How to avoid symbols and source paths in iOS binary? - c++

When I compile the release version of my iOS app (based on standard Apple supplied iOS app template), look into the resulting executable binary, I see all sorts of symbols and even local cpp source and header paths in there. I'm really stumped why this is (I haven't enabled RTTI*). Especially the source file paths make me feel uncomfortable sending this app across the globe (why should everyone be able to see the directory layout of my development machine?).
Here's are two (randomly picked, moderated) excerpts:
TS/../ACTORS/CActorCanvasCharPart.cpplastMeshcapVerticesOFF BOUNDSupload VERTICES: %d
And here are a lot of symbols for self-defined types and structs:
Can this be avoided, how?
*UPDATE: I just found out that RTTI is on by default. So I cleaned the target, disabled RTTI (GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI = NO) and recompiled. I still see a lot of symbols and source paths in the binary.
UPDATE 2: I checked a few other apps from the app store, and many of them also have their source file paths show up. Pretty scary, if you ask me:
Joined Up Lite
/Users/lloydy/Documents/Development/iPhone/ABC Joined Up/main.m
/Users/lloydy/Documents/Development/iPhone/ABC Joined Up/Classes/SettingsView.m
Crayon Physics
Wall Times
Jumbo Calculator
/Users/Christopher/Documents/Development/JumboCalculator 1.0.3/main.m
/Users/Christopher/Documents/Development/JumboCalculator 1.0.3/Classes/CalculatorFaceViewController.m

The file paths are most likely from assert macros which stringify __FILE__ as part of their failure message. iOS's implementation of assert(3) does this, as do the NSAssert macros.
You can remove asserts in release builds by defining NDEBUG (for the C asserts) and NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS (for NSAsserts).

In Xcode set Deployment Prostprocessing to Yes in order to trigger Xcode to call the strip command during build process. Then you don't see any source path via nm -a.
However, I still see the source paths of some m files via the strings command :/

What worked for me was setting Generate Debug Symbols to No for release builds. This is under the Apple LLVM 7.0 - Code Generation in Xcode 7.2.

Have ticked the strip debug symbols in the build settings? You can do this (or not) depending on the configuration (build/release). Also you can look into Objective-C Code Obfuscation (which is long winded). From what I gather, you cannot completely remove objective-c information as all method calls are done dynamically, so the library has to have information about your classes/method names in order to function. A useful tip here.
If you have c++ code then you can use the gcc strip utility, although I'm not sure how it like Objetive-C++, if it doesn't you could compile all you cpp into a lib, strip that and link against it in your iOS project.


How to set up C++ Testmate in VS Code

Ok, n00b question. I have a cpp file. I can build and run it in the terminal. I can build and run it using clang++ in VSCode.
Then I add gtest to it. I can compile in the terminal with g++ -std=c++0x $FILENAME -lgtest -lgtest_main -pthread and then run, and the tests work.
I install the C++ TestMate extension in VSCode. Everything I see on the internet implies it should just work. But my test explorer is empty and I don't see any test indicators in the code window.
I've obviously missed something extremely basic. Please help!
Executables should be placed inside the out or build folder of your workspace. Or one can modify the testMate.cpp.test.executables config.
I'd say, never assume something will "just work".
You'll still have to read the manual and figure out what are the names of config properties. I won't provide exact examples, because even though I've only used this extension for a short time, its name, and therefore full properties path, has already changed, so any example might get obsolete quite fast.
The general idea is: this extension monitors some files/folders, when they change, it assumes those are executables created using either gtest or catch2. The extension tries to run them with standard (for those frameworks) flags to obtain a list of test suites and test cases. If it succeeds, it will parse the output and create a nice list in the side panel. Markers in the code are also dependent on the exactly same parsed output, so if you have one, you have the other as well.
From the above, you need 3 things to make this work:
Provide correct path (or a glob pattern) for finding all test executables (while ignoring all non-test executables) in the extension config. There are different ways to do this, depending on the complexity of your setup, they are all in the documentation though.
Do not modify the output of the test executable. For example, if you happen to print something to stdout/stderr before gtest implementation parses and processes its standard flags, extension will fail to parse the output of ./your_test_binary --gtest-list_tests.
If your test executable needs additional setup to run correctly (env vars, cwd), make sure, that you use the "advanced" configuration for the extension and you configure those properties accordingly.
To troubleshoot #2 and #3 you can turn on debug logging for the extension (again, in the VSCode's config json), this will cause an additional "Output" tab/category to be created, where you can see, which files were considered, which were run, what was the output, and what caused this exact file to be ignored.
This messed with me for a while, I did as Mate059 answered above and it didn't work.
Later on I found out that the reason it didn't work was because I was using a Linux terminal inside windows (enabled from the features section) and I previously had installed the G++ compiler using the linux terminal so the compiler was turning my code into a .out file, for some reason TestMate could not read .out files.
Once I compiled the C++ source file using the powershell terminal it created a .exe file which I then changed the path in the setting.json as Mate059 said and it showed up.
Mate059 gave a great answer, go into settings.json inside your .vscode folder and modify "testMate.cpp.test.executables": "filename.exe".
For me it also worked using the wildcard * instead of filename.exe but I do not suggest to do that as in that might mess up something with the .exe from the main cpp file and what not.

Undefined reference compilation MITK/Qt

I need to compile the project of my teacher. This project use MITK, VTK, ITK, CTK and Qt. I had some errors which I managed to correct during compilation. Now, i have an error that I don’t understand and I don’t know how correct that to finish the compilation.
The problem is that I have :
undefined reference to « operator delete(void, unsigned long)#Qt_5 »* in the library
We see also it is a link error. As it is a project of my teacher and others teachers I think it is a problem with a version of Qt or something in my computer no like the version of gcc or g++ ?
When I open Qt and i open many files there are three messages nearly of the toolbar :
the code model could not parse an included file, which might lead to incorrect completion and highlighting, for example.
Multiple parse contexts are available for this file. Choose the preferred one from the editor toolbar.
This file is not part of any project. The code model might have issues parsing this file properly.
Maybe there is a link with the error on the terminal ?
do you use cmake for the build process?
cd MITK-build;
cmake ../MITK-source ./;
make -j1
Please start the build process in single-thread mode and then attach the standard output text to your reply so that we can look into the problem.
Sometimes problems occur with the /ep/ part of the build process (e.p. = external projects), there you could 'cd ep/xxx.../; cmake ./;make -j1' to start individual builds.

Change Linux shared library (.so file) version after it was compiled

I'm compiling Linux libraries (for Android, using NDK's g++, but I bet my question makes sense for any Linux system). When delivering those libraries to partners, I need to mark them with a version number. I must also be able to access the version number programatically (to show it in an "About" dialog or a GetVersion function for instance).
I first compile the libraries with an unversioned flag (version 0.0) and need to change this version to a real one when I'm done testing just before sending it to the partner. I know it would be easier to modify the source and recompile, but we don't want to do that (because we should then test everything again if we recompile the code, we feel like it would be less error prone, see comments to this post and finally because our development environment works this way: we do this process for Windows binaries: we set a 0.0 resources version string (.rc) and we later change it by using verpatch...we'd like to work with the same kind of process when shipping Linux binaries).
What would be the best strategy here?
To summarize, requirements are:
Compile binaries with "unset" version (0.0 or anything else)
Be able to modify this "unset" version to a specific one without having to recompile the binary (ideally, run a 3rd party tool command, as we do with verpatch under Windows)
Be able to have the library code retrieve it's version information at runtime
If your answer is "rename the .so", then please provide a solution for 3.: how to retrieve version name (i.e.: file name) at runtime.
I was thinking of some solutions but have no idea if they could work and how to achieve them.
Have a version variable (one string or 3 int) in the code and have a way to change it in the binary file later? Using a binary sed...?
Have a version variable within a resource and have a way to change it in the binary file later? (as we do for win32/win64)
Use a field of the .so (like SONAME) dedicated to this and have a tool allowing to change it...and make it accessible from C++ code.
Rename the lib + change SONAME (did not find how this can be achieved)...and find a way to retrieve it from C++ code.
Note that we use QtCreator to compile the Android .so files, but they may not rely on Qt. So using Qt resources is not an ideal solution.
I am afraid you started to solve your problem from the end. First of all SONAME is provided at link time as a parameter of linker, so in the beginning you need to find a way to get version from source and pass to the linker. One of the possible solutions - use ident utility and supply a version string in your binary, for example:
const char version[] = "$Revision:1.2$"
this string should appear in binary and ident utility will detect it. Or you can parse source file directly with grep or something alike instead. If there is possibility of conflicts put additional marker, that you can use later to detect this string, for example:
const char version[] = "VERSION_1.2_VERSION"
So you detect version number either from source file or from .o file and just pass it to linker. This should work.
As for debug version to have version 0.0 it is easy - just avoid detection when you build debug and just use 0.0 as version unconditionally.
For 3rd party build system I would recommend to use cmake, but this is just my personal preference. Solution can be easily implemented in standard Makefile as well. I am not sure about qmake though.
Discussion with Slava made me realize that any const char* was actually visible in the binary file and could then be easily patched to anything else.
So here is a nice way to fix my own problem:
Create a library with:
a definition of const char version[] = "VERSIONSTRING:00000.00000.00000.00000"; (we need it long enough as we can later safely modify the binary file content but not extend it...)
a GetVersion function that would clean the version variable above (remove VERSIONSTRING: and useless 0). It would return:
0.0 if version is VERSIONSTRING:00000.00000.00000.00000
2.3 if version is VERSIONSTRING:00002.00003.00000.00000
2.3.40 if version is VERSIONSTRING:00002.00003.00040.00000
Compile the library, let's name it
Load it from a program, ask its version (call GetVersion), it returns 0.0, no surprise
Create a little program (did it in C++, but could be done in Python or any other languauge) that will:
load a whole binary file content in memory (using std::fstream with std::ios_base::binary)
find VERSIONSTRING:00000.00000.00000.00000 in it
confirms it appears once only (to be sure we don't modify something we did not mean to, that's why I prefix the string with VERSIONSTRING, to make it more unic...)
patch it to VERSIONSTRING:00002.00003.00040.00000 if expected binary number is 2.3.40
save the binary file back from patched content
Patch using the above tool (requesting version 2.3 for instance)
Run the same program as step 3., it now reports 2.3!
No recompilation nor linking, you patched the binary version!

How to reduce object file size when compiling for VxWorks 5.5.1?

I am having trouble with very large object files being produced. We are working with VxWorks 5.5.1, but we have a GCC 4.1.2 available.
Our modules are roughly 6.2MB in size, and we are looking for ways to reduce that. The problem seems to be mainly caused by excessive use of templates. When dumping the symbols in the file using nm I get a text-file of 1.8MB. This tells me that almost ⅓ of the file is just the names. Is there any way to reduce the file size?
The following approaches have not worked:
--strip-all seems to have no effect - the output is the same as using --strip-debug
I cannot use --gc-sections, because it is not supported for that platform (the option is simply ignored)
I understand that VxWorks links the code at load time, but all it has to link is the C++ runtime library, and I don't want any symbols to be added to the global symbol table, so there should be a way to strip that information, right?
For reference, here is my linker version:
i386-wrs-vxworks-ld.exe --version
>>> GNU ld (Wind River VxWorks G++ DWARF-EH 4.1-131)
>>> SPR fixes: cq103489 cq111170 cq116027 cq116652 cq118878 cq125145
and my compiler version:
i386-wrs-vxworks-g++.exe --version
>>> i386-wrs-vxworks-g++.exe (GCC) 4.1.2
I see what you mean by wanting to strip the symbols out of the object. But if you were to strip all the symbols, you wouldn't have any symbol to use as the entry point to start your application. But I believe you still have options. Unfortunately VxWorks 5 is known for having a not very effecient C++ compiler.
If you compiled your application into a *.a (archive - aka static library), you would be able to link this into your operating system at build time, and call this from within usrAppInit.c. This should allow for striping out symbols - or at least moving them to an optional downloaded symbol table. From your application build properties, select the Macros tab and add your archive to the LIBS macro.
To make an archive, goto the build properties and select the Rules tab, then select archive from the dropdown box.
To trim the size of your OS (with your application linked in), modify your vxworks settings. Disable as many components as you can. Also be sure to use a downloaded symbol table (development tool components -> symbol table components -> symbol table initialization componts -> selecte symbol table initialization -> downloaded symbol table).
This will strip all the symbols out of the OS, and make a downloadable symbol table, that can be downloaded after boot time to debug.
Good luck!
PS. Make sure you have turned off debug (-g) in your compiler. Maybe we could help more if you post your compiler switches.
The way we have normally handled this is to compress the image. You will also need to build the bootrom so that it will decompress to RAM before running. I believe that there are standard makefile options that will allow you to do this.

How to produce deterministic binary output with g++?

I work in a very regulated environment where we need to be able to produce identical binary input give the same source code every time be build out products. We currently use an ancient version of g++ that has been patched to not write anything like a date/time in the resulting binaries that would change from build to build, but I would like to update to g++ 4.7.2. Does anyone know of a patch, or have suggestions of what I need to look for to take two identical pieces of source code and produce identical binary outputs?
The Debian Reproducible builds project attempts to standardize Debian packages byte-by-byte, and has received a Linux Foundation grant in 2016.
While this may include more than compilation, you should have a look at it.
It also pointed me to this article, which adds the following points to what #Employed said:
put the source in a fixed folder (e.g. /tmp/build) to deal with __FILE__
for __DATE__, __TIME__, __TIMESTAMP__:
libfaketime :
override those macros with -D
-Wdate-time or -Werror=date-time: warn or fail if either __TIME__, __DATE__ or __TIMESTAMP__ are is used. The Linux kernel 4.4 uses it by default.
use the D flag with ar, or use to wipe stamps
-fno-guess-branch-probability: older manual versions say it is a source of non-determinism, but not anymore. Not sure if this is covered by -frandom-seed or not.
Buildroot has a BR2_REPRODUCIBLE option which may give some ideas on the package level, but it is far from complete at this point.
Related threads:
We also depend on bit-identical rebuilds, and are using gcc-4.7.x.
Besides setting PWD=/proc/self/cwd and using -frandom-seed=<input-file-name>, there are a handful of patches, which can be found in svn:// branch.
Use of the 'DATE' macro makes the build non-deterministic