Solr + Haystack searching - django

I am trying to implement a search engine for a new app.
The app allows people to rate items (+1 or -1) - Giving the items a +ve or -ve score.
When people search for items, I'd like to take into account their rating and to order the results accordingly. If the item is a match, it should show up. But if it's a match with a high score it should be boosted up the results a bit.
A really good match should win over a fairly good match with a high score, so it needs to be weighted along with the rest of it (i.e. I boosted my titles a bit).
Not stuck on Solr by any means, only just started playing today.

With Solr, you can maintain a field with the document which holds the difference.
The difference can be between the total +1ve's and the -1ve's.
Solr allows you to boost on field values using function queries.
So you can query with the boost on the difference field, with documents with better difference scoring over others.
From indexing front, as this difference would change quite often, the respective document needs to be updated everytime.
Solr does not allow the updation of the single field, so you need to handle the incremental updates of the difference field.
If that would be a concern to you, can try using ExternalFileField.
This allows mapping of certain fields of documents such as ranking, popularity external to the index in a separate file.
The file can be updated and index committed to reflect the changes.
The field can also be used with function queries to boost the results as needed, however have lot of limitations.

You can order your results by a field that stores the ranking.


How to find entity in search query in Elasticsearch?

I'm using Elasticsearch to build search for ecommerece site.
One index will have products stored in it, in products index I'll store categories in it's other attributes along with. Categories can be multiple but the attribute will have single field value. (E.g. color)
Let's say user types in Black(color) Nike(brand) shoes(Categories)
I want to process this query so that I can extract entities (brand, attribute, etc...) and I can write Request body search.
I have tought of following option,
Applying regex on query first to extract those entities (But with this approach not sure how Fuzzyness would work, user may have typo in any of the entity)
Using OpenNLP extension (But this one only works on indexation time, in above scenario we want it on query side)
Using NER of any good NLP framework. (This is not time & cost effective because I'll have millions of products in engine also they get updated/added on frequent basis)
What's the best way to solve above issue ?
Found couple of libraries which would allow fuzzy text matching in regex. But the entities to find will be many, so what's the best solution to optimise that ?
Still not sure about OpenNLP
NER won't work in this case because there are fixed number of entities so prediction is not right when there are no entity available in the query.
If you cannot achieve desired results with tuning of built-in ElasticSearch scoring/boosting most likely you'll need some kind of 'natural language query' processing:
Tokenize free-form query. Regex can be used for splitting lexems, however very often it is better to write custom tokenizer for that.
Perform named-entity recognition to determine possible field(s) for each keyword. At this step you will get associations like (Black -> color), (Black -> product name) etc. In fact you don't need OpenNLP for that as this should be just an index (keyword -> field(s)), and you can try to use ElasticSearch 'suggest' API for this purpose.
(optional) Recognize special phrases or combinations like "released yesterday", "price below $20"
Generate possible combinations of matches, and with help of special scoring function determine 'best' recognition result. Scoring function may be hardcoded (reflect 'common sense' heuristics) or it this may be a result of machine learning algorithm.
By recognition result (matches metadata) produce formal query to produce search results - this may be ElasticSearch query with field hints, or even SQL query.
In general, efficient NLQ processing needs significant development efforts - I don't recommend to implement it from scratch until you have enough resources & time for this feature. As alternative, you can try to find existing NLQ solution and integrate it, but most likely this will be commercial product (I don't know any good free/open-source NLQ components that really ready for production use).
I would approach this problem as NER tagging considering you already have corpus of tags. My approach for this problem will be as below:
Create a annotated dataset of queries with each word tagged to one of the tags say {color, brand, Categories}
Train a NER model (CRF/LSTMS).
This is not time & cost effective because I'll have millions of
products in engine also they get updated/added on frequent basis
To handle this situation I suggest dont use words in the query as features but rather use the attributes of the words as features. For example create an indicator function f(x',y) for word x with context x' (i.e the word along with the surrounding words and their attributes) and tag y which will return a 1 or 0. A sample indicator function will be as below
f('blue', 'y') = if 'blue' in `color attribute` column of DB and words previous to 'blue' is in `product attribute` column of DB and 'y' is `colors` then return 1 else 0.
Create lot of these indicator functions also know as features maps.
These indicator functions are then used to train a models using CRFS or LSTMS. Finially we use viterbi algorithm to find the best tagging sequence for your query. For CRFs you can use packages like CRFSuite or CRF++. Using these packages all you have go do is create indicator functions and the package will train a model for you. Once trained you can use this model to predict the best sequence for your queries. CRFs are very fast.
This way of training without using vector representation of words will generalise your model without the need of retraining. [Look at NER using CRFs].

Better method for querying DynamoDB table randomly?

I've included some links along with our approaches to other answers, which seem to be the most optimal on the web right now.
Our records need to be categorized (eg. "horror", "thriller", "tv"), and randomly accessible both in specific categories and across all/some categories. We generally need to access about 20 - 100 items at a time. We also have a smallish number of categories (less than 100).
We write to the database for uploading/removing content, although this is done in batches and does not need to be real time.
We have tried two different approaches, with two different data structures.
Approach 1
AWS DynamoDB - Pick a record/item randomly?
Help selecting nth record in query.
In short, using the category as a hash key, and a UUID as the sort key. Generate a random UUID, query Dynamo using greater than or less than, and limit to 1. This is even suggested by an AWS employee in the second link. (We've also tried increasing the limit to the number of items we need, but this increases the probability of the query failing the first time around).
Issues with this approach:
First query can fail if it is greater than/less than any of the UUIDs
Querying on any specific category will cause throttling at scale (Small number of partitions)
We've also considered adding a suffix to each category to artificially increase the number of partitions we have, as pointed out in the following link.
AWS Database Blog
Choosing the Right DynamoDB Partition Key
Approach 2
Amazon Web Services: How do we get random item from the dynamoDb's table?
Doing something similar to this, where we concatenate the category with a sequential number, and use this as the hash key. e.g. horror-000001.
By knowing the number of records in each category, we're able to perform random queries across our entire data set, while also avoiding hot partitions/keys.
Issues with this approach
We need a secondary data structure to manage the sequential counts across each category
Writing (especially deleting) is significantly more complex, although this doesn't need to happen in real time.
Both approaches solve our main use case of random queries on category/categories, but the cons they offer are really deterring us from using them. We're leaning more towards approach #1 using suffixes to solve the hot partitioning issue, although we would need the additional retry logic for failed queries.
Is there a better way of approaching this problem? Specifically looking for solutions capable of scaling well (No scan), without requiring extra resources be implemented. #1 fits the bill, but needing to manage suffixes and failed attempts really deters us from using it, especially when it is being called inside a lambda (billed for time used).
Follow Up
After more research and testing, my team has decided to move towards MySQL hosted on RDS for these tables. We learned that this is one of the few use cases were DynamoDB does not fit, and requires rewriting your use case to fit the DB (Bad).
We felt that the extra complexity required to integrate random sampling on DynamoDB wasn't worth it, and we were unable to come up with any comparable solutions. We are, however, sticking with DynamoDB for our tables that do not need random accessibility due to the price and response times.
For anyone wondering why we chose MySQL, it was largely due to the Nodejs library available, great online resources (which DynamoDB definitely lacks), easy integration via RDS with our Lambdas, and the option to migrate to Amazons Aurora database.
We also looked at PostgreSQL, but we weren't as happy with the client library or admin tools, and we believe that MySQL will suit our needs for these tables.
If anybody has anything else they'd like to add or a specific question please leave a comment or send me a message!
This was too long for a comment, and I guess it's pretty much a full fledged answer now.
Approach 2
I've found that my typical time to get a single item from dynamodb to a host in the same region is <10ms. As long as you're okay with at most 1-2 extra calls, you can quite easily implement approach 2.
If you use a keys only GSI where the category is your hash key and the primary key of the table is your range key, you can quickly find the largest numbered single item within a category.
When you add a new item, find the largest number for that category from the GSI and then write the new item to the table with sequence number n+1.
When you delete, find the item with the largest sequence number for that category from the GSI, overwrite the item you are deleting, and then delete the now duplicated item from its position at the highest sequence number.
To randomly get an item, query the GSI to find the highest numbered item in the category, and then randomly pick a number since you now know the valid range.
Approach 1
I'm not sure exactly what you mean when you say "without requiring extra resources to be implemented". If you're okay with using a managed resource (no dev work to implement), you can also make Approach 1 work by putting a DAX cluster in front of your dynamodb table. Then you can query to your heart's content without really worrying about hot partitions. (Though the caching layer means that new/deleted items won't be reflected right away.)

Reducing the number of calls to MongoDB with mongoengine

I'm working to optimize a Django application that's (mainly) backed by MongoDB. It's dying under load testing. On the current problematic page, New Relic shows over 700 calls to pymongo.collection:Collection.find. Much of the code was written by junior coders and normally I would look for places to add indicies, make smarter joins and remove loops to reduce query calls, but joins aren't an option here. What I have done (after adding indicies based on EXPLAINs) is tried to reduce the cost in loops by making a general query and then filtering that smaller set in the loops*. While I've gotten the number down from 900 queries, 700 still seems insane even with the intense amount of work being done on the page. I thought perhaps find was called even when filtering an existing queryset, but the code suggests it's always a database query.
I've added some logging to mongoengine to see where the queries come from and to look at EXPLAIN statements, but I'm not having a ton of luck sifting through the wall of info. mongoengine itself seems to be part of the performance problem: I switched to mongomallard as a test and got a 50% performance improvement on the page. Unfortunately, I got errors on a bunch of other pages (as best I can tell it appears Mallard doesn't do well when filtering an existing queryset; the error complains about a call to deepcopy that's happening in a generator, which you can't do-- I hit a brick wall there). While Mallard doesn't seem like a workable replacement for us, it does suggest a lot of the proessing time is spent converting objects to and from Python in mongoengine.
What can I do to further reduce the calls? Or am I focusing on the wrong thing and should be attacking the problem somewhere else?
EDIT: providing some code/ models
The page in question displays the syllabus for a course, showing all the modules in the course, their lessons and the concepts under the lessons. For each concept, the user's progress in the concept is also shown. So there's a lot of looping to get the hierarchy teased out (and it's not stored according to any of the patterns the Mongo docs suggest).
class CourseVersion(Document):
course_instances = ListField(ReferenceField('CourseInstance'))
courseware_containers = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField('CoursewareContainer'))
class CoursewareContainer(EmbeddedDocument):
id = UUIDField(required=True, binary=False, default=uuid.uuid4)
courseware_containers = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField('self'))
teaching_element_instances = ListField(StringField())
The course's modules, lessons and concepts are stored in courseware_containers; we need to get all of the concepts so we can get the list of ids in teaching_element_instances to find the most recent one the user has worked on (if any) for that concept and then look up their progress.
* Just to be clear, I am using a profiler and looking at times and doings things The Right Way as best I know, not simply changing things and hoping for the best.
The code sample isn't bad per-sae but there are a number of areas that should be considered and may help improve performance.
class CourseVersion(Document):
course_instances = ListField(ReferenceField('CourseInstance'))
courseware_containers = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField('CoursewareContainer'))
class CoursewareContainer(EmbeddedDocument):
id = UUIDField(required=True, binary=False, default=uuid.uuid4)
courseware_containers = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField('self'))
teaching_element_instances = ListField(StringField())
Unbounded lists.
course_instances, courseware_containers, teaching_element_instances
If these fields are unbounded and continuously grow then the document will move on disk as it grows, causing disk contention on heavily loaded systems. There are two patterns to help minimise this:
a) Turn on Power of two sizes. This will cost disk space but should lower the amount of io churn as the document grows
b) Initial Padding - custom pad the document on insert so it gets put into a larger extent and then remove the padding. Really an anti pattern but it may give you some mileage.
The final barrier is the maximum document size - 16MB you can't grow your data bigger than that.
Lists of ReferenceFields - course_instances
MongoDB doesn't have joins so it costs an extra query to look up a ReferenceField - essentially they are an in app join. Which isn't bad per-sae but its important to understand the tradeoff. By default mongoengine won't automatically dereference the field only doing course_version.course_instances will it do another query and then populate the whole list of references. So it can cost you another query - if you don't need the data then exclude() it from the query to stop any leaking queries.
These fields are part of the document, so there is no cost for them, other than the wire costs of transmitting and loading the data. **As they are part of the document, you don't need select_related to get this data.
Are these a list of id's? It says its a StringField in the code sample above. Either way, if you don't need to dereference the whole list then storing the _ids as a StringField and manually dereferencing may be more efficient if coded correctly - especially if you just need the latest (last?) id.
Model complexity
The CoursewareContainer is complex. For any given CourseVersion you have n CoursewareContainers with themselves have a list of n containers and those each have n containers and on...
Finding the most recent instances
We need to get all of the concepts so we can get the list of ids in
teaching_element_instances to find the most recent one the user has
worked on (if any) for that concept and then look up their progress.
I'm unsure if there is a single instance you are after or one per Container or one per Course. Either way - the logic for querying the data should be examined. If its a single instance you are after - then that could be stored against the user so to simplify the logic of looking this up. If its per course or container then to improve performance ensure you minimise the number of queries - if possible collect all the ids and then at the end issue a single $in query, rather than doing a query per container.
Mongoengine costs
Currently, there is a performance cost to loading the data into Mongoengine classes - if you don't need the classes and are happy to work with simple dictionaries then either issue a raw pymongo query or use as_pymongo.
Schema design
The schema looks logical enough but is it suitable for the use case - in essence is it using MongoDB's strengths or is it putting a relational peg in a document database shaped hole? I can't answer than for you but I do know the way to the happy path with MongoDB is design the schema based on its use case. With relational databases schema design from the outset is simple - you normalise, with document databases how the data is used is a primary factor.
MongoDB best practices
There are many other best practices and mongodb have a guide which might be of interest: MongoDB Operations Best Practices.
Feel free to contact me via the Mongoengine mailing list to discuss further and if needs be discuss in private.

SOLR query exclusions

I'm having an issue with querying an index where a common search term also happens to be part of a company name interspersed throughout most of the documents. How do I exclude the business name in results without effecting the ranking on a search that includes part of the business name?
example: Bobs Automotive Supply is the business name.
How can I include relevant results when someone searches automotive or supply without returning every document in the index?
I tried "-'Bobs Automotive Supply' +'search term'" but this seems to exclude any document with Bobs Automotive Supply and isn't very effective on searching 'supply' or 'automotive'
Thanks in advance.
Second answer here, based on additional clarification from first answer.
A few options.
Add the business name as StopWords in the StopWordFilter. This will stop Solr from Indexing them at all. Searches that use them will only really search for those words that aren't in the business name.
Rely on the inherent scoring that Solr will apply due to Term frequency. It sounds like these terms will be in the index frequently. Queries for them will still return the documents, but if the user queries for other, less common terms, those will get a higher score.
Apply a low query boost (not quite negative, but less than other documents) to documents that contain the business name. This is covered in the Solr Relevancy FAQ
Do you know that the article is tied to the business name or derive this? If so, you could create another field and then just exclude entities that match on the business name using a filter query. Something like
q=search_term&fq=business_name:(NOT search_term)
It may be helpful to use subqueries for this or to just boost down rather than filter out results.
EDIT: Update to question make this irrelavent. Leaving it hear for posterity. :)
This is why Solr Documents have different fields.
In this case, it sounds like there is a "Footer" field that is separate from your "Body" field in your documents. When searches are performed, they would only done against the Body, which won't include data from the Footer. You could even have a third field which is the "OriginalContent" field, which contains the original copy for display purposes. You wouldn't search that, just store it for later.
The important part is to create the two separate fields in your schema and make sure that you index those field that you want to be able to search.

MongoDB: what is the most efficient way to query a single random document?

I need to pick a document from a collection at random (alternatively - a small number of successive documents from a randomly-positioned "window").
I've found two solutions: 1 and 2. The first is unacceptable since I anticipate large collection size and wish to minimize the document size. The second seems ineffective (I'm not sure about the complexity of skip operation). And here one can find a mention of querying a document with a specified index, but I don't know how to do it (I'm using C++ driver).
Are there other solutions to the problem? Which is the most efficient?
I had a similar issue once. In my case, I had a date property on my documents. I knew the earliest date possible in the dataset so in my application code, I would generate a random date within the range of EARLIEST_DATE_IN_SET and NOW and then query mongodb using a GTE query on the date property and simply limit it to 1 result.
There was a small chance that the random date would be greater than the highest date in the data set, so i accounted for that in the application code.
With an index on the date property, this was a super fast query.
It seems like you could mold solution 1 there, (assuming your _id key was an auto-inc value), then just do a count on your records, and use that as the upper limit for a random int in c++, then grab that row.
Likewise, if you don't have an autoinc _id key, just create one with your results.. having an additional field with an INT shouldn't add that much to your document size.
If you don't have an auto-inc field Mongo talks about how to quickly add one here:
Auto Inc Field.