Normalvector for Quad - opengl

I've drawn a simple quad with glBegin and glEnd. With a for-loop I create copies of the quad and rotate it around my y-Axis in 3D space.
Now the problem is that I only see the quads in the front. These in the back are not displayed. I assume that the problem lies within the normal vector, which direction is towards me. Is there a possibility to define two normal vectors for one quad.

Sounds like you need to disable backface culling:

These in the back are not displayed. I assume that th problem lies within the normal-vector,
The problem is not the normal vector, but what OpenGL considers front side and backside. What's what is determined by the winding of the vertices on the screen. If the vertices are on screen in counterclockwise order, then by default OpenGL assumes the front face. If back face culling is enables, back faces will not be drawn. You can disable culling, but then you'll get odd lighting results.
The best way is to draw the back side explicitly with it's own set of quads; windings and normals adjusted.


Precompute lighting on one primitive in opengl and then use on other primitives

Say I have two triangles in an opengl 3d setup, with a specific light source. The first triangle:
Now I draw the second triangle, at a different position
but I want the light applied to this triangle AS IF it was located and had the same normal vector as the first triangle. Obviously it is easy to just change the normal vector, but it seems that I can not change the apparent position relative to the light source without also changing the true position of the triangle. Also, since the light properties of my 3d world will not change in time, I would like to precompute this in the beginning and then store it. Any tips?
Why I want to do this: essentially the vision of the player seeing the 3d world will be distorted in some way, such that the position of all 3d objects will change. However this should then not affect the color of the primitives as computed after applying a light source.

Rendering 3D Models With Textures That Have Alpha In OpenGL

So Im trying to figure out the best way to render a 3D model in OpenGL when some of the textures applied to it have alpha channels.
When I have the depth buffer enabled, and start drawing all the triangles in a 3D model, if it draws a triangle that is in front of another triangle in the model, it will simply not render the back triangle when it gets to it. The problem is when the front triangle has alpha transparency, and should be able to be seen through to the triangle behind it, but the triangle behind is still not rendered.
Disabling the depth buffer eliminates that problem, but creates the obvious issue that if the triangle IS opaque, then it will still render triangles behind it on top if rendered after.
For example, I am trying to render a pine tree that is basically some cones stacked on top of each other that have a transparent base. The following picture shows the problem that arises when the depth buffer is enabled:
You can see how you can still see the outline of the transparent triangles.
The next picture shows what it looks like when the depth buffer is disabled.
Here you can see how some of the triangles on the back of the tree are being rendered in front of the rest of the tree.
Any ideas how to address this issue, and render the pine tree properly?
P.S. I am using shaders to render everything.
If you're not using any partial transparency (everything is either 0 or 255), you can glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST) and that should help you. The problem is that if you render the top cone first, it deposits the whole quad into the z-buffer (even the transparent parts), so the lower branches underneath get z-rejected when its their time to be drawn. Enabling alpha testing doesn't write pixels to the z buffer if they fail the alpha test (set with glAlphaFunc).
If you want to use partial transparency, you'll need to sort the order of rendering objects from back to front, or bottom to top in your case.
You'll need to leave z-buffer enabled as well.
[edit] Whoops I realized that those functions I don't believe work when you're using shaders. In the shader case you want to use the discard function in the fragment shader if the alpha value is close to zero.
if(color.a < 0.01) {
} else {
outcolor = color;
You needs to implement a two-pass algorithm.
The first pass render only the back faces, while the second pass render only the front faces.
In this way you don't need to order the triangles, but some artifacts may occour depending whether your geometry is convex or not.
I may be wrong, but this is because when you render in 3d you do no render the backside of triangles using Directx's default settings, when the Z is removed - it draws them in order, with the Z on it doesnt draw the back side of the triangles anymore.
It is possible to show both sides of the triangle, even with Z enabled, however I'm thinking there might be a reason its normally enabled.. such as speed..
Device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, Value);
value can equal
D3DCULL_NONE - Shows both sides of triangle
D3DCULL_CW - Culls Front side of triangle
D3DCULL_CCW - Default state

Back face culling + GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP?

If I've got 4 vertices which I render in this order:
using GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP and then I enable back-face culling with the front face defined as CCW, then would the bottom-left triangle be facing me and the other one not? If so, what's the most efficient way of rendering a square so that both faces are visible? Do I have to use GL_TRIANGLES and pass down 6 vertices instead of 4?
The strip primitive does the right thing with respect to backface culling. You can think of the tris' winding order as being managed so that the order is consistent for each triangle in the strip - e.g. you can think of the GPU rendering (0,1,2), (2,1,3) ...
All triangles in triangle strip maintain same direction/winding order.
They don't flip one after another. So either both triangles will be towards you or away from you (assuming your primitive is flat square shape (that is convex and doesn't intersect itself) where all vertices belong to same plane).
P.S. You know, you COULD render trianglestrip primitive in OpenGL application with culling enabled and see for yourself.

OpenGL Lighting Quads

just a quick question. I have a quad in 3D OpenGL scene. I define a normal to the plane counter clockwise. So that the normal points out one side of the plane. In the direction of my light source. The quad is light but on both sides.
Should it not only be light on one side of the quad? Or is it the fact that a primitive like a quad is finitely thin and thus looks light from both sides. So if i wanted to make a wall I would use two quads. One for each side of the wall.
The default OpenGL lighting behavior for two sided polygons is to calculate lighting for the front face and apply it to both sides.
You can get around this by using a front and back polygon with seperate normals for each of your double sided polygons.
Alternatively, you can enable GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE for lighting calculations using glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, GL_TRUE) . See the glLightModel reference for more information.

Opengl Depth buffer and Culling

Whats's the difference between use back face culling and a buffer of depth in OpenGL?
Backface culling is when OpenGL determines which faces are facing away from the viewer and are therefore unseen. Think of a cube. No matter how your rotate the cube, 3 faces will always be invisible. Figure out which faces these are, remove them from the list of polygons to be drawn and you just halved your drawing list.
Depth buffering is fairly simple. For every pixel of every polygon drawn, compare it's z value to the z buffer. if it's less than the value in the z buffer set the z buffer value as the new z buffer value. If not, discard the pixel. Depth buffering gives very good results but can be fairly slow as each and every pixel requires a value lookup.
In reality there is nothing similar between these two methods and they are often both used. Given a cube you can first cut out half the polygons using culling then draw them using z buffering.
Culling can cut down on the polygons rendered, but it's not a sorting algorithm. That's what Z buffering is.
A given triangle has two sides, the front face and the back face. The side you are looking at is determined by the order the points appear in the vertex list (also called the winding). Typically lists of triangles have alternating winding so that you can reuse the preceding two points but the facing of a given triangle in the strip doesn't alternate. Back face culling is the optimization step where in triangles in the scene which are oriented away from the view are removed from the list of triangles to draw.
A depth buffer (z-buffer) is used to hang onto the closest thing (the depth is relative to the view) that has already been rendered. If the thing that comes up next in the draw list is behind something that I've drawn already (ie, it has a depth that places it farther away) I can skip drawing it, as it is obstructed. If the new thing to draw is closer, I draw it and I update the depth buffer with the new, closer value.