Java web application for multiple users - concurrency

I need to design and implement a Java web application that can be used by multiple users at the same time. The data that is handled by this application is going to be huge and may take about 5 minutes for a page to display the results(database records).
I had designed this application using HTML, Servlets and JSP. But when two users would try to get the records, only one user was able to view the results while the other faced an error.
I always thought a web application would take care of handling multiple users but this is not the case.
Any insights on this would be highly appreciated.

I always thought a web application would take care of handling multiple users but this is not the case.
They do if they're written correctly. Obviously yours is not. That's all we can tell you unless you give more information, most importantly details of the error shown to the second user.
One possibility is that everything is OK on the web layer but your DB access for the first user causes an exclusive lock so that the second user cannot access the data at the same time. This could be fixed by using non-exclusive read locks. How to do that depends mainly on what DB you're using.
Getting concurrency right requires you to choose the correct tools and use them correctly. It doesn't just happen magically because it's a web app.

What are are using to develop this web-application? If you are developing it in your own way from the start I must say you are trying to re-invent the same wheel which has been already created and enhanced by very solid frameworks.
I suggest you analyze your requirements thoroughly and study some available frameworks. Let them handle the things like multi threading and other aspects in the best possible manner.
Handling multiple request at a time is a container work and as an application developer we have to concentrate how we are handling and processing those requret being forwarded by the container.
I must suggest you to get some insight how web-application work and how request -response cycle happens


How can I scale a webapp with long response time, which currently uses django

I am writing a web application with django on the server side. It takes ~4 seconds for server to generate a response to the user. It makes use of a weather api. My application has to make ~50 query to that api for each user request.
Server side uses urllib of python for using the weather api. I used pythons threading to speed up the process because urllib is synchronous. I am using wsgi with apache. The problem is wsgi stack is fully synchronous and when many users use my application, they have to wait for one anothers request to finish. Since each request takes ~4 seconds, this is unacceptable.
I am kind of stuck, what can I do?
If you are using mod_wsgi in a multithreaded configuration, or even a multi process configuration, one request should not block another from being able to do something. They should be able to run concurrently. If using a multithreaded configuration, are you sure that you aren't using some locking mechanism on some resource within your own application which precludes requests running through the same section of code? Another possibility is that you have configured Apache MPM and/or mod_wsgi daemon mode poorly so as to preclude concurrent requests.
Anyway, as mentioned in another answer, you are much better off looking at caching strategies to avoid the weather lookups in the first place, or offloading to client.
50 queries to an outside resource per request is probably a bad place to be, and probably not neccesary at all.
The weather doesn't change all that quickly, and so you can probably benefit enormously by just caching results for a while. Then it doesn't matter how many requests you're getting, you don't need to do more than a few queries per day
If that's not your situation, you might be able to get the client to do the work for you. Refactor the code so that the weather api aggregation happens on the client in javascript, rather than funneling it all through the server.
Edit: based on comments you've posted, what you are asking for probably cannot be optimized within the constraints of the API you are using. The problem is that the service is doing a good job of abstracting away the differences in the many sources of weather information they aggregate into a nearest location query. after all, weather stations provide only point data.
If you talk directly to the technical support people that provide the API, you might find that they are willing to support more complex queries (bounding box), for which they will give you instructions. More likely, though, they abstract that away because they don't want to actually reveal the resolution that their API actually provides, or because there is some technical reason in the way that they model their data or perform their calculations that would make such queries too difficult to support.
Without that or caching, you are just out of luck.

To code background process in Ruby or C++ for rails app?

I've been working on a rails app for a couple of days now that I need an underlying "middle layer" for that connects my rails application to the various services that make up the data.
The basic setup looks like this:
Frontend ("Rails app") -> user requests data to be aggregated -> info goes in database and a JSON request is sent to "middle layer" to retrieve the data from a source of other places, process it, then send it back to the frontend which streams it to the users browser via websockets.
Middle layer -> uses sockets to listen for the frontend making a request. Once request is made, aggregation begins.
Base layer -> load balancing among a scalable network design.
I don't think that this is as efficient as it could be though. I feel like I'll run into concurrency problems or it just being too slow for use. I need to be able to scale it up.
My main question though rests in the area of what language would be more efficient for this to run fast?
It depends. What are your data sources? Are they on the same machine? Are they databases?
My gut tells me that the language you choose won't play much of a role in how well this kind
of application performs, but it it hard to say without knowing the details.
C++ is probably a bad idea for a scalable web-app though. It is very likely that you will end
up with something which is slower than what you would have written in Ruby, because you end up worrying about irrelevant details. With regards to concurrency concurrency problems, C++ is definitely not the easiest language in which to write concurrent code.
Without knowing more, I would recommend that you stick with Ruby or some other high-level language and profile to see where the bottlenecks are. If you find out that there is some tight loop which needs to run really fast you can write that part in C, but you probably won't need that.
Stick with Ruby unless you can prove an actual need for C++. Look into something like delayed_job to handle your background tasks.

Should I use a server-side script or a web service?

I need to be able to access a mySQL database from my iPhone, for both read and write ops. Instead of using MCPKit (due to security and speed considerations), I'd like to access the db through a separate service. The app is iPhone SDK, so I need to get data back in XML form, not as a web page.
I am trying to decide whether to write a Java web service (SOAP) to provide this link, or to just throw together a PHP script on the server side. I can create either solution, but I don't know enough to figure out the advantages/disadvantages of the choice. Please help; thank you!
If you're writing both the client and the server, and performance isn't a significant issue, then the primary remaining consideration is development time.
So, what tools do you have at your disposal? Which platform will allow you to do this with the least amount of work? If it's a toss-up between the two, then pick the one you're most familiar with.

How does one go about breaking a monolithic application into web-services?

Not having dealt much with creating web-services, either from scratch, or by breaking apart an existing application, where does one start? Should a web-service encapsulate an entity, much like a class does, or should the service have more/less to it?
I realize that much of this is based on a case by case analysis of what the needs are, but are there any general guide-lines or best practices or even small nuggets of information that web-service veterans can impart to a relative newbie?
Our web services are built around functional areas. Sometimes this is just for a single entity, sometimes it's more than that.
For example, if you have a CRM, one of your web services might revolve around managing Contacts. Creating, updating, searching for, etc. If you do some type of batch type processing, a web service might exist to create and submit a job.
As far as best practices, bear in mind that web services add to the processing overhead. Mainly in serializing / deserializing the data as it goes across the wire. Because of this the main upside is solely in scalability. Meaning that you trade an increased per transaction processing time for the ability to run the service through multiple machines.
The main parts to pull out into a web service are those areas which are common across multiple applications, or which you intend to expose publicly, or which would benefit from greater load balancing.
Of course, you need to analyze your application to see where any bottlenecks really are. In some cases it doesn't make sense. For example, if you have a single application that isn't sharing its code and/or the bottleneck is primarily database related.
Web Services are exactly what they sound like Services for the Web.
A web service should be built as an API for the service layer of your app.
A service usually encapsulates an entity larger than a single class.
To learn more about service layers and refactoring to add a service layer read about DDD.
Good Luck
The number 1 question is: To what end are you refactoring your application functionality to be consumned as a bunch of web services?

n-tier design with website and backend transaction processor

We have a website, where transactions are entered in and put through a workflow. We are going to follow the standard BLL(Business Logic Layer), DTO(Data Transfer Object), DAL(Data Access Layer) etc. for a tiered application. We have the need to separate everything out because some transactions will cross multiple applications with different business logic.
We also have a backend processor. It handles our transactions once the workflow has been completed. It works with various third party systems, some of which are unstable, or the interface to them is unstable, and then reports the status of the transaction. Each website will have its own version of the backend processor.
Now the question, with N-Tier, they suggest a new BLL for each application. With the layout of the application above, it can be argued that the backend processor and website is one application acting in unison, or two applications with different business logic. What would be the ideal way to handle this? Have it act like one system, or two?
One thing that I picked up on while learning MVC over the last couple years is the difference between what I call application logic and domain logic. I don't like the term business logic anymore, because it has too much baggage from all the conflicting theories and practices that have used that term too loosely.
Domain logic is the "traditional" business logic, how things are supposed to act, what they require (validation), etc. Application logic is anything that is specific to a given presentation of your domain, IE when the user clicks this submit button in your web app then they are directed to this web page over here (note that this has nothing to do with how a WinForms app or a background processor would work). Application logic should live in your application. Domain logic should live in your BLL and lower, and be reusable across the different applications that may use your common "business logic".
Kind of a general answer, but I hope that helps.
You might consider partitioning the functionality to reflect the organization of the stakeholders. Usually if you have two distinct organizational groups, then development and administration requirements are easier to manage if the functionality is similarly partioned. And vise versa.
Most of us don't spend that much time writing applications that explore the outer boundaries of hardware and software capabilities.
If you separate your concerns well then I think that you will be able to view them as the same application with a single business logic layer, there is no point writing the same code twice. The trick will be forcing the separation of concerns between the user interface portions of the website and the business logic in your BLL library.
Performance is going to be an issue as well, you have to ensure that your batch processing doesn't block your website from performing tasks that it needs to perform due to your resources. This may be an argument to keep them more separate, however as they're likely sharing a database anyway (or some other file based resource) then that may be an issue regardless.
I would keep a common business logic library programmed to interfaces and fully separated from your other concerns.
The "Ideal" way to do this depends on the project at hand and the various requirements of the system.
My default design is to have it act as one app. But if there are more heavyweight processes taking place, I like to create a batching process where the parameters of the requested job are stored and acted upon by a seperate process.