I am coming from Java and learning C++ in the moment. I am using Stroustrup's Progamming Principles and Practice of Using C++. I am working with vectors now. On page 117 he says that accessing a non-existant element of a vector will cause a runtime error (same in Java, index out of bounds). I am using the MinGW compiler and when I compile and run this code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<int> v(6);
v[8] = 10;
std::cout << v[8];
return 0;
It gives me as output 10. Even more interesting is that if I do not modify the non-existent vector element (I just print it expecting a runtime error or at least a default value) it prints some large integers. So... is Stroustrup wrong, or does GCC have some strange ways of compiling C++?
The book is a bit vague. It's not as much a "runtime error" as it is undefined behaviour which manifests at runtime. This means that anything could happen. But the error is strictly with you, not with the program execution, and it is in fact impossible and non sensible to even talk about the execution of a program with undefined behaviour.
There is nothing in C++ that protects you against programming errors, quite unlike in Java.
As #sftrabbit says, std::vector has an alternative interface, .at(), which always gives a correct program (though it may throw exceptions), and consequently one which one can reason about.
Let me repeat the point with an example, because I believe this is an important fundamental aspect of C++. Suppose we're reading an integer from the user:
int read_int()
std::cout << "Please enter a number: ";
int n;
return (std::cin >> n) ? n : 18;
Now consider the following three programs:
The dangerous one: The correctness of this program depends on the user input! It is not necessarily incorrect, but it is unsafe (to the point where I would call it broken).
int main()
int n = read_int();
int k = read_int();
std::vector<int> v(n);
return v[k];
Unconditionally correct: No matter what the user enters, we know how this program behaves.
int main() try
int n = read_int();
int k = read_int();
std::vector<int> v(n);
catch (...)
return 0;
The sane one: The above version with .at() is awkward. Better to check and provide feedback. Because we perform dynamic checking, the unchecked vector access is actually guaranteed to be fine.
int main()
int n = read_int();
if (n <= 0) { std::cout << "Bad container size!\n"; return 0; }
int k = read_int();
if (k < 0 || k >= n) { std::cout << "Bad index!\n"; return 0; }
std::vector<int> v(n);
return v[k];
(We're ignoring the possibility that the vector construction might throw an exception of its own.)
The moral is that many operations in C++ are unsafe and only conditionally correct, but it is expected of the programmer that you make the necessary checks ahead of time. The language doesn't do it for you, and so you don't pay for it, but you have to remember to do it. The idea is that you need to handle the error conditions anyway, and so rather than enforcing an expensive, non-specific operation at the library or language level, the responsibility is left to the programmer, who is in a better position to integrate the checking into the code that needs to be written anyway.
If I wanted to be facetious, I would contrast this approach to Python, which allows you to write incredibly short and correct programs, without any user-written error handling at all. The flip side is that any attempt to use such a program that deviates only slightly from what the programmer intended leaves you with a non-specific, hard-to-read exception and stack trace and little guidance on what you should have done better. You're not forced to write any error handling, and often no error handling ends up being written. (I can't quite contrast C++ with Java, because while Java is generally safe, I have yet to see a short Java program.)</rantmode>
This is a valuable comment by #Evgeny Sergeev that I promote to the answer:
For GCC, you can -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG to replace standard containers with safe implementations. More recently, this now also seems to work with std::array. More info here:
I would add, it is also possible to bundle individual "safe" versions of vector and other utility classes by using gnu_debug:: namespace prefix rather than std::.
In other words, do not re-invent the wheel, array checks are available at least with GCC.
C and C++ does not always do bounds checks. It MAY cause a runtime error. And if you were to overdo your number by enough, say 10000 or so, it's almost certain to cause a problem.
You can also use, which definitely should give you an exception.
compared with:
I hoped that vector's "operator[]" would check boundary as "at()" does, because I'm not so careful. :-)
One way would inherit vector class and override operator[] to call at() so that one can use more readable "[]" and no need to replace all "[]" to "at()". You can also define the inherited vector (ex:safer_vector) as normal vector.
The code will be like this(in C++11, llvm3.5 of Xcode 5).
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator = allocator<_Tp> >
class safer_vector:public vector<_Tp, _Allocator>{
typedef __vector_base<_Tp, _Allocator> __base;
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef _Allocator allocator_type;
typedef typename __base::reference reference;
typedef typename __base::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename __base::size_type size_type;
reference operator[](size_type __n){
return this->at(__n);
safer_vector(_Tp val):vector<_Tp, _Allocator>(val){;};
safer_vector(_Tp val, const_reference __x):vector<_Tp, _Allocator>(val,__x){;};
safer_vector(initializer_list<value_type> __il):vector<_Tp, _Allocator>(__il){;}
template <class _Iterator>
safer_vector(_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last):vector<_Tp,_Allocator>(__first, __last){;};
// If C++11 Constructor inheritence is supported
// using vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::vector;
#define safer_vector vector
I wonder where should we use lambda expression over functor in C++. To me, these two techniques are basically the same, even functor is more elegant and cleaner than lambda. For example, if I want to reuse my predicate, I have to copy the lambda part over and over. So when does lambda really come in to place?
A lambda expression creates an nameless functor, it's syntactic sugar.
So you mainly use it if it makes your code look better. That generally would occur if either (a) you aren't going to reuse the functor, or (b) you are going to reuse it, but from code so totally unrelated to the current code that in order to share it you'd basically end up creating my_favourite_two_line_functors.h, and have disparate files depend on it.
Pretty much the same conditions under which you would type any line(s) of code, and not abstract that code block into a function.
That said, with range-for statements in C++0x, there are some places where you would have used a functor before where it might well make your code look better now to write the code as a loop body, not a functor or a lambda.
1) It's trivial and trying to share it is more work than benefit.
2) Defining a functor simply adds complexity (due to having to make a bunch of member variables and crap).
If neither of those things is true then maybe you should think about defining a functor.
Edit: it seems to be that you need an example of when it would be nice to use a lambda over a functor. Here you go:
typedef std::vector< std::pair<int,std::string> > whatsit_t;
int find_it(std::string value, whatsit_t const& stuff)
auto fit = std::find_if(stuff.begin(), stuff.end(), [value](whatsit_t::value_type const& vt) -> bool { return vt.second == value; });
if (fit == stuff.end()) throw std::wtf_error();
return fit->first;
Without lambdas you'd have to use something that similarly constructs a functor on the spot or write an externally linkable functor object for something that's annoyingly trivial.
BTW, I think maybe wtf_error is an extension.
Lambdas are basically just syntactic sugar that implement functors (NB: closures are not simple.) In C++0x, you can use the auto keyword to store lambdas locally, and std::function will enable you to store lambdas, or pass them around in a type-safe manner.
Check out the Wikipedia article on C++0x.
Small functions that are not repeated.
The main complain about functors is that they are not in the same place that they were used. So you had to find and read the functor out of context to the place it was being used in (even if it is only being used in one place).
The other problem was that functor required some wiring to get parameters into the functor object. Not complex but all basic boilerplate code. And boiler plate is susceptible to cut and paste problems.
Lambda try and fix both these. But I would use functors if the function is repeated in multiple places or is larger than (can't think up an appropriate term as it will be context sensitive) small.
lambda and functor have context. Functor is a class and therefore can be more complex then a lambda. A function has no context.
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//Functions have no context, mod is always 3
bool myFunc(int n) { return n % 3 == 0; }
//Functors have context, e.g. _v
//Functors can be more complex, e.g. additional addNum(...) method
class FunctorV
FunctorV(int num ) : _v{num} {}
void addNum(int num) { _v.push_back(num); }
bool operator() (int num)
for(int i : _v) {
if( num % i == 0)
return true;
return false;
vector<int> _v;
void print(string prefix,list<int>& l)
cout << prefix << "l={ ";
for(int i : l)
cout << i << " ";
cout << "}" << endl;
int main()
list<int> l={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
print("initial for each test: ",l);
cout << endl;
//function, so no context.
print("function mod 3: ",l);
cout << endl;
//nameless lambda, context is x
int x = 3;
l.remove_if([x](int n){ return n % x == 0; });
print("lambda mod x=3: ",l);
x = 4;
l.remove_if([x](int n){ return n % x == 0; });
print("lambda mod x=4: ",l);
cout << endl;
//functor has context and can be more complex
FunctorV myFunctor(3);
print("functor mod v={3,4}: ",l);
return 0;
initial for each test: l={ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }
function mod 3: l={ 1 2 4 5 7 8 }
lambda mod x=3: l={ 1 2 4 5 7 8 }
lambda mod x=4: l={ 1 2 5 7 }
functor mod v={3,4}: l={ 1 2 5 7 }
First, i would like to clear some clutter here.
There are two different things
Lambda function
Lambda expression/functor.
Usually, Lambda expression i.e. [] () {} -> return-type does not always synthesize to closure(i.e. kind of functor). Although this is compiler dependent. But you can force compiler by enforcing + sign before [] as +[] () {} -> return-type. This will create function pointer.
Now, coming to your question. You can use lambda repeatedly as follows:
int main()
auto print = [i=0] () mutable {return i++;};
// Call as many time as you want
return 0;
You should use Lambda wherever it strikes in your mind considering code expressiveness & easy maintainability like you can use it in custom deleters for smart pointers & with most of the STL algorithms.
If you combine Lambda with other features like constexpr, variadic template parameter pack or generic lambda. You can achieve many things.
You can find more about it here
As you pointed out, it works best when you need a one-off and the coding overhead of writing it out as a function isn't worth it.
Conceptually, the decision of which to use is driven by the same criterion as using a named variable versus a in-place expression or constant...
size_t length = strlen(x) + sizeof(y) + z++ + strlen('\0');
std::cout << length;, creating a length variable encourages the program to consider it's correctness and meaning in isolation of it's later use. The name hopefully conveys enough that it can be understood intuitively and independently of it's initial value. It then allows the value to be used several times without repeating the expression (while handling z being different). While here...
allocate(strlen(x) + sizeof(y) + z++ + strlen('\0'));
...the total code is reduced and the value is localised at the point it's needed. The only thing to "carry forwards" from a reading of this line is the side effects of allocation and increment (z), but there's no extra local variable with scope or later use to consider. The programmer has to mentally juggle less state while continuing their analysis of the code.
The same distinction applies to functions versus inline statements. For the purposes of answering your question, functors versus lambdas can be seen as just a particular case of this function versus inlining decision.
I tend to prefer Functors over Lambdas these days. Although they require more code, Functors yield cleaner algorithms. The below comparison between find_id and find_id2 showcase that result. While both yield sufficiently clean code, find_id2 is slightly easier to read as the MatchName(name) definition is extracted from (and secondary to) the primary algorithm.
I would argue, however, that the Functor code should be placed inside implementation files right above the function definition where it is used to provide direct access to the function definition. Otherwise a Lambda would be better for code-locality/organization.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Person {
int id;
string name;
typedef vector<Person> People;
int find_id(string const& name, People const& people) {
auto MatchName = [name](Person const& p) -> bool
return == name;
auto found = find_if(people.begin(), people.end(), MatchName);
if (found == people.end()) return -1;
return found->id;
struct MatchName {
string const& name;
MatchName(string const& name) : name(name) {}
bool operator() (Person const& person)
return == name;
int find_id2(string const& name, People const& people) {
auto found = find_if(people.begin(), people.end(), MatchName(name));
if (found == people.end()) return -1;
return found->id;
int main() {
People people { {0, "Jim"}, {1, "Pam"}, {2, "Dwight"} };
cout << "Pam's ID is " << find_id("Pam", people) << endl;
cout << "Dwight's ID is " << find_id2("Dwight", people) << endl;
The Functor is self-documenting by default; but Lambda's need to be stored in variables (to be self-documenting) inside more-complex algorithm definitions. Hence, it is preferable to not use Lambda's inline as many people do (for code readability) in order to gain the self-documenting benefit as shown above in the MatchName Lambda.
When a Lambda is stored in a variable at the call-site (or used inline), primary algorithms are slightly more difficult to read. Since Lambdas are secondary in nature to algorithms where they are used, it is preferable to clean up the primary algorithms by using self-documenting subroutines (e.g. Functors). This might not matter as much in this example, but if one wanted to use more complex algorithms it can significantly reduce the burden interpreting code.
Functors can be as simple (as in the example above) or complex as they need to be. Sometimes complexity is desirable and cases for dynamic polymorphism (e.g. for strategy/decorator design patterns; or their template-equivalent policy types). This is a use-case Lambda's can not satisfy.
Functors require explicit declaration of capture variables without polluting primary algorithms. When more-and-more capture variables are required by Lambda's the tendency is to use a blanket-capture like [=]. But this reduces readability greatly as one must mentally jump between the Lambda definition and all surrounding local variables, possibly member variables, and more.
For example, whats wrong with declaring the class doubler within the main function, if the predicate will only be used once?
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#define SIZE 10
int main()
std::list<int> myList;
for(int i=0; i<SIZE ;++i)
class doubler
int operator()(int a)
return a + a;
} pred;
std::for_each(myList.begin(), myList.end(), pred);
return 0;
The problem with this setup is that, at least in C++03, you cannot use a local functor as a template argument because it doesn't have external linkage. This means that technically speaking, the above code isn't legal. However, they're fixing this in C++0x since it's a pretty silly restriction, and since VS2010 has rudimentary C++0x support the above code is totally fine.
In short, the answer to your question is that there's nothing wrong with it if you're using C++0x-compliant compilers, but otherwise you should probably refrain from doing so to maximize cross-compiler compatibility.
It is illegal before C++0x
In C++0x, there is a better solution (lambdas/closures)
So in either case you should use a different solution.
I have a sequence, e.g
std::vector< Foo > someVariable;
and I want a loop which iterates through everything in it.
I could do this:
for (int i=0;i<someVariable.size();i++) {
or I could do this:
for (std::vector< Foo >::iterator i=someVariable.begin(); i!=someVariable.end(); i++) {
Both these seem to involve quite a bit of repetition / excessive typing. In an ideal language I'd like to be able to do something like this:
for (i in someVariable) {
It seems like iterating through everything in a sequence would be an incredibly common operation. Is there a way to do it in which the code isn't twice as long as it should have to be?
You could use for_each from the standard library. You could pass a functor or a function to it. The solution I like is BOOST_FOREACH, which is just like foreach in other languages. C+0x is gonna have one btw.
For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#define foreach BOOST_FOREACH
void print(int v)
std::cout << v << std::endl;
int main()
std::vector<int> array;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
std::for_each(array.begin(), array.end(), print); // using STL
foreach(int v, array) // using Boost
std::cout << v << std::endl;
Not counting BOOST_FOREACH which AraK already suggested, you have the following two options in C++ today:
void function(Foo& arg){
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
std::for_each(someVariable.begin(), someVariable.end(), function);
struct functor {
void operator()(Foo& arg){
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
std::for_each(someVariable.begin(), someVariable.end(), functor());
Both require you to specify the "body" of the loop elsewhere, either as a function or as a functor (a class which overloads operator()). That might be a good thing (if you need to do the same thing in multiple loops, you only have to define the function once), but it can be a bit tedious too. The function version may be a bit less efficient, because the compiler is generally unable to inline the function call. (A function pointer is passed as the third argument, and the compiler has to do some more detailed analysis to determine which function it points to)
The functor version is basically zero overhead. Because an object of type functor is passed to for_each, the compiler knows exactly which function to call: functor::operator(), and so it can be trivially inlined and will be just as efficient as your original loop.
C++0x will introduce lambda expressions which make a third form possible.
std::for_each(someVariable.begin(), someVariable.end(), [](Foo& arg){
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
Finally, it will also introduce a range-based for loop:
for(Foo& arg : my_someVariable)
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
So if you've got access to a compiler which supports subsets of C++0x, you might be able to use one or both of the last forms. Otherwise, the idiomatic solution (without using Boost) is to use for_eachlike in one of the two first examples.
By the way, MSVS 2008 has a "for each" C++ keyword. Look at How to: Iterate Over STL Collection with for each.
int main() {
int retval = 0;
vector<int> col(3);
col[0] = 10;
col[1] = 20;
col[2] = 30;
for each( const int& c in col )
retval += c;
cout << "retval: " << retval << endl;
Prefer algorithm calls to hand-written loops
There are three reasons:
1) Efficiency: Algorithms are often more efficient than the loops programmers produce
2) Correctness: Writing loops is more subject to errors than is calling algorithms.
3) Maintainability: Algorithm calls often yield code that is clearer and more
straightforward than the corresponding explicit loops.
Prefer almost every other algorithm to for_each()
There are two reasons:
for_each is extremely general, telling you nothing about what's really being done, just that you're doing something to all the items in a sequence.
A more specialized algorithm will often be simpler and more direct
Consider, an example from an earlier reply:
void print(int v)
std::cout << v << std::endl;
// ...
std::for_each(array.begin(), array.end(), print); // using STL
Using std::copy instead, that whole thing turns into:
std::copy(array.begin(), array.end(), std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, "\n"));
"struct functor {
void operator()(Foo& arg){
blah(arg.x, arg.y);
std::for_each(someVariable.begin(), someVariable.end(), functor());"
I think approaches like these are often needlessly baroque for a simple problem.
do i=1,N
call blah( X(i),Y(i) )
call woop( Z(i) )
end do
is perfectly clear, even if it's 40 years old (and not C++, obviously).
If the container is always a vector (STL name), I see nothing wrong with an index and nothing wrong with calling that index an integer.
In practice, often one needs to iterate over multiple containers of the same size simultaneously and peel off a datum from each, and do something with the lot of them. In that situation, especially, why not use the index?
As far as SSS's points #2 and #3 above, I'd say it could be so for complex cases, but often iterating 1...N is often as simple and clear as anything else.
If you had to explain the algorithm on the whiteboard, could you do it faster with, or without, using 'i'? I think if your meatspace explanation is clearer with the index, use it in codespace.
Save the heavy C++ firepower for the hard targets.
I want to create an adjacency matrix for a graph. Since I read it is not safe to use arrays of the form matrix[x][y] because they don't check for range, I decided to use the vector template class of the stl. All I need to store in the matrix are boolean values. So my question is, if using std::vector<std::vector<bool>* >* produces too much overhead or if there is a more simple way for a matrix and how I can properly initialize it.
EDIT: Thanks a lot for the quick answers. I just realized, that of course I don't need any pointers. The size of the matrix will be initialized right in the beginning and won't change until the end of the program. It is for a school project, so it would be good if I write "nice" code, although technically performance isn't too important. Using the STL is fine. Using something like boost, is probably not appreciated.
Note that also you can use boost.ublas for matrix creation and manipulation and also boost.graph to represent and manipulate graphs in a number of ways, as well as using algorithms on them, etc.
Edit: Anyway, doing a range-check version of a vector for your purposes is not a hard thing:
template <typename T>
class BoundsMatrix
std::vector<T> inner_;
unsigned int dimx_, dimy_;
BoundsMatrix (unsigned int dimx, unsigned int dimy)
: dimx_ (dimx), dimy_ (dimy)
inner_.resize (dimx_*dimy_);
T& operator()(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
if (x >= dimx_ || y>= dimy_)
throw std::out_of_range("matrix indices out of range"); // ouch
return inner_[dimx_*y + x];
Note that you would also need to add the const version of the operators, and/or iterators, and the strange use of exceptions, but you get the idea.
Best way:
Make your own matrix class, that way you control every last aspect of it, including range checking.
eg. If you like the "[x][y]" notation, do this:
class my_matrix {
std::vector<std::vector<bool> >m;
my_matrix(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
m.resize(x, std::vector<bool>(y,false));
class matrix_row {
std::vector<bool>& row;
matrix_row(std::vector<bool>& r) : row(r) {
bool& operator[](unsigned int y) {
matrix_row& operator[](unsigned int x) {
return matrix_row(;
// Example usage
my_matrix mm(100,100);
mm[10][10] = true;
nb. If you program like this then C++ is just as safe as all those other "safe" languages.
The standard vector does NOT do range checking by default.
i.e. The operator[] does not do a range check.
The method at() is similar to [] but does do a range check.
It will throw an exception on out of range.
Other notes:
Why a vector<Pointers> ?
You can quite easily have a vector<Object>. Now there is no need to worry about memory management (i.e. leaks).
std::vector<std::vector<bool> > m;
Note: vector<bool> is overloaded and not very efficient (i.e. this structure was optimized for size not speed) (It is something that is now recognized as probably a mistake by the standards committee).
If you know the size of the matrix at compile time you could use std::bitset?
std::vector<std::bitset<5> > m;
or if it is runtime defined use boost::dynamic_bitset
std::vector<boost::dynamic_bitset> m;
All of the above will allow you to do:
m[6][3] = true;
If you want 'C' array performance, but with added safety and STL-like semantics (iterators, begin() & end() etc), use boost::array.
Basically it's a templated wrapper for 'C'-arrays with some NDEBUG-disable-able range checking asserts (and also some std::range_error exception-throwing accessors).
I use stuff like
boost::array<boost::array<float,4>,4> m;
instead of
float m[4][4];
all the time and it works great (with appropriate typedefs to keep the verbosity down, anyway).
UPDATE: Following some discussion in the comments here of the relative performance of boost::array vs boost::multi_array, I'd point out that this code, compiled with g++ -O3 -DNDEBUG on Debian/Lenny amd64 on a Q9450 with 1333MHz DDR3 RAM takes 3.3s for boost::multi_array vs 0.6s for boost::array.
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include "boost/array.hpp"
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
using namespace boost;
enum {N=1024};
typedef multi_array<char,3> M;
typedef array<array<array<char,N>,N>,N> C;
// Forward declare to avoid being optimised away
static void clear(M& m);
static void clear(C& c);
int main(int,char**)
const clock_t t0=clock();
M m(extents[N][N][N]);
const clock_t t1=clock();
std::auto_ptr<C> c(new C);
const clock_t t2=clock();
<< "multi_array: " << (t1-t0)/static_cast<float>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "s\n"
<< "array : " << (t2-t1)/static_cast<float>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "s\n";
return 0;
void clear(M& m)
for (M::index i=0;i<N;i++)
for (M::index j=0;j<N;j++)
for (M::index k=0;k<N;k++)
void clear(C& c)
for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
for (int j=0;j<N;j++)
for (int k=0;k<N;k++)
What I would do is create my own class for dealing with matrices (probably as an array[x*y] because I'm more used to C (and I'd have my own bounds checking), but you could use vectors or any other sub-structure in that class).
Get your stuff functional first then worry about how fast it runs. If you design the class properly, you can pull out your array[x*y] implementation and replace it with vectors or bitmasks or whatever you want without changing the rest of the code.
I'm not totally sure, but I thing that's what classes were meant for, the ability to abstract the implementation well out of sight and provide only the interface :-)
In addition to all the answers that have been posted so far, you might do well to check out the C++ FAQ Lite. Questions 13.10 - 13.12 and 16.16 - 16.19 cover several topics related to rolling your own matrix class. You'll see a couple of different ways to store the data and suggestions on how to best write the subscript operators.
Also, if your graph is sufficiently sparse, you may not need a matrix at all. You could use std::multimap to map each vertex to those it connects.
my favourite way to store a graph is vector<set<int>>; n elements in vector (nodes 0..n-1), >=0 elements in each set (edges). Just do not forget adding a reverse copy of every bi-directional edge.
Consider also how big is your graph/matrix, does performance matter a lot? Is the graph static, or can it grow over time, e.g. by adding new edges?
Probably, not relevant as this is an old question, but you can use the Armadillo library, which provides many linear algebra oriented data types and functions.
Below is an example for your specific problem:
// In C++11
Mat<bool> matrix = {
{ true, true},
{ false, false},
// In C++98
Mat<bool> matrix;
matrix << true << true << endr
<< false << false << endr;
Mind you std::vector doesn't do range checking either.