn't able to write something like an 8x8 checker pattern into the BMP. The proc creates the BMP and it is readable by Photoshop, but the content is a mess. So any suggestions how to solve this are appreciated!
Save1BppImage(byte* ImageData, const char* filename, long w, long h){
int bitmap_dx = w; // Width of image
int bitmap_dy = h; // Height of Image
// create file
std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
if(!file) return;
// save bitmap file headers
infoHeader = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*) malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) );
RGBQUAD bl = {0,0,0,0}; //black color
RGBQUAD wh = {0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff}; // white color
fileHeader.bfType = 0x4d42;
fileHeader.bfSize = 0;
fileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
fileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;
fileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
infoHeader->biSize = (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) );
infoHeader->biWidth = bitmap_dx;
infoHeader->biHeight = bitmap_dy;
infoHeader->biPlanes = 1;
infoHeader->biBitCount = 1;
infoHeader->biCompression = BI_RGB; //no compression needed
infoHeader->biSizeImage = 0;
infoHeader->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
infoHeader->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
infoHeader->biClrUsed = 2;
infoHeader->biClrImportant = 2;
file.write((char*)&fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader)); //write bitmapfileheader
file.write((char*)infoHeader, (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) )); //write bitmapinfoheader
file.write((char*)&bl,sizeof(bl)); //write RGBQUAD for black
file.write((char*)&wh,sizeof(wh)); //write RGBQUAD for white
int bytes = (w/8) * h ; //for example for 32X64 image = (32/8)bytes X 64 = 256;
file.write((const char*)ImageData, bytes);
an naive approach of mine was something like this
byte test[64];
for(unsigned int i=0; i<64; ++i)
if(i % 2)
test[i] = 0;
test[i] = 1;
Save1BppImage(test, "C:/bitmap.bmp", 8, 8);
The code you have is very close. Here are a few thoughts about where it might be off.
The bfOffBits value must include the size of the palette.
fileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) + 2*sizeof(RGBQUAD);
Some software may interpret 0 as white and 1 as black, regardless of what the palette says. Even though the file format allows you to go either way, you're better off specifying the palette in that order and inverting your bits if necessary.
Each row of a bitmap will start on a 4-byte boundary. If your bitmap width isn't a multiple of 32, you're going to need some padding between each row.
BMP files are ordered from the bottom row to the top row, which is backwards from the way most people organize their arrays.
The last two recommendations are combined to look something like this:
int bytes_in = (w + 7) / 8;
int bytes_out = ((w + 31) / 32) * 4;
const char * zeros[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
for (int y = h - 1; y >= 0; --y)
file.write(((const char *)ImageData) + (y * bytes_in), bytes_in);
if (bytes_out != bytes_in)
file.write(zeros, bytes_out - bytes_in);
Just for the archive, below the working version. It takes a boost bitset as input pixel storage.
void bitsetToBmp(boost::dynamic_bitset<unsigned char> bitset, const char* filename, int width, int height){
//write the bitset to file as 1-bit deep bmp
//bit order 0...n equals image pixels top left...bottom right, row by row
//the bitset must be at least the size of width*height, this is not checked
std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
if(!file) return;
// save bitmap file headers
infoHeader = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*) malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) );
RGBQUAD bl = {0,0,0,0}; //black color
RGBQUAD wh = {0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff}; // white color
fileHeader.bfType = 0x4d42;
fileHeader.bfSize = 0;
fileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
fileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;
fileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) + 2*sizeof(RGBQUAD);
infoHeader->biSize = (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) );
infoHeader->biWidth = width;
infoHeader->biHeight = height;
infoHeader->biPlanes = 1;
infoHeader->biBitCount = 1;
infoHeader->biCompression = BI_RGB; //no compression needed
infoHeader->biSizeImage = 0;
infoHeader->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
infoHeader->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
infoHeader->biClrUsed = 2;
infoHeader->biClrImportant = 2;
file.write((char*)&fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader)); //write bitmapfileheader
file.write((char*)infoHeader, (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) )); //write bitmapinfoheader
file.write((char*)&bl,sizeof(bl)); //write RGBQUAD for black
file.write((char*)&wh,sizeof(wh)); //write RGBQUAD for white
// convert the bits into bytes and write the file
int offset, numBytes = ((width + 31) / 32) * 4;
byte* bytes = (byte*) malloc(numBytes * sizeof(byte));
for(int y=height - 1; y>=0; --y){
offset = y * width;
memset(bytes, 0, (numBytes * sizeof(byte)));
for(int x=0; x<width; ++x)
bytes[x / 8] |= 1 << (7 - x % 8);
file.write((const char *)bytes, numBytes);
I wonder if theres a simpler/faster way to put the bits into a file? The whole bitset could instead be overhanded as array of rows to skip the subset extraction.
I have something very similiar...
This approach DOES NOT treat the padding of the BMP format. So You can only make bitmaps with width multiple of 4.
This is NOT a monochromatic bitmap. It's a RGB format, but you can tune it easily.
This is NOT an exactly answer to you, but for sure may be useful for you.
Enjoy it.
void createBitmap( byte * imageData, const char * filename, int width, int height )
memset( &bitmapFileHeader, 0, sizeof( bitmapFileHeader ) );
bitmapFileHeader.bfType = ( 'B' | 'M' << 8 );
bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
bitmapFileHeader.bfSize = bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits + width * height * 3;
memset( &bitmapInfoHeader, 0, sizeof( bitmapInfoHeader ) );
bitmapInfoHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
bitmapInfoHeader.biWidth = width;
bitmapInfoHeader.biHeight = height;
bitmapInfoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bitmapInfoHeader.biBitCount = 24;
std::ofstream file( filename, std::fstream::binary );
file.write( reinterpret_cast< char * >( &bitmapFileHeader ), sizeof( bitmapFileHeader ) );
file.write( reinterpret_cast< char * >( &bitmapInfoHeader ), sizeof( bitmapInfoHeader ) );
// the pixels!
file.write( imageData, width * height * 3 );
int main( int argc, const char * argv[] )
int width = 12; // multiple of 4
int height = 12;
byte imageData[ width * height * 3 ];
// fill imageData the way you want, this is just a sample
// on how to set the pixel at any specific (X,Y) position
for ( int y = 0; y < height; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < width; ++x )
int pos = 3 * ( y * width + x );
byte pixelColor = ( x == 2 && y == 2 ) ? 0x00 : 0xff;
imageData[ pos ] = pixelColor;
imageData[ pos + 1 ] = pixelColor;
imageData[ pos + 2 ] = pixelColor;
createBitmap( imageData, "bitmap.bmp", width, height );
return 0;
In this sample we want a white bitmap with a single black pixel at position X = 2, Y = 2.
The BMP format constiders that Y grows up from bottom to top.
If you have a bitmap width a pixel per bit (the real monochromatic bitmap) you can test the bits and fill the imageData. To test a bit in a byte do like myByte >> position & 1 where position is the bit you wanna test from 0 to 7.
My problem is this: I wanna try to make a white color 24bit bitmap, but everytime I write to the bmp file, it gives me white black/white stripes. i dont understand why? Maybe i skip some bytes?
If you want more information on the code just ask.
setup settings:
void setup_settings( ) {
// information om billedet
pic.infoHeader.biSize = sizeof(BMP_InfoHeader);
pic.infoHeader.biBitCount = 24;
pic.infoHeader.biWidth = WIDTH; // Hoejte i pixels
pic.infoHeader.biHeight = HEIGH; // bredte i pixels
pic.infoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
pic.infoHeader.biCompression = 0;
pic.infoHeader.biSizeImage = WIDTH * HEIGH * (pic.infoHeader.biBitCount/8);
pic.infoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
pic.infoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
pic.infoHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
pic.infoHeader.biClrInportant = 0;
pic.fileHeader.bfType[0] = 'B';
pic.fileHeader.bfType[1] = 'M';
pic.fileHeader.bfReservered1 = pic.fileHeader.bfReservered2 = 0;
pic.fileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BMP_FileHeader) + pic.infoHeader.biSize;
this funktion definition for my SaveBitmapFile is:
int SaveBitmapFile(const std::string filename, bit24* image){
// gem filen
std::ofstream writer(FileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary);
printf("Error: While Writing\n");
return -1;
writer.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&pic.fileHeader), sizeof(BMP_FileHeader) );
writer.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&pic.infoHeader), sizeof(BMP_InfoHeader) );
writer.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&image[0]), pic.infoHeader.biSizeImage);
return 0;
My structures:
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct{
uint32_t value : 24;
#pragma pack(0)
// Billedet
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct{
unsigned int Width;
unsigned int Heigh;
bit24* RGB;
#pragma pack(0)
typedef struct {
BMP_FileHeader fileHeader;
BMP_InfoHeader infoHeader;
Image data;
My source main source code:
// the pic is a type of BMP_Data. sorry if i this is really messy.
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){
pic.data.Heigh = pic.infoHeader.biHeight;
pic.data.Width = pic.infoHeader.biWidth;
int bytesPerRGB = (pic.infoHeader.biBitCount/8);
//padded bytes?
int paddedBytes = ( pic.data.Width * bytesPerRGB) % 4;
printf("PaddedBytes: %d\n", paddedBytes);
pic.data.RGB = new bit24[ pic.data.Heigh * pic.data.Width * bytesPerRGB];
uint8_t r,g,b;
r = 0xFF;
g = 0xFF;
b = 0xFF;
for( unsigned int y = 0; y < pic.data.Heigh; y++)
for( unsigned int x = 0; x < pic.data.Width; x++)
pic.data.RGB[x + (y*pic.data.Width )].value = ( (b << 0) | (g << 8) | (r << 16) );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pic.data.Heigh * pic.data.Width * bytesPerRGB; i+=3){
pic.data.RGB[i ].value = ( (b << 0) | (g << 8) | (r << 16) );
SaveBitmapFile(FileName, pic.data.RGB);
delete [] pic.data.RGB;
return 0;
You MUST fill all BitmapInfoHeader fields.
- Assuming you want 24bits bitmap:
WIDTH, // DWORD, image width in pix
HEIGHT, // DWORD, image width in pix
1, // WORD, planes MUST be 1
24,// WORD, num of bits per pixel
BI_RGB, // DWORD, (no compression = BI_RGB = 0)
0, // DWORD, sizeof image data, can be 0 if BI_RGB = 0
0, // DWORD, x-resolution
0, // DWORD, y-resolution
0, // DWORD, colors used (palette images only)
0, // DWORD, importand colors (palette images only)
Also make sure every row (horizontal line) of pixels is padded to multiple of 4 bytes !!!
(So begin with images of N x 4 width - they have no padding issues)
Okay, I have found the problem.
After I changed the bit24 to:
typedef struct{
uint8_t blue;
uint8_t green;
uint8_t red;
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct{
uint32_t value : 24;
#pragma pack(0)
and a little change in the main:
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pic.data.Heigh * pic.data.Width * bytesPerRGB; i++){
pic.data.RGB[i].blue = b;
pic.data.RGB[i].green = g;
pic.data.RGB[i].red = r;
it worked like a charm. thanx you for your help :)
So, i was trying my hands on XImage, created my first screen capture program and it worked fine. Now i wanted to send this XImage to another machine via thrift and save it there, but as there was some data reading problem from the client side, therefore i shifted the entire server side code to client side(for testing purpose. I will eventually move it back to server side)
Code :
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Window root = DefaultRootWindow(display);
XWindowAttributes gwa;
XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &gwa);
int width = gwa.width;
int height = gwa.height;
XImage *image = XGetImage(display,root, 0,0 , width,height,AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
char *data = image->data;
int imgwidth = image->width;
int imgheight = image->height;
int depth = image->depth;
int offset = 0;
int xpad = 32; //may be 8 or 16 or 32
int format = ZPixmap;
int bytes_per_line = image->bytes_per_line;
sendImage image_send;
ostringstream s;
image_send.width = imgwidth;
image_send.height = imgheight;
image_send.depth = depth;
image_send.offset = 2000;
image_send.data = s.str();
image_send.xpad = xpad;
image_send.format = format;
image_send.bytes_per_line = bytes_per_line;
//server side code
int width1 = image_send.width;
int height1 = image_send.height;
int depth1 = image_send.depth;
int offset1 = image_send.offset;
char* tmp = new char[image_send.data.length() + 1];
char *data1 = tmp;
int xpad1 = image_send.xpad;
int format1 = image_send.format;
int bytes_per_line1 = image_send.bytes_per_line;
//Initialising X Operations
//Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
//Window root = DefaultRootWindow(display);
//XWindowAttributes gwa;
//XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &gwa);
int serverwidth = gwa.width;
int serverheight = gwa.height;
XImage *image1 = XCreateImage(display,DefaultVisual(display,DefaultScreen(display)),depth1, format1,offset1,data1,width1,height1,xpad1, bytes_per_line1);
unsigned char *array = new unsigned char[width * height * 3];
unsigned long red_mask = image1->red_mask;
unsigned long green_mask = image1->green_mask;
unsigned long blue_mask = image1->blue_mask;
CImg<unsigned char> pic(array,width,height,1,3);
for (int x = 0; x < width1; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height1 ; y++)
unsigned long pixel = XGetPixel(image1,x,y);
unsigned char blue = pixel & blue_mask;
unsigned char green = (pixel & green_mask) >> 8;
unsigned char red = (pixel & red_mask) >> 16;
array[(x + width1 * y) * 3] = red;
array[(x + width1* y) * 3+1] = green;
array[(x + width1 * y) * 3+2] = blue;
pic(x,y,0,0) = red;
pic(x,y,0,1) = green;
pic(x,y,0,2) = blue;
As you can see i took the data part from the image pointer, wrote it into stream and then assigned that value to thrift object(image_send)
For the server side. i stored it into data1 using c_str() and then used XCreateImage using data1
This is the output that i get if i pass data1 as the source in XCreateImage
and this is the output i get if i use data(client side variable from original XImage)
As we can see there is a lot of blank space in the first image. On further inspection, i found that data1 contains a lot of null in the start where as data don't
So, i believe data gets corrupted while conversion from char * to string stream and then back to char *.
What suggestion would you give to correct this?
Update :
So, i was trying various things and it finally worked. The issue turns out to be buffer allocation and use of strcpy (i guess) which i changed to memcpy
int main() {
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Window root = DefaultRootWindow(display);
XWindowAttributes gwa;
XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &gwa);
int width = gwa.width;
int height = gwa.height;
XImage *image = XGetImage(display,root, 0,0 , width,height,AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
char *data = image->data;
int imgwidth = image->width;
int imgheight = image->height;
int depth = image->depth;
int offset = 0;
int xpad = 32; //may be 8 or 16 or 32
int format = ZPixmap;
int bytes_per_line = image->bytes_per_line;
//sendImage image_send;
ostringstream s;
s.write(data,(width)*(height) * 4);
string stemp = s.str();
//server side code
int width1 = width;
int height1 = height;
int depth1 = depth;
int offset1 = offset;
char* tmp = new char[stemp.length()];
char *data1 = tmp;
int xpad1 = 32;
int format1 = ZPixmap;
int bytes_per_line1 = bytes_per_line;
int serverwidth = gwa.width;
int serverheight = gwa.height;
XImage *image1 = XCreateImage(display,DefaultVisual(display,DefaultScreen(display)),depth1, format1,offset1,data1,serverwidth,serverheight,xpad1, bytes_per_line1);
unsigned char *array = new unsigned char[width * height];
unsigned long red_mask = image1->red_mask;
unsigned long green_mask = image1->green_mask;
unsigned long blue_mask = image1->blue_mask;
CImg<unsigned char> pic(array,width,height,1,3);
for (int x = 0; x < width1; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height1 ; y++)
unsigned long pixel = XGetPixel(image1,x,y);
unsigned char blue = pixel & blue_mask;
unsigned char green = (pixel & green_mask) >> 8;
unsigned char red = (pixel & red_mask) >> 16;
pic(x,y,0,0) = red;
pic(x,y,0,1) = green;
pic(x,y,0,2) = blue;
return 0;
However there are couple of things that i don't understand
1) when i am writing the data to stream why do i have to make the size of buffer as (width * height * 4). Anything less will crop the image proportionally. If i understand correctly, shouldn't be buffer size just equal to width*height of the screen or is it structured more like array of Red,green,blue and depth?
2) My buffer size is about 4MB, however the image size is about 150K, is it due to encoding
3)Will Allocating and deallocating this much buffer size continuously, hamper performance?
Edit : For future purpose
The answer of first question is: we can get the same result using (bytes_per_lineheight) which co-incidentally gave the same result as widthheight*4
Image data is binary, you cannot manipulate it as if it were a C string. The first zero byte will ruin the party.
Use std::string::data() and/or memcpy, not std::string::str() or strcpy.
I don't know if it's the only problem. (width)*(height) looks suspicious to me. Do you have one-byte pixels?