How can I get and change the framerate of OGRE application? - c++

I am working on Ogre application that I set real time views as a background in my window. Hovewer I have question when I try to get my application's frame rate by using RenderTarget::getAverageFPS() and then I get 19.7433. Is this right frame rate ?
and how can I change this frame rate for example to 30fps or 40fps ?

Unless your application is locked to the screen's vsync, you can't just change your framerate. You have to optimize your rendering, so that you can render within whatever framerate you desire. Or alternatively, render less stuff.
So if you want to render a frame 30 times a second, your rendering (and everything else) must happen within 1/30th of a second.
In short: Ogre is probably not directly the cause of your framerate. What you're telling Ogre to do is.
Note that you should be checking this in an optimized, release build, not debug. Debug builds are slow (because they're for debugging).


How to prevent screen tearing with OpenGL + GLFW?

I am working on a graphical application that supports multiple operating systems and graphical back ends. The window is created with GLFW and the graphics API is chosen at runtime. When running the program on windows and using OpenGL, Vsync seems to be broken. The frame rate is locked at 60 fps, however, screen tearing artifacts appear. Following GLFW documentation, glfwSwapInterval(0); should unlock the frame rate from the default of using VSync. That works as expected. Using glfwSwapInterval(1); should lock the frame rate to match the monitors refresh rate. Not calling glfwSwapInterval(); at all should default to using VSync. While frame rate is correcly locked / unlocked using these calls, I experienced extremely interesting behaviours.
When glfwSwapInterval(); isn't called at all, VSync is set as default. But the wait for the next frame happens at the first draw call! One would think that the delay for the next frame would happen at glfwSwapBuffers(). No screen artifacts are visible what so ever.
When calling glfwSwapInterval(1);, Vsync is set and the delay for the next frame happens at glfwSwapBuffers()! That's great, however, when explicitly setting VSync, screen tearing artifacts appear.
Right now, not calling glfwSwapInterval() for using VSync seems to be a hacky solution, but :
The user wouldn't be able to disable VSync without window reconstruction,
The profiler identifies the first draw call taking way too long, as VSync wait time is somehow happening there.
I have tried fiddling with GPU driver settings and testing the code on multiple machines. The problem is persistent across machines if using windows and OpenGL.
If anyone can make any sense of this, please share, or if I am misunderstanding something, I would greatly appreciate some pointers in the right direction.
Some other detail: the tearing happens at a specific horizontal line. The rest of the frame seems to work properly.
After doing some more tests, it seems that everything is working as intended on integrated graphics. Correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like it is a graphics driver issue.

How to display smooth video in FireMonkey (FMX, FM3)?

Has anyone figured out how to display smooth video (i.e. a series of bitmaps) in a FireMonkey application, HD or 3D? In VCL you could write to a canvas from a thread and this would work perfectly, but this does not work in FMX. To make things worse, the apparently only reliable way is to use TImage, and that seems to be updated from the main thread (open a menu and video freezes temporarily). All EMB examples I could find all either write to TImage from the main thread, or use Synchronize(). These limitations make FMX unusable for decent video display so I am looking for a hack or possibly bypass of FMX. I use XE5/C++ but welcome any suggestions. Target OS is both Windows 7+ & OS X. Thanks!
How about putting a TPaintbox on your form to hold the video. In the OnPaint method you simply draw the next frame to the paintbox canvas. Now put a TTimer on the form, set the interval to the frame rate required. In the OnTimer event for the timer just write paintbox1.repaint
This should give you regular frames no matter what else the program is doing.
For extra safety, you could increment a frame number in the OnTimer event. Now in the paintbox paint method you know which frame to paint. This means you won't jump frames if something else calls the paint method as well as the timer - you will just end up repainting the same frame for the extra call to OnPaint.
I use this for marching ants selections although I go one step further and use an overlaid canvas so I can draw independently to the selection and the underlying paintbox canvas to remove the need to repaint the main canvas when the selection changes. That requires calls to API but I guess you won't need it unless you are doing videos with a transparent colour.
Further research, including some talks with the Itinerant developer, has unfortunately made it clear that, due to concurrency restrictions, FM has been designed so that all GPU access goes through the main thread and therefore painting will always be limited. As a result I have decided FM is not suitable for my needs and I am re-evaluating my options.

SFML Drawing OpenGL to multiple windows extremely slow

Here is the situation:
I have 4 SFML windows, which are inside a container which I have built. The container calls independent redraw methods for each window, starting with the first and ending with the last.
If each window's drawing code contains the lines drawMyCube() OR glClear(...), then the frame rate becomes slow.
drawMyCube() just draws a cube which rotates depending on the value of an sf::Clock object.
If one window calls (either of) these functions, the frame rate is ~60fps.
If two windows call (either of) these functions, the frame rate is ~30fps.
If three windows call (either of) these functions, the frame rate is ~20fps.
Finally, if all four call (either of) these functions, the frame rate is ~15fps.
This looks like a pattern emerging, so I tried removing the functions from 3 of the windows, and calling them 10 times from one window. I was expecting the frame rate to be ~6fps, but it remained at 60.
Does anyone know why this is happening? There doesn't seem to be any effect if I remove any other functions from the window drawing methods, for example, gluLookAt() doesn't seem to slow it down.
EDIT: Frame rate limit is set to zero and vsync is false.
This sounds exactly like vertical sync. Each of your windows is waiting for vertical refresh, which is why your rate keeps getting cut in half.
I know you said that vsync is off, but it's possible that your video driver is forcing it. Check your driver settings.

BitBlt performance with Aero enabled

I'd like to get more performance out of BitBlt for capturing the screen. When Aero remains enabled, capturing only a 400x400 pixel area of the screen reduces capture time from an average of 50ms (full 1920x1200) to about 33ms (for 400x400) on my machine. This is a disappointingly low improvement.
Is my only option disabling Aero? I do know that i can get a blinding fast 3ms capture on the full screen when Aero is disabled.
A screen capture in Aero mode is very expensive because it requires synchronization with the DWM (think about waiting for everyone not blink their eyes to take a group photo), and locking the entire GPU pipe on Vista. On Windows 7 GDI performance is improved by accelerate common GDI operations and reduce GDI locking)
There are attempts of either using undocumented DWM functions or hooks to get the shared surface used by DWM. But you still need to pay the price to move data from video memory to system RAM via the sometimes slow FSB if you plan to process the image data (e.g. send to a network or save to file).
disable aero for now I guess. I can't seem to get really above 15 fps out of it, presumably because it's locking on 30 fps boundaries, and I can't "get in" to get a frame until after the next boundary starts, and then have to wait for the whole time to elapse.

How to sync page-flips with vertical retrace in a windowed SDL application?

I'm currently writing a game of immense sophistication and cunning, that will fill you with awe and won- oh, OK, it's the 15 puzzle, and I'm just familiarising myself with SDL.
I'm running in windowed mode, and using SDL_Flip as the general-case page update, since it maps automatically to an SDL_UpdateRect of the full window in windowed mode. Not the optimum approach, but given that this is just the 15 puzzle...
Anyway, the tile moves are happening at ludicrous speed. IOW, SDL_Flip in windowed mode doesn't include any synchronisation with vertical retraces. I'm working in Windows XP ATM, but I assume this is correct behaviour for SDL and will occur on other platforms too.
Switching to using SDL_UpdateRect obviously won't change anything. Presumably, I need to implement the delay logic in my own code. But a simple clock-based timer could result in updates occuring when the window is half-drawn, causing visible distortions (I forget the technical name).
EDIT This problem is known as "tearing".
So - in a windowed mode game in SDL, how do I synchronise my page-flips with the vertical retrace?
EDIT I have seen several claims, while searching for a solution, that it is impossible to synchronise page-flips to the vertical retrace in a windowed application. On Windows, at least, this is simply false - I have written games (by which I mean things on a similar level to the 15-puzzle) that do this. I once wasted some time playing with Dark Basic and the Dark GDK - both DirectX-based and both syncronising page-flips to the vertical retrace in windowed mode.
Major Edit
It turns out I should have spent more time looking before asking. From the SDL FAQ...
That seems to imply quite strongly that synchronising with the vertical retrace isn't supported in SDL windowed-mode apps.
The basic technique is possible on Windows, and I'm beginning the think SDL does it, in a sense. Just not quite certain yet.
On Windows, I said before, synchronising page-flips to vertical syncs in Windowed mode has been possible all the way back to the 16-bit days using WinG. It turns out that that's not exactly wrong, but misleading. I dug out some old source code using WinG, and there was a timer triggering the page-blits. WinG will run at ludicrous speed, just as I was surprised by SDL doing - the blit-to-screen page-flip operations don't wait for a vertical retrace.
On further investigation - when you do a blit to the screen in WinG, the blit is queued for later and the call exits. The blit is executed at the next vertical retrace, so hopefully no tearing. If you do further blits to the screen (dirty rectangles) before that retrace, they are combined. If you do loads of full-screen blits before the vertical retrace, you are rendering frames that are never displayed.
This blit-to-screen in WinG is obviously similar to the SDL_UpdateRect. SDL_UpdateRects is just an optimised way to manually combine some dirty rectangles (and be sure, perhaps, they are applied to the same frame). So maybe (on platforms where vertical retrace stuff is possible) it is being done in SDL, similarly to in WinG - no waiting, but no tearing either.
Well, I tested using a timer to trigger the frame updates, and the result (on Windows XP) is uncertain. I could get very slight and occasional tearing on my ancient laptop, but that may be no fault of SDLs - it could be that the "raster" is outrunning the blit. This is probably my fault for using SDL_Flip instead of a direct call to SDL_UpdateRect with a minimal dirty rectangle - though I was trying to get tearing in this case, to see if I could.
So I'm still uncertain, but it may be that windowed-mode SDL is as immune to tearing as it can be on those platforms that allow it. Results don't seem as bad as I imagined, even on my ancient laptop.
But - can anyone offer a definitive answer?
You can use the framerate control of SDL_gfx.
Looking at the docs of library, the flow of your application will be like this:
// initialization code
FPSManager *fpsManager;
SDL_setFramerate(fpsManager, 60 /* desired FPS */);
// in the render loop
Also, you may look at the source code to create your own framerate control.