Writing namespace extensions with Windows 7 integration - c++

I'm new to the topic shell extensions and I'm looking for resources about namespace extensions. I would like to write a namespace extension which supports SFTP with all options to browse like FTP in the explorer.
I read the examples 1, 2 of zengxi from codeproject, but they don't compile right and seems to be old. I think that there were also many changes like the folder selection in the address bar.
Can somebody provide me some resources in the right direction or some working examples?
It is important that the source is free. This is a non-profit project.
At the moment I found a good source on the MSDN called Explorer Data Provider Sample. This is up to date and provides some aliases Explorer Data Provider and Shell Data Source. What is yet missing is drop & drag support and a glue for supporting protocol links.
For future usage it would be great to find a way to associate a file extension with that shell data source like zip files.

Here is the full example of creating a namespace to mapping real files on Flickr.
However, only source codes available. No tutorial.
Hope it helps....

For Drag&Drop, this series of articles are a great point to start. After I understood that the files must have the flag can copy, can move, etc. I had almost the solution. The magic was to add one line in GetAttributesOf:
Also I had to publish the IDataObject in GetUIObjectOf like this:
if(riid == IID_IDataObject) {
PWSTR pszName;
hr = _GetName(apidl[0], &pszName);
hr = SHCreateDataObject(m_pidl, cidl, apidl,
new CFileDataObject(pszName), riid, ppv);
} else if(riid == IID_IDropTarget) {
// TODO publish
That's all.
By the way what is the best practice for allocating CFileDataObject here?

Take a look at the EZNamespaceExtensionsMFC library which makes it very easy to develop namespace extensions. Check out its FileBrowser and RegBrowser samples which you can use a starting point.
DISCLAIMER: I work for LogicNP Software, the developer of EZNamespaceExtensionsMFC


Hosting help content online

I'm trying to package some of my MFC applications as Windows 10 apps using Desktop Bridge.
I am having no end of trouble getting my HTML help file (CHM) included and working with the installed program (new versions of VS don't include the help file, and using workaround to include that file results in a file that I don't have the rights to access).
So it makes me wonder about hosting the online help on my website. A couple of the issues that arise is how best to host multiple help topics, and how to override (on a application-wide basis) the behavior of accessing help topics. (My app is dialog-based.)
So I just wondered if anyone else has done this already. I'd be curious to review how these issues were addressed. I was not able to find anything online.
I do host my html help in a single document, using html anchors to get to the topic of interest. If you have multiple pages, adapt MyHelp accordingly.
I didn't actually use the Desktop Bridge but wondered if you have tried something like this:
BOOL CMyDialog::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo)
MyHelp(_T("HIDD_MYDIALOG")); // HTML anchor goes here
return CDialog::OnHelpInfo(pHelpInfo);
// a global helper function for showing help
void MyHelp(LPCTSTR anchor)
extern CMyApp theApp;
TCHAR *cp, buffer[1000];
// look for the html document in the program directory
strcpy(buffer, _T("file:///"));
DWORD dw = GetModuleFileName(theApp.m_hInstance, buffer + strlen(buffer), sizeof(buffer));
if (cp = strrchr(buffer, '\\'))
strcpy(cp+1, _T("MyHelpDocument.htm#"));
strcat(cp+1, anchor);
// for some reason, I don't want the default browser to open, just the Internet Explorer
ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), _T("iexplore"), buffer, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
// or, for real online help, use just '_T("http://myurl.com/myonlinehelpdocument.html#") + anchor'
// instead of 'buffer' and ommit all before ShellExecute()
I'm not sure if ShellExecute will behave the way it used to in the shop app though. But certainly there will be a way to open a URL somehow. You might want to try if the Internet Explorer ActiveX works to display your help pages inside the app.

How to get list of files opened by a process in Windows? [duplicate]

How do I get the list of open file handles by process id in C#?
I'm interested in digging down and getting the file names as well.
Looking for the programmatic equivalent of what process explorer does.
Most likely this will require interop.
Considering adding a bounty on this, the implementation is nasty complicated.
Ouch this is going to be hard to do from managed code.
There is a sample on codeproject
Most of the stuff can be done in interop, but you need a driver to get the filename cause it lives in the kernel's address space. Process Explorer embeds the driver in its resources. Getting this all hooked up from C# and supporting 64bit as well as 32, is going to be a major headache.
You can also run the command line app, Handle, by Mark Rusinovich, and parse the output.
Have a look at this file :
And use:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace OpenFiles
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var openFiles = VmcController.Services.DetectOpenFiles.GetOpenFilesEnumerator(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id))
while (openFiles.MoveNext())
It has dependency over assembly System.EnterpriseServices
You can P/INVOKE into the NtQuerySystemInformation function to query for all handles and then go from there. This Google groups discussion has details.
Take a look at wj32's Process Hacker version 1, which can do what you asked, and more.
Handle is great program, and the link to codeproject is good.
The reason for the code is that handle.exe is NOT redistributable. Nor do they release their source.
It looks as if .Net will not easily do this since it appears that an embedded device drive is requried to access the information. This cannot be done in .net without an unmanged DLL. It's relatviely deep kernel code when compared to typical .net coding. I'm surprised that WMI does not expose this.
Perhaps using command line tool:
OpenedFilesView v1.50 - View opened/locked files in your system (sharing violation issues)

C++/Qt: Get files in directory ordered according to sorting currently applied in Windows Explorer

I would like to know if there is a way in Qt to obtain the filenames of files in a folder ordered according to the current Windows Explorer Settings for this folder. In Windows Explorer the user can sort files by many different criteria (e.g. name, capture date etc.) and I would like to be able to maintain maintain that order in my application.
Perfect would be a cross-platform solution which also works in Finder on Macintosh and in Nautilus on Ubuntu.
This answer suggests to use the IFolderView interface.
Sorry, you might be looking for the IFolderView2 interface, especially the GetSortColumns method:
HRESULT GetSortColumns(
[out] const SORTCOLUMN *rgSortColumns,
[in] int cColumns
The returned SORTCOLUMN structure seems to have the information you need:
typedef struct SORTCOLUMN {

Can I use all the functionally I see exposed by the .TLH file?

I have an existing code that uses functionality provided by Microsoft, to post XML data over HTTP. Specifically, IServerXMLHTTPRequest (included in MSXML3 and up) from msxml4.dll (COM). I am moving to msxml6.dll as msxml4.dll is not supported anymore (superseded by MSXML6). More information about MSXML versions.
#import "msxml6.dll"
using namespace MSXML2;
IServerXMLHTTPRequestPtr spIXMLHTTPRequest = NULL;
hr = spIXMLHTTPRequest.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ServerXMLHTTP40));
When building my app with msxml4.dll as well as msxml6.dll the following is included in the msxml4.tlh and msxml6.tlh respectively:
struct __declspec(uuid("88d969c6-f192-11d4-a65f-0040963251e5"))
// [ default ] interface IServerXMLHTTPRequest2
As I understand, looking at msxml6.tlh, I can use ServerXMLHTTP40 (and not change the code to ServerXMLHTTP60) with msxml6.dll (same for DOMDocument40, FreeThreadedDOMDocument40, XMLSchemaCache40 etc.).
Now, searching the registry in a fresh Windows 7 Ultimate installation, I cannot find the uuid above. As a result, this code fails on this machine:
hr = spIXMLHTTPRequest.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ServerXMLHTTP40));
If msxml6 is exposing ServerXMLHTTP40, why is it that I cannot find it in the registry? Can I use ServerXMLHTTP40 when msxml6 is installed (msxml4 is not installed)?
Need additional information? Just let me know. Thank you!
.TLH file (as a product of import from .TLB, which is in turn a compiled version of .IDL file) is a description of interfaces, structures, methods etc. which ones uses to talk through COM to another object. There is no guarantee or promise that the other party implementing these interfaces is installed or otherwise available, or even exists at all.
Yes you have the signatures defined for you convenience. You might need to install runtime that implements the functionality. MSXML 4 might need a separate install regardless of where you obtained the development details from.

C++ SMTP that allows file attachments

I am looking to create an SMTP that allows for file attachments, however, I am finding it difficult to locate a tutorial. I have found one close thing, which is https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58210/c-smtp-example , however, this fails to compile in VS2005/2010 because of the include files that are used.
I would like to roll my own and not adapt to some library such as Curl or Boost. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this, or some small sample code with good documentation that will compile in Visual Studio?
Building on my answer to a previous question, using the Microsoft ATL classes which are included in the paid versions of Visual Studio.
CSMTPConnection smtp;
if (!smtp.Connect(m_strEmailServer))
return false;
// start generating the email message; remember to call CoInitialize somewhere in the app before this
CMimeMessage msg;
// repeat the following as necessary
// add an attachment
msg.AttachFile(m_strAttachmentPath, m_strAttachmentName, _T("application/octet-stream"));
if (!smtp.SendMessage(msg))
return false;
return true;
The MIME type supplied in the AttachFile call will depend on the type of attachment.
There are a couple of ways to do attachments. You can use UUEncoded or MIME formatting. The UUEncoded is much simpler if you want to roll your own.