im trying to obtain tokens with function strtok() in C++. Is very simple when you use just 1 delimiter like:
token = strtok(auxiliar,"[,]");. This will cut auxiliar everytime the function finds [,,or].
What I want is obtain tokens with a sequence of delimiters like: [,]
It is posible doing that with strtok function? I cannot find the way.
Thank you!
If you want strtok to treat [,] as a single token, this cannot be done. strtok always treats whatever you pass in the delimiters string as individual, 1-character delimiters.
Beyond this, it's best to not use strtok in C++ anyway. It is not re-entrant (eg, you can't nest calls), not type-safe, and very easy to use in a way that creates nasty bugs.
The simplest solution is to simply search withing a std::string for the particular delimiter you want, in a loop. If you need more sophisticated functionality, there are tokenizers in the Boost library, and I've also posted code to do more comprehensive tokenizing using only the Standard Library, here.
The code I've linked above also treats delimiters as single characters, but I think the code could be extended in the way you desire.
If this is really C++, you should use std::string and not C strings.
Here's an example that uses only the STL to split a std::string into a std::vector:
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::string> split(std::string str, std::string sep) {
std::vector<std::string> vec;
size_t i = 0, j = 0;
do {
i = str.find(sep, j);
vec.push_back( str.substr(j, i-j) );
j = i + sep.size();
} while (i != str.npos);
return vec;
int main() {
std::vector<std::string> vec = split("This[,]is[[,]your, string", "[,]");
// vec is contains "This", "is[", "your, string"
return 0;
If you can use the new C++11 features, you can do it with regex and token iterators. For example:
regex reg("\[,\]");
const sregex_token_iterator end;
string aux(auxilar);
for(sregex_token_iterator iter(aux.begin(), aux.end(), reg); iter != end; ++iter) {
cout << *iter << endl;
This example is from the Wrox book Professional C++.
If you can use the boost library I think this will do what you want it to do - not totally sure though as your question is a little unclear
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::string data("[this],[is],[some],[weird],[fields],[data],[I],[want],[to],[split]");
boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokens(data, boost::char_separator<char>("],["));
std::vector<std::string> words(tokens.begin(), tokens.end());
for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i=words.begin(),end=words.end(); i!=end; ++i)
std::cout << '\'' << *i << "'\n";
return 0;
This produces the following output
I want to store words separated by spaces into single string elements in a vector.
The input is a string that may end or may not end in a symbol( comma, period, etc.)
All symbols will be separated by spaces too.
I created this function but it doesn't return me a vector of words.
vector<string> single_words(string sentence)
vector<string> word_vector;
string result_word;
for (size_t character = 0; character < sentence.size(); ++character)
if (sentence[character] == ' ' && result_word.size() != 0)
result_word = "";
result_word += character;
return word_vector;
What did I do wrong?
Your problem has already been resolved by answers and comments.
I would like to give you the additional information that such functionality is already existing in C++.
You could take advantage of the fact that the extractor operator extracts space separated tokens from a stream. Because a std::string is not a stream, we can put the string first into an std::istringstream and then extract from this stream vie the std:::istream_iterator.
We could life make even more easier.
Since roundabout 10 years we have a dedicated, special C++ functionality for splitting strings into tokens, explicitely designed for this purpose. The std::sregex_token_iterator. And because we have such a dedicated function, we should simply use it.
The idea behind it is the iterator concept. In C++ we have many containers and always iterators, to iterate over the similar elements in these containers. And a string, with similar elements (tokens), separated by a delimiter, can also be seen as such a container. And with the std::sregex:token_iterator, we can iterate over the elements/tokens/substrings of the string, splitting it up effectively.
This iterator is very powerfull and you can do really much much more fancy stuff with it. But that is too much for here. Important is that splitting up a string into tokens is a one-liner. For example a variable definition using a range constructor for iterating over the tokens.
See some examples below:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <regex>
const std::regex delimiter{ " " };
const std::regex reWord{ "(\\w+)" };
int main() {
// Some debug print function
auto print = [](const std::vector<std::string>& sv) -> void {
std::copy(sv.begin(), sv.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n")); std::cout << "\n"; };
// The test string
std::string test{ "word1 word2 word3 word4." };
// Solution 1: use istringstream and then extract from there
std::istringstream iss1(test);
// Define a vector (CTAD), use its range constructor and, the std::istream_iterator as iterator
std::vector words1(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(iss1), {});
print(words1); // Show debug output
// Solution 2: directly use dedicated function sregex_token iterator
std::vector<std::string> words2(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), delimiter, -1), {});
print(words2); // Show debug output
// Solution 3: directly use dedicated function sregex_token iterator and look for words only
std::vector<std::string> words3(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), reWord, 1), {});
print(words3); // Show debug output
// Solution 4: Use such iterator in an algorithm, to copy data to a vector
std::vector<std::string> words4{};
std::copy(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), reWord, 1), {}, std::back_inserter(words4));
print(words4); // Show debug output
// Solution 5: Use such iterator in an algorithm for direct output
std::copy(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), reWord, 1), {}, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout,"\n"));
return 0;
You added the index instead of the character:
vector<string> single_words(string sentence)
vector<string> word_vector;
string result_word;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sentence.size(); ++i)
char character = sentence[i];
if (character == ' ' && result_word.size() != 0)
result_word = "";
result_word += character;
return word_vector;
Since your mistake was only due to the reason, that you named your iterator variable character even though it is actually not a character, but rather an iterator or index, I would like to suggest to use a ranged-base loop here, since it avoids this kind of confusion. The clean solution is obviously to do what #ArminMontigny said, but I assume you are prohibited to use stringstreams. The code would look like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<string> single_words(string sentence)
vector<string> word_vector;
string result_word;
for (char& character: sentence) // Now `character` is actually a character.
if (character==' ' && result_word.size() != 0)
result_word = "";
result_word += character;
word_vector.push_back(result_word); // In your solution, you forgot to push the last word into the vector.
return word_vector;
int main() {
string sentence="Maybe try range based loops";
vector<string> result= single_words(sentence);
for(string& word: result)
cout<<word<<" ";
return 0;
I got a string and I want to remove all the punctuations from it. How do I do that? I did some research and found that people use the ispunct() function (I tried that), but I cant seem to get it to work in my code. Anyone got any ideas?
#include <string>
int main() {
string text = "this. is my string. it's here."
if (ispunct(text))
return 0;
Using algorithm remove_copy_if :-
string text,result;
std::remove_copy_if(text.begin(), text.end(),
std::back_inserter(result), //Store output
std::ptr_fun<int, int>(&std::ispunct)
POW already has a good answer if you need the result as a new string. This answer is how to handle it if you want an in-place update.
The first part of the recipe is std::remove_if, which can remove the punctuation efficiently, packing all the non-punctuation as it goes.
std::remove_if (text.begin (), text.end (), ispunct)
Unfortunately, std::remove_if doesn't shrink the string to the new size. It can't because it has no access to the container itself. Therefore, there's junk characters left in the string after the packed result.
To handle this, std::remove_if returns an iterator that indicates the part of the string that's still needed. This can be used with strings erase method, leading to the following idiom...
text.erase (std::remove_if (text.begin (), text.end (), ispunct), text.end ());
I call this an idiom because it's a common technique that works in many situations. Other types than string provide suitable erase methods, and std::remove (and probably some other algorithm library functions I've forgotten for the moment) take this approach of closing the gaps for items they remove, but leaving the container-resizing to the caller.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
int main() {
std::string text = "this. is my string. it's here.";
for (int i = 0, len = text.size(); i < len; i++)
if (ispunct(text[i]))
text.erase(i--, 1);
len = text.size();
std::cout << text;
return 0;
this is my string its here
When you delete a character, the size of the string changes. It has to be updated whenever deletion occurs. And, you deleted the current character, so the next character becomes the current character. If you don't decrement the loop counter, the character next to the punctuation character will not be checked.
ispunct takes a char value not a string.
you can do like
for (auto c : string)
if (ispunct(c)) text.erase(text.find_first_of(c));
This will work but it is a slow algorithm.
Pretty good answer by Steve314.
I would like to add a small change :
text.erase (std::remove_if (text.begin (), text.end (), ::ispunct), text.end ());
Adding the :: before the function ispunct takes care of overloading .
The problem here is that ispunct() takes one argument being a character, while you are trying to send a string. You should loop over the elements of the string and erase each character if it is a punctuation like here:
for(size_t i = 0; i<text.length(); ++i)
text.erase(i--, 1);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string str = "this. is my string. it's here.";
transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), [](char ch)
if( ispunct(ch) )
return '\0';
return ch;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string s;//string is defined here.
cout << "Please enter a string with punctuation's: " << endl;//Asking for users input
getline(cin, s);//reads in a single string one line at a time
/* ERROR Check: The loop didn't run at first because a semi-colon was placed at the end
of the statement. Remember not to add it for loops. */
for(auto &c : s) //loop checks every character
if (ispunct(c)) //to see if its a punctuation
c=' '; //if so it replaces it with a blank space.(delete)
cout << s << endl;
return 0;
Another way you could do this would be as follows:
#include <ctype.h> //needed for ispunct()
string onlyLetters(string str){
string retStr = "";
for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++){
retStr += str[i];
return retStr;
This ends up creating a new string instead of actually erasing the characters from the old string, but it is a little easier to wrap your head around than using some of the more complex built in functions.
I tried to apply #Steve314's answer but couldn't get it to work until I came across this note here on
Like all other functions from <cctype>, the behavior of std::ispunct
is undefined if the argument's value is neither representable as
unsigned char nor equal to EOF. To use these functions safely with
plain chars (or signed chars), the argument should first be converted
to unsigned char.
By studying the example it provides, I am able to make it work like this:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::string text = "this. is my string. it's here.";
std::string result;
[](unsigned char c) { return std::ispunct(c); }),
std::cout << text << std::endl;
Try to use this one, it will remove all the punctuation on the string in the text file oky.
str.erase(remove_if(str.begin(), str.end(), ::ispunct), str.end());
please reply if helpful
i got it.
size_t found = text.find('.');
text.erase(found, 1);
I want to convert a std::string to lowercase. I am aware of the function tolower(). However, in the past I have had issues with this function and it is hardly ideal anyway as using it with a std::string would require iterating over each character.
Is there an alternative which works 100% of the time?
Adapted from Not So Frequently Asked Questions:
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
std::string data = "Abc";
std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(), data.begin(),
[](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); });
You're really not going to get away without iterating through each character. There's no way to know whether the character is lowercase or uppercase otherwise.
If you really hate tolower(), here's a specialized ASCII-only alternative that I don't recommend you use:
char asciitolower(char in) {
if (in <= 'Z' && in >= 'A')
return in - ('Z' - 'z');
return in;
std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(), data.begin(), asciitolower);
Be aware that tolower() can only do a per-single-byte-character substitution, which is ill-fitting for many scripts, especially if using a multi-byte-encoding like UTF-8.
Boost provides a string algorithm for this:
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
std::string str = "HELLO, WORLD!";
boost::algorithm::to_lower(str); // modifies str
Or, for non-in-place:
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
const std::string str = "HELLO, WORLD!";
const std::string lower_str = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str);
Use the ICU library. If you don't, your conversion routine will break silently on cases you are probably not even aware of existing.
First you have to answer a question: What is the encoding of your std::string? Is it ISO-8859-1? Or perhaps ISO-8859-8? Or Windows Codepage 1252? Does whatever you're using to convert upper-to-lowercase know that? (Or does it fail miserably for characters over 0x7f?)
If you are using UTF-8 (the only sane choice among the 8-bit encodings) with std::string as container, you are already deceiving yourself if you believe you are still in control of things. You are storing a multibyte character sequence in a container that is not aware of the multibyte concept, and neither are most of the operations you can perform on it! Even something as simple as .substr() could result in invalid (sub-) strings because you split in the middle of a multibyte sequence.
As soon as you try something like std::toupper( 'ß' ), or std::tolower( 'Σ' ) in any encoding, you are in trouble. Because 1), the standard only ever operates on one character at a time, so it simply cannot turn ß into SS as would be correct. And 2), the standard only ever operates on one character at a time, so it cannot decide whether Σ is in the middle of a word (where σ would be correct), or at the end (ς). Another example would be std::tolower( 'I' ), which should yield different results depending on the locale -- virtually everywhere you would expect i, but in Turkey ı (LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I) is the correct answer (which, again, is more than one byte in UTF-8 encoding).
So, any case conversion that works on a character at a time, or worse, a byte at a time, is broken by design. This includes all the std:: variants in existence at this time.
Then there is the point that the standard library, for what it is capable of doing, is depending on which locales are supported on the machine your software is running on... and what do you do if your target locale is among the not supported on your client's machine?
So what you are really looking for is a string class that is capable of dealing with all this correctly, and that is not any of the std::basic_string<> variants.
(C++11 note: std::u16string and std::u32string are better, but still not perfect. C++20 brought std::u8string, but all these do is specify the encoding. In many other respects they still remain ignorant of Unicode mechanics, like normalization, collation, ...)
While Boost looks nice, API wise, Boost.Locale is basically a wrapper around ICU. If Boost is compiled with ICU support... if it isn't, Boost.Locale is limited to the locale support compiled for the standard library.
And believe me, getting Boost to compile with ICU can be a real pain sometimes. (There are no pre-compiled binaries for Windows that include ICU, so you'd have to supply them together with your application, and that opens a whole new can of worms...)
So personally I would recommend getting full Unicode support straight from the horse's mouth and using the ICU library directly:
#include <unicode/unistr.h>
#include <unicode/ustream.h>
#include <unicode/locid.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
/* "Odysseus" */
char const * someString = u8"ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ";
icu::UnicodeString someUString( someString, "UTF-8" );
// Setting the locale explicitly here for completeness.
// Usually you would use the user-specified system locale,
// which *does* make a difference (see ı vs. i above).
std::cout << someUString.toLower( "el_GR" ) << "\n";
std::cout << someUString.toUpper( "el_GR" ) << "\n";
return 0;
Compile (with G++ in this example):
g++ -Wall example.cpp -licuuc -licuio
This gives:
Note that the Σ<->σ conversion in the middle of the word, and the Σ<->ς conversion at the end of the word. No <algorithm>-based solution can give you that.
Using range-based for loop of C++11 a simpler code would be :
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <string> // std::string
#include <locale> // std::locale, std::tolower
int main ()
std::locale loc;
std::string str="Test String.\n";
for(auto elem : str)
std::cout << std::tolower(elem,loc);
If the string contains UTF-8 characters outside of the ASCII range, then boost::algorithm::to_lower will not convert those. Better use boost::locale::to_lower when UTF-8 is involved. See
Another approach using range based for loop with reference variable
string test = "Hello World";
for(auto& c : test)
c = tolower(c);
This is a follow-up to Stefan Mai's response: if you'd like to place the result of the conversion in another string, you need to pre-allocate its storage space prior to calling std::transform. Since STL stores transformed characters at the destination iterator (incrementing it at each iteration of the loop), the destination string will not be automatically resized, and you risk memory stomping.
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
std::string sourceString = "Abc";
std::string destinationString;
// Allocate the destination space
// Convert the source string to lower case
// storing the result in destination string
// Output the result of the conversion
std::cout << sourceString
<< " -> "
<< destinationString
<< std::endl;
Simplest way to convert string into loweercase without bothering about std namespace is as follows
1:string with/without spaces
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string str;
//------------function to convert string into lowercase---------------
transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::tolower);
return 0;
2:string without spaces
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string str;
//------------function to convert string into lowercase---------------
transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::tolower);
return 0;
My own template functions which performs upper / lower case.
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
// Lowercases string
template <typename T>
std::basic_string<T> lowercase(const std::basic_string<T>& s)
std::basic_string<T> s2 = s;
std::transform(s2.begin(), s2.end(), s2.begin(), tolower);
return s2;
// Uppercases string
template <typename T>
std::basic_string<T> uppercase(const std::basic_string<T>& s)
std::basic_string<T> s2 = s;
std::transform(s2.begin(), s2.end(), s2.begin(), toupper);
return s2;
I wrote this simple helper function:
#include <locale> // tolower
string to_lower(string s) {
for(char &c : s)
c = tolower(c);
return s;
string s = "TEST";
cout << to_lower("HELLO WORLD"); // output: "hello word"
cout << to_lower(s); // won't change the original variable.
An alternative to Boost is POCO (
POCO provides two variants:
The first variant makes a copy without altering the original string.
The second variant changes the original string in place.
"In Place" versions always have "InPlace" in the name.
Both versions are demonstrated below:
#include "Poco/String.h"
using namespace Poco;
std::string hello("Stack Overflow!");
// Copies "STACK OVERFLOW!" into 'newString' without altering 'hello.'
std::string newString(toUpper(hello));
// Changes newString in-place to read "stack overflow!"
std::ctype::tolower() from the standard C++ Localization library will correctly do this for you. Here is an example extracted from the tolower reference page
#include <locale>
#include <iostream>
int main () {
std::wcout << "In US English UTF-8 locale:\n";
auto& f = std::use_facet<std::ctype<wchar_t>>(std::locale());
std::wstring str = L"HELLo, wORLD!";
std::wcout << "Lowercase form of the string '" << str << "' is ";
f.tolower(&str[0], &str[0] + str.size());
std::wcout << "'" << str << "'\n";
Since none of the answers mentioned the upcoming Ranges library, which is available in the standard library since C++20, and currently separately available on GitHub as range-v3, I would like to add a way to perform this conversion using it.
To modify the string in-place:
str |= action::transform([](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); });
To generate a new string:
auto new_string = original_string
| view::transform([](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); });
(Don't forget to #include <cctype> and the required Ranges headers.)
Note: the use of unsigned char as the argument to the lambda is inspired by cppreference, which states:
Like all other functions from <cctype>, the behavior of std::tolower is undefined if the argument's value is neither representable as unsigned char nor equal to EOF. To use these functions safely with plain chars (or signed chars), the argument should first be converted to unsigned char:
char my_tolower(char ch)
return static_cast<char>(std::tolower(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)));
Similarly, they should not be directly used with standard algorithms when the iterator's value type is char or signed char. Instead, convert the value to unsigned char first:
std::string str_tolower(std::string s) {
std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(),
// static_cast<int(*)(int)>(std::tolower) // wrong
// [](int c){ return std::tolower(c); } // wrong
// [](char c){ return std::tolower(c); } // wrong
[](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); } // correct
return s;
On microsoft platforms you can use the strlwr family of functions:
// crt_strlwr.c
// compile with: /W3
// This program uses _strlwr and _strupr to create
// uppercase and lowercase copies of a mixed-case string.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
char string[100] = "The String to End All Strings!";
char * copy1 = _strdup( string ); // make two copies
char * copy2 = _strdup( string );
_strlwr( copy1 ); // C4996
_strupr( copy2 ); // C4996
printf( "Mixed: %s\n", string );
printf( "Lower: %s\n", copy1 );
printf( "Upper: %s\n", copy2 );
free( copy1 );
free( copy2 );
There is a way to convert upper case to lower WITHOUT doing if tests, and it's pretty straight-forward. The isupper() function/macro's use of clocale.h should take care of problems relating to your location, but if not, you can always tweak the UtoL[] to your heart's content.
Given that C's characters are really just 8-bit ints (ignoring the wide character sets for the moment) you can create a 256 byte array holding an alternative set of characters, and in the conversion function use the chars in your string as subscripts into the conversion array.
Instead of a 1-for-1 mapping though, give the upper-case array members the BYTE int values for the lower-case characters. You may find islower() and isupper() useful here.
The code looks like this...
#include <clocale>
static char UtoL[256];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitUtoLMap() {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(UtoL); i++) {
if (isupper(i)) {
UtoL[i] = (char)(i + 32);
} else {
UtoL[i] = i;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
char *LowerStr(char *szMyStr) {
char *p = szMyStr;
// do conversion in-place so as not to require a destination buffer
while (*p) { // szMyStr must be null-terminated
*p = UtoL[*p];
return szMyStr;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main() {
time_t start;
char *Lowered, Upper[128];
strcpy(Upper, "Every GOOD boy does FINE!");
Lowered = LowerStr(Upper);
return 0;
This approach will, at the same time, allow you to remap any other characters you wish to change.
This approach has one huge advantage when running on modern processors, there is no need to do branch prediction as there are no if tests comprising branching. This saves the CPU's branch prediction logic for other loops, and tends to prevent pipeline stalls.
Some here may recognize this approach as the same one used to convert EBCDIC to ASCII.
Here's a macro technique if you want something simple:
#define STRTOLOWER(x) std::transform (x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), ::tolower)
#define STRTOUPPER(x) std::transform (x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), ::toupper)
#define STRTOUCFIRST(x) std::transform (x.begin(), x.begin()+1, x.begin(), ::toupper); std::transform (x.begin()+1, x.end(), x.begin()+1,::tolower)
However, note that #AndreasSpindler's comment on this answer still is an important consideration, however, if you're working on something that isn't just ASCII characters.
Is there an alternative which works 100% of the time?
There are several questions you need to ask yourself before choosing a lowercasing method.
How is the string encoded? plain ASCII? UTF-8? some form of extended ASCII legacy encoding?
What do you mean by lower case anyway? Case mapping rules vary between languages! Do you want something that is localised to the users locale? do you want something that behaves consistently on all systems your software runs on? Do you just want to lowercase ASCII characters and pass through everything else?
What libraries are available?
Once you have answers to those questions you can start looking for a soloution that fits your needs. There is no one size fits all that works for everyone everywhere!
C++ doesn't have tolower or toupper methods implemented for std::string, but it is available for char. One can easily read each char of string, convert it into required case and put it back into string.
A sample code without using any third party library:
int main(){
std::string str = std::string("How ARe You");
for(char &ch : str){
ch = std::tolower(ch);
return 0;
For character based operation on string : For every character in string
// tolower example (C++)
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <string> // std::string
#include <locale> // std::locale, std::tolower
int main ()
std::locale loc;
std::string str="Test String.\n";
for (std::string::size_type i=0; i<str.length(); ++i)
std::cout << std::tolower(str[i],loc);
return 0;
For more information:
Copy because it was disallowed to improve answer. Thanks SO
string test = "Hello World";
for(auto& c : test)
c = tolower(c);
for(auto& c : test) is a range-based for loop of the kind for (range_declaration:range_expression)loop_statement:
range_declaration: auto& c
Here the auto specifier is used for for automatic type deduction. So the type gets deducted from the variables initializer.
range_expression: test
The range in this case are the characters of string test.
The characters of the string test are available as a reference inside the for loop through identifier c.
Try this function :)
string toLowerCase(string str) {
int str_len = str.length();
string final_str = "";
for(int i=0; i<str_len; i++) {
char character = str[i];
if(character>=65 && character<=92) {
final_str += (character+32);
} else {
final_str += character;
return final_str;
Use fplus::to_lower_case() from fplus library.
Search to_lower_case in fplus API Search
fplus::to_lower_case(std::string("ABC")) == std::string("abc");
Have a look at the excellent c++17 cpp-unicodelib (GitHub). It's single-file and header-only.
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <codecvt>
// cpp-unicodelib, downloaded from GitHub
#include "unicodelib.h"
#include "unicodelib_encodings.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace unicode;
// converter that allows displaying a Unicode32 string
wstring_convert<codecvt_utf8<char32_t>, char32_t> converter;
std::u32string in = U"Je suis là!";
cout << converter.to_bytes(in) << endl;
std::u32string lc = to_lowercase(in);
cout << converter.to_bytes(lc) << endl;
Je suis là!
je suis là!
Google's absl library has absl::AsciiStrToLower / absl::AsciiStrToUpper
Since you are using std::string, you are using c++. If using c++11 or higher, this doesn't need anything fancy. If words is vector<string>, then:
for (auto & str : words) {
for(auto & ch : str)
ch = tolower(ch);
Doesn't have strange exceptions. Might want to use w_char's but otherwise this should do it all in place.
Code Snippet
using namespace std;
int main ()
string str="String Convert\n";
for(int i=0; i<str.size(); i++)
str[i] = tolower(str[i]);
return 0;
Add some optional libraries for ASCII string to_lower, both of which are production level and with micro-optimizations, which is expected to be faster than the existed answers here(TODO: add benchmark result).
Facebook's Folly:
void toLowerAscii(char* str, size_t length)
Google's Abseil:
void AsciiStrToLower(std::string* s);
I wrote a templated version that works with any string :
#include <type_traits> // std::decay
#include <ctype.h> // std::toupper & std::tolower
template <class T = void> struct farg_t { using type = T; };
template <template<typename ...> class T1,
class T2> struct farg_t <T1<T2>> { using type = T2*; };
template<class T, class T2 =
typename std::decay< typename farg_t<T>::type >::type>
void ToUpper(T& str) { T2 t = &str[0];
for (; *t; ++t) *t = std::toupper(*t); }
template<class T, class T2 = typename std::decay< typename
farg_t<T>::type >::type>
void Tolower(T& str) { T2 t = &str[0];
for (; *t; ++t) *t = std::tolower(*t); }
Tested with gcc compiler:
#include <iostream>
#include "upove_code.h"
int main()
std::string str1 = "hEllo ";
char str2 [] = "wOrld";
std::cout << str1 << str2 << '\n';
std::cout << str1 << str2 << '\n';
return 0;
>hello world
use this code to change case of string in c++.
using namespace std;
int main(){
string a = "sssAAAAAAaaaaDas";
This could be another simple version to convert uppercase to lowercase and vice versa. I used VS2017 community version to compile this source code.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
std::string _input = "lowercasetouppercase";
#if 0
// My idea is to use the ascii value to convert
char upperA = 'A';
char lowerA = 'a';
cout << (int)upperA << endl; // ASCII value of 'A' -> 65
cout << (int)lowerA << endl; // ASCII value of 'a' -> 97
// 97-65 = 32; // Difference of ASCII value of upper and lower a
#endif // 0
cout << "Input String = " << _input.c_str() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < _input.length(); ++i)
_input[i] -= 32; // To convert lower to upper
#if 0
_input[i] += 32; // To convert upper to lower
#endif // 0
cout << "Output String = " << _input.c_str() << endl;
return 0;
Note: if there are special characters then need to be handled using condition check.
I have comma delimited strings I need to pull values from. The problem is these strings will never be a fixed size. So I decided to iterate through the groups of commas and read what is in between. In order to do that I made a function that returns every occurrence's position in a sample string.
Is this a smart way to do it? Is this considered bad code?
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
vector<int> findLocation(string sample, char findIt);
int main()
string test = "19,,112456.0,a,34656";
char findIt = ',';
vector<int> results = findLocation(test,findIt);
return 0;
vector<int> findLocation(string sample, char findIt)
vector<int> characterLocations;
for(int i =0; i < sample.size(); i++)
if(sample[i] == findIt)
return characterLocations;
vector<int> findLocation(string sample, char findIt)
vector<int> characterLocations;
for(int i =0; i < sample.size(); i++)
if(sample[i] == findIt)
return characterLocations;
As currently written, this will simply return a vector containing the int representations of the characters themselves, not their positions, which is what you really want, if I read your question correctly.
Replace this line:
with this line:
And that should give you the vector you want.
If I were reviewing this, I would see this and assume that what you're really trying to do is tokenize a string, and there's already good ways to do that.
Best way I've seen to do this is with boost::tokenizer. It lets you specify how the string is delimited and then gives you a nice iterator interface to iterate through each value.
using namespace boost;
string sample = "Hello,My,Name,Is,Doug";
escaped_list_seperator<char> sep("" /*escape char*/, ","/*seperator*/, "" /*quotes*/)
tokenizer<escaped_list_seperator<char> > myTokens(sample, sep)
//iterate through the contents
for (tokenizer<escaped_list_seperator<char>>::iterator iter = myTokens.begin();
iter != myTokens.end();
std::cout << *iter << std::endl;
Edit If you don't want a dependency on boost, you can also use getline with an istringstream as in this answer. To copy somewhat from that answer:
std::string str = "Hello,My,Name,Is,Doug";
std::istringstream stream(str);
std::string tok1;
while (stream)
std::getline(stream, tok1, ',');
std::cout << tok1 << std::endl;
This may not be directly what you're asking but I think it gets at your overall problem you're trying to solve.
Looks good to me too, one comment is with the naming of your variables and types. You call the vector you are going to return characterLocations which is of type int when really you are pushing back the character itself (which is type char) not its location. I am not sure what the greater application is for, but I think it would make more sense to pass back the locations. Or do a more cookie cutter string tokenize.
Well if your purpose is to find the indices of occurrences the following code will be more efficient as in c++ giving objects as parameters causes the objects to be copied which is insecure and also less efficient. Especially returning a vector is the worst possible practice in this case that's why giving it as a argument reference will be much better.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
vector<int> findLocation(string sample, char findIt);
int main()
string test = "19,,112456.0,a,34656";
char findIt = ',';
vector<int> results;
findLocation(test,findIt, results);
return 0;
void findLocation(const string& sample, const char findIt, vector<int>& resultList)
const int sz = sample.size();
for(int i =0; i < sz; i++)
if(sample[i] == findIt)
How smart it is also depends on what you do with those subtstrings delimited with commas. In some cases it may be better (e.g. faster, with smaller memory requirements) to avoid searching and splitting and just parse and process the string at the same time, possibly using a state machine.
Judging from the title, I kinda did my program in a fairly complicated way. BUT! I might as well ask anyway xD
This is a simple program I did in response to question 3-3 of Accelerated C++, which is an awesome book in my opinion.
I created a vector:
vector<string> countEm;
That accepts all valid strings. Therefore, I have a vector that contains elements of strings.
Next, I created a function
int toLowerWords( vector<string> &vec )
for( int loop = 0; loop < vec.size(); loop++ )
transform( vec[loop].begin(), vec[loop].end(),
vec[loop].begin(), ::tolower );
that splits the input into all lowercase characters for easier counting. So far, so good.
I created a third and final function to actually count the words, and that's where I'm stuck.
int counter( vector<string> &vec )
for( int loop = 0; loop < vec.size(); loop++ )
for( int secLoop = 0; secLoop < vec[loop].size(); secLoop++ )
if( vec[loop][secLoop] == ' ' )
That just looks ridiculous. Using a two-dimensional array to call on the characters of the vector until I find a space. Ridiculous. I don't believe that this is an elegant or even viable solution. If it was a viable solution, I would then backtrack from the space and copy all characters I've found in a separate vector and count those.
My question then is. How can I dissect a vector of strings into separate words so that I can actually count them? I thought about using strchr, but it didn't give me any epiphanies.
Solution via Neil:
stringstream ss( input );
while( ss >> buffer )
countEm.push_back( buffer );
From that I could easily count the (recurring) words.
Then I did a solution via Wilhelm that I will post once I re-write it since I accidentally deleted that solution! Stupid of me, but I will post that once I have it written again ^^
I want to thank all of you for your input! The solutions have worked and I became a little better programmer. If I could vote up your stuff, then I would :P Once I can, I will! And thanks again!
If the words are always space separated, the easiest way to split them is to use a stringstream:
string words = .... // populat
istringstream is( words );
string word;
while( is >> word ) {
cout << "word is " << word << endl;
You'd want to write a function to do this, of course, and apply it to your strings. Or it may be better not to store the strings at allm but to split into words on initial input.
You can use std::istringstream to extract the words one by one and count them. But this solution consumes O(n) in space complexity.
string text("So many words!");
size_t count = 0;
for( size_t pos(text.find_first_not_of(" \t\n"));
pos != string::npos;
pos = text.find_first_not_of(" \t\n", text.find_first_of(" \t\n", ++pos)) )
Perhaps not as short as Neil's solution, but takes no space and extra-allocation other than what's already used.
Use a tokenizer such as the one listed here in section 7.3 to split the strings in your vector into single words (or rewrite it so that it just returns the number of tokens) and loop over your vector to count the total number of tokens you encounter.
Since C++11 there is a special and very powerful iterator, for iterating over patterns (for example words) in a string: The std::sregex_token_iterator
With that and iterator function std::distance, we can simply count all words (or other patterns in a string, by calculating the distance between the first and the last pattern.
The resulting program is always a one-liner:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
const std::regex re{R"(\w+)"};
const std::string test{"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"};
int main()
std::cout << std::distance(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), re), {});
With this method, we can of course also split the string and show the resulting words:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
const std::regex re{R"(\w+)"};
const std::string test{"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"};
int main()
std::copy(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), re), {}, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));
By using the std::vectors range constructor, we can store also the words in a std::vector:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
#include <vector>
const std::regex re{R"(\w+)"};
const std::string test{"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"};
int main()
std::vector<std::string> words(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), re), {});
std::cout << words.size();
You see. There are really many possibilities.
If you have a stream, then you can use the std::istream iterator for the same purpose-