Django Query - where start = end - django

in models i have start and end date.
How to get all element where start and end date are diffrents.
>>> Entry.objects.exclude(start = end)
>>> NameError: name 'end' is not defined
I have no idea please help.
In the examples given so far, we have constructed filters that compare the value of a model field with a constant. But what if you want to compare the value of a model field with another field on the same model?
Django provides the F() object to allow such comparisons. Instances of F() act as a reference to a model field within a query. These references can then be used in query filters to compare the values of two different fields on the same model instance.
For your case, the following should work.
from django.db.models import F


How to create custom db model function in Django like `Greatest`

I have a scenario that, i want a greatest value with the field name. I can get greatest value using Greatest db function which django provides. but i am not able to get its field name. for example:
emps = Employee.objects.annotate(my_max_value=Greatest('date_time_field_1', 'date_time_field_1'))
for e in emps:
here i will get the value using e.my_max_value but i am unable to find out the field name of that value
You have to annotate a Conditional Expression using Case() and When().
from django.db.models import F, Case, When
emps = Employee.objects.annotate(
for e in emps:
If you want the database query to tell you which of the fields was larger, you'll need to add another annotated column, using case/when logic to return one field name or the other. (See
Unless you're really trying to offload work onto the database, it'll be much simpler to do the comparison work in Python.

django annotate queryset with field comparison result

I have a queryset like this:
predicts = Prediction.objects.select_related('match').filter(match_id=pk)
I need to annotate this with a new field is_correct. I need to compare two string fields and the result should be annotated in this new field. the fields that I want to compare are:
predict from Prediction table
result from Match table (that has been joined through select_related)
I need to know what expression should I put inside my annotate function; below I have my current code which throughs a TypeError exception:
predicts = predicts.annotate(is_correct=(F('predict') == F('result')))
all help will be greatly appreciated.
I found an alternative solution that does the job for me (filtering the Prediction based on Match result using filter and exclude), but I still like to know how to address this specific case where the new annotated field is the result of the comparison between two other fields of the queryset. For those who may need it, in Django 2.2 and later the Nullif database function does a comparison between two fields.
You can use the extra function, a hook for injecting specific clauses into the SQL.
First of all, we must know the names of the apps and the models, or the name of the tables in the database.
Assuming that in your case, the two tables are called "app_prediction" and "app_match".
The sentence would be as follows:
select={'is_correct': "app_prediction.predict = app_match.result"}
This will add a field called is_correct in your result,
in the database, the fields and tables must be called in the same way.
It would be best to see the models.

Return object when aggregating grouped fields in Django

Assuming the following example model:
class event(models.Model):
location = models.CharField(max_length=10)
type = models.CharField(max_length=10)
date = models.DateTimeField()
attendance = models.IntegerField()
I want to get the attendance number for the latest date of each event location and type combination, using Django ORM. According to the Django Aggregation documentation, we can achieve something close to this, using values preceding the annotation.
... the original results are grouped according to the unique combinations of the fields specified in the values() clause. An annotation is then provided for each unique group; the annotation is computed over all members of the group.
So using the example model, we can write:
event.objects.values('location', 'type').annotate(latest_date=Max('date'))
which does indeed group events by location and type, but does not return the attendance field, which is the desired behavior.
Another approach I tried was to use distinct i.e.:
event.objects.distinct('location', 'type').annotate(latest_date=Max('date'))
but I get an error
NotImplementedError: annotate() + distinct(fields) is not implemented.
I found some answers which rely on database specific features of Django, but I would like to find a solution which is agnostic to the underlying relational database.
Alright, I think this one might actually work for you. It is based upon an assumption, which I think is correct.
When you create your model object, they should all be unique. It seems highly unlikely that that you would have two events on the same date, in the same location of the same type. So with that assumption, let's begin: (as a formatting note, class Names tend to start with capital letters to differentiate between classes and variables or instances.)
# First you get your desired events with your criteria.
results = Event.objects.values('location', 'type').annotate(latest_date=Max('date'))
# Make an empty 'list' to store the values you want.
results_list = []
# Then iterate through your 'results' looking up objects
# you want and populating the list.
for r in results:
result = Event.objects.get(location=r['location'], type=r['type'], date=r['latest_date'])
# Now you have a list of objects that you can do whatever you want with.
You might have to look up the exact output of the Max(Date), but this should get you on the right path.

Get information from a model using unrelated field

I have these two models:
class A(models.Model):
class D(models.Model):
the code field can have a number that exists in model A but it cant be related due to other factors. But what I want know is to list items from A whose value is the same with code
would work but since they are not related nor can be related, how can I handle that?
You can use Subquery() expressions in Django 1.11 or newer.
from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery
code_subquery = A.objects.filter(id=OuterRef('code'))
qs = D.objects.annotate(code_name=Subquery(code_subquery.values('name')))
The output of qs is a queryset of objects D with an added field code_name.
It is compiled to a very similar SQL (like the Bear Brown's solution with "extra" method, but without disadvantages of his solution, see there):
SELECT, app_d.code,
(SELECT FROM app_a U0 WHERE = (app_d.code)) AS code_name
FROM app_d
If a dictionary output is required it can be converted by .values() finally. It can work like a left join i.e. if the pseudo related field allows null (code = models.IntegerField(none=True)) then the objects D are not restricted and the output code_name value could be None. A feature of Subquery is that it returns only one field expression must be eventually repeated for another fields. (That is similar to extra(select={...: "SELECT ..."}), but thanks to object syntax it can be more readable customized than an explicit SQL.)
you can use django extra, replace YOUAPP on your real app name
D.objects.extra(select={'a_name': 'select name from YOUAPP_a where id=code'}).values('a_name')
# Replace YOUAPP^^^^^

Django Array contains a field

I am using Django, with mongoengine. I have a model Classes with an inscriptions list, And I want to get the docs that have an id in that list.
classes = Classes.objects.filter(['inscription'])
Here's a general explanation of querying ArrayField membership:
Per the Django ArrayField docs, the __contains operator checks if a provided array is a subset of the values in the ArrayField.
So, to filter on whether an ArrayField contains the value "foo", you pass in a length 1 array containing the value you're looking for, like this:
# matches rows where myarrayfield is something like ['foo','bar']
The Django ORM produces the #> postgres operator, as you can see by printing the query:
print Customer.objects.filter(myarrayfield__contains=['foo']).only('pk').query
>>> SELECT "website_customer"."id" FROM "website_customer" WHERE "website_customer"."myarrayfield_" #> ['foo']::varchar(100)[]
If you provide something other than an array, you'll get a cryptic error like DataError: malformed array literal: "foo" DETAIL: Array value must start with "{" or dimension information.
Perhaps I'm missing something...but it seems that you should be using .filter():
classes = Classes.objects.filter(['inscription'])
This answer is in reference to your comment for rnevius answer
In Django ORM whenever you make a Database call using ORM, it will generally return either a QuerySet or an object of the model if using get() / number if you are using count() ect., depending on the functions that you are using which return other than a queryset.
The result from a Queryset function can be used to implement further more refinement, like if you like to perform a order() or collecting only distinct() etc. Queryset are lazy which means it only hits the database when they are actually used not when they are assigned. You can find more information about them here.
Where as the functions that doesn't return queryset cannot implement such things.
Take time and go through the Queryset Documentation more in depth explanation with examples are provided. It is useful to understand the behavior to make your application more efficient.