Prolog delete: doesn't delete all elements that unify with Element - list

I'm having an issue with SWI-Prolog's delete/3 predicate.
The easiest way is just a quick example:
?- delete([(1,1),(1,2),(3,2)], (1,_), List).
List = [(1,2),(3,2)].
I would expect (1,2) to also be deleted, since (1,_) unifies with (1,2). The SWIPL help says:
Delete all members of List1 that simultaneously unify with Elem and unify the result with List2.
Why is this and how can I delete everything that unifies with (1,_)?

" Delete all members of List1 that simultaneously unify with Elem and unify the result with List2."
(1,X) first unifies with (1,1). therefore, X is unified with 1 and cannot be unified with 2 to delete (1,2).
so the problem is not that it does not delete all of the members; it's that it doesnt unify simultaneously with (1,2) and (1,1)
(try delete([(1,1),(1,2),(1,1),(3,2)],(1,_),List).
btw, according to the swi-prolog manual:
delete(?List1, ?Elem, ?List2)
Is true when Lis1, with all occurences of Elem deleted results in List2.
also, delete/3 is deprecated:
There are too many ways in which one might want to delete elements from a list to justify the name.
Think of matching (= vs. ==), delete first/all, be deterministic or not.
So the easiest way is to write your own predicate. Something like:
check exclude/3, include/3, partition/4

Use meta-predicate texclude/3 in combination with the
reified term equality predicate
First, we try using (=)/3 directly...
?- texclude(=((1,V)), [(1,1),(1,2),(3,2)], KVs).
KVs = [ (1,2),(3,2)], V=1 ;
KVs = [(1,1), (3,2)], V=2 ;
KVs = [(1,1),(1,2),(3,2)], dif(V,1), dif(V,2).
Not quite! For our next tries we are going to use lambda expressions.
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
Let's query---once with texclude/3, once with tinclude/3, and once with tpartition/4:
?- texclude( \ (K,_)^(K=1), [(1,1),(1,2),(3,2)], Fs).
Fs = [(3,2)]. % succeeds deterministically
?- tinclude( \ (K,_)^(K=1), [(1,1),(1,2),(3,2)], Ts).
Ts = [(1,1),(1,2)]. % succeeds deterministically
?- tpartition(\ (K,_)^(K=1), [(1,1),(1,2),(3,2)], Ts,Fs).
Ts = [(1,1),(1,2)], Fs = [(3,2)]. % succeeds deterministically
Alright! Do we get the same solutions if the list items are bound after the texclude/3 call?
?- texclude(\ (K,_)^(K=1), [A,B,C], Fs), A = (1,1), B = (1,2), C = (3,2).
A = (1,1), B = (1,2), C = (3,2), Fs = [(3,2)] ; % succeeds with choice point
Yes! At last, consider the following quite general query:
?- texclude(\ (K,_)^(K=1), [A,B], Fs).
Fs = [ ], A = ( 1,_A1), B = ( 1,_B1) ;
Fs = [ B], A = ( 1,_A1), B = (_B0,_B1), dif(_B0,1) ;
Fs = [A ], A = (_A0,_A1), B = ( 1,_B1), dif(_A0,1) ;
Fs = [A,B], A = (_A0,_A1), B = (_B0,_B1), dif(_A0,1), dif(_B0,1).
Note that above goals restrict all list items to have the form (_,_). Thus the following query fails:
?- texclude(\ (K,_)^(K=1), [x,_], _).

This answer tries to generalize the idea presented in previous answer.
Let's define a reified variant of subsumes_term/2:
list_nonvardisj([A],C) :-
C = nonvar(A).
list_nonvardisj([A|As],(nonvar(A);C)) :-
subsumes_term_t(General,Specific,Truth) :-
Truth = true.
subsumes_term_t(General,Specific,Truth) :-
Specific \= General,
Truth = false.
subsumes_term_t(General,Specific,Truth) :-
( S_vars = [V]
-> freeze(V,subsumes_term_t(General,Specific,Truth))
; S_vars = [_|_]
-> list_nonvardisj(S_vars,S_wakeup),
; throw(error(instantiation_error, subsumes_term_t/3))
( Truth = true
; Truth = false
The above definition of the reified predicate subsumes_term_t/3 uses free4evrs/1 to ensure that the "generic" term passed to subsumes_term/2 is not instantiated any further.
For SICStus Prolog, we can define it as follows:
:- module(free4evr,[free4evr/1,free4evrs/1]).
:- use_module(library(atts)).
:- attribute nvrb/0. % nvrb ... NeVeR Bound
verify_attributes(V,_,Goals) :-
Goals = [throw(error(uninstantiation_error(V),free4evr/1))].
attribute_goal(V,free4evr(V)) :-
free4evr(V) :-
free4evr(V) :-
( get_atts(V,nvrb)
-> true
; put_atts(Fresh,nvrb),
V = Fresh
free4evrs([V|Vs]) :-
Let's put subsumes_term_t/3 to use!
?- texclude(subsumes_term_t(1-X), [A,B,C], Fs), A = 1-1, B = 1-2, C = 3-2.
A = 1-1, B = 1-2, C = 3-2, Fs = [C], free4evr(X) ? ; % succeeds with choice-point
?- texclude(subsumes_term_t(1-X), [x,1-Y,2-3], Fs).
Fs = [x,2-3], free4evr(X) ? ;
What happens if we instantiate variable X in above query sometime after the call to texclude/3?
?- texclude(subsumes_term_t(1-X), [x,1-Y,2-3], Fs), X=something.
! error(uninstantiation_error(something),free4evr/1)


Remove brackets from a list in Prolog [duplicate]

I am doing some easy exercises to get a feel for the language.
my_flatten([X|Xs],RR) :-
(is_list(X), !, append(X,R,RR); RR = [X | R]).
Here is a version using cut, for a predicate that flattens a list one level.
my_flatten([X|Xs],RR) :-
if_(is_list(X), append(X,R,RR), RR = [X | R]).
Here is how I want to write it, but it does not work. Neither does is_list(X) = true as the if_ condition. How am I intended to use if_ here?
(Sorry, I somewhat skipped this)
Please refer to P07. It clearly states that it flattens out [a, [b, [c, d], e]], but you and #Willem produce:
?- my_flatten([a, [b, [c, d], e]], X).
X = [a,b,[c,d],e]. % not flattened!
And the solution given there succeeds for
?- my_flatten(non_list, X).
X = [non_list]. % unexpected, nothing to flatten
Your definition of is_list/1 succeeds for is_list([a|non_list]). Commonly, we want this to fail.
What you need is a safe predicate to test for lists. So let's concentrate on that first:
What is wrong with is_list/1 and if-then-else? It is as non-monotonic, as many other impure type testing predicates.
?- Xs = [], is_list([a|Xs]).
Xs = [].
?- is_list([a|Xs]). % generalization, Xs = [] removed
false. % ?!? unexpected
While the original query succeeds correctly, a generalization of it unexpectedly fails. In the monotonic part of Prolog, we expect that a generalization will succeed (or loop, produce an error, use up all resources, but never ever fail).
You have now two options to improve upon this highly undesirable situation:
Stay safe with safe inferences, _si!
Just take the definition of list_si/1 in place of is_list/1. In problematic situations, your program will now abort with an instantiation error, meaning "well sorry, I don't know how to answer this query". Be happy for that response! You are saved from being misled by incorrect answers.
In other words: There is nothing wrong with ( If_0 -> Then_0 ; Else_0 ), as long as the If_0 handles the situation of insufficient instantiations correctly (and does not refer to a user defined program since otherwise you will be again in non-monotonic behavior).
Here is such a definition:
my_flatten(Es, Fs) :-
phrase(flattenl(Es), Fs).
flattenl([]) --> [].
flattenl([E|Es]) -->
( {list_si(E)} -> flattenl(E) ; [E] ),
?- my_flatten([a, [b, [c, d], e]], X).
X = [a,b,c,d,e].
So ( If_0 -> Then_0 ; Else_0 ) has two weaknesses: The condition If_0 might be sensible to insufficient instantiations, and the Else_0 may be the source of non-monotonicity. But otherwise it works. So why do we want more than that?
In many more general situations this definition will now bark back: "Instantiation error"! While not incorrect, this still can be improved. This exercise is not the ideal example for this, but we will give it a try.
Use a reified condition
In order to use if_/3 you need a reified condition, that is, a definition that carries it's truth value as an explicit extra argument. Let's call it list_t/2.
?- list_t([a,b,c], T).
T = true.
?- list_t([a,b,c|non_list], T).
T = false.
?- list_t(Any, T).
Any = [],
T = true
; T = false,
; Any = [_],
T = true
; Any = [_|_Any1],
T = false,
; ... .
So list_t can also be used to enumerate all true and false situations. Let's go through them:
T = true, Any = [] that's the empty list
T = false, dif(Any, []), Any is not [_|_] note how this inequality uses when/2
T = true, Any = [_] that's all lists with one element
T = true, Any = [_|_Any1] ... meaning: we start with an element, but then no list
list_t(Es, T) :-
if_( Es = []
, T = true
, if_(nocons_t(Es), T = false, ( Es = [_|Fs], list_t(Fs, T) ) )
nocons_t(NC, true) :-
when(nonvar(NC), NC \= [_|_]).
nocons_t([_|_], false).
So finally, the reified definition:
:- meta_predicate( if_(1, 2, 2, ?,?) ).
my_flatten(Es, Fs) :-
phrase(flattenl(Es), Fs).
flattenl([]) --> [].
flattenl([E|Es]) -->
if_(list_t(E), flattenl(E), [E] ),
if_(C_1, Then__0, Else__0, Xs0,Xs) :-
if_(C_1, phrase(Then__0, Xs0,Xs), phrase(Else__0, Xs0,Xs) ).
?- my_flatten([a|_], [e|_]).
?- my_flatten([e|_], [e|_]).
; true
; true
; ... .
?- my_flatten([a|Xs], [a]).
Xs = []
; Xs = [[]]
; Xs = [[],[]]
; ... .
?- my_flatten([X,a], [a]).
X = []
; X = [[]]
; X = [[[]]]
; X = [[[[]]]]
; ... .
?- my_flatten(Xs, [a]).
loops. % at least it does not fail
In Prolog, the equivalen of an if … then … else … in other languages is:
(condition -> if-true; if-false)
With condition, if-true and if-false items you need to fill in.
So in this specific case, you can implement this with:
my_flatten([X|Xs],RR) :-
( is_list(X)
-> append(X,R,RR)
; RR = [X | R] ).
or we can flatten recursively with:
my_flatten([X|Xs],RR) :-
( flatten(X, XF)
-> append(XF,R,RR)
; RR = [X | R] ).
Your if_/3 predicate is used for reified predicates.
This worked for me:
myflat([], []).
myflat([H|T], L) :-
myflat(H, L1),
myflat(T, L2),
append(L1, L2, L).
myflat(L, [L]).

prolog - subsequence of array - each result exactly once

Here, you can see my implementation:
subsequence([], _).
subsequence([H1|T1], [H1|T2]) :- subsequence(T1, T2).
subsequence(L1, [_|T2]) :- subsequence(L1, T2).
For example,
?- subsequence(X, [1,2]).
X = [] ;
X = [1] ;
X = [1, 2] ;
X = [1] ;
X = [] ;
X = [2] ;
X = [] ;
This result is generally ok, however I would like to get something like that:
39 ?- subsequence(X, [1,2]).
X = [] ;
X = [1] ;
X = [1, 2] ;
X = [2] ;
(order doesn't matter)
As you can see my aim is eleminate duplicates. How to do it ? I tried to anaylyse tree of computation - I did managed to reonstruct this resutlt. However, I can't still eleminate duplicates. (this tree didn't help me).
There are repeated solutions due to the clauses of subsequence/2 not being mutually exclusive when the first argument is []. There are multiple ways that subsequence([], X) can succeed. It matches, or succeeds through, both the first and the third clauses of your predicate.
You can modify the third clause to avoid the case where [] is the first argument, making the clauses mutually exclusive in that case:
subsequence([], _).
subsequence([X|T1], [X|T2]) :- subsequence(T1, T2).
subsequence([X|T1], [_|T2]) :- subsequence([X|T1], T2).
Which will then yield:
| ?- subsequence(X, [1,2]).
X = [] ? a
X = [1]
X = [1,2]
X = [2]
| ?-
Another way to accomplish the above would be to define the third predicate clause (keeping the first two above) as:
subsequence(L, [_|T]) :-
L = [_|_], % L is a list with at least one element
subsequence(L, T).
Changing the first clause should suffice. The subsequence of [] should be [], not "anything".
subsequence([], []).
subsequence([H1|T1], [H1|T2]) :- subsequence(T1, T2).
subsequence(L1, [_|T2]) :- subsequence(L1, T2).

Remove duplicates from a list while keeping the rightmost occurrences

I am trying to remove duplicates from a list while keeping the rightmost occurrences. E.g.: [1,2,3,1,2] is transformed in [3,1,2]
It's one of my first tries in Prolog and I don't understand what am I doing wrong. It always returns false. This is my code:
%L - the initial list, list of integers
%E - the element, integer
%S - the result, nrap of E in L, S integer
%flow model: (i,i,o),(i,i,i)
S is S1+1.
%L - the initial list, list of integers
%L2 - copy of the initial list
%R - the resulted list, without duplicates, list of integers
%flow model: (i,i,o),(i,i,i)
Shall I be pure or impure? Why even consider sacrificing logical-purity if we can save it easily!
Using memberd_t/3 and if_/3, we define list_rset/2 and its left "twin" list_lset/2:
list_rset([], []). % keep rightmost occurrences
list_rset([E|Es], Rs0) :-
if_(memberd_t(E, Es),
Rs0 = Rs,
Rs0 = [E|Rs]),
list_rset(Es, Rs).
list_lset([], []). % keep leftmost occurrences
list_lset([E|Es], Ls) :-
post_pre_lset(Es, [E], Ls). % uses internal auxilary predicate
post_pre_lset([], _, []).
post_pre_lset([E|Es], Pre, Ls0) :- % 2nd arg: look-behind accumulator
if_(memberd_t(E, Pre),
Ls0 = Ls,
Ls0 = [E|Ls]),
post_pre_lset(Es, [E|Pre], Ls).
Let's run some queries!
?- _Es = [1,2,3,1,2], list_lset(_Es, Ls), list_rset(_Es, Rs).
Ls = [1,2,3], Rs = [3,1,2]. % succeeds deterministically
In above query 1 precedes 2 both at the beginning and at the end of the list [1,2,3,1,2]. What if 1 precedes 2 at the beginning but follows it at the end (e.g., [1,2,3,2,1])?
?- _Es = [1,2,3,2,1], list_lset(_Es, Ls), list_rset(_Es, Rs).
Ls = [1,2,3], Rs = [3,2,1]. % succeeds deterministically
Next, we look at a more general list_rset/2 goal that uses a list containing variables only. Thanks to #PauloMoura for his suggestion!
?- Es = [A,B,C,A,B], list_rset(Es,Rs).
Es = [C,C,C,C,C], Rs = [ C], A=B , B=C
; Es = [B,B,C,B,B], Rs = [C, B], A=B , dif(B,C)
; Es = [C,B,C,C,B], Rs = [ C,B], A=C , dif(B,C)
; Es = [A,C,C,A,C], Rs = [ A,C], dif(A,C), B=C
; Es = [A,B,C,A,B], Rs = [C,A,B], dif(A,B), dif(A,C), dif(B,C).
What's up with the residual goals (above)?
Without sufficient instantiation, dif/2 is not decidable.
To save logical soundness, the execution of the prolog-dif constraints is delayed.
Last, one more use-case: an "input" list Xs that has both variables and ground terms.
?- Es = [A,B,z], list_rset(Es,Rs).
Es = [z,z,z], Rs = [ z], A=B , B=z
; Es = [B,B,z], Rs = [B, z], A=B , dif(B,z)
; Es = [z,B,z], Rs = [ B,z], A=z , dif(B,z)
; Es = [A,z,z], Rs = [A, z], dif(A,z), B=z
; Es = [A,B,z], Rs = [A,B,z], dif(A,B), dif(A,z), dif(B,z).
This is a follow-up to this previous answer... In this answer we use dcg!
We build lset//1 upon memberd_t/3 and if_//3—the dcg analogue of if_/3:
lset([]) -->
lset([X|Xs]) -->
lset_pre([],_) -->
lset_pre([X|Xs],Pre) -->
if_(memberd_t(X,Pre), [], [X]),
Same for rset//1:
rset([]) -->
rset([X|Xs]) -->
if_(memberd_t(X,Xs), [], [X]),
Some sample queries:
?- _Es = [1,2,3,1,2], phrase(lset(_Es),Ls), phrase(rset(_Es),Rs).
Ls = [1,2,3], Rs = [3,1,2]. % succeeds deterministically
?- _Es = [1,2,3,2,1], phrase(lset(_Es),Ls), phrase(rset(_Es),Rs).
Ls = [1,2,3], Rs = [3,2,1]. % succeeds deterministically
This is easier than you are making it. Since the elements in the "set" have to be in the order of last appearance, you don't need to keep a copy of the list at all: just compare to the remainder of the list (the tail).
If you know that the first list is always going to be ground (all elements are integers, for example), you could write:
list_set([], []).
list_set([X|Xs], Ys0) :-
( memberchk(X, Xs)
-> Ys0 = Ys
; Ys0 = [X|Ys]
list_set(Xs, Ys).
memberchk/2 can be used to check if a ground term is in a list of ground terms. It will succeed or fail exactly once.
A more general solution is to pose a constraint that an element should be in the set if it is different from all the elements following it, and be dropped otherwise:
list_set([], []).
list_set([X|Xs], [X|Ys]) :-
maplist(dif(X), Xs),
list_set(Xs, Ys).
list_set([X|Xs], Ys) :-
\+ maplist(dif(X), Xs),
list_set(Xs, Ys).
Here, maplist(dif(X), Xs) means:
X is different from every element in the list Xs (the tail).
and \+ Goal succeeds then Goal does not succeed.
With this defintion:
?- list_set([1,2,3,1,2], S).
S = [3, 1, 2] ;
?- list_set([1,2,3,3,1,1,2], S).
S = [3, 1, 2] ;
?- list_set([A,B,C,A,B],Xs).
Xs = [C, A, B],
dif(A, B),
dif(C, B),
dif(C, A) ;

List as variable/argument in Prolog

I've created a function in Prolog to "turn" a list, e.g. to append the head of a list to the tail like so:
?- turn([a,b,c,d,e], Tlist).
Within the context of my program, I'd like to be able to use predefined lists for the rule, such as
but I get lots of different errors. I've tried the following as arguments:
listv(X) :- alist(L), member(X, L).
and I understand that each of these are different representations of the list according to Prolog, but I'm not sure which list representation is appropriate to complete the operation on a predefined list.
The predicate turn/2 can easily be defined based on append/3:
turn([A|As],Bs) :-
For specifying some sample lists, we define an auxiliary predicate named_list/2:
named_list(one_to_nine , [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]).
named_list(a_to_f , [a,b,c,d,e,f]).
named_list(single_digit_primes, [2,3,5,7]).
Let's query!
?- named_list(a_to_f,Xs), turn(Xs,Ys).
Xs = [a,b,c,d,e,f], Ys = [b,c,d,e,f,a]. % succeeds deterministically
?- named_list(a_to_f,Ys), turn(Xs,Ys). % "other" direction
Ys = [a,b,c,d,e,f], Xs = [f,a,b,c,d,e] % succeeds leaving behind choicepoint
; false.
So far, we have used one specific sample list a_to_f in the queries; let's use 'em all!
?- named_list(Name,Xs), turn(Xs,Ys).
Name = one_to_nine , Xs = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], Ys = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1]
; Name = a_to_f , Xs = [a,b,c,d,e,f] , Ys = [b,c,d,e,f,a]
; Name = single_digit_primes, Xs = [2,3,5,7] , Ys = [3,5,7,2].

Remove pair from list, only if it exists

I'm attempting to make a predicate that takes a list of pairs and, if it finds the key in the list it will remove that item from the list and return the rest. However, it also needs to return the full list if the key given does not exist.
unmap(K, M1, M2):-
select(E, M1, MM1),
select(E, [(K, _)], K1),
unmap(MM1, K1, M2).
unmap(X, _, X).
Called with:
unmap(key1, [(key1, value1),(key2, value2),(key3, value3)], R).
Results in:
R = [(key2, value2), (key3, value3)]
Works, but theres a problem. I'm trying to make it return the identical list thats given if the key1 does not exist. Here's what it returns:
unmap(key4, [(key1, value1),(key2, value2),(key3, value3)], R).
R = key4
I think it's something to do with my terminating rule, but I'm not sure how to go about fixing it. Thanks very much in advance for all that can help.
Of course, you can do it with logical-purity! Here's how...
Let's call the actual relation pairs_key_unmapped/3. That's a somewhat more descriptive name. unmap/3 is just a wrapper for pairs_key_unmapped/3:
unmap(Key,Ps0,Ps) :-
The implementation of pairs_key_unmapped/3 is built on the predicates if_/3 and =/3 (a.k.a. equal_truth/3), as defined by #false in an answer to "Prolog union for A U B U C":
pairs_key_unmapped([P|Ps],K,Us) :-
P = (K0,_),
if_(K0=K, Ps=Us, (Us=[P|Us0],pairs_key_unmapped(Ps,K,Us0))).
Let's run some queries!
?- unmap(key1,[(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)],Ps).
Ps = [(key2,value2),(key3,value3)]. % succeeds deterministically
?- unmap(key4,[(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)],Ps).
Ps = [(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)]. % succeeds deterministically
Let's try something different... What if Key occurs twice in Ps0?
?- unmap(key1,[(key1,x),(key1,y)],Ps). % only the 1st occurrence is removed
Ps = [(key1,y)]. % succeeds deterministically
What if Ps0 is unknown, but Ps is known?
?- unmap(key4,Ps0,[(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)]).
Ps0 = [(key4,_A), (key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)] ;
Ps0 = [(key1,value1),(key4,_A), (key2,value2),(key3,value3)] ;
Ps0 = [(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key4,_A), (key3,value3)] ;
Ps0 = [(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3) ] ;
Ps0 = [(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3),(key4,_A) ] ;
How about something a little more general?
?- unmap(Key,Ps0,[_,_]).
Ps0 = [(Key,_A),_B, _C ] ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B), (Key,_C), _D ], dif(_A,Key) ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B), (_C,_D) ], dif(_A,Key), dif(_C,Key) ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B), (_C,_D), (Key,_E)], dif(_A,Key), dif(_C,Key) ;
And what answers does the most general query give us?
?- unmap(Key,Ps0,Ps).
Ps0 = [], Ps = [] ;
Ps0 = [(Key,_A)|Ps] ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B)], Ps = [(_A,_B)], dif(_A,Key) ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B),(Key,_C)|_Z], Ps = [(_A,_B)|_Z], dif(_A,Key) ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B),(_C,_D)], Ps = [(_A,_B),(_C,_D)], dif(_A,Key), dif(_C,Key) ...
The issue is with your base case:
unmap(X, _, X).
If your main predicate clause fails (the key isn't found), it reverts to the base case, which will instantiate your result (third argument) with only the key (first argument). Your base case should be:
unmap(_, X, X).
Which will instantiate the result (third argument) with the original list (second argument).
Note that the main clause could be simpler (this will work in GNU or SWI prolog):
unmap(K, M, R):-
select((K, _), M, M1),
unmap(K, M1, R), !.
The cut prevents backtracking to the base case if the first clause succeeds.
In SWI Prolog, the delete/3 predicate will work in your favor:
unmap(K, M, R) :-
delete(M, (K,_), R), !.
delete/3 is more strict in GNU Prolog and will not work in this case.
This isn't so much an answer to the question, but a simpler way of attacking it, without using the 'select' (or any other built-in predicates), and only using recursion.
Considering that the output list is just a list of items that didn't match the key, you need 2 main clauses, and iterate around the list. One where the key matches the head of the list, and one that doesn't.
unmap(_, [], []).
% head of the list matches key, do not add K/H to unmatched list (ie remove it)
unmap(K, [(H, _)|Tail], Unmatched) :-
H == K,
unmap(K, Tail, Unmatched).
% above rule fails, add H to unmatched list
unmap(K, [H|Tail], [H|Unmatched]) :-
unmap(K, Tail, Unmatched).
?- unmap(key1, [(key1, value1),(key2, value2),(key3, value3)], R).
R = [ (key2, value2), (key3, value3)] .
?- unmap(key4, [(key1, value1),(key2, value2),(key3, value3)], R).
R = [ (key1, value1), (key2, value2), (key3, value3)] .
So if the key doesn't exist, it just iterates around adding all list items, and so the input and output lists are identical.