Can you override private functions defined in a base class? - c++

I believe, a derived class can override only those functions which it inherited from the base class. Is my understanding correct.?
That is if base class has a public member function say, func, then the derived class can override the member function func.
But if the base class has a private member function say, foo, then the derived class cannot override the member function foo.
Am i right?
I have come up with a code sample after studying the answers given by SO members. I am mentioning the points which i studied as comments in the code. Hope i am right. Thanks
/* Points to ponder:
1. Irrespective of the access specifier, the member functions can be override in base class.
But we cannot directly access the overriden function. It has to be invoked using a public
member function of base class.
2. A base class pointer holding the derived class obj's address can access only those members which
the derived class inherited from the base class. */
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base
virtual void do_op()
cout << "This is do_op() in base which is pvt\n";
void op()
class derived: public base
void do_op()
cout << "This is do_op() in derived class\n";
int main()
base *bptr;
derived d;
bptr = &d;
bptr->op(); /* Invoking the overriden do_op() of derived class through the public
function op() of base class */
//bptr->do_op(); /* Error. bptr trying to access a member function which derived class
did not inherit from base class */
return 0;

You can override functions regardless of access specifiers. That's also the heart of the non-virtual interface idiom. The only requirement is of course that they are virtual.

But if the base class has a private member function say, foo, then the derived class cannot override the member function foo.
In Java, you can't. In C++, you can.

You are correct in that to override a function in a derived class, it must inherit it from the base class (in addition, the base class function must be virtual). However you are wrong about your assumption that virtual functions are not inherited. For example, the following works well (and is actually a known idiom for precondition/postcondition checking):
class Base
void operate_on(some thing);
virtual void do_operate_on(some thing) = 0;
void Base::operate_on(some thing)
// check preconditions
// check postconditions
class Derived: public Base
// this overrides Base::do_operate_on
void do_operate_on(some thing);
void Derived::do_operate_on(some thing)
// do something
int main()
some thing;
Base* p = new Derived;
// this calls Base::operate_on, which in turn calls the overridden
// Derived::do_operate_on, not Base::do_operate_on (which doesn't have an
// implementation anyway)
delete p;
A way to see that private methods are really inherited is to look at the error messages generated by the following code:
class Base
void private_method_of_B();
class Derived:
public Base
int main()
Derived d;
Trying to compile this with g++ leads tot he following error messages: In function 'int main()': error: 'void Base::private_method_of_B()' is private error: within this context error: 'class Derived' has no member named 'method_that_does_not_exist'
If class Derived wouldn't inherit that function, the error message would be the same in both cases.

No You can not over ride any function in base class .
My reason for this notion is that if you define the function in derived class that has the same function signiture in base class , the base class function will become hidden for derived class .
For more information about this exciting issue just visit :

It's also depends on the type of inheritance
class Derived : [public | protected | private] Base { };

In order to override a function inherited from base class, it should be both virtual, and classified as public or protected.


How a friend function of a base class is calling the overridden virtual function of derived class even though they are private ?(C++)

My code-
class base{
virtual void print(){
cout<<" from base"<<endl;
friend void show(base &obj);
class drived1 : public base{
void print(){
cout<<" from drived1"<<endl;
class drived2 : public base{
void print(){
cout<<" from drived2"<<endl;
void show(base &obj){
int main() {
base b;
drived1 d1;
drived2 d2;
from base
from drived1 // print function form derived class is called, though it is private.
from drived2 // print function form derived class is called, though it is private.
show(base &obj) is a friend function of base class, but how it is calling the private method from derived class?
This is how C++ works. Access specifiers (public, private, and protected) depend on the static type of your variable, not the dynamic type. In your example, when
void show(base &obj){
is compiled, the compiler does not know that the function will be invoked with a drived1 argument. It knows that obj is of type base&, so it only checks whether it can invoke base::print() - which it can because it is a friend of base.
It is calling the private method from derived class because the derived class is being implicitly converted to base class when you call the function.
So, you have an object of type drived1.
Then you pass it to the function show(base&).
The object is being upcasted to base.
Then, in the function show(base&) you use the virtual function print().
The function called is the drived1::print() member function thanks to the way C++ polymorphic behavior works. (A class is called polymorphic if it contains virtual functions).
This function is called and you get output from drived1.

How can I call parent class overloaded function from derived class instance?

I have a base class with an implemented function and a pure virtual function which share a name, but not arguments. I can't call the function implemented in the base class from an instance of the derived class.
I've tried adding the function to the derived class instead of the base class and it works, but that would mean I have to add the function to every derived class instead of implementing it once in the base class.
I've also tried changing the functions name and it works. It seems to be due to a collision between the two overloaded functions.
template <typename T>
class Base {
virtual T some_function(int x) = 0;
T some_function() {
// some code
class Derived final: public Base<int> {
int some_function() {
// some code
int main() {
Derived var = Derived();
var.some_function(3);// Compilation error
The above code does not compile indicating that it doesn't find the function: some_function(int).
The name some_function in Derived hides the name some_function inherited from Base. You have to bring it back into scope with a using declaration:
class Derived final: public Base<int> {
using Base<int>::some_function;
int some_function() {
// some code

Superclass Setting Object of Subclass Data

I have a base class in C++ that has some protected member variables (although, I do not think it is relevant that it is protected vs. private in this case).
I have a derived class that derives from this base class. In it, there is a public function that creates an object of the base class and returns that object. However, in that function I need to be able to set the protected member variables into a special state.
class Base
int b_value;
class Derived : public Base
Base createBase()
Base b;
b.b_value = 10;
return b;
I specifically only want the derived class to be able to the protected member variable. I do not want a public accessor method in the base class.
I originally tried to fix this by making the derived class's createBase() function be a friend of the Base class. Like so:
class Base
int b_value;
friend Base Derived::createBase();
class Derived : public Base
Base createBase()
Base b;
b.b_value = 10;
return b;
As you can see, this will not compile since Derived has not been defined yet. If it matters, these two classes are defined in separate header files. I guess one way to describe this problem is a "chicken and egg" problem where one needs the other first.
I have a feeling this has to be a "I am not designing my classes correctly and need to rethink how I am doing this" but I cannot figure out how to get this to work.
You can forward declare Derived and then make it a friend in Base :
class Derived;
class Base
friend class Derived;
int b_value;
class Derived : public Base
Base createBase()
Base b;
b.b_value = 10;
return b;
However this design seems seriously flawed to me as you already stated, you should probably make createBase() a static public method in your Base class and have a setter for b_value or a constructor that sets it.
Remember that right now inside createBase(), this->b_value is also available.

Why can't overridden virtual method see overloaded base classes version without explicit scoping?

I don't understand why the compiler doesn't like this, here is and example of the problem:
class A
virtual void Expand() { }
virtual void Expand(bool flag) { }
class B : public A
virtual void Expand() {
When I try to compile this the A::Expand(true); compiles fine, but the non scoped Expand(true); gets this compiler error:
'B::Expand' : function does not take 1 arguments
You don't need virtual methods for that behaviour. Methods in a derived class hide methods with the same name in the base class. So if you have any function named Expand in your derived class (even if it is an override of a virtual method from the base class), none of the base classes methods with the same name are visible, regardless of their signature.
You can make the base classes methods visible with using. For that you would add using A::Expand; to the definition of B:
class B : public A
using A::Expand;
virtual void Expand() { Expand(true); }
That's because besides overriding the base Expand(), you're also hiding the base Expand(bool).
When you introduce a member function in a derived class with the same name as a method from the base class, all base class methods with that name are hidden in the derived class.
You can fix this by either qualifying (as you have) or with the using directive:
class B : public A
using A::Expand;
virtual void Expand() {

c++ derived functions vs. base functions

Is there a way you can invoke a member function of a base class upon a class derived from it?
Class Bass{
void func();
Class Derived: public Base{
void func();
I have a practice midterm, and I suspect no, because how would the Base class know about the Derived, but I am not sure.
Is there a way you can invoke a member function of a base class upon a class derived from it?
Not sure exactly what you mean by this, but given your Base and Derived classes you can do the following. Just make sure you use a reference or pointer, not pass-by-value because of the slicing problem.
Call Base::func() from within Derived::func():
void Derived::func()
Call Base::func() explicitly on a Derived object:
Derived d;
I [...] am wondering if you could do something like Base::func(Derived d)
As others have pointed out, you can do this using a forward declaration:
// Tell the compiler "Derived" is a class name.
class Derived;
class Base
// Can use the class name since it has been declared.
void func(Derived& derived);
// Define the class named "Derived".
class Derived : public Base
// ...
// Use the derived class.
void Base::func(Derived& derived)
// For this bit to work, the definition of `Derived` must
// be visible at this point (like putting the class above
// or including your "Derived.h" from "Base.cpp").
However, you won't be able to define the Base::func(Derived&) directly in the class definition since you need to finished defining Base and to define Derived first.
if I understand correctly, you need to call base function with derived parameter?
You can do it only using forward declaration and passing derived object by pointer or ref.
class Derived;
class Base{
void func(Derived&);
You should be able to do something like this:
class Derived;
class Base {
void func();
void func(Derived);
class Derived : public Base {
void func();
Base::func(Derived D) {
It is okay to use incomplete types in the Base's member function declarations, but you must provide the complete type before their definition.
You can use forward declaration of Derived class:
class Derived;
First of all, do you mean methods on an object, or static class methods?
Secondly, the answer is: it depends what the object you're invoking the method call on is. This is the nature of polymorphism: if your object is of type 'Derived', then even if it has been cast to a 'Base' the method call will still invoke the Derived version of func.
Is that what you were asking?