Handling more than 16 tabbaritem - uitabbarcontroller

Is there anybody that have tried to work with more than 16 UITabBarItem?
Basically I show, as usual, only 4 UITabBarItem plus the classical "More" UItabBarItem.
The problem raises just when "More" tab is touched. I cannot scroll the items and I can choose only UITabBarItem I see.
This is really frustrating.
I'm not using UITabBarController, could be this the reason why UI cannot automatically handle more then 16 UITabBarItem?


Is there any way to reindent lines in Swift Playgrounds 4?

Been playing around writing SwiftUI apps on Swift Playgrounds 4 and it automatically indents lines properly as you write them, but I don’t see a method for reindenting all the lines in a selection or in a file.
Obviously when you’re writing SwiftUI you often embed or un-embed elements in stacks, navigation views, and other blocks so reindenting is a frequent need to keep code readable.
Seems you have to delete and reinsert a line break on each line to automatically reindent the lines or manually insert a tab on each line one at a time. You can’t even select several lines at once at press tab to indent them all at once, it just overwrites the selection with the tab.
Is there really no quick way to reindent lines in Swift Playgrounds 4?
Ohh if you hold down the ⌘ cmd key it shows all the keyboard shortcuts.
Re-indenting is ^ control + I
Not sure how you’d do this if you didn’t happen to have a hardware keyboard though…

Qt QCombobox popup inconsistent position

I have searched far and wide and cannot find anything online about my issue even though it seems rather trivial, and i feel like there's just something I'm missing, so I apologise if the answer is apparent.
However, when I use a QComboBox in Qt, When I click on it instead of dropping down like I want it to, it shows the popup with the current selected item as the origin. If that doesn't make sense this is what I am referring to:
It shows the popup starting at the current selected item where the button is. I just want it to drop downwards like any other normal combobox! How can i Achieve this? If i make it editable it drops down exactly how i want it, but i don't want it to be editable!
Does anyone know what's up?
I am running Windows 10

Remove horizontal divider line from mfc wizard

I have a mfc wizard in which I implemented code for re-sizability. There's a horizontal divider line at the bottom of the wizard dialog, as shown by the red arrow in the picture, which I need to get rid of.
Since I don't know the ID of that line, I haven't included it in my resize code. Because of that, when I resize the wizard, the line keeps messing up the dialog.
It would be a great help if the ID of the divider or a method to remove it can be found.
On my machine (Win8.1) the ID is 3026, as shown with Spy++; have a look if it's the same on yours and/or other machines. Otherwise you could still enumerate all windows and look for the one with the STATIC window class. Then just DestroyWindow() that.
That said, I don't think the line is the issue here; the issue is that your dialog isn't redrawing itself properly. And I speculate that this is caused by it assuming a fixed size. Wizards aren't meant to be resized (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774544%28v=vs.85%29.aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb246463%28v=vs.85%29.aspx). Even if you destroy the line, other content you will put there is going to be invalidated incorrectly as well, I think.
Maybe you can work around it by manually invalidating or playing with various clip related windows styles. However the real answer is 'don't do that'.

Display tooltip for a selected word

I'm writing a simple text editor using Python 2.7, pyqt library. I basically want to display the meaning of a word when the user selects the word in the text editor.
So far I can detect the word under the cursor, look it up in my dictionary and return the meaning (using a print statement) so I know I can get the guts to work.
My trouble is displaying the meaning of the word in a tooltip that doesn't dissapear in less than 2 miliseconds. So far I have been using this:
QtGui.QToolTip.showText(QtGui.QCursor.pos(), tool_tip_text)
Ideally want to show the meaning just over where the selection was made, so far this displays the tooltip so quickly that I can't even read the meaning of the word under the cursor. It just pops up and dissapears almost immediately. Can anyone share how to make the tooltip remain visible for at least 5 seconds, or until the user de-selects the word.
I am not using the QHELPEVENT (not even quite sure how the helpevent is triggered) I am just calling my lookup_word_in_dictionary() function when a word has been selected.
Any samples are much appreciated.
Thanks, I found a solution, creating my own popup class, subclassed from QWidget
and used a simple timer to hide the tooltip
QTimer.singleShot(5000, self.hide_tooltip) #check to see if the tooltip shold be hidden after 5 secs
you can replace QToolTip by QSplashScreen,if you are Chinese ,please look at this post .
BTW , can you share the method that you detect the word under the cursor with me ?

combo box drop down is not working even after I changed the height in designer

I am trying to give a fix for a combo box drop down list, since its not listing down properly .Only one item is being shown in the list rest all you can see by using arrow keys. I increased the height in designer too, anyways that is not the issue, why because its listing down in some machines and the same version is not working on my machine. I used the DDX_Control to assign this control to a variable.
Do we need to consider any other things which can impact the drop down list??
environment : vs2008, windows 7
May be I didn’t explain the problem in the right manner. After some google search, I came to know that I should mention some more points here.
I embed this combobox in a dialog editor, there are already some comboboxes those are working fine.
They might be created with the earlier versions of VS. Even I tried to set the SetMinVisibleItems on this new combo, but always returns a failure.
The height of a dropped down combobox is indeed the height of the control in the dialog template. If you make your combobox tall enough in the designer, then it should show several lines when opened.
According to what you did, the correct behaviour is the other computers. The wrong behaviour is your computer.
No, there are no other things to consider when designing a combobox. Ues your debugger and try to find out why the height of your combobox was reduced on your computer.
That can happen if the No Integral Height combobox property is set to true, and the height of the listbox component of the combobox has been inadvertently set to that of the combobox component.
The dialog designer allows you to set both of these two heights. Click on the dropdown arrow icon and then the bottom node then adjusts the listbox component. Change that height to be what you want, and set No Integral Height to be false.
This doesn't explain why it works on other machines, but give it a try.