Facebook graph API omits some posts from page's wall - facebook-graph-api

This is the api request: /116742961694579/feed?limit=336&since=1319843968
It returns a lot of posts from the wall for this page http://www.facebook.com/easbrand
but one is missing, this one: http://www.facebook.com/DanielCWhite/posts/242479269139237
you can see it on EAS's wall (see link above)
Why is it not showing up when we do the api call for the feed for this page? I also tried 'posts', 'statuses', and many other requests besides 'feed' but it still doesn't show up (I also tweaked the limit and since params)

It's likely that Daniel opted out of the Facebook Platform meaning his posts and info are not available at all on the Facebook development platform.


Facebook Graph API: How to get all links from page in API v2.7?

In Facebook Graph API v2.3 it was possible to get all links belong to specified page using "links" edge:
GET v2.3 {page_id}/links
This request shows really all links (not only published, which are accessible by /feed request). Graph API Explorer still can execute this request.
But all new Facebook applications can use only Graph API v2.7, not older. FQL also was deprecated at 08.08.2016.
So, how can I get all links from page (not only published) by Graph API v2.7 from my application? Even dirty hacks are appreciated, thank you.
Upd.: Links posts are promotable posts. They did not showed by /feed, only by /promotable_posts, which is necessary endpoint for my needs. I've found also a necessary parameter for this endpoint which shows really all links posts: include_inline.
So, final request is:
GET v2.7 {page_id}/promotable_posts?include_inline=true
GET /v2.4/{id}/links and GET /v2.4/{id}/statuses will no longer be available beginning in v2.4. As an alternative, we suggest using GET /v2.4/{id}/feed.
Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog
So you will have to use the feed endpoint and filter out links on your own.

disabling facebook comments with actions field on wall posts

My app allows users to interact with each other for a unique purpose. As part of this experience I post on user's wall so his/her friends can know about the post from user and they can come to app for interaction. But in this case, users may just end up commenting on the facebook page itself and my app will not have any knowledge of this interaction. To avoid this, I am wondering if I can disable comments on this post. Graph API documentations states that I can use the "actions" field on wall post for such purpose. I tried that with various combinations of Comment and empty link or link that takes the user to my app etc. But I notice that no matter what I set, facebook always shows link to the wall post instead of what I tried to put.
Any thoughts on how to achieve this purpose?

Can we get People Talking About This for a post?

Is there a way to get the "People Talking About This" statistic for a specific post on a Facebook Page ? The Insights API doesn't say it's possible. ( post_storytellers doesn't exist )
'People Talking About This' aggregates various interactions into a single metric including:
liking a Page
posting to a Page’s Wall
liking, commenting on or sharing a Page post (or other content on a page, like photos, videos or albums)
answering a Question posted
RSVPing to an event
mentioning a Page in a post
phototagging a Page
liking or sharing a check-in deal
or checking in at a Place.
As far as i'm aware there's no way to retrieve this value using the graph api without scraping the page directly.
You can however retrieve the total_count for a url which is an aggregation of shares, likes, comments via FQL, for example: https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=SELECT%20total_count%20FROM%20link_stat%20WHERE%20url='https://www.stackoverflow.com'
more info: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/link_stat

Facebook graph API to get get posts from Pages

I'm struggling in getting the posts from the public page in Facebook. For example
(Its a public page, those who liked it on facebook will get update.)
This returns me the page details only. How I can get the wall posts done by the user "cocacola".
Its quite simple. just do as
It will work.
I'm a bit late at the party but for completeness I would like to add:
Using the latest version 2.2 you can access the feed via the page id, eg:
Individual posts can be retrieved too by their own id or via the feed.
Maybe this was also possible with the older versions? Don't know, I'm just getting started.

mssing posts on pages timesline

I wanna get all input from my pages timeline. so I read graph.facebook.com/pageid/feed with the page token. but some posts are missing - even when I try using FQL
e.g. these are
a user posts to his own wall and marked my page in his status or picture
a user posts to his own wall and mentioned my page as the location for this post
the recommendations
also in /tagged/ these posts won't appear. Is there any chance to get them?
No. Facebook shows more within their webapp than they make available via the API. What gets returned depends on the poster's privacy settings.
In my experience, if the post isn't marked "public", then it won't be returned by the API, even if it is visible to you from within the Facebook.