C++ assignment on type cast - c++

I stumbled upon something similar today, and subsequently tried a few things out and noticed that the following seems to be legal in G++:
struct A {
int val_;
A() { }
A(int val) : val_(val) { }
const A& operator=(int val) { val_ = val; return *this; }
int get() { return val_; }
struct B : public A {
A getA() { return (((A)*this) = 20); } // legal?
int main() {
A a = 10;
B b;
A c = b.getA();
So B::getB returns a type A, after it as assigned the value 20 to itself (via the overloaded A::operator=).
After a few tests, it seems that it returns the correct value (c.get would return 20 as one may expect).
So I'm wondering, is this undefined behavior? If this is the case, what exactly makes it so? If not, what would be the advantages of such code?

After careful examination, with the help of #Kerrek SB and #Aaron McDaid, the following:
return (((A)*this) = 20);
...is like shorthand (yet obscure) syntax for:
A a(*this);
return a.operator=(20);
...or even better:
return A(*this) = 20;
...and is therefore defined behavior.

There are a number of quite separate things going on here. The code is valid, however you have made an incorrect assumption in your question. You said
"B::getA returns [...] , after it as assigned the value 20 to itself"
(my emphasis) This is not correct. getA does not modify the object. To verify this, you can simply place const in the method signature. I'll then fully explain.
A getA() const {
cout << this << " in getA() now" << endl;
return (((A)*this) = 20);
So what is going on here? Looking at my sample code (I've copied my transcript to the end of this answer):
A a = 10;
This declares an A with the constructor. Pretty straightfoward. This next line:
B b; b.val_ = 15;
B doesn't have any constructors, so I have to write directly to its val_ member (inherited from A).
Before we consider the next line, A c = b.getA();, we must very carefully consider the simpler expression:
This does not modify b, although it might superfically look like it does.
At the end, my sample code prints out the b.val_ and you see that it equals 15 still. It has not changed to 20. c.val_ has changed to 20 of course.
Look inside getA and you see (((A)*this) = 20). Let's break this down:
this // a pointer to the the variable 'b' in main(). It's of type B*
*this // a reference to 'b'. Of type B&
(A)*this // this copies into a new object of type A.
It's worth pausing here. If this was (A&)*this, or even *((A*)this), then it would be a simpler line. But it's (A)*this and therefore this creates a new object of type A and copies the relevant slice from b into it.
(Extra: You might ask how it can copy the slice in. We have a B& reference and we wish to create a new A. By default, the compiler creates a copy constructor A :: A (const A&). The compiler can use this because a reference B& can be naturally cast to a const A&.)
In particular this != &((A)*this). This might be a surprise to you. (Extra: On the other hand this == &((A&)*this) usually (depending on whether there are virtual methods))
Now that we have this new object, we can look at
((A)*this) = 20
This puts the number into this new value. This statement does not affect this->val_.
It would be an error to change getA such that it returned A&. First off, the return value of operator= is const A&, and therefore you can't return it as a A&. But even if you had const A& as the return type, this would be a reference to a temporary local variable created inside getA. It is undefined to return such things.
Finally, we can see that c will take this copy that is returned by value from getA
A c = b.getA();
That is why the current code, where getA returns the copy by value, is safe and well-defined.
== The full program ==
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct A {
int val_;
A() { }
A(int val) : val_(val) { }
const A& operator=(int val) {
cout << this << " in operator= now" << endl; // prove the operator= happens on a different object (the copy)
val_ = val;
return *this;
int get() { return val_; }
struct B : public A {
A getA() const {
cout << this << " in getA() now" << endl; // the address of b
return (((A)*this) = 20);
// The preceding line does four things:
// 1. Take the current object, *this
// 2. Copy a slice of it into a new temporary object of type A
// 3. Assign 20 to this temporary copy
// 4. Return this by value
} // legal? Yes
int main() {
A a = 10;
B b; b.val_ = 15;
A c = b.getA();
cout << b.get() << endl; // expect 15
cout << c.get() << endl; // expect 20
B* b2 = &b;
A a2 = *b2;
cout << b2->get() << endl; // expect 15
cout << a2.get() << endl; // expect 15


Polymorphism and Dynamic Casting

So I'm working on a text-based RPG, and I've run into an issue. I am currently working on equipping weapons from the character's inventory. I am trying to make it so that my program can tell if the item they want to equip is of class Weapon or not. Here is the clip of relevant code:
Item tempChosenWeapon = myInventory.chooseItem();
cout << tempChosenWeapon.getName() << endl;
Item *chosenWeapon = &tempChosenWeapon;
cout << chosenWeapon->getName() << endl;//THE CODE WORKS UP TO HERE
Weapon *maybeWeapon = dynamic_cast<Weapon*>(chosenWeapon);
cout << maybeWeapon->getName() << endl;
Now, Weapon is a child class of Item, which is why I am using dynamic cast -- in an attempt to change chosenWeapon, which is of type Item, to type Weapon in order to compare the two classes. (I am using these cout<<s in or to test whether or not calling a function from these objects works).
My program compiles, and everything runs fine until we come to maybeWeapon->getName(), in which the program crashes. I've researched quite a bit, but I just don't understand what I am doing wrong. Any answer or alternative suggestion is much appreciated! Thanks!
The problem
The problem is that you try to make a dynamic cast to a Weapon but in reality the object pointed to is a true copy constructed Item and not a subclass. This is results in a nullptr and UB when you dereference it !
Why ?
Let's suppose that you have only Weapon objects in your inventory. The first instruction in your snippet is the root of your evil:
Item tempChosenWeapon = myInventory.chooseItem();
This is statement is a copy construction of an Item object. If the source object was a Weapon, it will be sliced.
Later you take a pointer to this object:
Item *chosenWeapon = &tempChosenWeapon;
But this Item* doesn't point to a Weapon object as you think. It points to a real crude Item object ! So when you do the dynamic cast here:
Weapon *maybeWeapon = dynamic_cast<Weapon*>(chosenWeapon);
the code will find out that choosenWeapon is not a Weapon*, and the result of dynamic_cast will be a nullptr. Until now it's not necessarily a catastrophe. But when you then derefence this pointer you get UB:
maybeWeapon->getName() // OUCH !!!!!!
Checking if the dynamic_cast was successful (i.e. result not nullptr) is a protection against the crash, but will not solve your root problem.
It is even possible that the problem is even deeper than expected: what type does the myInventory.chooseItem() return in reality ? Is it a plain Item ? Then you might have the slicing problem already in the inventory !
If you want to use polymorphism:
you have to work with pointers (preferably smart pointers) or with references, in order not to loose the original type of an object, like it happened here.
If you need to copy polymorphic objects, you can't just use an assignment with an Item: you'd need to invoke a polymorphic clone() function and ensure that the target of this cloning has a compatible type.
To start with a solution, it's something like this:
Item* chosenWeapon = myInventory.chooseItem(); // refactor choosItem() to return a pointer.
cout << chosenWeapon->getName() << endl;
Weapon *maybeWeapon = dynamic_cast<Weapon*>(chosenWeapon);
if (maybeWeapon)
cout << maybeWeapon->getName() << endl;
else cout << "Oops the chosen item was not a weapon" <<endl;
If this still not work, then your inventory container would be flawed. In this case, look at this question before opening a separate question with the code of your container
dynamic_cast will return nullptr if the pointer cast cannot be performed (for reference casts it will throw an exception), so your code should read something like:
Weapon *maybeWeapon = dynamic_cast<Weapon*>(chosenWeapon);
if ( maybeWeapon ) {
cout << maybeWeapon->getName() << endl;
else {
// it's not a weapon
If you don't perform that test, and try to dereference the pointer containing nullptr, you are off in Undefined Behaviour Land.
Item tempChosenWeapon = myInventory.chooseItem();
this is an Item. Not a type descended from Item. It is an Item.
Values in C++ have known types.
cout << tempChosenWeapon.getName() << endl;
all good, but please stop using namespace std;
Item *chosenWeapon = &tempChosenWeapon;
This is a pointer to an Item. I can prove it is not polymorphic, because it is a pointer to a instance of type Item. The compiler can probably prove it to.
cout << chosenWeapon->getName() << endl;//THE CODE WORKS UP TO HERE
ok, this repeats the previous call.
Weapon *maybeWeapon = dynamic_cast<Weapon*>(chosenWeapon);
This deterministically returns nullptr. chosenWeapon is an Item* that we know points to an Item, and an Item is not a Weapon.
cout << maybeWeapon->getName() << endl;
this dereferences nullptr.
There are a number of ways to handle polymorphism in C++. But you have to think about it.
First, do you want value semantics? Value sematnics means that a copy of something is a copy of it. Things don't refer to other things; they are those things.
You can do value semantics with polymorphic values, but it takes a bit of work. You write two classes; the value wrapper, and the internal pImpl.
The internal pImpl has a std::unique_ptr<Impl> Impl->clone() const method, and the value wrapper calls it when you copy it.
You write your interface like this:
template<class D>
struct clonable {
std::unique_ptr<D> clone() const = 0;
struct ITarget;
struct IItem:clonable<IItem> {
virtual std::string get_name() const = 0;
virtual bool can_equip( ITarget const& ) const = 0;
~virtual IItem() {}
struct Target;
struct Item {
using Impl = IItem;
explicit operator bool() const { return (bool)pImpl; }
IItem* get_impl() { return pImpl.get(); }
IItem const* get_impl() const { return pImpl.get(); }
template<class D>
D copy_and_downcast() const& {
auto* ptr = dynamic_cast<typename D::Impl const*>( pImpl.get() );
if (!ptr) return {};
return D(ptr->clone());
template<class D>
D copy_and_downcast() && {
auto* ptr = dynamic_cast<typename D::Impl*>( pImpl.get() );
if (!ptr) return {};
return D(std::unique_ptr<typename D::Impl>(ptr));
std::string get_name() const {
if (!*this) return {};
return pImpl->get_name();
bool can_equip(Target const& target)const{
if (!*this) return false;
if (!target) return false;
return pImpl->can_equip( *target.get_impl() );
Item() = default;
Item(Item&&) = default;
Item& operator=(Item&&) = default;
Item(std::unique_ptr<IItem> o):pImpl(std::move(o)) {}
Item(Item const& o):
Item( o?Item(o.pImpl->clone()):Item{} )
Item& operator=( Item const& o ) {
Item tmp(o);
std::swap(pImpl, tmp.pImpl);
return *this;
std::unique_ptr<IItem> pImpl;
which probably has bugs and is maybe too complex for you.
Second, you can go with reference semantics.
In this case, you want to return shared_ptr<const T> or shared_ptr<T> from your data. Or you can go half way and return a unique_ptr<T> copy from your chooseItem functions.
Reference semantics is really hard to get right. But you do get to use dynamic_cast or dynamic_pointer_cast directly.
std::shared_ptr<Item> chosenWeapon = myInventory.chooseItem();
if (!chosenWeapon) return;
std::cout << chosenWeapon->getName() << std::endl;
auto maybeWeapon = dynamic_pointer_cast<Weapon>(chosenWeapon);
if (maybeWeapon)
std::cout << maybeWeapon->getName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Not a weapon" << std::endl;
You cannot cast an object of type Item to an object of a subclass of Item.
Note that with Item tempChosenWeapon = myInventory.chooseItem(), you will get an Item-object, even if chooseItem might return a Weapon-object. This is called "slicing" and cuts out an Item-subobject of any Weapon-object. Note that variables that are not references or pointers are not polymorphic:
struct A {
int a = 0;
virtual void print() const {
std::cout << "a:" << a << std::endl;
struct B : public A {
int b = 1;
void print() const override {
std::cout << "a:" << a << "; b:" << b << std::endl;
B b;
A get_b() { // will slice b;
return b;
A& getRefTo_b() { // reference to b; polymorphic
return b;
A* getPointerTo_b() { // pointer to b; polymorphic.
return &b;
int main() {
A a1 = get_b(); // copy of A-subobject of b; not polymorphic
// a:0
A a2 = getRefTo_b(); // copy of A-subobject of referenced b-object; not polymorphic
// a:0
A &a3 = getRefTo_b(); // storing reference to b-object; polymorphic
// a:0; b:1
A *a4 = getPointerTo_b(); // pointer to b-object; polymorphic
// a:0; b:1
B* b1 = dynamic_cast<B*>(&a1); // fails (nullptr); a1 is not a B
B* b2 = dynamic_cast<B*>(&a2); // fails (nullptr); a2 is not a B
B* b3 = dynamic_cast<B*>(&a3); // OK; a3 refers to a B-object
B* b4 = dynamic_cast<B*>(a4); // OK; a4 points to a B-object
return 0;
So your signature should probably be
Item &Inventory::chooseItem() {
static Weapon weapon;
return weapon;
int main() {
Item &myWeapon = myInventory.chooseItem();
Weapon* w = dynamic_cast<Weapon*>(&myWeapon);

std::move in return statements

I've been paying close attention to the advice never to write std::move in a return statement, for example. Except there are some edge cases, for example.
I believe the following is another simple example of where std::move may be worthwhile - did I miss something? But I'm not sure why, and will that change in a future C++?
#include <iostream>
struct A
struct C
struct B
B(const A&, const C&) { std::cout << "B was copied\n"; }
B(A&&, C&&) { std::cout << "B was moved\n"; }
B f()
A a;
C c;
//return {a, c}; // Gives "B was copied"
return {std::move(a), std::move(c)}; // Gives "B was moved"
int main() {
return 0;
return {std::move(a), std::move(c)}
is equivalent to
return B{std::move(a), std::move(c)}
You're basically invoking B::B(A&&, C&&) instead of the version taking const& references. This has nothing to do with moving a return value.
The return value of the function is the temporary instance of B, which is a prvalue. It C++17, it will benefit from "guaranteed copy elision". Before C++17, it will be RVOd or moved into its target.

Access members of a class within a different class in c++

I am trying to understand object oriented programming using c++. The following is a minimal example for which the result is not what I naively expect:
#include <iostream>
class B {
B (int val) : val(val) {;}
int get_val() { return val; }
int set_val(int a) { val = a; }
int val;
class A {
A (B b) : b(b) {;}
B get_b() { return b; }
B b;
int main(){
B b_main(5);
std::cout << b_main.get_val() << std::endl; // Prints 5, which makes sense
A a_main(b_main);
std::cout << a_main.get_b().get_val() << std::endl; // Prints 5, which makes sense
std::cout << a_main.get_b().get_val() << std::endl; // Why does this not print 2?
return 0;
The last cout statement does not make sense to me. In the second to last line, I set the value of the object to be 2, so why does this not print 2? Looking at some similar questions on Stack Exchange, I found some suggestions to make A and B be friends of each other. I tried adding friend class A in class B and friend class B in class A, but this did not work. In my understanding, adding the friend statements should be unnecessary since I have the get_b() method in class A. I found some suggestions to try passing the object of type B in by reference to the constructor of A: A (B& b) : b(b) {;} but this did not work either.
Can anyone explain to me why the program is not producing the intended result and also how to obtain the desired result (that is, the last cout statement prints 2)?
Note: I also experimented with the following. I made the private variable b of class A be public:
#include <iostream>
class B {
B (int val) : val(val) {;}
int get_val() { return val; }
int set_val(int a) { val = a; }
int val;
class A {
A (B b) : b(b) {;}
B b; // This is now public
//B get_b() { return b; } // This is no longer needed
int main(){
B bmain(5);
std::cout << bmain.get_val() << std::endl;
A amain(bmain);
std::cout << amain.b.get_val() << std::endl;
std::cout << amain.b.get_val() << std::endl; // Works!
return 0;
And now I obtain the desired result. Is this how the code should be implemented as opposed to the first code snippet? I would like to have a get_b() method as in the first code snippet, but if this is not the correct way of going about this, please let me know.
In the second to last line, I set the value of the object to be 2, so why does this not print 2?
Because you return a copy of the B object in a_main with the get_b() method. What happens is that the b variable in a_main is copied, i.e. another object of class B, identical to the b member, is created, and returned to the caller. Then, that new B object is modified. But it has no connection to the original b in a_main. This has little to do with visibility and member access.
However, in the second example, you expose the b member in a_main and directly operate on that object without making a copy of it, thus the successful result. What the public modifier changes is that it allows you to access the b object directly, hence the effect.
I found some suggestions to try passing the object of type B in by reference to the constructor of A: A (B& b) : b(b) {;} but this did not work either.
That isn't going to work. What happens when you do so, is that the A::b is initialized using the value that is passed by reference, true. But the reference only leads to no additional copy of b passed to the constructor being made. This reference does not create a link between the b passed to the constructor and A::b. It's on the other end, so to say.
By the way, A (B& b) : b(b) {;} that the c'tor parameter name is identical to the member name is a bad practice. It's a good idea to have them named similarly, but still, add e.g. an underscore: A (B& _b) : b(_b) {;}
If you want to achieve the same result in the first snippet, return a reference to b like so:
B& get_b() { return b; }
Still, this is undesirable, because you expose a private member of class A just to allow clients of A to modify a certain property of that member. Better provide a method in A to set the val property of A::b without giving full access to A::b.
Definitely see this: What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value?
and maybe this: Java and C++ pass by value and pass by reference
because I have a feel that you're coming from Java and expect pass-by-reference in C++ by default.
get_b returns a copy of your private variable b, not the actual variable. If you want to be able to access it, you need to return a reference to b so that the returned value can be manipulated. Your get_b definition should look like this:
B& get_b() { return b; }
if that is what you expect to do. However, this is not usually a desirable solution. If you are going to be actively changing the value of b you should write a set_b function to manipulate the variable. And if you are really working with the variable a lot, reading and writing values to it, you should keep it public for fast access.
Just for the sake of completeness, you can solve this problem as a C programing problem rather than using all the fancy references in C++ programing. When you get b_main from a_main, the returned object does not occupy the same memory address.
#include <iostream>
class B {
B (int val) : val(val) {;}
int get_val() { return val; }
int set_val(int a) { val = a; }
int val;
class A {
A (B b) : b(b) {;}
B get_b() { return b; }
B b;
int main(){
B b_main(5);
B* addrb = &b_main;
std::cout << b_main.get_val() << std::endl; // Prints 5, which makes sense
std::cout<<"Address of b_main: "<<addrb<<std::endl;
A a_main(b_main);
B bt = a_main.get_b();
addrb = &(bt);
std::cout << a_main.get_b().get_val() << std::endl; // Prints 5, which makes sense
std::cout<<"Address of a_main.get_b(): "<<addrb<<std::endl;
std::cout << a_main.get_b().get_val() << std::endl; // Why does this not print 2?
return 0;
Notice the difference in address of the new cout statements. One way to fix this is to return pointers rather than b itself. i.e.
#include <iostream>
class B {
B (int val) : val(val) {;}
int get_val() { return val; }
int set_val(int a) { val = a; }
int val;
class A {
A (B b) : b(b) {;}
B* get_b() { return &b; }
B b;
int main(){
B b_main(5);
//B* addrb = &b_main;
std::cout << b_main.get_val() << std::endl; // Prints 5, which makes sense
//std::cout<<"Address of b_main: "<<addrb<<std::endl;
A a_main(b_main);
//B bt = a_main.get_b();
//addrb = &(bt);
std::cout << a_main.get_b()->get_val() << std::endl; // Prints 5, which makes sense
//std::cout<<"Address of a_main.get_b(): "<<addrb<<std::endl;
std::cout << a_main.get_b()->get_val() << std::endl; // Why does this not print 2?
return 0;

Does RVO work on object members?

Consider the following:
struct A { /* ... */ };
A foo() {
auto p = std::make_pair(A{}, 2);
// ... do something
return p.first;
auto a = foo();
Will p.first be copied, moved or RVO-ed?
I've found in Visual Studio 2010 and in gcc-5.1 RVO is not applied (see for example http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/17666dd9e532da76).
The relevant section of the standard is [class.copy]. It states that copy elision is permitted (my highlighting):
in a return statement in a function with a class return type, when the expression is the name of a non-volatile automatic object (other than a function parameter or a variable introduced by the exception-declaration of a handler ([except.handle])) with the same type (ignoring cv-qualification) as the function return type, the copy/move operation can be omitted by constructing the automatic object directly into the function's return value
Since p.first is not the name of an object, RVO is prohibited.
Just to add a little more fuel, how would this function if RVO were in play? The caller has put an instance of A somewhere in memory and then calls foo to assign to it (even better, let's assume that that A was a part of a larger struct, and let's assume that it is correctly aligned such that the next member of the struct is immediately after that instance of A). Assuming RVO were in play, the first portion of p is located where the caller wanted it, but where does the int that is second get placed? It has to go right after the instance of A in order to keep the pair functioning correctly, but at the source location, there's some other member right after that instance of A.
I would expect that RVO would not be happening in this place as you are only returning a portion of a larger object. A move could happen as first would have to be left in a destructible state.
#atkins got here first with the answer. Just adding this little test program which you may find useful in future when tracking move/assign behaviour.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std::string_literals;
struct A {
: history("created")
A(A&& r)
: history("move-constructed,"s + r.history)
r.history = "zombie: was "s + r.history;
A(const A& r)
: history("copied from: " + r.history)
~A() {
history = "destroyed,"s + history;
std::cout << history << std::endl;
A& operator=(A&& r) {
history = "move-assigned from " + r.history + " (was "s + history + ")"s;
r.history = "zombie: was "s + r.history;
return *this;
A& operator=(const A&r ) {
history = "copied from " + r.history;
return *this;
std::string history;
A foo() {
auto p = std::make_pair(A{}, 2);
// ... do something
return p.first;
auto main() -> int
auto a = foo();
return 0;
example output:
destroyed,zombie: was created
destroyed,copied from: move-constructed,created
Consider following code:
struct A {};
struct B {};
struct C { B c[100000]; };
A callee()
struct S
A a;
C c;
} s;
return s.a;
void caller()
A a = callee();
// here should lie free unused spacer of size B[100000]
B b;
"Partial" RVO should result in excessive stack usage bloating in caller, because (I think) S can be constructed only entirely in caller stack frame.
Another issue is ~S() behaviour:
// a.hpp
struct A {};
struct B {};
struct C { A a; B b; ~C(); };
// a.cpp
#include "a.hpp"
~C() { /* ... */; }
// main.cpp
#include "a.hpp"
A callee()
C c;
return c.a;
} // How to destruct c partially, having the user defined ~C() in another TU?
// Even if destructor is inline and its body is visible,
// how to automatically change its logic properly?
// It is impossible in general case.
void caller() { A a = callee(); }

Assigning value passed by reference to a member variable (in C++)

I am trying to wrap my head about scope in C++. Please consider the following:
class C
int i_;
C() { i_ = 0;}
C(int i) { i_ = i; }
C(const C &c) {
i_ = c.i_;
cout << "C is being copied: " << i_ << endl;
int getI() { return i_; }
~C() {cout << "dstr: " << i_ << endl;}
class D
C c_;
void setC(C &c) { c_ = c; }
int getC_I() { return c_.getI(); }
void Test(D &d)
C c(1);
//here c is going out of scope, surely it will be destroyed now?
int main()
D d;
Test(d); //this sets value of c_ to the local variable in Test.
//Surely this will be invalid when Test returns?
int ii = d.getC_I();
cout << ii << endl;
Running this program outputs:
dstr: 1
dstr: 1
Apparently, the first destructor call occurs in Test, and the other when program terminates and d is destroyed.
So my question is: Where was c copied? Is there fault with my reasoning? And general point I am trying to ask: is it safe to have a member function that takes a reference to an object and then stores it in a member variable?
Many thank for your help.
Your code is fine as it stands right now. D::c_ is of type C rather than C &. Your SetC takes a reference to a C, and assigns the value referred to by that reference to C::c_, so what you have is an entirely separate C object that has the same value. Since you created d with automatic storage duration in main, it and c_ which is part of it remain valid until you exit from main.
Where was c copied?
When you do c_ = c;Where was c copied?, you're calling operator= on c_ which will copy the contents of c to c_.
If c_ were a also reference, nothing would be copied, and the program would cause an error like you expect it to.
C is getting copied here:
void setC(C &c) { c_ = c; }
If you want to store a reference then your member variable c_ should also be a reference. If you are storing a reference then you'll have to be careful with the lifetime of the variable you're passing in.