Multithreaded data processing pipeline in Qt - c++

What would be a good way to solve the following problem in Qt:
I have a sensor class, which continuously produces data. On this data, several operations have to be performed after another, which may take quite long. For this I have some additional classes. Basically, every time a new data item is recorded, the first class should get the data, process it, pass it to the next and so on.
sensor --> class 1 --> ... --> last class
I want to put the individual classes of the pipeline into their own threads, so that class 1 may already work on sample n+1 when class 2 is processing sample n...
Also, as the individual steps may differ greatly in their performance (e.g. the sensor is way faster than the rest) and I'm not interested in outdated data, I want class 1 (and everything after it) to always get the newest data from their predecessor, discarding old data. So, no big buffer between the steps of the pipeline.
First I thought about using Qt::QueuedConnections for signals/slots, but I guess that this would introduce a queue full of outdated samples waiting to be processed by the slower parts of the pipeline?

Just build your own one-element "queue" class. It should have:
A piece of data (or pointer to data)
A Boolean "dataReady"
A mutex
A condition variable
The "enqueue" function is just:
lock mutex
Replace data with new data
dataReady = true
signal condition variable
The "dequeue" function is just:
lock mutex
while (!dataReady) cond_wait(condition, mutex)
tmpData = data
data = NULL (or zero)
dataReady = false
unlock mutext
return tmpData
The type of the data can be a template parameter.

What you are dealing with is a Producer Consumer Pattern. You can find a general overview of that here.
You want to use a QMutex to limit access to the data to one thread at a time. Use the QMutexLocker to lock it.
For a VERY simplified example:
QList<quint32> data;
QMutex mutex;
// Consumer Thread calls this
int GetData()
quint32 result(-1); // if =1 is a valid value, you may have to return a bool and
// get the value through a reference to an int
// in the parameter list.
QMutexLocker lock(&mutex);
if (data.size())
result = data.front(); // or back
return result;
// Producer Thread calls this
void SetData(quint32 value)
QMutexLocker lock(&mutex);


C++ Threading using 2 Containers

I have the following problem. I use a vector that gets filled up with values from a temperature sensor. This function runs in one thread. Then I have another thread responsible for publishing all the values into a data base which runs once every second. Now the publishing thread will lock the vector using a mutex, so the function that fills it with values will get blocked. However, while the thread that publishes the values is using the vector I want to use another vector to save the temperature values so that I don't lose any values while the data is getting published. How do I get around this problem? I thought about using a pointer that points to the containers and then switching it to the other container once it gets locked to keep saving values, but I dont quite know how.
I tried to add a minimal reproducable example, I hope it kind of explains my situation.
void publish(std::vector<temperature> &inputVector)
//this function would publish the values into a database
//via mqtt and also runs in a thread.
int main()
std::vector<temperature> testVector;
std::vector<temperature> testVector2;
//I am repeatedly saving values into the vector.
//I want to do this in a thread but if the vector locked by a mutex
//i want to switch over to the other vector
Assuming you are using std::mutex, you can use mutex::try_lock on the producer side. Something like this:
if (myMutex.try_lock()) {
// locking succeeded - move all queued values and push the new value
std::move(testVector2.begin(), testVector2.end(), std::back_inserter(testVector));
} else {
// locking failed - queue the value
Of course publish() needs to lock the mutex, too.
void publish(std::vector<temperature> &inputVector)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(myMutex);
//this function would publish the values into a database
//via mqtt and also runs in a thread.
This seems like the perfect opportunity for an additional (shared) buffer or queue, that's protected by the lock.
main would be essentially as it is now, pushing your new values into the shared buffer.
The other thread would, when it can, lock that buffer and take the new values from it. This should be very fast.
Then, it does not need to lock the shared buffer while doing its database things (which take longer), as it's only working on its own vector during that procedure.
Here's some pseudo-code:
std::mutex pendingTempsMutex;
std::vector<temperature> pendingTemps;
void thread2()
std::vector<temperature> temps;
while (1)
// Get new temps if we have any
std::scoped_lock l(pendingTempsMutex);
if (!temps.empty())
void thread1()
while (1)
std::scoped_lock l(pendingTempsMutex);
Or, if getValue() blocks:
temperature newValue = testSensor.getValue();
std::scoped_lock l(pendingTempsMutex);
Usually you'd use a std::queue for pendingTemps though. I don't think it really matters in this example, because you're always consuming everything in thread 2, but it's more conventional and can be more efficient in some scenarios. It can't lose you much as it's backed by a std::deque. But you can measure/test to see what's best for you.
This solution is pretty much what you already proposed/explored in the question, except that the producer shouldn't be in charge of managing the second vector.
You can improve it by having thread2 wait to be "informed" that there are new values, with a condition variable, otherwise you're going to be doing a lot of busy-waiting. I leave that as an exercise to the reader ;) There should be an example and discussion in your multi-threaded programming book.

How to avoid blocking thread during some heavy processing in c++?

I'm a beginner of c++ multi threading program. I created a dummy code for my question. Hoge class is communication class which is connected socket and I assume Hoge::update() is data receiving class via the socket. And if specific data has arrived, Hoge instance pass the data to Fuga instance for specifigc processing.
So my questions are,
I don't want to block Hoge::update(). So after storing data, I don't want to use th_process_data.join(). Are there any better solution for this?
After processing data in another thread, how to return this processed data to Hoge instance. Some callback class is solution?
Fuga fuga;
Hoge::update() {
while(true) {
if(check_something()) {
auto data = get_data();
Hoge::on_received(const Data& data) {
std::cout << "received: " << << std::endl;
// do something...
std::vector<Data> data_list;
std::mutex mtx;
Fuga::push_data(const Data& data) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
std::thread th_process_data([&]{ do_processing(); });
// Q1. I don't want to block this thread for Hoge::update()
Fuga::do_processing() {
Data data;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
data = data_list.pop();
// heavy task for data...
// Q2. How to pass this processed data to Hoge::on_received(const Data& data)
Part of your Q is not very clear to me as it seems open ended many possibilites. However your 2 queries are objective, hence I am trying to answer from my recent experience with sockets.
"1. I don't want to block Hoge::update(). So after storing data, I don't want to use th_process_data.join(). Are there any better solution for this?"
In such case, you may do:
This will save you from blocking on .join(). You may also use std::future and std::promise combo if your design allows. More information can be found in this post.
"2. After processing data in another thread, how to return this processed data to Hoge instance. Some callback class is solution?"
I don't see a big deal in simply calling Hoge::on_received() method and pass the data. The thread will be still the th_process_data only. If you are worried about providing the time slicing and using sleep_for() method for it, then you may also look for std::yield as an alternative.
According to your current design you have put 2 std::mutex in 2 methods. I feel, it's not required.
Also, remember that you are creating a thread every time the Fuga::push_data() is invoked. If this method is invoked frequently and you don't want to load the CPU with the expense of multiple threads creation, then better to create single thread once and wait in it for the data to be received. But that will require a change of design.

Queued thread notification

That you can imagine my problem i describe the usage of my design:
In the class SerialInterface there is a thread that is checking every 10ms if a message is received. The class is implemented as an Observer pattern to notify other classes about the new received message/byte.
The Notify method of the Observer pattern is blocking until every subject has done its operation. Because i want to avoid any lags, I would like to notify the subjects asynchronously.
My first thought were events (condition variables in C++11).
The implementation would look like this:
class SerialInterface: public Observer {
void NotifyThread() {
while (mRunThreadNotify) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
std::mutex mMutex;
std::condition_variable mCv;
std::atomic_bool mRunThreadNotify;
std::thread mThreadNotify;
Now i can notify asynchronously via mCv.notify_all();
The problem now is following:
What if the thread NotifyThread() is currently notifying the subjects, but theres a new notify event incoming at the same time. It would complete the current notification and the new state would be skipped.
So my second approach was to create a counter for notifications and let it act like a queue:
class SerialInterface: public Observer {
void NotifyThread() {
while (mRunThreadNotify) {
if (mNotifications > 0) {
} else {
std::atomic<size_t> mNotifications;
std::atomic_bool mRunThreadNotify;
std::thread mThreadNotify;
Here i have to increase the variable mNotifications to notify the subjects. But for me this solution looks not perfect as i use std::this_thread::sleep_for for a fixed waiting time.
Are there any suggestions or another approaches for this problem?
It seems to me that you want to separate the real-time behavior (10mS serial poll) from the rest of the program so that the real-time thread will never be held off waiting for any other routines. Given that, my suggestion would be to split the pattern into two parts:
The real-time part, which does nothing but receive incoming serial data and append it to the end of a FIFO queue (in a thread-safe manner, of course).
The non-real-time part (running in a different thread), in which data is popped from the head of the FIFO queue and handed around to all of the software components that want to react to it. This part can be as fast or as slow as it likes, since it will not hold up the real-time thread.
The FIFO queue part is a standard producer-consumer problem; there are various ways to implement it, but the way I usually do it is with a dequeue, a lock, and a condition variable (pseudocode):
// Called by the real-time/serial thread when it received serial data
void AppendBytesToQueue(const TheBytesObject & bytes)
bool wasQueueEmptyBefore;
wasQueueEmptyBefore = (m_fifo.size() == 0);
if (wasQueueEmptyBefore) m_condition_variable.signal();
// Called by the non-real-time/handling thread after it was
// woken up by the condition variable's signal (outQueue should
// be a reference to an empty dequeue that gets filled by this
// method)
void GetNewBytesFromQueue(std::dequeue & outQueue)
std::swap(m_fifo, outQueue); // fast O(1) operation so m_lock() will never be locked for long
... and then after calling GetNewBytesFromQueue(), the handling/non-real-time thread can iterate over the contents of its temporary dequeue and deal with each item in order, without any risk of affecting the serial thread's performance.
When a notification is received, you can check whether your requirements have been met at that time.
Meeting the requirement can be specified as a predicate in the second argument to the wait().
mCvNotifications.wait(lock, [](){return true_if_requirements_met;});
If the requirement has not been met, thread will stay in the wait stage despite the notification.

How to use C++11 <thread> designing a system which pulls data from sources

This question comes from:
C++11 thread doesn't work with virtual member function
As suggested in a comment, my question in previous post may not the right one to ask, so here is the original question:
I want to make a capturing system, which will query a few sources in a constant/dynamic frequency (varies by sources, say 10 times / sec), and pull data to each's queues. while the sources are not fixed, they may add/remove during run time.
and there is a monitor which pulls from queues at a constant freq and display the data.
So what is the best design pattern or structure for this problem.
I'm trying to make a list for all the sources pullers, and each puller holds a thread, and a specified pulling function (somehow the pulling function may interact with the puller, say if the source is drain, it will ask to stop the pulling process on that thread.)
Unless the operation where you query a source is blocking (or you have lots of them), you don't need to use threads for this. We could start with a Producer which will work with either synchronous or asynchronous (threaded) dispatch:
template <typename OutputType>
class Producer
std::list<OutputType> output;
int poll_interval; // seconds? milliseconds?
virtual OutputType query() = 0;
virtual ~Producer();
int next_poll_interval() const { return poll_interval; }
void poll() { output.push_back(this->query()); }
std::size_t size() { return output.size(); }
// whatever accessors you need for the queue here:
// pop_front, swap entire list, etc.
Now we can derive from this Producer and just implement the query method in each subtype. You can set poll_interval in the constructor and leave it alone, or change it on every call to query. There's your general producer component, with no dependency on the dispatch mechanism.
template <typename OutputType>
class ThreadDispatcher
Producer<OutputType> *producer;
bool shutdown;
std::thread thread;
static void loop(ThreadDispatcher *self)
Producer<OutputType> *producer = self->producer;
while (!self->shutdown)
// some mechanism to pass the produced values back to the owner
auto delay = // assume millis for sake of argument
explicit ThreadDispatcher(Producer<OutputType> *p)
: producer(p), shutdown(false), thread(loop, this)
shutdown = true;
// again, the accessors you need for reading produced values go here
// Producer::output isn't synchronised, so you can't expose it directly
// to the calling thread
This is a quick sketch of a simple dispatcher that would run your producer in a thread, polling it however often you ask it to. Note that passing produced values back to the owner isn't shown, because I don't know how you want to access them.
Also note I haven't synchronized access to the shutdown flag - it should probably be atomic, but it might be implicitly synchronized by whatever you choose to do with the produced values.
With this organization, it'd also be easy to write a synchronous dispatcher to query multiple producers in a single thread, for example from a select/poll loop, or using something like Boost.Asio and a deadline timer per producer.

Is it safe to modify data of pointer in vector from another thread?

Things seem to be working but I'm unsure if this is the best way to go about it.
Basically I have an object which does asynchronous retrieval of data. This object has a vector of pointers which are allocated and de-allocated on the main thread. Using boost functions a process results callback is bound with one of the pointers in this vector. When it fires it will be running on some arbitrary thread and modify the data of the pointer.
Now I have critical sections around the parts that are pushing into the vector and erasing in case the asynch retrieval object is receives more requests but I'm wondering if I need some kind of guard in the callback that is modifying the pointer data as well.
Hopefully this slimmed down pseudo code makes things more clear:
class CAsyncRetriever
// typedefs of boost functions
class DataObject
// methods and members
// Start single asynch retrieve with completion callback
void Start(SomeArgs)
void SetupRetrieve(SomeArgs)
// ...
{ // scope for data lock
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_dataMutex);
m_inProgress.push_back(SmartPtr<DataObject>(new DataObject)));
m_callback = boost::bind(&CAsyncRetriever::ProcessResults, this, _1, m_inProgress.back());
// ...
void ProcessResults(DataObject* data)
data->m_SomeOtherMember = SomeStuff;
void Cleanup()
// ...
{ // scope for data lock
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_dataMutex);
while(!m_inProgress.empty() && m_inProgress.front()->IsComplete())
// ...
std::vector<SmartPtr<DataObject>> m_inProgress;
boost::mutex m_dataMutex;
// other members
Edit: This is the actual code for the ProccessResults callback (plus comments for your benefit)
void ProcessResults(CRetrieveResults* pRetrieveResults, CRetData* data)
// pRetrieveResults is delayed binding that server passes in when invoking callback in thread pool
// data is raw pointer to ref counted object in vector of main thread (the DataObject* in question)
// if there was an error set the code on the atomic int in object
// generic iterator of results bindings for generic sotrage class item
TPackedDataIterator<GenItem::CBind> dataItr(&pRetrieveResults->m_DataIter);
// namespace function which will iterate results and initialize generic storage
GenericStorage::InitializeItems<GenItem>(&data->m_items, dataItr, pRetrieveResults->m_nTotalResultsFound); // this is potentially time consuming depending on the amount of results and amount of columns that were bound in storage class definition (i.e.about 8 seconds for a million equipment items in release)
// atomic uint32_t that is incremented when kicking off async retrieve
m_nStarted.Decrement(); // this one is done processing
// boost function completion callback bound to interface that requested results
As it stands, it appears that the Cleanup code can destroy an object for which a callback to ProcessResults is in flight. That's going to cause problems when you deref the pointer in the callback.
My suggestion would be that you extend the semantics of your m_dataMutex to encompass the callback, though if the callback is long-running, or can happen inline within SetupRetrieve (sometimes this does happen - though here you state the callback is on a different thread, in which case you are OK) then things are more complex. Currently m_dataMutex is a bit confused about whether it controls access to the vector, or its contents, or both. With its scope clarified, ProcessResults could then be enhanced to verify validity of the payload within the lock.
No, it isn't safe.
ProcessResults operates on the data structure passed to it through DataObject. It indicates that you have shared state between different threads, and if both threads operate on the data structure concurrently you might have some trouble coming your way.
Updating a pointer should be an atomic operation, but you can use InterlockedExchangePointer (in Windows) to be sure. Not sure what the Linux equivalent would be.
The only consideration then would be if one thread is using an obsolete pointer. Does the other thread delete the object pointed to by the original pointer? If so, you have a definite problem.