Reg Ex for hyperlinks in comments - regex

I am trying to find a solution to extract an hyperlink out of every comment which begins with %. My first idea was to use a regular hyperlink regex:
and some kind of pattern like:
so I added them both to:
But with this pattern I match everything, including the % character and multiple spaces. How can I get only the hyperlink inside the comment?
Here is an example what to parse:
It is a regular MATLAB Comment and i want to highlight it like a hyperlink to get a more intuitive editor. I am working with Qt 4.7.1 / C++
Thanky for all the answers !

I guess it depends a little on the language that is executing your regex, but you could try putting the URL part in parentheses:
That way you can access it as a group (usually an expression such as $1).


Extract only the text field needed

I am at the beginning of learning Regex, and I use every opportunity to understand how it's working. Currently I am trying to extract dates from a text file (which is in fact a vnt-file type from my mobile phone). It looks like following:
=0A13.11.=0A13.12.=0A12.01.=0A03.02. Grippe=0A06.03.=0A04.04.2015=0A0=
I want to extract all dates, so that the final list is like that:
and so on. If the date has also a year, it should also be displayed.
I almost found out how to detect the dates by the following regex:
But it only detect very few of the dates. The result is this:
Then I tried to add a question mark which makes the .+ not greedy, as far as I read in tutorials. Then the regex looks like:
But the result is still not what I am looking for:
For someone who is familiar with regex I am pretty sure this is very easy to solve, but I don't get it. It's very confusing when you are new to regex. I tried to find a hint in some tutorials or stackoverflow posts, but all I found is this: Notepad++ how to extract only the text field which is needed?
But it doesn't work for me. I assume it might have something to do with the fact that my text file is not one single line.
I have my example on regex101 too.
I would be very thankful if maybe someone can give me a hint what else I can try.
Edit: I would like to detect the dates with the regex and as a result have a list with only the dates (maybe it is called substitute?)
Edit 2: Sorry for not mentioning it earlier: I just want to use the regex in e.g. Notepad++ or an online regex test website. Just to get the result of the dates and save the result in a new txt-file. I don't want to use the regex in an programming language. My apologies for not being precisely before.
Edit 3: The result should be a list with the dates, and each date in a new line:
I want to extract all dates, so that the final list is like that:
I suggest this pattern:
This makes use of the \G flag that, in this case, allows for multiple matches from the very start of the match without letting any single unmatched character in the text, thus allowing the removal of all but what's wanted.
If you want to remove the extra matches as well, add |.* at the end:
regex101 demo
In N++, make sure the options underlined are selected, and that the cursor is at the beginning. In the picture below, I replaced then undid the replacement, only to show that matches were identified (16 replacements).
You can try using the following pattern:
This will match day.month dates of the form 18.07., but it also allows such a date to be followed by a four digit year, e.g. 18.07.2017. While it would be nice to make the pattern more restrictive, to avoid false fire matches, I do not see anything obvious which can be added to the above pattern. Follow the demo link below to see the pattern in action.

Reg Ex Help to find instances of ".xl" between brackets

I'm awful with RegEx and am in a time crunch. I'm trying to come up with a rule that will pull out instances of text captured between brackets that also include the phrase ".xl" in them.
Example String:
What would get captured from the expression would be:
1. chris.xlm
2. Test1.xlsx
The pattern:
should accomplish what you need.
The pattern grabs everything before and after any presence of .xl if it is in the text, including the full extension.
Revised thanks to C Perkin's comment.

use regex to get both link and text associated with it (anchor tag)

I created a regex string that I hoped would get both the link and the associated text in an html page. For instance, if I had a link such as:
<a href=''>magicians of los angeles</a>
Then the link I want is '' and the text I want is 'magicians of los angeles'.
I used the following regex expression:
strsearch = "\<a\s+(.*?)\>(.*?)\</a\s*?\>|"
But my vb program told me I was getting too many matches.
Is there something wrong with the regEx expression?
The circle-brackets are meant to get 'groups' that can be back-referenced.
What about this one:
\<a href=.+\</a>
All there is left to do is to go over each match and extract the substrings using regular string manipulation.
Check here (although regexr follows javascript regex implementation, it is still useful in our scenario)
With that being said, I often see people stating that regexes are not suited for parsing Html. You might need to use an Html Parser for this. You have HtmlAgilityPack, which is not maintained anymore, and AngleSharp, that I know of to recommend.
I tried with following pattern , it worked.
\<a href=(.*?)\>(.*?)\<\/a\s*?\>|
Also Found two errors on your origin string:
missed a escape syntax on /a
the reserved word 'href' is captured on
first group
At last , i would like recommend you a great site to test REGEX string. It will helps your debug really fast. Refer this (also demonstrating the result you want) :

How to match plain text URL in a markdown?

I'm currently trying to match all plain text links in a markdown text.
Example of the markdown text:
Dude, look at this url .. it's a great search engine
I would like it to be converted into
Dude, look at this url <> .. it's a great search engine
So in short, processing url should become <url>, but processing existing <url> shouldnt become <<url>>. Also, the link in the markdown can be in the form of (url), so we'll have to avoid matching the normal brackets too.
So my working regex for matching the plain text url in java is :
with [^(\\<|\\(] and [^(\\>|\\)] to avoid matching the wrapping brackets.
But here lies one problem where i also do not want to match this kind of url :
So, if the markdown text is
Dude, look at this url .. it's a great search engine
I want only to be matched, but not the
I wonder what's the pattern to meet this criteria ?
What you have here is a parsing problem. Regexes are fine, but just using regexes here will make it a mess (supposing you achieve it). After you fix this problem, you'll probably find yourself facing other ones, like URL in code (between ` or in lines starting with tabs or four spaces) that you don't want to replace.
A solution would be to split into lines and then
detect patterns (for example ^\[\d+\]:\s+)
apply your replacements (for example this URL to link change) only on lines which doesn't follow an incompatible pattern
That's the logic I use in this small pseudo-markdown parser that you can test here.
Note that there's always the solution to use an existing proved markdown parser, there are many of them.

Regex to change to sentence case

I'm using Notepad++ to do some text replacement in a 5453-row language file. The format of the file's rows is: = Variable Value Over Here, that''s for sure, Really
Double apostrophe is intentional.
I need to convert the value to sentence case, except for the words "Here" and "Really" which are proper and should remain capitalized. As you can see, the case within the value is typically mixed to begin with.
I've worked on this for a little while. All I've got so far is:
(. )([A-Z])(.+)
which seems to at least select the proper strings. The replacement piece is where I'm struggling.
Find: (. )([A-Z])(.+)
Replace: \1\U\2\L\3
In Notepad++ 6.0 or better (which comes with built-in PCRE support).
Regex replacement cannot execute function (like capitalization) on matches. You'd have to script that, e.g. in PHP or JavaScript.
Update: See Jonas' answer.
I built myself a Web page called Text Utilities to do that sort of things:
paste your text
go in "Find, regexp & replace" (or press Ctrl+Shift+F)
enter your regex (mine would be ^(.*?\=\s*\w)(.*)$)
check the "^$ match line limits" option
choose "Apply JS function to matches"
add arguments (first is the match, then sub patterns), here s, start, rest
change the return statement to return start + rest.toLowerCase();
The final function in the text area looks like this:
return function (s, start, rest) {
return start + rest.toLowerCase();
Maybe add some code to capitalize some words like "Really" and "Here".
In Notepad++ you can use a plugin called PythonScript to do the job. If you install the plugin, create a new script like so:
Then you can use the following script, replacing the regex and function variables as you see fit:
import re
#change these
regex = r"[a-z]+sym"
function = str.upper
def perLine(line, num, total):
for match in re.finditer(regex, line):
if match:
s, e = match.start(), match.end()
line = line[:s] + function(line[s:e]) + line[e:]
editor.replaceWholeLine(num, line)
This particular example works by finding all the matches in a particular line, then applying the function each each match. If you need multiline support, the Python Script "Conext-Help" explains all the functions offered including pymlsearch/pymlreplace functions defined under the 'editor' object.
When you're ready to run your script, go to the file you want it to run on first, then go to "Scripts >" in the Python Script menu and run yours.
Note: while you will probably be able to use notepad++'s undo functionality if you mess up, it might be a good idea to put the text in another file first to verify it works.
P.S. You can 'find' and 'mark' every occurrence of a regular expression using notepad++'s built-in find dialog, and if you could select them all you could use TextFX's "Characters->UPPER CASE" functionality for this particular problem, but I'm not sure how to go from marked or found text to selected text. But, I thought I would post this in case anyone does...
Edit: In Notepad++ 6.0 or higher, you can use "PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression) Search/Replace" (source: So this could have been solved using a regex like (. )([A-z])(.+) with a replacement argument like \1\U\2\3.
The questioner had a very specific case in mind.
As a general "change to sentence case" in notepad++
the first regexp suggestion did not work properly for me.
while not perfect, here is a tweaked version which
was a big improvement on the original for my purposes :
find: ([\.\r\n][ ]*)([A-Za-z\r])([^\.^\r^\n]+)
replace: \1\U\2\L\3
You still have a problem with lower case nouns, names, dates, countries etc. but a good spellchecker can help with that.