Why is C++11 constexpr so restrictive? - c++

As you probably know, C++11 introduces the constexpr keyword.
C++11 introduced the keyword constexpr, which allows the user to
guarantee that a function or object constructor is a compile-time
This allows the compiler to understand, and verify, that [function name] is a
compile-time constant.
My question is why are there such strict restrictions on form of the functions that can be declared. I understand desire to guarantee that function is pure, but consider this:
The use of constexpr on a function imposes some limitations on what
that function can do. First, the function must have a non-void return
type. Second, the function body cannot declare variables or define new
types. Third, the body may only contain declarations, null statements
and a single return statement. There must exist argument values such
that, after argument substitution, the expression in the return
statement produces a constant expression.
That means that this pure function is illegal:
constexpr int maybeInCppC1Y(int a, int b)
if (a>0)
return a+b;
return a-b;
//can be written as return (a>0) ? (a+b):(a-b); but that isnt the point
Also you cant define local variables... :(
So I'm wondering is this a design decision, or do compilers suck when it comes to proving function a is pure?

The reason you'd need to write statements instead of expressions is that you want to take advantage of the additional capabilities of statements, particularly the ability to loop. But to be useful, that would require the ability to declare variables (also banned).
If you combine a facility for looping, with mutable variables, with logical branching (as in if statements) then you have the ability to create infinite loops. It is not possible to determine if such a loop will ever terminate (the halting problem). Thus some sources would cause the compiler to hang.
By using recursive pure functions it is possible to cause infinite recursion, which can be shown to be equivalently powerful to the looping capabilities described above. However, C++ already has that problem at compile time - it occurs with template expansion - and so compilers already have to have a switch for "template stack depth" so they know when to give up.
So the restrictions seem designed to ensure that this problem (of determining if a C++ compilation will ever finish) doesn't get any thornier than it already is.

The rules for constexpr functions are designed such that it's impossible to write a constexpr function that has any side-effects.
By requiring constexpr to have no side-effects it becomes impossible for a user to determine where/when it was actually evaluated. This is important since constexpr functions are allowed to happen at both compile time and run time at the discretion of the compiler.
If side-effects were allowed then there would need to be some rules about the order in which they would be observed. That would be incredibly difficult to define - even harder than the static initialisation order problem.
A relatively simple set of rules for guaranteeing these functions to be side-effect free is to require that they be just a single expression (with a few extra restrictions on top of that). This sounds limiting initially and rules out the if statement as you noted. Whilst that particular case would have no side-effects it would have introduced extra complexity into the rules and given that you can write the same things using the ternary operator or recursively it's not really a huge deal.
n2235 is the paper that proposed the constexpr addition in C++. It discusses the rational for the design - the relevant quote seems to be this one from a discussion on destructors, but relevant generally:
The reason is that a constant-expression is intended to be evaluated by the compiler
at translation time just like any other literal of built-in type; in particular no
observable side-effect is permitted.
Interestingly the paper also mentions that a previous proposal suggested the the compiler figured out automatically which functions were constexpr without the new keyword, but this was found to be unworkably complex, which seems to support my suggestion that the rules were designed to be simple.
(I suspect there will be other quotes in the references cited in the paper, but this covers the key point of my argument about the no side-effects)

Actually the C++ standardization committee is thinking about removing several of these constraints for c++14. See the following working document http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2013/n3597.html

The restrictions could certainly be lifted quite a bit without enabling code which cannot be executed during compile time, or which cannot be proven to always halt. However I guess it wasn't done because
it would complicate the compiler for minimal gain. C++ compilers are quite complex as is
specifying exactly how much is allowed without violating the restrictions above would have been time consuming, and given that desired features have been postponed in order to get the standard out of the door, there probably was little incentive to add more work (and further delay of the standard) for little gain
some of the restrictions would have been either rather arbitrary or rather complicated (especially on loops, given that C++ doesn't have the concept of a native incrementing for loop, but both the end condition and the increment code have to be explicitly specified in the for statement, making it possible to use arbitrary expressions for them)
Of course, only a member of the standards committee could give an authoritative answer whether my assumptions are correct.

I think constexpr is just for const objects. I mean; you can now have static const objects like String::empty_string constructs statically(without hacking!). This may reduce time before 'main' called. And static const objects may have functions like .length(), operator==,... so this is why 'expr' is needed. In 'C' you can create static constant structs like below:
static const Foos foo = { .a = 1, .b = 2, };
Linux kernel has tons of this type classes. In c++ you could do this now with constexpr.
note: I dunno but code below should not be accepted so like if version:
constexpr int maybeInCppC1Y(int a, int b) { return (a > 0) ? (a + b) : (a - b); }


Will const and constexpr eventually be the same thing?

I just read the answer to
const vs constexpr on variables
and am watching this Google Tech Talk about C++11/14 features , in which it is said that, well, constexpr might not be necessary in the future when it comes to functions, since compilers will evolve to figure it out on their own. Finally, I know that Java compilers and JVMs work hard to figure out that classes (or any variable maybe) are immutable after construction - without you explicitly saying so - and doing all sorts of wicked optimization based on this fact.
So, here's the question: Is the fate of const and constexpr to eventually be the same thing? That is, even though a compiler is not guaranteed to do runtime initialization etc., will it not eventually do so whenever possible (basically)? And when that happens, won't one of the keywords be redundant? (Just like inline is becoming, maybe)?
No, neither one will replace the other, they have different roles. Bjarne Stroustrup tells us in his C++ FAQ that constexpr is not a replacement for const and outlines the different roles of each feature:
Please note that constexpr is not a general purpose replacement for
const (or vise versa):
const's primary function is to express the idea that an object is not modified through an interface (even though the object may very well be
modified through other interfaces). It just so happens that declaring
an object const provides excellent optimization opportunities for the
compiler. In particular, if an object is declared const and its
address isn't taken, a compiler is often able to evaluate its
initializer at compile time (though that's not guaranteed) and keep
that object in its tables rather than emitting it into the generated
constexpr's primary function is to extend the range of what can be computed at compile time, making such computation type safe. Objects
declared constexpr have their initializer evaluated at compile time;
they are basically values kept in the compiler's tables and only
emitted into the generated code if needed.

Why isn't constexpr implied when applicable?

These should probably be in different questions, but they're related so...
Why do we need to write constexpr at all? Given a set of restrictions couldn't a compiler evaluate code to see if it satisfies the constexpr requirements, and treat it as constexpr if it does? As a purely documentation keyword I'm not sure it holds up because I can't think of a case where I (the user of someone else's constexpr function) should really care if it's run time or not.
Here's my logic: If it's an expensive function I think as a matter of good practice I should treat it as such regardless of whether I give it compile-time constant input or not. That might mean calling it during load time and saving off the result, instead of calling it during a critical point in the execution. The reason is because constexpr doesn't actually guarantee to me that it will not be executed in run time in the first place — so perhaps a new/different mechanism should do that.
The constexpr restrictions seem to exclude many, if not most, functions from being compile-time evaluated which logically could be. I've read this is at least in part (or perhaps wholly?) to prevent infinite looping and hanging the compiler. But, if this is the reason, is it legitimate?
Shouldn't a compiler be able to compute if, for any given constexpr function with the given inputs used, it loops infinitely? This is not solving the halting problem for any input. The input to a constexpr function is compile time constant and finite, so the compiler only has to check for infinite looping for a finite set of input: the input actually used. It should be a regular compilation error if you write a compile-time infinite loop.
I asked a very similar question, Why do we need to mark functions as constexpr?
When I pressed Richard Smith, a Clang author, he explained:
The constexpr keyword does have utility.
It affects when a function template specialization is instantiated (constexpr function template specializations may need to be instantiated if they're called in unevaluated contexts; the same is not true for non-constexpr functions since a call to one can never be part of a constant expression). If we removed the meaning of the keyword, we'd have to instantiate a bunch more specializations early, just in case the call happens to be a constant expression.
It reduces compilation time, by limiting the set of function calls that implementations are required to try evaluating during translation. (This matters for contexts where implementations are required to try constant expression evaluation, but it's not an error if such evaluation fails -- in particular, the initializers of objects of static storage duration.)
This all didn't seem convincing at first, but if you work through the details, things do unravel without constexpr. A function need not be instantiated until it is ODR-used, which essentially means used at runtime. What is special about constexpr functions is that they can violate this rule and require instantiation anyway.
Function instantiation is a recursive procedure. Instantiating a function results in instantiation of the functions and classes it uses, regardless of the arguments to any particular call.
If something went wrong while instantiating this dependency tree (potentially at significant expense), it would be difficult to swallow the error. Furthermore, class template instantiation can have runtime side-effects.
Given an argument-dependent compile-time function call in a function signature, overload resolution may incur instantiation of function definitions merely auxiliary to the ones in the overload set, including the functions that don't even get called. Such instantiations may have side effects including ill-formedness and runtime behavior.
It's a corner case to be sure, but bad things can happen if you don't require people to opt-in to constexpr functions.
As for constexpr objects, certain types can produce core constant expressions which are usable in constant expression contexts without having been declared constexpr. But you don't really want the compiler to try evaluating every single expression at compile time. That's what constant propagation is for. On the other hand it seems pretty essential to document when something needs to happen at compile time.
[Note, I totally changed my answer]
To answer your second question, there are two cases for the compiler here:
The compiler has to be able to handle any arbitrary constexpr function(s). In this case you still have the halting problem because the set of inputs is all combinations of constexpr functions and calls to them.
The compiler can handle a finite set of constexpr function(s). In this case the compiler can in fact determine whether some programs will result in infinite loops, while other programs will be uncompilable (since they aren't in the set of valid inputs).
So presumably the restrictions are in place so that it satisfies case 2 for a reasonable amount of compiler effort.
There are both technical and ideological reasons behind this decision.
Not always do we want constexpr ourselves by default - it can take
too much compiling time. That's first. Just imagine you implemented
isPrime function and you have 100 calls with big constexpr
values passed in. I think you don't (in most cases) want to make
compiler compiling this for a couple of minutes longer because it
decided that you need those values in compile-time by itself. But if
it's exactly the case - specify constexpr modifier manually. And this adds the next point:
backward compatibility - it's unwise to assume that every possible C++98 program author who converted this program to C++11 wantsconstexpr.
The second point is that deciding if the function can be constexpr
would take compiling time by itself. And if it was trying to do that for every possible function it would take some additional time overhead. Even more, often compiler
couldn't decide if the given function can be constexpr at all, so
your first assumption is not correct.

Pure functions in C++11

Can one in C++11 somehow in gcc mark a function (not a class method) as const telling that it is pure and does not use the global memory but only its arguments?
I've tried gcc's __attribute__((const)) and it is precisely what I want. But it does not produce any compile time error when the global memory is touched in the function.
Edit 1
Please be careful. I mean pure functions. Not constant functions. GCC's attribute is a little bit confusing. Pure functions only use their arguments.
Are you looking for constexpr? This tells the compiler that the function may be evaluated at compile time. A constexpr function must have literal return and parameter types and the body can only contain static asserts, typedefs, using declarations and directives and one return statement. A constexpr function may be called in a constant expression.
constexpr int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
int x[add(3, 6)];
Having looked at the meaning of __atribute__((const)), the answer is no, you cannot do this with standard C++. Using constexpr will achieve the same effect, but only on a much more limited set of functions. There is nothing stopping a compiler from making these optimizations on its own, however, as long as the compiled program behaves the same way (the as-if rule).
Because it has been mentioned a lot here, lets forget about Meta programming for now, which is pure functional anyway and off topic. However, a constexpr function foo can be called with non constexpr arguments and in this context foo is actually a pure function evaluated at runtime (I am ignoring global variables here). But you can write many pure functions that you cannot make constexpr, this includes any function throwing exceptions for example.
Second I assume the OP means marking pure as an assertion for the compiler to check. GCC's pure attribute is the opposite, a way for the coder to help the compiler.
While the answer to the OP's question is NO, it is very interesting to read about the history of attempts to introduce a pure keyword (or impure and let pure be the default).
The d-lang community quickly figured out that the meaning of "pure" is not clear. Logging should not make a function impure. Mutable variables that do not escape the function call should be allowed in pure functions. Equal return values having different addresses should not be considered impure. But D goes even further than that in stretching purity.
So the d-lang community introduced the term "weakly pure" and "strongly pure". But later disputes showed that weak and strong is not black and white and there are grey zones. see purity in D
Rust introduced the "pure" keyword early on; and they dropped it because of its complexity. see purity in Rust.
Among the great benefits of a "pure" keyword there is an ugly consequence though. A templated function can be pure or not depending on its type parameters. This can explode the number of template instantiations. Those instantiations may only need to exist temporarily in the compiler and not get into the executable but they can still explode compile times.
A syntax highlighting editor could be of some help here without modifying the language. Optimizing C++ compilers do actually reason about the pureness of a function, they just do not guarantee catching all cases.
I find it sad that this feature seems to have low priority. It makes reasoning about code so much easier. I would even argue that it would improve software design by the way it incentivizing programmers to think differently.
using just standard C++11:
namespace g{ int x; }
constexpr int foo()
//return g::x = 42; Nah, not constant
return 42; // OK
int main()
here's another example:
constexpr int foo( int blah = 0 )
return blah + 42; // OK
int main( int argc, char** )
int bah[foo(2)]; // Very constant.
int const troll = foo( argc ); // Very non-constant.
The meaning of GCC's __attribute__( const ) is documented in the GNU compiler docs as …
Many functions do not examine any values except their arguments, and have no effects except the return value. Basically this is just slightly more strict class than the pure attribute below, since function is not allowed to read global memory.
One may take that to mean that the function result should only depend on the arguments, and that the function should have no side effects.
This allows a more general class of functions than C++11 constexpr, which makes the function inline, restricts arguments and function result to literal types, and restricts the "active" statements of the function body to a single return statement, where (C++11 §7.1.5/3)
— every constructor call and implicit conversion used in initializing the return value (6.6.3, 8.5) shall be one of those allowed in a constant expression (5.19)
As an example, it is difficult (I would think not impossible, but difficult) to make a constexpr sin function.
But the purity of the result matters only to two parties:
When known to be pure, the compiler can elide calls with known results.
This is mostly an optimization of macro-generated code. Replace macros with inline functions to avoid silly generation of identical sub-expressions.
When known to be pure, a programmer can remove a call entirely.
This is just a matter of proper documentation. :-)
So instead of looking for a way to express the purity of e.g. sin in the language, I suggest just avoid code generation via macros, and document pure functions as such.
And use constexpr for the functions where it's practically possible (unfortunately, as of Dec. 2012 the latest Visual C++ compiler doesn't yet support constexpr).
There is a previous SO question about the relationship between pure and constexpr. Mainly, every constexpr function is pure, but not vice versa.

Should we use constexpr everywhere we can?

We obviously can't make everything constexpr. And if we don't make anything constexpr, well, there won't be any big problems. Lots of code have been written without it so far.
But is it a good idea to slap constexpr in anything that can possibly have it? Is there any potential problem with this?
It won't bother the compiler. The compiler will (or should anyway) give you a diagnostic when/if you use it on code that doesn't fit the requirements of a constexpr.
At the same time, I'd be a bit hesitant to just slap it on there because you could. Even though it doesn't/won't bother the compiler, your primary audience is other people reading the code. At least IMO, you should use constexpr to convey a fairly specific meaning to them, and just slapping it on other expressions because you can will be misleading. I think it would be fair for a reader to wonder what was going on with a function that's marked as a constexpr, but only used as a normal run-time function.
At the same time, if you have a function that you honestly expect to use at compile time, and you just haven't used it that way yet, marking it as constexpr might make considerably more sense.
Why I don't bother to try and put constexpr at every opportunity in list form, and in no particular order:
I don't write one-liner functions that often
when I write a one-liner it usually delegates to a non-constexpr function (e.g. std::get has come up several times recently)
the types they operate on aren't always literal types; yes, references are literal types, but if the referred type is not literal itself I can't really have any instance at compile-time anyway
the type they return aren't always literal
they simply are not all useful or even meaningful at compile-time in terms of their semantics
I like separating implementation from declaration
Constexpr functions have so many restrictions that they are a niche for special use only. Not an optimization, or a desirable super-set of functions in general. When I do write one, it's often because a metafunction or a regular function alone wouldn't have cut it and I have a special mindset for it. Constexpr functions don't taste like other functions.
I don't have a particular opinion or advice on constexpr constructors because I'm not sure I can fully wrap my mind around them and user-defined literals aren't yet available.
I tend to agree with Scott Meyers on this (as for most things): "Use constexpr whenever possible" (from Item 15 of Effective Modern C++), particularly if you are providing an API for others to use. It can be really disappointing when you wish to perform a compile-time initialization using a function, but can't because the library did not declare it constexpr. Furthermore, all classes and functions are part of an API, whether used by the world or just your team. So use it whenever you can, to widen its scope of usage.
// Free cup of coffee to the API author, for using constexpr
// on Rect3 ctor, Point3 ctor, and Point3::operator*
constexpr Rect3 IdealSensorBounds = Rect3(Point3::Zero, MaxSensorRange * 0.8);
That said, constexpr is part of the interface, so if the interface does not naturally fit something that can be constexpr, don't commit to it, lest you have to break the API later. That is, don't commit constexpr to the interface just because the current, only implementation can handle it.
Yes. I believe putting such constness is always a good practice wherever you can. For example in your class if a given method is not modifying any member then you always tend to put a const keyword in the end.
Apart from the language aspect, mentioning constness is also a good indication to the future programmer / reviewer that the expression is having const-ness within that region. It relates to good coding practice and adds to readability also. e.g. (from #Luc)
constexpr int& f(int& i) { return get(i); }
Now putting constexpr suggests that get() must also be a constexpr.
I don't see any problem or implication due constexpr.
Edit: There is an added advantage of constexpr is that you can use them as template argument in some situations.

Whyever **not** declare a function to be `constexpr`?

Any function that consists of a return statement only could be declared
constexpr and thus will allow to be evaluated at compile time if all
arguments are constexpr and only constexpr functions are called in its body. Is there any reason not to declare any such function constexpr ?
constexpr int sum(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
constexpr i = 10;
static_assert(sum(i, 13) == 23, "sum correct");
Could anyone provide an example where declaring a function constexpr
would do any harm?
Some initial thoughts:
Even if there should be no good reason for ever declaring a function
not constexpr I could imagine that the constexpr keyword has a
transitional role: its absence in code that does not need compile-time
evaluations would allow compilers that do not implement compile-time
evaluations still to compile that code (but to fail reliably on code
that needs them as made explict by using constexpr).
But what I do not understand: if there should be no good reason for
ever declaring a function not constexpr, why is not every function
in the standard library declared constexpr? (You cannot argue
that it is not done yet because there was not sufficient time yet to
do it, because doing it for all is a no-brainer -- contrary to deciding for every single function if to make it constexpr or not.)
--- I am aware that N2976
deliberately not requires cstrs for many standard library types such
as the containers as this would be too limitating for possible
implementations. Lets exclude them from the argument and just wonder:
once a type in the standard library actually has a constexpr cstr, why is not every function operating on it declared constexpr?
In most cases you also cannot argue that you may prefer not to declare a function constexpr simply because you do not envisage any compile-time usage: because if others evtl. will use your code, they may see such a use that you do not. (But granted for type trait types and stuff alike, of course.)
So I guess there must be a good reason and a good example for deliberately not declaring a function constexpr?
(with "every function" I always mean: every function that meets the
requirements for being constexpr, i.e., is defined as a single
return statement, takes only arguments of types with constexpr
cstrs and calls only constexpr functions. Since C++14, much more is allowed in the body of such function: e.g., C++14 constexpr functions may use local variables and loops, so an even wider class of functions could be declared constexpr.)
The question Why does std::forward discard constexpr-ness? is a special case of this one.
Functions can only be declared constexpr if they obey the rules for constexpr --- no dynamic casts, no memory allocation, no calls to non-constexpr functions, etc.
Declaring a function in the standard library as constexpr requires that ALL implementations obey those rules.
Firstly, this requires checking for each function that it can be implemented as constexpr, which is a long job.
Secondly, this is a big constraint on the implementations, and will outlaw many debugging implementations. It is therefore only worth it if the benefits outweigh the costs, or the requirements are sufficiently tight that the implementation pretty much has to obey the constexpr rules anyway. Making this evaluation for each function is again a long job.
I think what you're referring to is called partial evaluation. What you're touching on is that some programs can be split into two parts - a piece that requires runtime information, and a piece that can be done without any runtime information - and that in theory you could just fully evaluate the part of the program that doesn't need any runtime information before you even start running the program. There are some programming languages that do this. For example, the D programming language has an interpreter built into the compiler that lets you execute code at compile-time, provided that it meets certain restrictions.
There are a few main challenges in getting partial evaluation working. First, it dramatically complicates the logic of the compiler because the compiler will need to have the ability to simulate all of the operations that you could put into an executable program at compile-time. This, in the worst case, requires you to have a full interpreter inside of the compiler, making a difficult problem (writing a good C++ compiler) and making it orders of magnitude harder to do.
I believe that the reason for the current specification about constexpr is simply to limit the complexity of compilers. The cases it's limited to are fairly simple to check. There's no need to implement loops in the compiler (which could cause a whole other slew of problems, like what happens if you get an infinite loop inside the compiler). It also avoids the compiler potentially having to evaluate statements that could cause segfaults at runtime, such as following a bad pointer.
Another consideration to keep in mind is that some functions have side-effects, such as reading from cin or opening a network connection. Functions like these fundamentally can't be optimized at compile-time, since doing so would require knowledge only available at runtime.
To summarize, there's no theoretical reason you couldn't partially evaluate C++ programs at compile-time. In fact, people do this all the time. Optimizing compilers, for example, are essentially programs that try to do this as much as possible. Template metaprogramming is one instance where C++ programmers try to execute code inside the compiler, and it's possible to do some great things with templates partially because the rules for templates form a functional language, which the compiler has an easier time implementing. Moreover, if you think of the tradeoff between compiler author hours and programming hours, template metaprogramming shows that if you're okay making programmers bend over backwards to get what they want, you can build a pretty weak language (the template system) and keep the language complexity simple. (I say "weak" as in "not particularly expressive," not "weak" in the computability theory sense).
Hope this helps!
If the function has side effects, you would not want to mark it constexpr. Example
I can't get any unexpected results from that, actually it looks like gcc 4.5.1 just ignores constexpr