Stop playing sound and volume when application is minimized - c++

I was using the PlaySound function in one C++ application under Windows.
When this application is running a local var command PlaySound and it starts to play a WAV file.
But when you click on the minimize dialog box of my application, the sound continues playing, when the logical rule must be silenced or muted until you maximize the application again.
The question is:
Is there application-state within Windows to detect when application is minimized?
In order to set the waveOutSetVolume function with 0x00 = mute.

Have your app's window catch the WM_SYSCOMMAND message and check it for the SC_MINIMIZE, SC_MAXIMIZE, and SC_RESTORE notifications.

Your application will receive a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message when the application window has been minimized or maximized. Check the WINDOWPOS struct in lParam to determine the new state. You can then turn the sound off or on, respectively. (Note: this message is also sent when the window is moved, sent to back, etc. So check the lParam.)
If the application is currently minimized can be checked with IsIconic.
And I don't find it logical that the sound has to stop playing when the application is minimized. It's a multitasking OS after all. I want it to do things in parallel.


Tracking clipboard changing data in win32 console application?

I am currently making a win32 console application in c++.
Now, I have to react on the user changing the clipboard content.
Currently I am just checking for the user pressing ctrl+c, but obviously that's not enough since it won't track rightclick->copy, etc.
Sadly i cannot just use the winmessage, since i am developing a console application, hence my application does not have its own hwnd.
And i really do not want to copy the clipboard data 10 times a second or so.
This is bound to cause problems with other programs since i have to lock and unlock the clipboard every time.
Any suggestions?
To monitor clipboard changes, you can use the AddClipboardFormatListener API:
When a window has been added to the clipboard format listener list, it is posted a WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE message whenever the contents of the clipboard have changed.
An application that doesn't have a GUI can create a message-only window to receive change notifications:
A message-only window enables you to send and receive messages. It is not visible [...]. The window simply dispatches messages.

How to reliably steal/regain focus for MFC/desktop app on Windows 8.1/10?

OK, I get it: focus stealing is evil. Or at least it is 99.9% of the time. But I really need to steal the focus reliably on Windows 8, and so far I'm thwarted by the hordes of people insisting focus stealing is always evil.
Scenario: we run a custom application on an ordinary PC running Windows 8.1 (soon to be Windows 10). The screen, keyboard and mouse sit roughly 5m off the ground up some stairs that the forklift operator really shouldn't climb. The one input device they have is a numeric keypad on an extender cable down at their level. Everything they need to do they can do from that keypad... so long as some evil program hasn't stolen our application's focus, or some remote user hasn't logged out and left another application with focus.
The application is essentially a maximised desktop application - it fills the screen (but is not strictly a "full screen" or "topmost" application), and therefore allows other applications to appear in front of it when required. But when the mouse goes idle, we want this application to resume its "normal" position in front of all other applications so that it gets focus and the numeric keypad input will work reliably.
On Windows 7, using SetForegroundWindow() (enabled by AllowSetForegroundWindow() works fine - the application can be brought back to the front and resume focus. On Windows 8, SetForegroundWindow() only results in the taskbar icon flashing, but the application does not regain focus, forcing our user to climb the stairs... where the full keyboard and mouse is too tempting for them not to press buttons they shouldn't, and chaos typically ensues.
So please sir: can our (MFC, desktop) application steal back the focus once the mouse has gone idle for 1 minute, because it is more or less the only application that should normally be running anyway. If that is permitted, how do we steal it reliably?
Configure hotkeys on numeric keypad (RegisterHotKey).
Pressing a registered hotkey gives you the foreground activation love by Raymond Chen
After you call the RegisterHotKey function to register a hotkey, the
window manager will send you a WM_HOTKEY message when the user presses
that hotkey, and along with it, you will get the foreground love. If
you call SetForegroundWindow from inside your hotkey handler, the
foreground window will change according to your instructions.
Possible solution (with major limitations): do nothing extra; wait.
One of our service technicians observed that on the third or fourth attempt to regain focus using AllowSetForegroundWindow() and SetForegroundWindow() as had been working on Windows 7, Windows 8 finally allowed our application to regain focus. It is not clear what the conditions are that make this work, or if it works reliably, but we have now observed our application regaining focus from beneath Chrome, from beneath another (self-developed) MFC application, and from beneath a third party application - all desktop applications. Approximately 3-4 minutes needed to elapse in each case before focus was surrendered back to our (desktop) application.
However, we have not witnessed it regain focus from beneath metro applications, and nor do we expect it (e.g. hit the Windows key and leave the system lingering on the Start screen).
In our (restricted) situation, we are willing to take the gamble that our users will not launch a metro application that obscures our desktop application, at least not without restoring our application, since their business relies on it. Our main concern is that one of our busy service technicians will log in remotely, get distracted, and carelessly leave one of our desktop utilities with the focus. Waiting 3-4 minutes appears to be a solution to this specific scenario.
I would try it in this way:
Setup a timer in you application. That checks GetForegroundWindow on a regular basis.
If GetForgroundWindow does not belong to your process (GetWindowThreadProcessId)
If a different process onws the foreground window use AttachThreadInput and attach your input queue to the input queue of the other process.
Now use SetForegoundWindow and detach the thread input again.
Now you can use SetFocus as needed to control the input focus of your program.

How to send mouse click event to a game application?

I try to send a mouse click event to a game application. First, i use Spy++ to find what message the application receive. I see something like : WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, WM_ACTIVATE, WM_SETFOCUS, ...
i try to send the same as i see on Spy++ but it doesn't work. How to send mouse click to a game application without give it focus? . it's run in window mode. Thanks in advance.
You want WM_LMOUSEDOWN. You can always check MSDN for the documentation on which messages mean what.
The best way to automate applications and games is via SendInput. While in theory it should be possible to drive an application via WM_LUBTTONDOWN etc, many applications read the key state directly via lower level APIs (such as GetAsyncKeyState) which don't change their state to reflect the messages processed from the message queue.
Using SendInput requires actually setting the game to the foreground as the input events are synthesized at a low level and are thus delivered to the active/focused window.

MouseProc hook and WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK

I have a hook setup for getting mouse events in a plugin I develop. I need to get the WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, and I expect the message flow to be:
If I call the next hook when dealing with the first WM_LBUTTONDOWN, then the flow is as expected. However, if I return my own result, then the expected double click comes as a mouse down message. Any idea why this is happening? I need the message to stop after I handle it, and not have it passed to the next hook.
After having done a little reading over at the MSDN, I think the explanation of this behaviour lies in this remark on the WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK page:
Only windows that have the CS_DBLCLKS
style can receive WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
messages, which the system generates
whenever the user presses, releases,
and again presses the left mouse
button within the system's
double-click time limit.
If your program is returning a nonzero value when it handles WM_LBUTTONDOWN or WM_LBUTTONUP, then those messages aren't sent to the target window -- as expected. However, my inference, based on the above quote, is that since no window with the CS_DBLCLKS style is therefore receiving the messages (since the hook prevents any window from receiving the messages), the system therefore doesn't feel like it needs to generate a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK.
To put it another way, the system only generates a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK if and only if (a) a window receives the previous WM_LBUTTONDOWN/WM_LBUTTONUP messages and (b) that window has the CS_DBLCLKS style. Since your hook prevents condition (a) from being satisfied, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK is never generated and so a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message is sent instead.
As to a workaround, I doubt there's a perfect solution. I assume the reason why you want to receive the WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message is so your hook knows whether or not a regular WM_LBUTTONDOWN message represents the second click of a double-click, right? In that case, what you could do is read the double-click time from the registry as Faisal suggests and have your hook measure the time between WM_LBUTTONDOWN messages, however there's a large chance that you will get inaccurate results (due to the lag time between the messages being sent). Alternatively if there's some way you could instead redirect the WM_LBUTTONDOWN/WM_LBUTTONUP messages to maybe a hidden window that your hook owns (which has the CS_DBLCLKS style), the system may end up generating a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message and sending it to your hidden window, which you can then process in that window's WndProc (though I don't have a lot of experience with hooking so I don't know if this is possible).
Are you calling CallNextHookEx() before returning your own result - according to MSDN's documentation MouseProc it is highly recommended that you call it since when you return your own result you prevent other hooks from being called.
Have you considered using a low level mouse hook? It doesn't require your DLL to be injected into the process being hooked and I find it to be a more consistent and powerful hook (albeit more resource intensive if not coded appropriately) - especially when listening for clicks in some legacy applications (there was one that was coded in ancient delphi) and clicks in applications served via terminal servers (citrix).
The only issue with low level mouse hooks is that they don't receive double clicks per se - which means you have to query the registry for the 'DoubleClickSpeed' and then check for two mouse down events within that interval before triggering a double click.

How do I control the text input panel programmatically (TabTip.exe) in Windows Vista/7

I'm adapting an application for touch screen interface and we want to use the tablet text input panel included in Windows Vista/7, specifically its keyboard. I want to show and hide it as appropriate for my app. Basically I want ShowKeyboard() and HideKeyboard() functions. What's the best way to control this?
I looked at the ITextInputPanel API but I was unable to control the keyboard directly with it (maybe I missed something?). I have also unsuccessfully tried to send window messages to its window.
The application is written in C++/MFC.
Any pointers at all are greatly appreciated.
I solved the problem. It turns out that Spy++ really is a Windows programmers best friend.
First, the window class of the input panel window turns out to be "IPTip_Main_Window". I use this to get the window handle like so:
HWND wKB = ::FindWindow(_TEXT("IPTip_Main_Window"), NULL);
It turns out that I can just post the same WM_COMMAND messages that its own menu is sending. Most of the operations are available from the menu: dock top, dock bottom and float. The code for sending those messages are:
::PostMessage(wKB, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(X,0) , 0);
where X is 10021 for dock bottom, 10023 for dock top and 10020 for floating. The 0 in the high word indicates that the message is sent from a menu.
Finally, I wanted to be able to show and hide the input panel. I noticed that I could turn on a desk band which only includes a single button for toggling the visibility of the input panel. Spy++ing on the messages posted from this button revealed that it sends a global registered window message which is named "TabletInputPanelDeskBandClicked".
Sending this message to the input panel causes it to toggle its visibility.
The HideKeyboard() function now looks like this:
void HideKeyboard()
HWND wKB = ::FindWindow(_TEXT("IPTip_Main_Window"), NULL);
if(wKB != NULL && ::IsWindowVisible(wKB))
::PostMessage(wKB, WM_DESKBAND_CLICKED, 0, 0);
The ShowWindow() function is implemented similarly, but it will also start the keyboard if it is not running.
It seems that this inter-process messaging is disallowed in Windows Vista/7. When running this command in a non-elevated process it will fail with "access denied". My guess is that this is caused by User Interface Process Isolation (UIPI) protection found in Windows Vista/7. Since the Tablet PC Input Panel is running as a child process of a service it has higher integrity level than user programs, and thus cannot be sent any (or a very limited set of) messages to.
It turns out that the Tablet PC Input Panel is indeed running in high integrity level, whereas processes started by a limited user account is medium integrity level.
For Windows 8:
Note: Just like the Windows 7 solution, this requires an elevated process.
The input panel is not a descendant of HWND_DESKTOP. (It's probably some kind of Metro window.) In order to get the window handle, do a series of horizontal sweeps in a grid-like pattern testing with WindowFromPoint(). For each test, check the window class of the parent window to see if it is "IPTip_Main_Window".
To show the input panel, launch "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\microsoft shared\\ink\\tabtip.exe". To determine if it is already in docked mode, read registry key:
A value of 0 indicates the input panel is in floating mode. If that was the case, post the following message to toggle the docked state:
DWORD WM_DOCK_BUTTON_PRESSED = ::RegisterWindowMessage(_TEXT("IPTipDockButtonPressed"));
PostMessage(hwndInputPanel, WM_DOCK_BUTTON_PRESSED, 0, 0);
To hide the keyboard, post the following:
PostMessage(hwndInputPanel, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0);