Contrib.auth for occasional inquiries? - django

I have developed an app for school management. Teachers and others roles have an account (django user) to control student attendance, Behaviors issues, etc.
Student is a model itself. Teacher is a User proxy.
At this moment I'm ready to extend the app to allow parents access to children information (is cruel, but for the sake of students ;)
I'm evaluating this alternatives:
Make a simple php app only for parent access (with dedicated db user
and views). It seems secure but I don't like php.
Add a password field to Student model and build my owner authentication system. I
don't like to have a 'django authenticated student'.
Integrating Student authentication with actual auth schema. I don't like this for
security reason, this means to check all views security, and this mix teachers and students.
Create a new django application only for students (and parents) with two databases, the 'school' database and a new one with auth for students
What is for you the best way to authenticate parents before to see children information?
Any suggestions are wellcome. Thanks a lot.
Ah! I think that is easy that parents forgot passwords.
School has over 800 students, app store more than 1milion of presence cheks for year, lot of Parents interviews, ...

Django contrib.auth models incorporate groups and permissions in addition to user accounts. In fact regular django users and django admin users share the same model only with different permissions.
Considering, the default authentication model (from a security standpoint) is already shared with much bigger consequences in case of a breach, I don't see a reason why you shouldn't have students authenticate with the same model and just assign them into a separate group and manage their permissions. Your security will not be worse or better from what it already is.
As far as development side goes, all you have to do is simply use decorators on the view handlers which are Teachers/Parents only to limit student access to them.
See: Permissions decorator
If for whatever reason this is unacceptible (although I cannot surmise a reason from what you said), you will have to do either:
Write your own middleware that injects itself into contrib.auth (reinvent the wheel)
Use an external system to verify permissions (completely orthogonal to Django's approach and will actually complicate your system much more than to use integrated contrib.auth)
Additional down side to doing your own authentication system is that you now have to worry about all kind of security issues that Django solves for you (like CSRF protection, SQL injection/escaping and many others). Not to mention bugs that can creep in vs. using tested and proven code/model provided by contrib.auth.


Is appropriate/safe for Django dashboard to be public facing?

I understand that Django is an ORM that you can use to build APIs and external UIs for; dashboard allows ACL access and various data-management functionality.
Is generally okay or not a good idea to allow public users to use portions of the dashboards, i.e. forms?
It is not usual, but it depends on your project and the audience of your project. I will leave you here a resume about Django book said about it, and you must decide it is suitable for your project and uses cases.
According to the django book:
Django’s admin site uses a permissions system that you can use to give specific users access only to the portions of the interface that they need. These user accounts are meant to be generic enough to be used outside of the admin interface, but we’ll just treat them as admin user accounts for now. In Chapter 11, we’ll cover how to manage users site-wide (i.e. not just the admin site) with Django’s authentication system.
And on the same page ...
When and Why to Use the Admin Interface – And When Not to
Django’s admin site shines when nontechnical users need to be able to enter data; that’s the purpose behind the feature, after all. At the newspaper where Django was first developed, development of a typical online feature – say, a special report on water quality in the municipal supply – would go something like this:
The reporter responsible for the project meets with one of the developers and describes the available data.
The developer designs Django models to fit this data and then opens up the admin site to the reporter.
The reporter inspects the admin site to point out any missing or extraneous fields – better now than later.
In other words, the raison d’etre of Django’s admin interface is facilitating the simultaneous work of content producers and programmers. However, beyond these obvious data entry tasks, the admin site is useful in a few other cases:
Inspecting data models.
Managing acquired data.
Quick and dirty data-management apps.

Multiple User Types For Auth in Django

My web features two user types, Client and Professional. There are also two 'main modules', one for clients to buy stuff and so on (the main site), and the other for professionals to manage operations. For auth, I would like to have:
A single 'sign in' form, which detects whether the user is a client or a professional and forwards her to the right module (main site or management site).
Two 'sign up' forms, one for clients and other for professionals. Probably, the site will ask the user whether she wants to register as a professional or as a client, to trigger the right registration flow for each case.
Clients will use the 'main site' and should not be authorized to use the 'management site'.
Professionals will use the 'management site' but should not be authorized to sign in to the main site.
Both professionals and clients are registered as Users, and share common fields, such as username, phone, email, etc...
Since Django won't let me use two models for authentication. I've created custom model subclassing AbstractBaseUser and which serves me as a base auth class for Client and Professional.
class BaseUser(AbstractBaseUser):
class Client(BaseUser):
class Professional(BaseUser):
I've also changed the AUTH_USER_MODEL setting to:
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.BaseUser'
I've also included django-allauth to manage user registration and authentication. But now I'm stuck. I just began playing with Django/Python and I'm not sure how to solve this.
It seems there is no official recommended way for doing this (Implementing multiple user types with Django 1.5). Should I stick to the subclassing approach, or should I do the OnetoOne relationship pointed out in the docs ?
Once I have the models properly setup, how should I proceed with the two registration forms? Is it possible to accomplish this with django-allauth, or do I need to do it manually?
As far as I know, when a new user is registered, a new base user is created in the User table. But since I will be creating user specializations (Client or Professional), how should I specify that I also want to create the client-related data or professional-related data in the corresponding table?
I'm pretty new to Django, so any advise will help
I think the easiest way for you to do what you are talking about is going to be to have 3 apps in your project: your top level app, a "professional" app and a "client" app. At the top level app, all you really need to do is give the users a login form, and 2 links, one for registering as a Professional and one for registering as a Client.
In this case, I believe it will be easiest for you to use Django's built in Permissions system, and assign each type of user to a corresponding group (eg. professionals and clients). You can use a decorator on your views to ensure that only members of a particular group can access that view (since you have 2 separate apps for each group, you can add a decorator to all views in each of them, or you can import Django's authorization functions into your and check it there, although that is beyond the scope of this answer).
Registration is easy enough, use your file to forward the user that wants to register to the correct app. Once you do that, you should be able to use django-allauth registration on each app, allowing you to create 2 different kinds of users. Make sure when the register, you assign them to the correct group membership.
As for the login redirection, once you receive the POST data, I would check for which type of user logged in, and use that to forward the user to the correct URL that goes with the Professional or Client app. You can see the below link for an idea of redirecting a user after login.
Django - after login, redirect user to his custom page -->

Django Multi-User logins - best approach?

I'm currently developing a Django site in which users can have multiple 'accounts', so that they can seamlessly switch between different public profiles when interacting through the site. What I'm designing is likely to attract multiple registrations per person (and won't be discouraged), I just would like to offer this in such a way as that users can keep the profiles tied together, switch easily and only have to log in once.
The two approaches I've thought up so far include:
One (User model + SiteProfile model) pair and many PublicProfile models per person. AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE is set to point to the SiteProfile model. Issue with this is that I can't easily use per-object permissions: these will be set on the User object and not the public profile, thus permissions to see a page for "PublicProfileA" will also be applied to when the user is masquerading as "PublicProfileB".
One Account model and many (User model + UserProfile model) pairs per person. AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE is set to point to the UserProfile model. This would have the added benefit of the permissions working as intended, and that I can simply have a Custom Backend that will switch users by authenticating a user by if they are currently logged in as another user that has the same Account object as the Foreign Key. Authentication would happen by reading fields on the Account object though, which would mean the password field on every User object would be wasted.
As above, but subclassing Account from User. I've been advised strongly against this though (for reasons unclear).
Is there any pitfalls or better approaches to this? Ultimately, should I use the built-in User model as the one-per-person model that identifies a group of public facing profiles (of which these profiles have a FK back to the User object), or use it as the profile itself, linking back to a single Account object for each person?
Yes, I think the best approach would be to have one and only one User per person and several PublicProfile objects that they can "switch" between. This gives the benefit of only one username/password for them and seems to make the most sense with how Django's auth typically works.

Should I use Django's Admin feature?

I'm building a Django-based review website where public users create all of the content on the site. Users create reviews for given items and they also create the items themselves that will be reviewed (providing a description and brief summary of the item, along with a few tags).
My question is this: Should I be using Django's admin features for this website (as in, exposing admin controls to the public users)? Or should I just stick with normal forms? I'm not too familiar with the admin-aspect of Django, and so far I've just been using forms for the website, but I've seen a lot of people talking about Django's admin features, and I'm starting to wonder if I should be using them.
Thanks for any feedback!
Maybe. If the admin functionality covers most of what you want to offer, there's no reason why you shouldn't use it as a starting point.
django.contrib.admin is an application like any other, and provides basically a CRUD interface to your models. Access can be controlled via groups/permissions, just like you would for an application you write yourself. You can give full access to a model with a one-liner, but obviously will have to configure properly when opening up to others.
See also my question
Django AdminSite/ModelAdmin for end users?
and similar questions Exposing django admin to users. Harmful? and How to make Django admin site accessed by non-staff user?
Regarding arguments about the "intended use" of the admin, please note Django's security update at the end of last year: regarding querystring parameters in object lists. Such an update (quote: "an attacker with access to the admin [...]") is a clear indication that the admin's implementation of the permission system is being constantly scrutinized.
No. The django admin is not intended for any end-user.
The django admin feature is intended to assist the website developer, and that is all. Even usage by site administrators is contra-indicated, although in practice most small sites get away with it since they're only talking a few people who can call on the developer personally if they get into trouble.
For your purposes, the review items and the workflow in creating the items is a critical part of your application feature set. The admin will give you ideas, but it would be a mistake to attempt to build your application upon it.
I wouldn't expose the admin interface to regular users. You can use the authentication and user-management side (for your purposes), but it's usually best practice to give users a separate way to manage their objects. You also don't run as much of a risk of granting the wrong privileges to users (or allowing them to grant their own).
Have a read though the docs if you want a better overview about what it can do.

seperate 'admin' interfaces for different user types in django

I have recently being trying to create a project which has several levels of user involved.
(Just an example of an abbreviated and rough schema)
ME (Super User)
Survey Collections
Invitee(s) (invitee is a child of both survey and user)
I would ideally have: go to a client interface which you had to be a client to access go to a customer interface which you had to be a customer to access
I have already established that using a customised Django admin interface for all of them is probably not going to be possible (or is it?). I am therefore leaning towards manually creating 'admin' interfaces for each level of user, allowing them to manage their respective roles. What is the best way of having different user types and separate interfaces for each one?
I like the way of inheriting users outlined at:
But am unsure how I would set up different 'admin' areas for different users.
As a side issue that is related, I am also unsure of how to access the custom properties alongside standard user properties and how to edit/save them in the ACTUAL admin interface that I will use.
I would need to authenticate 'Client' users against a client database to check they are clients but somehow also authenticate against the user database which manages authentication, username, password etc.
I am switching from PHP to Python/Django so any advice greatly appreciated to help me along.
The closest I got to this was based on another stackoverflow article here: How to have 2 different admin sites in a Django project?
I ended up creating two entirely separate instances of django.contrib.admin.sites.AdminSite which seemed to work in the end, albeit not ideal.