C++ how to elegantly deal with friendship not being inherited - c++

I have a set of classes
class myClassA{
friend class MyFatherClass;
class MyFatherClass{
class MySonClass : public MyFatherClass {
My father class can access all the methods of the class MyClassA.
I would like as well that all the class which will extend MyFatherClass will be able to call such methods.
I can see just 2 options:
at any time I go to add in myClassA the new class as a friend. ( I do not like it )
I create some protected wrapper in the father function to access the method from the class myClassA. (slightly better but i still do not like it as well because i have to create a new wrapper at any time a new method is created in myClassA)
Do you have any idea for a more elegant solution to the problem?

First off... what does elegant mean? Less code for you to write? I suggest you don't compromise when it comes to readability.
Using friendship should not be a decision taken lightly. There are numerous threads on SO dealing with this, but here I'll just assume you already know what this implies.
Option 1) is a lot more readable. When someone sees the class, they will directly know who has access to it. Code should be expressive, and this option describes the intent perfectly.
Option 2) is a bit of an overkill. You're writing a wrapper just so you can access some functions... why not make them public to start with, since the wrapper has public access. It's just an added layer of abstraction for nothing.
You should first think about functionality (both work), expressiveness and readability (option 1 is definitely better here).

It's a bit hard to make a judgment knowing so little about the application, but if the functions should only be used by MyFatherClass and its descendents, they should be protected members (perhaps static) of MyFatherClass.
Perhaps MyClassA should be a member of MyFatherClass with no member functions of its own, just a struct to hold some data members.
class MyFatherClass {
struct myStructA {
int state;
static void DoSomething( myStructA &a );
Just a suggestion… it's hard to tell what's best given so little information. The general idea is that the language disallows friendship inheritance because you can always make a good design without it.


Granting access on a function to another class without exposing it

I have a class let us call it Person:
class Person{
void move(x,y,z);
I have another class called PersonController:
class PersonController{
void control(){
//do some calculations
controlled_person_->move(some_values); //Wrong Accessing to a private member
Person* controlled_person_;
Both Person and PersonController are part of the public interface of the library I am designing.
I want PersonController to be able to call move from Person. However, I do not want anyone to access this function (move) from the public interface.
The easy way to sovle the problem is add a friendship so PersonController can access private members of Person. However, as far as I read the friend keyword was not introduced to solve these kind of problems and using it here would be a bad practice.
Is this correct? Should I avoid friend here?
Does this mean my design is broken?
Any alternative suggestions?
From what you said in comments, it seems you are interested in only allowing PersonController to touch that one member function. The way to do that and only that, is to make the door public, but add a private key for it:
class Person{
class MovePrivilege {
move_privilege() = default; // private c'tor
friend class PersonController; // only PersonController may construct this
void move(MovePrivilege, x,y,z);
class PersonController{
void control(){
//do some calculations
controlled_person_->move(MovePrivilege{} , some_values);
Person* controlled_person_;
The type MovePrivilege has a private c'tor. So it can only be constructed by its friends. And it is also required for calling move. So while move is public, the only classes that may call it are the friends of MovePrivilege.
This essentially gives you a fine grained control over who may call move. If this is obtrusive and you can't change move itself, a variant of the attorney client idiom may be appropriate instead.
You do have options at your disposal. Direct firend-ship is just the bluntest tool.
That is exactly the sort of problem that friend is meant for. While friendship should be minimized if your design needs it there is no reason not to use it.
I see non-use of friend a lot like the continuing dislike of 'goto', there are simply times where using it will make a design far cleaner.
Yes your design is not correct.
Classes are an expanded concept of data structures: like data structures, they can contain data members, but they can also contain functions as members. You can read more here
So PersonController (If it only control person class) should not be a class because it is not concept of data structures Check if it is possible to merge them or design another way.
There are many ways to do it.If you want to design it like what you do now you can use protected access controller for your function and Create derived class but it's not a good design again.
You can use friend function here too but it isn't an object oriented concept again(But the easiest way).
You should rethink about your design if you want to design it OO.Because you can't access private function from other class in object oriented programming ,It breaks encapsulation so C++ won't let you do that.
However your question depends on opinions too.

Pimpl idiom and internal object collaboration without friend declaration

I'm implementing several classes using the pimpl idiom and am coming across some design issues.
Firstly, I've always seen pimpl done like this
class Object
.. etc ..
class ObjectImpl *_pimpl;
I have several classes which use this approach and my problem is that several of these classes need access to each others implementation details but the _pimpl pointer is delcared private.
Can anyone see the downside of declaring the _pimpl public. Obviously, if it's public then someone may accidentally (or deliberately) reassign it. (I'm ignoring the fact that "private" could be #defined as "public" and grant access anyway. If you do this then you deserve what you get).
I appreciate that my design may be flawed and would welcome any comments along those lines also.
I'm really loathe to use friends and am not sure they'll even help as you can't forward declare the Object::ObjectImpl without fully defining Object.
class ObjectImpl *_pimpl;
friend class OtherObject::OtherObjectImpl; // this needs a fully qualified OtherObject
* UPDATE - More detail **
I have two classes, one called Command, the other called Results. I have methods on Command which return a vector of Results.
Both Command and Results use the pimpl idiom. I want the interface to Results to be as small as possible.
class Command
void getResults( std::vector< Results > & results );
void prepareResults( std::vector< Results > & results );
class CommandImpl *_pimpl;
class Results
class ResultsImpl;
Results( ResultsImpl * pimpl ) :
_pimpl( impl )
ResultsImpl *_pimpl;
Now in Command::getResults(). I inject the ResultsImpl into the Results. in Command::prepareResults() I need access to the ResultsImpl.
I doubt there is a good reason to make the implementation public: you can always expose the implementation's functionality using public methods:
class Object
int GetImplementationDetail();
std::unique_ptr< ObjectImpl > _pimpl;
int Object::GetImplementationDetail()
return pimpl->GetImplementationDetail();
Apart from that a class should be responsible for one thing, one thing only, and should have the bare minimum of dependencies to other classes; if you think other classes should be able to access your Object's pimpl then your design is likely flawed.
edit following the author's update: although your example is still rather vague (or at least I cannot tell the full intent of it), you seem to be misinterpreting the idiom and now try to apply it to a case where it is not usefull. As others pointed out, the 'P' stands for private. Your results class doesn't have much private implementation since all of it is public. So either try to use what I mention above and do not 'inject' anything, or just get rid of the pimpl all together and use just the Result class. If your Result's class interface should be so small that it's nothing but a pointer to another class it doesn't seem to be of much use in this case.
Why exactly do your classes depend on details of each other? You may re-think your design. Classes should depend on abstractions.
If you really deem your design proper, nothing stops you from providing a "source-file-private" header, like:
and then #include foo.impl.h in both foo.c and bar.c
#include "foo.impl.h"
#include "foo.impl.h"
But again: Generally,
Dependency Inversion Principle:
A. High Level Modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions.
B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.
Also make very sure to check out SOLID and GRASP, especially the point about loose coupling.
It is unnecessary to qualify the friend thusly.
If you just use friend class OtherObject, then the OtherObject class may access the necessary internals.
Personally my Pimpl are just a struct (bundle of data) and I leave the methods to operate on it in the original class.
Making the the data member _pimple public won't buy you anything as long as those other classes do not see the definition of its type ObjectImpl - which is the very thing Pimple set out to prevent.
What you can do instead is to add a private interface to your Object class which will allow befriended classes to do whatever they need to do with an Object.
Of course, the common disclaimers about friend being a tool that should be used as rarely as possible all apply.

Effective C++: discouraging protected inheritance?

I was reading Scott Meyers' Effective C++ (third edition), and in a paragraph in Item 32: Make sure public inheritance is "is-a" on page 151 he makes the comment (which I've put in bold):
This is true only for public inheritance. C++ will behave as I've described only if Student is publicly derived from Person. Private inheritance means something entirely different (see Item 39), and protected inheritance is something whose meaning eludes me to this day.
The question: how should I interpret this comment? Is Meyers trying to convey that protected inheritance is seldom considered useful and should be avoided?
(I've read the question
Difference between private, public, and protected inheritance as well as C++ FAQ Lite's private and protected inheritance section, both of which explain what protected inheritance means, but hasn't given me much insight into when or why it would be useful.)
Some scenarios where you'd want protected:
You have a base class with methods where you know you never want to expose the functionality outside, but you know will be useful for any derived class.
You have a base class with members that should be logically used by any class that extends that class, but should never be exposed outside.
Thanks to multiple inheritance you can play around with base classes' inheritance type and construct a more diversed class with existing logic and implementation.
A more concrete example:
You could create a few abstract classes that follow Design Pattern logic, lets say you have:
Now you want these all to be public, because in general, you could use the pattern on anything.
But, with protected inheritance, you can create a class that is an Observer and Subject, but only protected factory, so the factory part is only used in inherited classes. (Just chose random patterns for the example)
Another example:
Lets say for example you want to inherit from a library class (not that I encourage it). Lets say you want to make you own cool extension of std::list<> or a "better" shared_ptr.
You could derive protectedly from the base class (which is designed to have public methods).
This will give you the option to use your own custom methods, use the class' logic, and pass the logic to the to any derived class.
You could probably use encapsulation instead, but inheritance follows the proper logic of IS A
(or in this case IS sort of A)
He isn't exactly discouraging protected inheritance, he just says that he hasn't found any good use for it. I haven't seen anyone either elsewhere.
If you happen to find a couple of really useful use cases, you might have material to write a book too. :-)
Yup, there aren't many uses for protected or private inheritance. If you ever think about private inheritance, chances are composition is better suited for you. (Inheritance means 'is-a' and composition means 'has-a'.)
My guess is that the C++ committee simply added this in because it was very easy to do and they figured, "heck, maybe someone will find a good use for this". It's not a bad feature, it doesn't do any harm, just that no one has found any real use for it yet. :P
Yes and no. I myself think that protected inheritance is a bad feature too. It basicly imports all the base class's public and protected members as protected members.
I usually avoid protected members, but on the lowest levels requiring extreme efficiency with a compiler with bad link-time optimization they are useful. But everything built on that shouldn't be messing with the original base class's (data) members and use the interface instead.
What I think Scott Meyer is trying to say, is that you can still use protected inheritance if it solves a problem, but make sure to use comments to describe the inheritance because it's not semantically clear.
I don't know if Meyers is advising us to refrain from using protected inheritance, but it seems you should avoid it if Meyers is on your team, because at least he won't be able to understand your code.
Unless your co-workers know C++ better than he does, you should probably also stay away from protected inheritance. Everybody will understand the alternative, i.e. using composition.
I can imagine however a case where it could make sense: You need access to a protected member in a class whose code you can't change but you don't want to expose an IS-A relationship.
class A {
void f(); // <- I want to use this from B!
class B : protected A {
void g() { f(); }
Even in that case, I would still consider making a wrapper with public inheritance that exposes the protected base members with public methods, then compose with these wrappers.
/*! Careful: exposes A::f, which wasn't meant to be public by its authors */
class AWithF: public A {
void f() { A::f(); }
class B {
AWithF m_a;
void g() { m_a.f(); }

When to use friend class in C++ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
When should you use 'friend' in C++?
I was brushing up on my C++ (I'm a Java developer) and I came across the friend class keyword which I had forgotten about for a while. Is this one of those features that's just part of the kitchen sink, or is there a good reason for doing this rather than just a vanilla getter? I understand the difference in that it limits who can access the data, but I can't think of a scenario when this would be necessary.
Note: I've seen a similar question, but specifically I'm asking, is this just an advanced feature that adds no real value except to confuse people looking at you're code until they realize what you're doing?
I agree with the comments that say the friend keyword can improve encapsulation if used wisely. I'd just add that the most common (legitimate!) use for friend classes may be testing. You may want a tester class to have a greater degree of access than other client classes would have. A tester class could have a good reason to look at internal details that are deliberately hidden from other classes.
In my experience, the cases when friend (or mutable, which is a little similar) to actually enhance encapsulation of data are rare compared with how often it's used to break encapsulation.
It's rarely useful to me but when I do use it it's for cases in which I've had to split a class that was formerly a single class into two separate classes that need to access some common data/functionality.
Edit to respond to Outlaw Programmer's comment: We absolutely agree on this. One other option apart from friend'ing classes after splitting them is to make public accessors, which sometimes break encapsulation! I think that some people think that friendly classes somehow breaks encapsulation because they've seen it used improperly a lot, and many people probably never see code where it's been used correctly, because it's a rare thing. I like your way of stating it though - friendliness is a good middle ground between not allowing you to split up your class and making EVERYTHING accessible to the public.
Edit to respond to David Thornley: I agree that the flexibility that C++ allows you to do things like this is a result of the design decisions that went into C++. I think that's what it makes it even more important to understand what things are generally good and bad style in flexible languages. Java's perspective is that you should never have friend classes so that these aren't provided, but as C++ programmers it's our responsibility as a community to define appropriate use of these very flexible but sometimes misused language constructs.
Edit to respond to Tom: Mutable doesn't necessarily break encapsulation, but many of the uses of the mutable keyword that I've seen in real-life situations break encapsulation, because it's much more common to see people breaking encapsulation with mutable than to actually find and understand a proper use of mutable in the first place.
When you wish that one class (Factory) be responsible for creating instances of another class (Type). You can make the constructor of the Type private and thus make sure that only the Factory can create Type objects. It is useful when you wish to delegate the checks to some other class which could serve as a validator.
Just one usage scenario.
P.S. Really missing the "friend" keyword in C#...
A concrete instance would be a class factory, where you want one class to only be created through another factory class, so you make the constructors private, and the factory class a friend of the produced class.
It's kinda' like a 2" 12-point 3/4"-drive socket - not terribly common, but when you need it, you're awfully glad you have it.
Helps with Memento design pattern
The FAQ's section about friends: here
The FQA's section about friends: here
Two different points of view about friend.
I look at the friend construct as one of those features of the language that should be used in rare occasions, but that doesn't make it useless. There are several patterns that call for making friend classes, many of them already on this site in that "Related" bar on the right. ====>
Friendship is used when you have multiple classes and/or functions that work together to provide the same abstraction or interface. The classic example is implementing some kind of numerical class, and all the non-member operator functions (*, -, +, <<, etc) are given friendship so that they can work on the private data of the numerical class.
Such use cases are somewhat rare, but they do exist, and friend is very useful.
Here is one example, of several, I'm sure, where a friend class can be legitimately used without disregarding the reasons for encapsulation.
MyClass inherits from GeneralClass. MyClass has gotten big, so you created HelperClass to encapsulate some of the function of MyClass. However, HelperClass needs access to some protected functions in GeneralClass to properly perform it's function, so you make HelperClass a friend to MyClass.
This is better than exposing the protected functions, because they don't need to be available to everybody, but it helps keep your code organized in an OOP way to keep MyClass from getting too complex. It makes sense, because although HelperClass isn't concretely related to MyClass by inheritance, it does have some sort of logical connection to it, embodied in the code, and in design, as "friend".
I always ( and only ) use friend for unit testing private methods. The only other way I can imagine to do this would be to load up the public interface with a whole lot of testing methods, which is just too messy and so I prefer to hide the test methods in a seperate test class.
Something like this:
class cMyClassTest;
class cMyClass
friend cMyClassTest;
int calc(); // tricky algorithm, test carefully
class cMyClassTest
int test_calc()
cMyClass test;
int result = test.calc();
if( result == 42 )
return 1;
return 0;
friend class mean we all know that is acesss the value of variable from other class so it is mainly used for use the values so we no need to return the value of other class to main function then main to needed class member function but it having the problem that is a class is friend for other class then friend class should be in below of that class

Template or abstract base class?

If I want to make a class adaptable, and make it possible to select different algorithms from the outside -- what is the best implementation in C++?
I see mainly two possibilities:
Use an abstract base class and pass concrete object in
Use a template
Here is a little example, implemented in the various versions:
Version 1: Abstract base class
class Brake {
public: virtual void stopCar() = 0;
class BrakeWithABS : public Brake {
public: void stopCar() { ... }
class Car {
Brake* _brake;
Car(Brake* brake) : _brake(brake) { brake->stopCar(); }
Version 2a: Template
template<class Brake>
class Car {
Brake brake;
Car(){ brake.stopCar(); }
Version 2b: Template and private inheritance
template<class Brake>
class Car : private Brake {
using Brake::stopCar;
Car(){ stopCar(); }
Coming from Java, I am naturally inclined to always use version 1, but the templates versions seem to be preferred often, e.g. in STL code? If that's true, is it just because of memory efficiency etc (no inheritance, no virtual function calls)?
I realize there is not a big difference between version 2a and 2b, see C++ FAQ.
Can you comment on these possibilities?
This depends on your goals. You can use version 1 if you
Intend to replace brakes of a car (at runtime)
Intend to pass Car around to non-template functions
I would generally prefer version 1 using the runtime polymorphism, because it is still flexible and allows you to have the Car still have the same type: Car<Opel> is another type than Car<Nissan>. If your goals are great performance while using the brakes frequently, i recommend you to use the templated approach. By the way, this is called policy based design. You provide a brake policy. Example because you said you programmed in Java, possibly you are not yet too experienced with C++. One way of doing it:
template<typename Accelerator, typename Brakes>
class Car {
Accelerator accelerator;
Brakes brakes;
void brake() {
If you have lots of policies you can group them together into their own struct, and pass that one, for example as a SpeedConfiguration collecting Accelerator, Brakes and some more. In my projects i try to keep a good deal of code template-free, allowing them to be compiled once into their own object files, without needing their code in headers, but still allowing polymorphism (via virtual functions). For example, you might want to keep common data and functions that non-template code will probably call on many occasions in a base-class:
class VehicleBase {
std::string model;
std::string manufacturer;
// ...
~VehicleBase() { }
virtual bool checkHealth() = 0;
template<typename Accelerator, typename Breaks>
class Car : public VehicleBase {
Accelerator accelerator;
Breaks breaks;
// ...
virtual bool checkHealth() { ... }
Incidentally, that is also the approach that C++ streams use: std::ios_base contains flags and stuff that do not depend on the char type or traits like openmode, format flags and stuff, while std::basic_ios then is a class template that inherits it. This also reduces code bloat by sharing the code that is common to all instantiations of a class template.
Private Inheritance?
Private inheritance should be avoided in general. It is only very rarely useful and containment is a better idea in most cases. Common case where the opposite is true when size is really crucial (policy based string class, for example): Empty Base Class Optimization can apply when deriving from an empty policy class (just containing functions).
Read Uses and abuses of Inheritance by Herb Sutter.
The rule of thumb is:
1) If the choice of the concrete type is made at compile time, prefer a template. It will be safer (compile time errors vs run time errors) and probably better optimized.
2) If the choice is made at run-time (i.e. as a result of a user's action) there is really no choice - use inheritance and virtual functions.
Other options:
Use the Visitor Pattern (let external code work on your class).
Externalize some part of your class, for example via iterators, that generic iterator-based code can work on them. This works best if your object is a container of other objects.
See also the Strategy Pattern (there are c++ examples inside)
Templates are a way to let a class use a variable of which you don't really care about the type. Inheritance is a way to define what a class is based on its attributes. Its the "is-a" versus "has-a" question.
Most of your question has already been answered, but I wanted to elaborate on this bit:
Coming from Java, I am naturally
inclined to always use version 1, but
the templates versions seem to be
preferred often, e.g. in STL code? If
that's true, is it just because of
memory efficiency etc (no inheritance,
no virtual function calls)?
That's part of it. But another factor is the added type safety. When you treat a BrakeWithABS as a Brake, you lose type information. You no longer know that the object is actually a BrakeWithABS. If it is a template parameter, you have the exact type available, which in some cases may enable the compiler to perform better typechecking. Or it may be useful in ensuring that the correct overload of a function gets called. (if stopCar() passes the Brake object to a second function, which may have a separate overload for BrakeWithABS, that won't be called if you'd used inheritance, and your BrakeWithABS had been cast to a Brake.
Another factor is that it allows more flexibility. Why do all Brake implementations have to inherit from the same base class? Does the base class actually have anything to bring to the table? If I write a class which exposes the expected member functions, isn't that good enough to act as a brake? Often, explicitly using interfaces or abstract base classes constrain your code more than necessary.
(Note, I'm not saying templates should always be the preferred solution. There are other concerns that might affect this, ranging from compilation speed to "what programmers on my team are familiar with" or just "what I prefer". And sometimes, you need runtime polymorphism, in which case the template solution simply isn't possible)
this answer is more or less correct. When you want something parametrized at compile time - you should prefer templates. When you want something parametrized at runtime, you should prefer virtual functions being overridden.
However, using templates does not preclude you from doing both (making the template version more flexible):
struct Brake {
virtual void stopCar() = 0;
struct BrakeChooser {
BrakeChooser(Brake *brake) : brake(brake) {}
void stopCar() { brake->stopCar(); }
Brake *brake;
template<class Brake>
struct Car
Car(Brake brake = Brake()) : brake(brake) {}
void slamTheBrakePedal() { brake.stopCar(); }
Brake brake;
// instantiation
Car<BrakeChooser> car(BrakeChooser(new AntiLockBrakes()));
That being said, I would probably NOT use templates for this... But its really just personal taste.
Abstract base class has on overhead of virtual calls but it has an advantage that all derived classes are really base classes. Not so when you use templates – Car<Brake> and Car<BrakeWithABS> are unrelated to each other and you'll have to either dynamic_cast and check for null or have templates for all the code that deals with Car.
Use interface if you suppose to support different Break classes and its hierarchy at once.
Car( new Brake() )
Car( new BrakeABC() )
Car( new CoolBrake() )
And you don't know this information at compile time.
If you know which Break you are going to use 2b is right choice for you to specify different Car classes. Brake in this case will be your car "Strategy" and you can set default one.
I wouldn't use 2a. Instead you can add static methods to Break and call them without instance.
Personally I would allways prefer to use Interfaces over templates because of several reasons:
Templates Compiling&linking errors are sometimes cryptic
It is hard to debug a code that based on templates (at least in visual studio IDE)
Templates can make your binaries bigger.
Templates require you to put all its code in the header file , that makes the template class a bit harder to understand.
Templates are hard to maintained by novice programmers.
I Only use templates when the virtual tables create some kind of overhead.
Ofcourse , this is only my self opinion.