Django + Apache, browser always loading and none data received - django

I am running Django site in Apache with mod_wsgi.
The site works before. Today when I am try to install a tokuwiki on the same server, I found the site become failed that when I open the django site, the chrome always loading and after a long long time it say "no data received".
The django site works on my development machine and another virtual machine.
On the amazon ec2:
When I use wget on static files (.css, .img) served by apache, it received normally.
But when I use wget on dynamic page from django, it stoped at awaiting response... , which means the problem is on the django + apache part.
I check the apache log that each time I refresh the browser, it will loading the django setting again, but nothing else. The log shows it did not enter the view function (I am not sure whether it entered the url routine or not):
[Sat Nov 19 02:15:54 2011] [error] Absolute_dir: /home/www/jdlab-browser/trunk/jdlab_browser
[Sat Nov 19 02:15:54 2011] [error] Using Amazon Server Settings
[Sat Nov 19 02:15:54 2011] [error] Absolute_dir: /home/www/jdlab-browser/trunk/jdlab_browser
[Sat Nov 19 02:15:54 2011] [error] Using Amazon Server Settings
I tried to uninstall tokuwiki, reinstall apache, mod_wsgi, django. Rewrite the apache configure file.
Other information:
I opened the Debug mode of Django, and when I visit a not exist page, Django's page not found error page showed on the browser.
When I open the django's admin console mysitename/admin/ , browser also did not received any data.
Any clu where to check next?

Finally, found the problem is caused by scipy package.
And then I found a similar problem asked by other people.


Django project crashes server when admin backend is accessed

I am running apache2 on my local ubuntu server. I set up a Django project using django-admin startproject site and set up my virtual host to use a WSGI Daemon process to run the Django project. This worked and the site is accessible through its IP
When I go to /admin, it allows me to log in and see the initial backend but loads for 5 minutes then goes to a 500 error when I click anything or reload, even when trying to access the non-admin index page. This persists until I run systemctl restart apache2 and completely restart apache or wait ~10-15 minutes until it fixes itself (only to break again immediately if I access /admin pages).
Django version 4.1.5
mod-wsgi version 4.9.4
My Attempts
If I run the project with python runserver, I can access it on and fully use the /admin backend, even creating new users, etc. I then thought it was the WSGI Daemon process somehow messing it up, so I followed the linked section of this page: and ran the site with python runmodwsgi. The site completely works on along with the /admin, and I can create new users etc., which points to it having nothing to do with the WSGI setup (as well as the non-admin pages working fine on the virtual host WSGI).
I have fully deleted and restarted the Django project, as well as setting up new virtual host .conf files with the proper WSGI information, etc.
I read about an /admin loading issue back in Django 3.0, but I am on 4.1 so that is unrelated.
I am at a complete loss at what the issue could be at this point. Why won't my /admin section work on the virtual host??
The issue is actually definitely the WSGI somehow. I am getting this is my apache error log:
[Sun Jan 29 09:27:12.388714 2023] [wsgi:error] [pid 67623:tid 140212873184832] (70007)The timeout specified has expired: [client] mod_wsgi (pid=67623): Failed to proxy response from daemon., referer:
[Sun Jan 29 09:27:14.427470 2023] [wsgi:error] [pid 67624:tid 140211782657600] [client] Timeout when reading response headers from daemon process 'Portfolio': /var/www/Portfolio/Portfolio/, referer:
[Sun Jan 29 09:27:14.949762 2023] [wsgi:error] [pid 67624:tid 140211279357504] [client] Timeout when reading response headers from daemon process 'Portfolio': /var/www/Portfolio/Portfolio/, referer:
[Sun Jan 29 09:27:16.385674 2023] [wsgi:error] [pid 67623:tid 140212856399424] [client] Truncated or oversized response headers received from daemon process 'Portfolio': /var/www/Portfolio/Portfolio/
I still do not know what the solution is, though.
I found the solution. Somehow during the whole setup, adding WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} to the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file was never recommended, at least not that I noticed, but it worked and all the admin functionality works on the virtual host through WSGI Daemon.
Hope this can help someone else.

mod_wsgi on Apache and Windows 7

I installed Apache and mod_wsgi on Win 7 and copied config text output of mod_wsgi into httpd.conf.
I also check and see server working before mod_wsgi.
Now when I try to connect on local host I get a connection refused. After some research I found out I should add mod_wsgi.server to my app settings. I did it and ran runmodwsgi which failed because it was running a script in Windows which used os.getuid. Not valid in Windows. Is it mandatory to add mod_wsgi to isntalled apps in django project? Not mentioned in here.
If so what can I do for os.getuid in Windows?
Beside these why I get connection refused and no log if only my handler config is incorrect.
I ran httpd from cmd and found the error:
[Fri Dec 21 10:11:17.538864 2018] [wsgi:info] [pid 64084:tid 180]
mod_wsgi (pid=64084): Initializing Python. Fatal Python error:
Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'
Don't know the reason yet.
Changed PYTHONHOME to python base path and it is working now. There most be an in compatibility between venv and setuptools.

Django / Apache / mod_wsgi - WEB Application Hangs - Fails to Launch

My Django WEB Application fails to launch all of a sudden and out of the blues.
It was working fine until yesterday in production.
I am not able to figure out where the problem is. It could apache or mod_wsgi or windows but at the moment I have no clue.
I have tried to reinstall all the python libraries/prerequisites etc. but the problem persists nevertheless.
I am serving the WEBApp at Apache Port 8999 and When I access the WEB App, the browser fails to show any error. It just keeps trying to open the page and in the status bar I just see the Waiting for message.
If I see the netstat results then I see the following
C:\Documents and Settings\admintemp>netstat -an | find "8999" TCP LISTENING TCP ESTABLISHED
This connection remains established forever and nothing happens. Internet Browser just seems to try to keep opening the Web App and it appears as if it is waiting forever.
The only thing i see in Apache logs is this
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [warn] mod_wsgi: Compiled for Python/2.7.
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [warn] mod_wsgi: Runtime using Python/2.7.3.
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [notice] Apache/2.2.22 (Win32) mod_wsgi/3.3 Python/2.7.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [notice] Server built: Jan 28 2012 11:16:39
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3876
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [warn] mod_wsgi: Compiled for Python/2.7.
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [warn] mod_wsgi: Runtime using Python/2.7.3.
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [notice] Child 3876: Child process is running
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [notice] Child 3876: Acquired the start mutex.
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [notice] Child 3876: Starting 64 worker threads.
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:32 2013] [notice] Child 3876: Starting thread to listen on port 8999.
[Fri Jun 21 18:34:43 2013] [error] C:/Program Files/App_Logic/logic_apps/logic_apps\\..\\logic_apps
I also noticed in the Windows Event Viewer logs (Application Logs) the following message but I am not sure how (and if) this could be related to my problem at hand. This message seems to shows up once for everytime i access the Web App.
Application popup: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library : Runtime
Program: C:\Progr...
R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library
incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more
Exact screenshot of above error message is at
Please note that as part of my analysis I have tried
Accesing the apache page at does show me the It Works ! message
Running the WEB App using the Django Development server and it launches fine.
Changing the file and when I introduce errors in the file deliberately, accessing the web app does complain with the relevant.
The application is installed on Windows Server 2003 SP1 and there are no automatic updates schedules on this machine so I am not suspecting that a update would have caused this problem. I also saw the Windows Update log and there was nothing installed recently.
The application is based on following Python Libraries as prerequisites
I have tried with the WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} directive and setting the log level to debug and info but the resulting logs don't give any additional information.
I have posted apache debug level log at
I have posted apache info level log at
Both these logs were taken after a fresh restart of apache and then the application hanging and until I stopped apache and copied the logs.
I also tried running the Hello World Application as documented at and it worked fine.
I still remain clueless. Appreciate if you could guide me what else I could do to get more details of the issue.
Appreciate if someone could guide me with respect to what more I can do to solve this problem or get more information to get to the root of this.
I was able to solve this issue in the end.
The post at Runtime error R6034 in embedded Python application led me to a solution.
Thanks to Graham Dumpleton and others who were helping me offline to get this issue solved.
It was rather cheeky in the end, a conflicting version of msvcr90.dll
I removed the IBM Bit from the path and it works fine now.

The logs of POST/GET requests from Django application on Apache

Django development server is really nice, it shows the log of all POST/GET requests as well as other events in real time. Example of logs from Django dev server:
[04/Jul/2012 19:23:27] "GET /static/images/sprites/submit_url_hover.png HTTP/1.1" 200 7088
[04/Jul/2012 19:23:42] "POST /validate_link HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[04/Jul/2012 19:23:44] "POST /download_link HTTP/1.1" 200 0
It's very useful for debugging, figuring out the sources of 500 errors, etc. I've recently deployed my Django app on Apache and looking for logs analogous to that of Django Dev Server on Apache. There is obviously Apache error logs (snippet is below):
[Wed Jul 04 18:37:45 2012] [error] [u'microsoft', u'design', u'logos']
[Wed Jul 04 23:51:01 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/my_project/app/portnoy/site_media/favicon.ico
But that's not what I want. My site has a simple link submission functionality which works locally (on Django dev server), but is not working on the actual site (running Apache). So seeing the Django dev server style logs on Apache will be really helpful. Any idea where can I look at? Thank in advance and happy 4th!
Check access.log for the apache where you will see each request processed and response sent.
Also, if you have not tried yet, set DEBUG=True in your settings file so django will show you detail error, trace and other useful information.

Apache mod_python with django issue

While running a django application on top of apache2 mod_python, I am getting this error message in my apache error log.
[Tue Dec 14 14:26:45 2010] [error] [client SOME_IP] IOError: Write failed, client closed connection., referer:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/mod_python/", line 1931, in ReportError
IOError: Write failed, client closed connection.
[Tue Dec 14 14:26:45 2010] [error] [client SOME_IP] python_handler: Dispatch() returned non-integer., referer:
Can anyone please suggest some solution on this?
The better long-term solution is to not use mod_python, since mod_python is no longer in development, and will not be supported in future versions of Django. Consider using mod_wsgi instead.
The Django documentation has this to say about mod_python:
Support for mod_python has been deprecated, and will be removed in Django 1.5. If you are configuring a new deployment, you are strongly encouraged to consider using mod_wsgi or any of the other supported backends.
Indicates that the user HTTP client connection was dropped before the complete response could be written back. Nothing one can do about it. Your application should handle it gracefully.