gcc compiler linking differently on two servers - c++

I have a large source-controlled C++ codebase which compiles and links without error on one Linux server.
I am now trying to set up the same application on a new server, so have checked out the same code on a new box.
However, when I execute an identical make command on identical code on this new box, I get errors. The cause appears to be because on the old box, shared library (.so) files are created. On the new box - which is using identical code and therefore makefiles - makes static libraries (.a).
The compiler being used appears to be the same as well - gcc-3.4.6.
Obviously, I have some config set differently somewhere but can anyone advise or where this config might be? I can't think of any small change which would cause this effect.

Note that the linker ld is part of binutils, which is delivered with the standard binaries as part of the Unix distribution you have, and is not part of the gcc suite.
Therefore, when you get from an old server to a new server, chances are that you pass from an old ld to a new ld.
Since a library is first created by the linker, it would be interested to check it out.
Note that if you suspect the compiler (since it performs the call to ld), you can write a ld executable script that just echoes the arguments it receives and then calls the real ld behind the scenes (meddling with $PATH should get you going).
It sounds natural that it is either a case of different arguments (why ?) or a different binray, figure out which and you'll be one step closer to solving your issue.

configure stuff might have generated slightly different Makefile-s.
And when you link with -lfoo, the linker first try dynamic libfoo.so then static libfoo.a.
GCC is now at version 4.6.2 so your 3.4.6 version is very old. Consider upgrading it, because GCC has made a lot of progress since.
Try using gcc -v (perhaps as make CC='gcc -v') to understand what is going on when building.
And give much more detail if you want real help. What are the actual libraries involved?


How does the GNU linker decide what C/C++ library files are needed?

I'm building PHP7 on an OpenWRT machine (an ARM router). I wanted to include MySQL, so I had to build that as well. OpenWRT is 99.5% ordinary linux, but there are some weird building / shared library things that probably don't get exercised often, so I've run into some difficulties.
MySQL builds OK (after some screwing around) and I have a libmysqlclient.so that works. However, the configure process for PHP7 fails when trying to link the MySQL test program, because libmysqlclient.so must be linked with the C++ standard libraries, not the C standard libs. (MySQL is apparently at least partially C++, and it uses std::...stuff....) Configure tries to compile the test program with gcc, which doesn't include the C++ libraries in the link, so the test fails.
I bodged over this by making a simple C/C++ switching script: if the command line includes -lmysqlclient then I exec g++ $* else exec gcc $*. Then I told configure to use my script as the C compiler.
It occurs to me that there must be a better way to handle this, though. It seems like libmysqlclient.so should have some way to tell the linker that it also needs libstdc++.so, so that even if gcc is used to link, all the necessary libraries would get pulled in.
Is there some way to mark dependencies in libmysqlclient.so? Or to make configure smarter about running test programs?
You should virtually never try to link with the C++ standard library manually. Use g++ for linking C++ programs. gcc knows the minute details of what library to use and where it lives, so you don't have to.
Now the question is, when to use g++, and when not to. One possible answer to that question is "always use g++". There is no harm in it. g++ can link C programs just fine. There is no overhead in the produced program. There might be some performance loss in the link process itself, but it probably won't be noticeable for any but the most humongous of programs.

dynamic library using boost has undefined references when built on ARM architecture

I have a C++ based dynamic library that I have built for the big 3 OSs that relies heavily on boost. Currently, I am compiling it for the raspberry pi. It took me a while to find the magic words to get the library to even build (-frepo as a compiler flag was the key, but I confess that I am not certain why this is the case).
Now, when I try to link to the library, I get an 'undefined reference' error to every boost call that my library makes, i.e.:
//`libmylib.so`: undeifined reference to `boost::shared_ptr<boost::detail::thread_data_base>::shared_ptr()'
When I build libmylib.so, I also build a custom version of boost as libboost.a. This all compiles and links fine on other OSs and non-ARM architectures so I tried putting -lboost as one of the flags, but I still get the same plethora of undefined reference errors form libmylib.so.
Needless to say, all my paths are correct.
It seems like linking behaves a bit differently on the raspberry pi than it does on other linux systems. For example, I built a static library (libmythread.a) that uses libpthread. When I link to that libmythread.a, I also get undefined reference errors unless I also use -lpthread in the build recipe. On my Thinkpad running Fedora, I would never have to do this since I included -lpthread in the compilation of the static library libmythread.a.
I would love to find a tutorial or guide that explains these discrepancies. I would also love to overcome them!
I also tried the same build on a conventional linux machine and everything linked fine, no problem. At least I know that my build process is OK. This does open up the possibility, though, that the -frepo flag is doing something funny that I don't understand and that this could be the root of the problem.
Solved. In the end, the trouble stemmed from the -frepo flag. This was necessary to compile a file called legacy_abi.cpp that is part of my library to allow third party developers using older and more exotic OSs/compilers. This isn't needed on the Pi, so I just removed it from the offending file from the build, dropped the -frepo flag and happy happy.
One final note, aptitude (for Pi, anyway) only supplies boost up to 1.49 (as far as I can tell). My project requires boost >= 1.50. This is an inherited project, so I'm still discovering all its little idiosyncracies.

position independent executable (-pie) for arm(cortex-m3)

I'm programming for stm32 (Cortex-m3) with codesourcery g++ lite(based on gcc4.7.2 version). And I want the executables to be loaded dynamically.
I knew I have two options available:
1. relocatable elf, which needs a elf parser.
2. position independent code (PIC) with a global offset register
I prefer PIC with global offset register, because it seems it's easier to implement and I'm not familiar with elf or any elf library. Also, It's easy to generate a .bin file from an elf file with some tools.
I've tried building my program with "-msingle-pic-base -fpic" compiling options and "-pie" linking options, but then I got a linking error:
...path...ld.exe: ...path...thumb2\libstdc++.a(pure.o): relocation
R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when
making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
I don't quite understand the error message. It seems the default standard c/c++ library can't go with my options and I need to get the source of the library and rebuild for my own purpose.
1. Could anyone provide me any useful information/link on how to work with the position independent executable ?
2. with the -msingle-pic-base option, I don't need to care too much about the GOT and ld script anymore, right?
Note: Without the "-pie" linking option I can build the program. But the program fails when calling a c++ virtual function (when I'm using the IDE(keil)'s simulator to debug my program). I don't understand what's going on and what I've been missing.
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with the -msingle-pic-base option, I don't need to care too much about the GOT and ld script anymore, right?
From my experiments, the register (r9 is used in my program) should point to the beginning of the got.plt sections. Delete the "-pie" option, the linking will success, (with r9 properly set) then the c++ virtual function is called successfully. However, I still think the "-pie" option is important, which may ensure that the current standard library is position independent. Could anyone explain this for me?
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I took a look at the documents on ABI from ARM's website. But it was of little help because they are not targeting a specific platform. There seems to be a concept of EABI (I'm using sourcery's arm-none-eabi edition), but I couldn't find any documentation on "EABI" from arm's website. I can't neither find documentation on this topic from sourcery and gcc's. There're more than one implementation of PIC, so which one is the sourcery g++ using in the none-eabi case? I think the behaviors of the "-msingle-pic-base", "-fpie", "-pie" options are so poorly documented !
From the dis-assembly code, I just figured out that, whit the "-msingle-pic-base", the r9 should point to the base address of the ".got" section, the pointers in the .got sections are absolute pointer and the addressing of variable is similar to the description in the article : Position Independent Code (PIC) in shared libraries. So I still need to modify the ".got" sections on loading. I don't know what is the ".got.plt" section used for in my program. It seems that function calls are using PC-relative addressing.
How to build with the "-pie" or how to link a standard library compiled with "-fpic" is still a problem for me.
The error message tells you to recompile the libstdc++ library, which is most often built, when the gcc compiler is built.
Thus you must recompile your standard libraries (libstdc++, libgcc_*, libc, libm and the all) with -fPIC and link your project against them.
If you rely on prebuilt compiler packages, you're mostly out of the game in the microcontroller world. If you build your compiler yourself (which is, by the way, not too difficult, but an advanced/expert task) you are on the go.
It is also possible to compile your stdandard libraries yourself with the compiler you have. You will need the sources of libraries and figure out, how the compiler package build system builds them and you have to mimic this. Perhaps here are some experts, who can advise you on this way.
There's a nice blog post on this topic, eight years after asking the question initially, but it's there: https://mcuoneclipse.com/2021/06/05/position-independent-code-with-gcc-for-arm-cortex-m/
The general outline is that you have to:
Set up GOT from linker-generated information
Set up PLT from Program Header information
Implement a binder based on the GOT entries
Compile your library as a shared relocatable binary: -msingle-pic-base -mpic-register=r9 -mno-pic-data-is-text-relative -fPIC
Set R9 accordingly

linux error with libc.so.6

I compiled a c++ program on my ubuntu 12.04 machine and am attempting to run it on a red hat linux server. When I run it on the server I get this error:
/lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found
I found the libc.so.6 file and found it was linked to libc-2_12.so in the same directory. I assume I need to replace the libc-2_12.so file with one like libc-2_14.so. But through searching I found no way of doing it or if it is even possible. Is there a way to fix this issue?
IMO, the best way is to recompile your program for RedHat.
In RH the only way to replace that file is to recompile the whole libc, but it will destroy all other software installed with RH. RH's packaging system does not allow you to switch between different versions of libc.
If you have the correct library somewhere on your red hat cluster (otherwise get a valid one), simply add its path to the front of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (LD_RUN_PATH may also do).
As the other answers have said, the best way is to just re-compile your program on the server. Another way could be to statically link your program, by passing -static to GCC when linking (or, if you're just compiling with a single command, when compiling your program).
This should pull in all dependencies and create a single, albeit quite large, program, rather than using the dynamic linker at run time. There's all sorts of behaviour that can go wrong though, so you may end up with strange behaviour, or nothing useful at all. Use with caution.
Of course, this will only work if both machines are of the same architecture.

Is there an automated program to find C++ linker errors?

I'm working in a Linux environment with C++, using the GCC compiler.
I'm currently working on modifying and upgrading a large pre-existing body of code. As part of this, it has been necessary to add quite a large number of small references throughout the code in a variety of places to link things together, and also to add in several new external code libraries. There is also quite a large and complex structure of Makefiles linked to a configure.ac file to handle the build process.
Upon starting the build process everything compiles without a problem, but comes back with the dreaded linker error when trying to use a newly added custom code library we've created. We have now been through a vast amount of code with a fine tooth comb looking for spelling mismatches, checking the order that all the libraries are included in the build process, and checked that the .o files created contain what we need using dumps, and all are as and where they should be. We've also tested the library separately and the problem definitely doesn't lie there.
In short, we've tried most things that you should normally do in these scenarios.
Is there a tool for C++ that can detect linker errors automatically, in a similar vein to cppcheck or splint (both of which we have run to no avail) that could help here?
Don't know your platform, but I spent sometime with linker problems in gcc till I realized that the static library (.a) linking requires specific ordering, its not the same to link gcc object.o first.a second.a than gcc object.o second.a first.a.
FWIW (not much) I try to tackle this sort of issue by using another linker as I have access to a couple of different platforms. If you can use another linker you will find either:
a) the program links, which transforms your problem from 'why doesn't it link ?' to 'what are the differences between linkers and linking ?' which isn't exactly a step forward, but sometimes a step to one side gives you a different perspective from which you can see a solution;
b) it fails to link, in which case the other linker might give more useful information about why it fails.