I'm trying to use the cpp port of the QR encoder. I'm getting the following error when I'm trying to decode it:
Global binarizer failed:
Detected: zxing::IllegalArgumentException: Too little dynamic range in luminance
Hybrid binarizer failed:
Detected: zxing::ReaderException: No code detected
It seems this zxing cpp version is not able to analyse the binary data.
I followed this tutorial to implement Yolo object detector: https://github.com/thtrieu/darkflow/
and I completed it successfully.
The created .pb file can be used to migrate the graph to mobile devices (JAVA / C++ / Objective-C++). The name of input tensor and output tensor are respectively 'input' and 'output'.
I want to load the network with OpenCV (c++). The readNetFromTensorflow() method needs two files: .pb and .pbtxt. The latter is not generated by the implementation indicated above.
Similarly, to use the readNetFromDarknet() method it is necessary to have two files: .cfg and .weights. The latter is not generated by the implementation indicated above.
So, how can I migrate the yolo network from python to c++ using opencv?
I also tried to generate the .pbtxt file directly from the .pb file but the readNetFromTensorflow() method is not successful (A generic exception is generated without useful information)
Reference exception thrown:
[Exception thrown at 0x00007FFFB80C9129 in Object_detection_inference_cpp.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cv::Exception at memory location 0x000000CBC18FDC90.]
Thanks in advance.
This is the code I have used to convert .pb file into .pbtxt file:
import tensorflow as tf
from google.protobuf import text_format
from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile
def graphdef_to_pbtxt(filename):
with gfile.FastGFile(filename,'rb') as f:
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
tf.train.write_graph(graph_def, 'pbtxt/', 'tiny-yolov2-trial3-test.pbtxt', as_text=True)
To use tf_text_xxx.py It is necessary to have .config file. I have only .cfg file from the tutorial above. For this reason I can not use those three function you reported. Am I doing something wrong?
I've built digits from this tutorial recently, everything is ok and I finally trained my AlexNet model (also trained a SqueezNet so that I can upload the model here) ! the problem is when I download my model from Digits, I can not load it into my program for testing!I have tested my program with GoogleNet downloaded from this link and it's working fine!
I'm using OpenCV readNetFromCaffe in this function to load Caffe model
void deepNetwork::loadModel( cv::String model ,cv::String weight ,string lablesPath,int ps){
net = dnn::readNetFromCaffe(weight,model);
cerr<<"loaded succ"<<endl;
catch (cv::Exception& e)
std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
I get the following error loading my model
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (pbBlob.raw_data_type() ==
caffe::FLOAT16) in blo
bFromProto, file
porter.cpp, line 242 Exception:
.cpp:242: error: (-215) pbBlob.raw_data_type() == caffe::FLOAT16 in
function blo
OpenCV Error: Requested object was not found (Requested blob "data"
not found) i
n setInput, file
/home/nvidia/build-opencv/opencv/modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp, line
1606 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
/home/nvidia/build-opencv/opencv/modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp:1606: error:
(-204) Requested blob "data" not found in function setInput
Aborted (core dumped)
any help would be appreciated <3
opencv version 3.3.1 also tested on (3.3.0 ,3.4.1) same error!
testing on a system without Cuda, Cudnn or Caffe just pure c++ and OpenCv...
but i've trained my model on a aws ec2 instance (p3.2xlarge ) with Cuda,Cudnn and caffe !
you can download the trained squeezNet model (.prototxt and .caffemodel) here
finally, I found the problem!
it's a version problem I have digits 6.1.1 working with nvcaffe 0.17.0 for training which is not compatible with previous Caffe and OpenCv libraries ! you have to downgrade NvCaffe to version 0.15.14 and it will open with OpenCv easily!
OpenCV DNN model expect caffemodel in BVLC format. But, NVCaffe stores the caffe model in more efficient format which different than BVLC Caffe.
If you want model compatible with both BVLC/Caffe as well as NVcaffe.
Add this flag in solver.prototxt
store_blobs_in_old_format = true
Please read the DIGITS NVCaffe Documentation.
NVCaffe Documenation - store_blobs_in_old_format
I tried to use the dutchembeddings in Word2Vec format with dl4j. But an exception is thrown when loadStaticModel is called: "Unable to guess input file format"
WordVectorSerializer.loadStaticModel(new File(WORD_VECTORS_PATH)
https://github.com/clips/dutchembeddings (I downloaded the wikipedia 160 tar.gz)
How can I get the dutchembeddings in Word2Vec format working with dl4j?
Loading word vectors and creating DataSetIterators
o.d.m.e.l.WordVectorSerializer - Trying DL4j format...
o.d.m.e.l.WordVectorSerializer - Trying CSVReader...
o.d.m.e.l.WordVectorSerializer - Trying BinaryReader...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to guess input file format
at org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.loader.WordVectorSerializer.loadStaticModel(WordVectorSerializer.java:2646)
at org.deeplearning4j.examples.convolution.sentenceclassification.CnnDutchSentenceClassification.main(CnnDutchSentenceClassification.java:122)
Process finished with exit code 1
I am trying to implement face detection mentioned in the tutorial
I am using OpenCV 3.0 on Ubuntu 14.04.
I downloaed the cascade xml files from here
When I compile the code it gives me this error message:
OpenCV Error: Parsing error (/...../haarcascade_frontalcatface.xml(5): Valid XML should start with '<?xml ...?>') in icvXMLParse, file /home/taleb/opencv3/opencv/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp, line 2220
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /home/taleb/opencv3/opencv/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp:2220: error: (-212) /home/taleb/pythonproject/test1/haarcascade_frontalcatface.xml(5): Valid XML should start with '<?xml ...?>' in function icvXMLParse
Any suggestion?
I found a couple of fixes in stack overflow and other websites. They are as follows:
Change the character encoding from UTF-8 to ANSI with Notepad++.
Previous answer:
convert_cascade is for cascades trained by haartraining application and it does not support a format of cascades trained by traincascade application.
To do this with traincascade, just run opencv_traincascade again with
the same "-data" but set "-numStages" to the point you want to
generate up to. The application will load the trained stages, realize
that there is required number of stages, write the result cascade in
xml and finish a work. Interrupting the process during a stage could
result in corrupt data, so if you're best off deleting the stage in
refrence: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25831423/5671364.
XML Standard states:
if no encoding declaration is present in the XML document (and no
external encoding declaration mechanism such as the HTTP header is
available), the assumed encoding of an XML document depends on the
presence of the Byte-Order-Mark (BOM).
There are 3 ways to fix this:
Let OpenCV just put the ´encoding="ASCII"´ tag into the top root XML
Leave the top root XML tag, but encode everything as UTF-8
before writing it to file.
Do something else, with Byte-Order-Mark,
but keep it to the standard.
refrence: http://code.opencv.org/issues/976
I used the xgboost R package to train a model. I want to make predictions in a C/C++ environment. I succeeded saving the trained model from R and loading it in my C code.
I want to test this code by saving the test data I used in R (as a DMatrix), and loading it back into my C program, and do the prediction.
In R I used the xgb.Dmatrix.save() command to save the test data to file. my C code looks like that:
DMatrixHandle d = 0;
int y = XGDMatrixCreateFromFile("test_data.DMatrix",1,&d);
This code compiles, but fails at runtime with the following error:
dmlc-core/include/dmlc/logging.h:245: [13:57:27] src/data/data.cc:51: Check failed: (version) == (kVersion) MetaInfo: invalid format
Any suggestions about how to tell xgboost to save/load things in the right format?
Any clue would be helpful.