After switching compiler in qt I'm getting error - c++

After switching default compiler in qt to gcc 4.6.2 I'm getting following error:
c:\ndk_buildrepos\qt-desktop\src\winmain\qtmain_win.cpp:93: error: undefined reference to `_Unwind_Resume'
With the compiler switch I also did two more things - I overwrote mingw32make with make from gcc 4.6.2. I did the same for the clean step.
Is there a way to fix it?

_unwind_resume is part of the compiler runtime library - it deals with unwinding the stack when handling an exception.
This post suggests linking with the library gcc_s ( -lgcc_s )
Here's a similar solution:
Here's someone with the same problem using QT: . They say "Running C:\Qt\2010.04\bin\qtenv.bat fixes the problem."


What is the meaing of "(.text+0x26c4)" means in fortran linking error message?

I am using gfortran compiler and ld linker in LINUX ubuntu 16.04.
When I am compiling some program written in Fortran 77, I have the following error message:
libdist.a(setup.F.o): In function `setup_':
setup.F:(.text+0x26c4): undefined reference to `mpi_send_'
setup.F:(.text+0x2b3c): undefined reference to `mpi_recv_'
setup.F:(.text+0x7984): undefined reference to `mpi_send_'
setup.F:(.text+0xb107): undefined reference to `mpi_recv_'
I guess it is about the position of error. However, it is difficult to me the find where is the error.
Can I have a better presentation of the position of error? Such as the c/cxx error: "setup.F:15:12: "
It is an address. And is is NOT a Fortran error. It is a linker error. You can get the very same error from a C or C++ code or any other compiled code linked by the same linker.
Generate debugging symbols (compiler option -g or -ggdb or similar - consult Debugging options in the GCC Fortran manual) to get something more meaningful. But if you do that you will realize that it only points you to some location where you do:
call mpi_send(...)
in some subroutine or function called setup().
So, it is not terribly useful in this case. The important thing is that you should link the appropriate MPI library. Normally that is done by calling mpif90 or mpifort or a similar wrapper which is called instead of gfortran. Consult the documentation of your MPI library implementation.

How to solve C++ conflicts between system and library dependencies

My problem is rather specific, but bear with me.
This in the end is kinda reverse engineering, but this problem in particular seems to fit more this board.
So, I have a shared object compiled for MIPS written in C++. I don't have the source code of the lib. The lib is compiled using GCC 4.3.3. I want to use functions present in this shared object in my amd64 computer running elementary OS. To do this, I used the sourcery cross compiler to cross compile some C++ code to MIPS, that would use this object.
So far I managed this except for this one compile error, which I cannot figure out. The lib is called, and uses as dependency (and both are in the same folder as the cpp code).
mips-linux-gnu-g++ -g -L/path/to/lib -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/lib -o verifier verifier.cpp -ldvl
which gives me
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.9.1/../../../../mips-linux-gnu/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /path/to/lib/, may conflict with
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.9.1/../../../../mips-linux-gnu/bin/ld: errno##GLIBC_PRIVATE: TLS definition in (...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../mips-linux-gnu/libc/lib/ section .tbss mismatches non-TLS definition in /path/to/lib/ section .bss
/path/to/lib/ error adding symbols: Bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
So I added "" and got this
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.9.1/../../../../mips-linux-gnu/bin/ld: errno: TLS definition in (...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../mips-linux-gnu/libc/lib/ section .tbss mismatches non-TLS definition in section .bss
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../mips-linux-gnu/libc/lib/ error adding symbols: Bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Any idea how to solve this? I know I am using GCC 4.9.1, but I already downloaded the older code sourcery version which uses GCC 4.3.154 and got the exact same error.
EDIT 1: Exactly as Lol4t0 said, filtered using c++filt it gives an actual function name from stdc++. Using
mips-linux-gnu-g++ -g -L/path/to/lib -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/lib -I/path/to/lib -o verifier verifier.cpp -ldvl -nodefaultlibs
to give to libdvl its depencies (as I will not rewrite stdc++ :p), I get the following compile error:
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.9.1/../../../../mips-linux-gnu/bin/ld: /tmp/cc66DLda.o: undefined reference to symbol '_Unwind_Resume##GCC_3.0'
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../mips-linux-gnu/libc/lib/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I already confirmed lib dependencies and the order in which they appear.
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks for all the help.
Using -nodefaultlibs solves the first problem though.
You are linking against GLIBC ( and some other libc (
That could never work: you have to have everything compiled and linked against a single, consistent libc.
Since your uses as dependency, and assuming you can't rebuild, you have to use crosscompiler that targets (which is possibly dietlibc, or uClibc), and compile and link everything else using that toolchain. Your crosscompiler on the other hand appears to target GLIBC, and will not do you any good.
After a lot of trial and error, you may be able to link the final binary using inconsistent builds, and your binary may even get to main (that is very unlikely). But chances of such binary actually working correctly are minuscule.

Including expect/tcl library for C/C++

Recently I found an example of how to use the expect library in C++. I tried to compile it, but the compiler (g++) said, that tcl8.5/expect.h doesn't exists. So I tried to include tcl8.6/expect.h - still the same error. I checked the /usr/include/ directory and I wasn't surprised when I've noticed, that there is no tcl8.x directory.
I've searched for files with "expect" in their name. Here's what I found:
Unfortunately when I tried to include any of these I got the following list of errors during compilation:
> g++ test.cpp -Wall -std=c++0x -ltcl8.6 -lglog -o test
/tmp/cce8k1BA.o: In function `task(std::string const&, std::string const&, std::string const&)':
test.cpp:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `exp_is_debugging'
test.cpp:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `exp_timeout'
test.cpp:(.text+0x38): undefined reference to `exp_popen'
How can I solve this problem?
When I tried to link it with the expect lib (-lexpect) I got the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lexpect
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I'm sure that both - tcl8.6 and expect 5.45-4 are installed.
The usual way of distributing Expect these days puts the shared library in a non-standard location and loads it dynamically by full pathname. This works well and is minimal fuss for most people, but does make it rather hard to use Expect's C interface in your own code.
The easiest way is going to be to build your own copy from source, especially as that will give you control over how exactly it was built. This can particularly include keeping the majority of symbols in the library instead of stripping them on install, which will help a lot with debugging. You probably ought to use the current supported version. (Yes, it's a release from several years ago. It doesn't need a lot of support effort most of the time.)
You haven't linked to the expect library during your build. Add -lexpect to your g++ command.

Undefined reference to operator new

I'm trying to build a simple unit test executable, using cpputest. I've built the cpputest framework into a static library, and am now trying to link that into an executable. However, I'm tied into a fairly complicated Makefile setup, because of the related code.
This is my command line:
/usr/bin/qcc -V4.2.4,gcc_ntoarmle_acpp-ne -lang-c++ -O2 -g -g -o Application/UnitTests/Tests/symbols/UnitTestExe -Wl,--start-group Application/UnitTests/Tests/../.objs/main.o Application/UnitTests/lib/libcpputest.a -Wl,--end-group -lm
I'm getting many errors like the following:
Application/UnitTests/lib/libcpputest.a(CommandLineTestRunner.o): In function `CommandLineTestRunner::parseArguments(TestPlugin*)':
Application/UnitTests/cpputest/src/CppUTest/.objs/../CommandLineTestRunner.cpp:114: undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned int, char const*, int)'
I can't figure out what's causing this. Don't I get operator new for free with C++?
You probably need to link with the C++ support runtime library. This happens automatically when you invoke g++. On Linux, this is achieved by adding the -lstdc++ flag to the linker. You have to figure out how to do the same on your platform.
Maybe you're calling gcc, the C compiler instead of g++, which is the C++ compiler.
There's very little information in your question to work from, but it looks like some code uses some form of placement new, and while that special operator new is declared (the compiler finds it and compiles the code using it), the linker can't find its definition.
(Since this old answer of mine seems to still get attention: See here for an extensive discussion on declaration vs. definition.)
You need to rebuild your code from scratch, including the library. I got this error because I inadvertently copied object files compiled on another machine (with the rest of the source) to my machine. Most likely this disturbs the linking step since there are now two types of object files, native (for modified source files) and non-native (all others). I am guessing here, but the operator 'new' means slightly different things on different architectures and that's why you are getting this error.
p.s. I know this is way too late for a useful answer but I'm still posting this for the record.
For QNX 6.5.0 I have specified flag -lang-c++ for qcc (gcc) to avoid the error.
Like the original post, in my case this error happened while trying to link a software using CppUTest framework.
In my case, the source of the problem seems to be related to the fact I disabled the MEMORY_LEAK_DETECTION compile option of CppUTest. I enabled it again, which solved the problem.
Sometimes adding -lstdc++ is not enough. You should add it to the right place. For example I had list like this, not working:
target_link_libraries(cfr2 pthread m stdc++ "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/compressor/libcompressor.a" )
But this one works fine:
target_link_libraries(cfr2 pthread m "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/compressor/libcompressor.a" stdc++)
It'd be great if someone explained it in the comment section.

Suppressing Linking Errors in G++ 3.4.6

Don't ask why, but is there any way to suppress a failed linking error?
Such as:
undefined reference to BLANK
This is in GCC 3.4.6
No, because they are errors and not warnings. By definition this means that the function was referenced someplace but not defined... that's not something you can just ignore.
The only way of supressing the link errors would be not linking (or not having errors in the first place). As mentioned by SoapBox, errors cannot be silently ignored.
If you post some code you could get to a solution to the problem that is better than trying to close your eyes and wait for the problem to go away (they don't usually).
It's not the compiler, but the linker. The best way to "suppress" this would be to pass in the library name with the compile command:
gcc -lstdc++
g++ -lfltk
for instance.