Comparing lists in Standard ML - list

I am extremely new to SML and we just got out first programming assignment for class and I need a little insight.
The question is: write an ML function, called minus: int list * int list -> int list, that takes two non-decreasing integer lists and produces a non-decreasing integer list obtained by removing the elements from the first input list which are also found in the second input list.
For example,
minus( [1,1,1,2,2], [1,1,2,3] ) = [1,2]
minus( [1,1,2,3],[1,1,1,2,2] ) = [3]
Here is my attempt at answering the question. Can anyone tell me what I am doing incorrectly? I don't quite understand parsing lists.
fun minus(xs,nil) = []
| minus(nil,ys) = []
| minus(x::xs,y::ys) = if x=y then minus(xs,ys) else x :: minus(x,ys);
Here is a fix I just did, I think this is right now?
fun minus(L1,nil) = L1
| minus(nil,L2) = []
| minus(L1,L2) = if hd(L1) > hd(L2) then minus(L1,tl(L2))
else if hd(L1) = hd(L2) then minus(tl(L1),tl(L2))
else hd(L1) :: minus(tl(L1), L2);

I think your fix is correct. Exploiting the fact that two lists xs and ys are sorted, we have:
If the head of xs is bigger than the head of ys, xs' head can occur
in ys' tail.
If the head of xs is the same as the head of ys, we
remove both two heads.
If the head of xs is smaller than the head of ys, xs' head
couldn't occur in ys and we put it to the result list.
However, I have some minor comments on your function:
[] and nil are the same. I think it's more clear to use [] only.
Variables indicating lists are usually in a form of xs, ys,... (lowercase ending with "s").
You should break down the list using :: (cons) constructor rather than using functions like hd and tl.
Here is an improved version:
fun minus(xs, []) = xs
| minus([], ys) = []
| minus(x::xs, y::ys) = if x > y then minus(x::xs, ys)
else if x = y then minus(xs, ys)
else x::minus(xs, y::ys)

You have a type in your else-clause:
x :: minus(x,ys)
That second x should be xs.


How to write a Haskell function that inserts an element into a sorted list

I tried with something like this but it doesn't work how I wanted it to do. I'm new kinda new to Haskell, and I don't really know how to do it, and what's wrong.
insert a (x:xs) = insert2 a (x:xs) []
where insert2 el (x:xs) hd =
if (x:xs) == []
then []
else if ( a>=x && a < head(xs))
then hd ++ [x] ++ [a] ++ xs
else insert2 a xs hd++[x]
main = do
let list =[1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6]
let out = insert 2 list
print out
The output I get is [2,2,3,4,5,6,1]
First a couple of cosmetics:
Ensure indentation is right. When copy/pasting into StackOverflow, it's generally best to use ctrl+k to get it in code-block style.
There's no point matching (x:xs) only to pass the entire thing into your local function.
Omit unnecessary parentheses and use standardised spacing.
With that, your code becomes
insert a allxs = insert2 a allxs []
where insert2 el (x:xs) hd =
if x:xs == []
then []
else if a >= x && a < head xs
then hd ++ [x] ++ [a] ++ xs
else insert2 a xs hd ++ [x]
main = do
let list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
let out = insert 2 list
print out
Algorithmically speaking, there's no point in using an “accumulator argument” here. It's easier and actually more efficient to directly recurse on the input, and simply pass on the remaining tail after done with the insertion. Also remember to have a base case:
insert a [] = [a]
insert a (x:xs) = ...
You also don't need to use head. You've already pattern-matched the head element with the x:xs pattern. If you did need another list element, you should match that right there too, like
insert a (x:x':xs) = ...
...but you don't in fact need that, x is enough to determine what to do. Namely,
insert a (x:xs)
| a<=x = -- if the list was ordered, this implies that now _all_
-- its elements must be greater or equal a. Do you
-- need any recursion anymore?
| otherwise = -- ok, `x` was smaller, so you need to insert after it.
-- Recursion is needed here.
Here are some hints. It's a lot simpler than you're making it. You definitely don't need a helper function.
insert a [] = ??
insert a (x : xs)
| a <= x = ???
| otherwise = ???
Two things:
Prepending to a list is more efficient than appending to one.
Haskell lets you write separate definitions to avoid having to write single, nested conditional expressions.
There are two kinds of list you can insert into: empty and non-empty. Each can be handled by a separate definition, which the compiler will use to define a single function.
insert a [] = [a]
insert a (x:xs) = ...
The first case is easy: inserting into an empty list produces a singleton list. The second case is tricker: what you do depends on whether a is smaller than x or not. You can use a conditional expression
insert a (x:xs) = if a < x then a : insert x xs else x : insert a xs
thought you may see guards used instead:
insert a (x:xs) | a < x = a : insert x xs
| otherwise = x : insert a xs
In both cases, we know (because the list argument is already sorted) that insert x xs == x : xs, so we can write that directly to "short-circuit" the recursion:
insert a (x:xs) = if a < x then a : x : xs else x : insert a xs
don't complicate! , make simple ...
insertme a list = takeWhile (<a) list ++ [a] ++ dropWhile (<a) list

Remove or add an item to list in Haskell

I have to design a function removeOrAdd :: a -> [a] -> [a]. My straightforward solution:
removeOrAdd :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
removeOrAdd x xs | x `elem` xs = [x' | x' <- xs, x' /= x]
| otherwise = x : xs
However, I have a feeling that I am doing something that has already been done by others. Is there any function in Haskell that already does it?
UPD: Let's see list as a Set we don't expect to have more than one x in a list, otherwise we remove all of them.
Is there any function in Haskell that already do it?
Not as far as I know no, and a search on Hoogle does not immediately lists such function. I think it is rather strange, since usually one aims to either add, or delete, but not both depending on a condition.
We can improve the above function, by making it more lazy (such that it works on infinite lists where x never occurs), as well as more efficient in the sense that we do not iterate twice over the list. We can use explicit recursion for this:
removeOrAdd :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
removeOrAdd x = go
where go [] = [x]
go (y:ys) | x == y = ys
| otherwise = y : go ys
We here thus iterate over the list, we keep iterating until we find an element y that is equal to x. If that is the case, we return ys, and we are done, since we removed that item. If not and we reach the end of the list with the recursion, we know x was not part of the list, and thus we return [x] to add that element. Here we thus add the elements at the end of the list.
If the list is sorted, we can insert it at the correct place:
removeOrAdd :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
removeOrAdd x = go
where go [] = [x]
go (y:ys) | x == y = ys
| y > x = x : y : ys
| otherwise = y : go ys
Here we thus keep the items in the correct order.

Haskell - Removing adjacent duplicates from a list

I'm trying to learn haskell by solving some online problems and training exercises.
Right now I'm trying to make a function that'd remove adjacent duplicates from a list.
Sample Input
Expected Output
My first though was to make a function that'd simply remove first instance of adjacent duplicates and restore the list.
module Test where
removeAdjDups :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
removeAdjDups [] = []
removeAdjDups [x] = [x]
removeAdjDups (x : y : ys)
| x == y = removeAdjDups ys
| otherwise = x : removeAdjDups (y : ys)
*Test> removeAdjDups "1233213443"
This func works for first found pairs.
So now I need to apply same function over the result of the function.
Something I think foldl can help with but I don't know how I'd go about implementing it.
Something along the line of
removeAdjDups' xs = foldl (\acc x -> removeAdjDups x acc) xs
Also is this approach the best way to implement the solution or is there a better way I should be thinking of?
Start in last-first order: first remove duplicates from the tail, then check if head of the input equals to head of the tail result (which, by this moment, won't have any duplicates, so the only possible pair is head of the input vs. head of the tail result):
main = mapM_ (print . squeeze) ["acvvca", "1456776541", "abbac", "aabaabckllm"]
squeeze :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
squeeze (x:xs) = let ys = squeeze xs in case ys of
(y:ys') | x == y -> ys'
_ -> x:ys
squeeze _ = []
I don't see how foldl could be used for this. (Generally, foldl pretty much combines the disadvantages of foldr and foldl'... those, or foldMap, are the folds you should normally be using, not foldl.)
What you seem to intend is: repeating the removeAdjDups, until no duplicates are found anymore. The repetition is a job for
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
Prelude> iterate removeAdjDups "1233213443"
This is an infinite list of ever reduced lists. Generally, it will not converge to the empty list; you'll want to add some termination condition. If you want to remove as many dups as necessary, that's the fixpoint; it can be found in a very similar way to how you implemented removeAdjDups: compare neighbor elements, just this time in the list of reductions.
bipll's suggestion to handle recursive duplicates is much better though, it avoids unnecessary comparisons and traversing the start of the list over and over.
List comprehensions are often overlooked. They are, of course syntactic sugar but some, like me are addicted. First off, strings are lists as they are. This functions could handle any list, too as well as singletons and empty lists. You can us map to process many lists in a list.
(\l -> [ x | (x,y) <- zip l $ (tail l) ++ " ", x /= y]) "abcddeeffa"
I don't see either how to use foldl. It's maybe because, if you want to fold something here, you have to use foldr.
main = mapM_ (print . squeeze) ["acvvca", "1456776541", "abbac", "aabaabckllm"]
-- I like the name in #bipll answer
squeeze = foldr (\ x xs -> if xs /= "" && x == head(xs) then tail(xs) else x:xs) ""
Let's analyze this. The idea is taken from #bipll answer: go from right to left. If f is the lambda function, then by definition of foldr:
squeeze "abbac" = f('a' f('b' f('b' f('a' f('c' "")))
By definition of f, f('c' "") = 'c':"" = "c" since xs == "". Next char from the right: f('a' "c") = 'a':"c" = "ac" since 'a' != head("c") = 'c'. f('b' "ac") = "bac" for the same reason. But f('b' "bac") = tail("bac") = "ac" because 'b' == head("bac"). And so forth...
Bonus: by replacing foldr with scanr, you can see the whole process:
Prelude> squeeze' = scanr (\ x xs -> if xs /= "" && x == head(xs) then tail(xs) else x:xs) ""
Prelude> zip "abbac" (squeeze' "abbac")

How do I find largest number in List in SML

We want to find the largest value in a given nonempty list of
integers. Then we have to compare elements in the list. Since data
values are given as a sequence, we can do comparisons from the
beginning or from the end of the list. Define in both ways. a)
comparison from the beginning b) comparison from the end (How can
we do this when data values are in a list?)
What I have done is find the largest number by comparison from the beginning.
How can I do it from the end? What logic should I apply?
Here is my code for comparing from the beginning.
- fun largest[x] = x
= | largest(x::y::xs) =
= if x>y then largest(x::xs) else largest(y::xs)
= | largest[] = 0;
val largest = fn : int list -> int
- largest [1,4,2,3,6,5,4,6,7];
val it = 7 : int
In your function, first two elements of the list are compared and the bigger value is compared to the remaining elements. I think comparison from the end means that you try to find the largest number of the tail of the list first and compare it with the head element later.
fun largest [] = raise Empty
| largest [x] = x
| largest (x::xs) =
val y = largest xs
if x > y then x else y
Although it is not required, you should handle the case of empty list for completeness. And you can shorten the function if using max function.
fun largest [] = raise Empty
| largest [x] = x
| largest (x::xs) = max(x, largest xs)
To be honest, I would prefer your version which is tail-recursive (it doesn't blow the stack on big lists). My function could be rewritten to be tail-recursive as other answers demonstrated, but certainly it is more sophisticated than your function.
As #pad demonstrates with his code, the logic that should be applied is making a recursive call that solves the sub-problem recursively before solving the problem of the current scope of the function.
In the case of largest, there is not really any point in solving it backwards, since it simply uses more stack space, which becomes apparent when executing the code "by hand". The design pattern is however useful in other situations. Imagine a function called zip:
(* zip ([1,2,3,4], [a,b,c]) = [(1,a),(2,b),(3,c)] *)
fun zip (x::xs, y::ys) = (x,y) :: zip (xs, ys)
| zip _ = []
This function turns a tuple of two lists into a list of many tuples, discarding left-over values. It may be useful in circumstances, and defining it is not that bad either. Making its counterpart, unzip, is however slightly trickier:
(* unzip ([(1,a),(2,b),(3,c)] = ([1,2,3],[a,b,c]) *)
fun unzip [] = ([], [])
| unzip ((x,y)::xys) =
val (xs, ys) = unzip xys
(x::xs, y::ys)
Running the regular "from the beginning"-largest by hand might look like this:
largest [1,4,2,3,6,5,4,6,7]
~> largest [4,2,3,6,5,4,6,7]
~> largest [4,3,6,5,4,6,7]
~> largest [4,6,5,4,6,7]
~> largest [6,5,4,6,7]
~> largest [6,4,6,7]
~> largest [6,6,7]
~> largest [6,7]
~> largest [7]
~> 7
Running the "from the end"-largest by hand, imagining that every indentation level requires saving the current context of a function call in stack memory, calling a new function and returning the result after the ~> arrow, might look like this:
largest [1,4,2,3,6,5,4,6,7] ~> 7
largest [4,2,3,6,5,4,6,7] ~> 7
largest [2,3,6,5,4,6,7] ~> 7
largest [3,6,5,4,6,7] ~> 7
largest [6,5,4,6,7] ~> 7
largest [5,4,6,7] ~> 7
largest [4,6,7] ~> 7
largest [6,7] ~> 7
largest [7] ~> 7
So why are these non-tail-recursive functions that make early recursive calls useful if they simply use more memory? Well, if we go back to unzip and we want to solve it without this annoying "thinking in reverse", we have a problem constructing the new result, which is a tuple, because we don't have anywhere to put the x and y:
(* Attempt 1 to solve unzip without abusing the call stack *)
fun unzip [] = ([], [])
| unzip ((x,y)::xys) = ...something with x, y and unzip xys...
One idea for making such a place would to create an auxiliary function (helper function) that has a few extra function parameters for building xs and ys. When the end of the xys list is reached, those values are returned:
(* Attempt 2 to solve unzip without abusing the call stack *)
fun unzipAux ([], xs, ys) = (xs, ys)
| unzipAux ((x,y)::xys, xs, ys) = unzipAux (xys, x::xs, y::ys)
fun unzip xys = unzipAux (xys, [], [])
But you might have realized that those (xs, ys) end up reversed in the result. A quick way to fix this is by using rev on them, once only, which is best achieved at the base case:
(* Attempt 3 to solve unzip without abusing the call stack *)
fun unzipAux ([], xs, ys) = (rev xs, rev ys)
| unzipAux ((x,y)::xys, xs, ys) = unzipAux (xys, x::xs, y::ys)
fun unzip xys = unzipAux (xys, [], [])
Which brings forth an interesting question: How is rev implemented?
I suggest using a tail recursive helper, which passes the current maximum as an accumulator.
fun helper max [] = max
| helper max (n::ns) = helper (if n > max then n else max) ns
fun largest ns = helper 0 ns
(*Find the max between two comparable items*)
fun max(a,b) = if a>b then a else b;
(*Find the max item in list which calls the maxL function recursively*)
fun maxL(L) = if L=[] then 0 else max(hd(L), maxL(tl(L)));
I know it is too late to answer your question, but hopefully this will help:
fun insert (x, []) = [x]
| insert (x, y::ys) = if x<=y then x::y::ys else y::insert(x,ys);
fun insertion_sort [] = []
| insertion_sort (x::xs) = insert(x, insertion_sort xs);
fun get_last_element [] = 0
| get_last_element [x] = x
| get_last_element (x::xs) = if(xs=nil)
then x
fun get_min L = if(insertion_sort(L)=[])
then 0
fun get_max L = get_last_element(insertion_sort(L));
You also can tweak the code e.g. passing anonymous function in insert function ...

haskell list and functional

This is homework that has been driving crazy for the last couple of days.
I got a list that I am applying a function to - pushing each element to the right if the element next to it is smaller then the previous one.
My function to pass over the list once and sort the head of the list:
sortEm lis#(x:y:xs) = if x > y then y: sortEm (x:xs) else lis
sortEm [x] = [x]
sortEm [] = []
myList (x:y:xs) = if x > y then sortEm lis else x:myList(y:xs)
myList [] = []
myList [x] = [x]
But my problem is that once that sortem has finished it returns either an empty list or a list containing one element, how would i design this the functional way?
I was thinking about foldl and some haskell magic to go along with that but currently I am stuck.
Thanks in advance
First of, your sortEm function name is misleading, it doesn't sort its argument list but inserts its head element into its tail. As it happens, there is an insert function already in Data.List module that inserts its first argument into the 2nd, so there's an equivalency
sortEm (x:xs) === Data.List.insert x xs
Now, inserting an item will only get you a sorted list back if you're inserting it into a list that is already sorted. Since empty list is sorted, that's what myList function does that you got in dave4420's answer. That is an "insertion" sort, progressively inserting elements of list into an auxiliary list, initially empty. And that's what the 2nd function does that you got in dave4420 answer:
insertionSort xs = foldr Data.List.insert [] xs
This does "apply sortem" i.e. inserts, "each element" only once. For a list [a,b,c,...,z] it's equivalent to
insert a (insert b (insert c (... (insert z []) ...)))
What you probably meant in your comment, i.e. comparing (and possibly swapping) two neighboring elements "only once", is known as bubble sort. Of course making only one pass through the list won't get it sorted, in a general case:
bubbleOnce xs = foldr g [] xs where
g x [] = [x]
g x xs#(y:ys) | x>y = y:x:ys -- swap x and y in the output
| otherwise = x:xs -- keep x before y in the output
Now, bubbleOnce [4,2,6,1,8] ==> [1,4,2,6,8]. The value that you expected, [2,4,1,6,8], would result from applying the folding function g in an opposite direction, from the left to the right. But that's much less natural to do here with Haskell lists:
bubbleOnce' [] = []
bubbleOnce' (x:xs) = let (z,h)=foldl g (x,id) xs in (h [z]) where
g (x,f) y | x>y = (x, f.(y:)) -- swap x and y in the output
| otherwise = (y, f.(x:)) -- keep x before y in the output
(edit:) see jimmyt's answer for the equivalent, but simple and nice version using straightforward recursion. It is also lazier (less strict) than both the fodlr and foldl versions here.
myList [] = []
myList (x : xs) = sortEm (x : myList xs)
Or in terms of a fold:
myList = foldr cons []
where cons x xs = sortEm (x : xs)
(also untested)
-- if..then..else version
sortEM :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sortEM (x:y:xs) = if x < y
then x : sortEM (y:xs)
else y : sortEM (x:xs)
sortEM b = b
-- guard version
sortEM_G :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sortEM_G (x:y:xs)
| x < y = x : sortEM_G (y:xs)
| otherwise = y : sortEM_G (x:xs)
sortEM_G b = b