ISO C++: How to design events? - c++

I know 2 ways for desiging an event in C++:
1: Using callbacks:
typedef void (*callback_type)(void);
class my_class
my_class(callback_type c)
m_callback = c;
void raise_event()
callback_type m_callback;
2: Using virtual methods:
class my_class
virtual void my_event() = 0;
void raise_event()
class main_class : public my_class
virtual void my_event()
// Handle EVENT.
Is there any other way or other idea for designing events?
What is the best pattern for designing events in ISO C++?

You should use Boost.Signals or Boost.Signals2.
To emulate those, you can use a collection of Boost.Function's/std::function's.
To emulate those, you use type erasure (so the virtual function route) for flexibility.
Note that none of that is too trivial, so you should really try to use an existing solution if possible.

The design will depend on the specifics of your requirements. For a nice example, see ACE Reactor.


Can I make use on templates when implementing different interfaces in the same way?

I have many interfaces for different listeners, the all look like this:
class ListenerA
virtual void
onEventA(const EventA&) = 0;
class ListenerB
virtual void
onEventB(const EventB&) = 0;
When testing, I always end up just collecting those events in a std::vector for analyzing them afterwards in a specific test suite. Those event collectors all look the same like this one for example:
class EventACollector : public ListenerA
const auto&
events() const
return m_events;
onEventA(const EventA& event) override
std::vector<EventA> m_events;
Is there a way to template an EventTCollector, so that I do not have to write it every time? Given that the virtual function name does change for every listeners?
C++ does not have introspection, so you cannot find the virtual function in ListenerA. The other parts can go in a templated base class, but the override you'll need to define manually.
Modern C++ would use a std::function<void(EventA)> instead of a named interface, but that won't help you as a user of that old interface.

Creating Objects of same Class with different Functions at Compiletime

atm I'm trying to find the best solution for creating objects(classes) with common properties but differ in one specific function.
The reason I dont use a simple sub-class is, that I have about 50 "different" objects and I do not want to create a class for each of them.
Here is my attempt to do so:
class module{
//..constructor and stuff
void (*work)();
int main(){
module A = new module();
A->work = [](mainclass* m_class) -> void {/*do smth specific */});
//... continue with B,C,...
I wonder if this is the most elegant (or most horrible) way to do this, or if there is a better concept for that kind of task.
If the class doesn't have to be exactly the same, use templates
class module{
//..constructor and stuff
void work(mainclass* p) {work_fn(p);}
void work_A(mainclass*) {/*do smth specific */};
int main(){
module<work_A> A; //note, no new;
If you do have to use exactly the same type (sometimes), then you can use dynamic dispatch on your class:
class module {
//..constructor and stuff
virtual void work(mainclass* p);
class module_impl : public module {
using module;
void work(mainclass* p) {work_fn(p);}
void work_A(mainclass*) {/*do smth specific */};
int main(){
std::unique_ptr<module> A(new module_impl<work_A>(););
However, this might be overkill. Your idea may indeed be best if they're being stored in a container or whatever.
class module{
//..constructor and stuff
explicit module(std::function<void(mainclass*)> workfunc) : work(std::move(workfunc)) {}
std::function<void(mainclass*)> work;
int main(){
module A([](mainclass* m_class) -> void {/*do smth specific */}); //note no new;
There is a famous software design pattern called the "strategy pattern", which is probably what you want: changing behaviour at runtime. A nice tutorial (although for java, but immediately translatable to C++) is here

Dependency injection and event handling

class ITransportProvider
virtual ~ITransportProvider() { }
virtual void SendData() = 0;
// Concrete TransportProvider will call OnReceiveDataEvent
// virtual void RegisterHandlers(std::function<void()> onReceiveDataEvent);
class Device
Device(shared_ptr<ITransportProvider> transport)
: m_Transport(transport)
// transport->RegisterHandlers(boost::bind(&Device::OnReceiveData, this));
void SendData()
// Which design pattern to use to get concrete TransportProvider's OnReceiveData event?
//void OnReceiveData()
shared_ptr<ITransportProvider> m_Transport;
I've always added a "RegisterHandlers" in my ITransportProvider and make Device call it in its c'tor.
I'd like to know if its correctness in the eyes of DI/IoC gurus and would love to hear all suggestions.
To clarify, I'm asking if there's a better way of decoupling TransportProvider from Device besides the above way which is via DI and the Observer pattern.
You have a reasonable design. Decoupling can be handled at many different levels in different ways with various trade-offs. Your design is good for the case where you know the sending and receiving are related, but there is no particular compile-time relationship between Device instances and Transport implementations. If there was a compile-time relationship, you might use policy-based design:
class TransportProviderA
void SendData();
virtual void OnReceiveData() = 0;
template <typename TransportPolicy>
class Device : public TransportPolicy
Device(const TransportPolicy &transport_policy)
: TransportPolicy(transport_policy)
// SendData provided by TransportPolicy
virtual void OnReceiveData(); // overrides TransportPolicy's template method.
Then use it like this:
Device<TransportPolicyA> my_device(TransportPolicyA());

How pass data to 'generic' observer? As arguments or as a single struct?

I am busy adding a generic observer mechanism to a legacy C++ application (using Visual Studio 2010, but not using .Net, so .Net delegates are out of the question).
In the design I want to separate the application-specific part as much as possible from the generic observer mechanism.
The most logical way of implementing observers seems this way:
class IDoThisObserver
void handlDoThis(int arg1, int arg2) = 0;
For every type of observer (IDoThisObserver, IDoThatObserver, ...) the arguments of the methods (handleDoThis, handleDoThat) are different.
What remains in a generic way of storing the observers, like this:
template<typename T>
class ObserverContainer
void addObserver (T &t) {m_observers.push_back(&t);}
std::list<T*> m_observers;
Calling an observer can't be generalized since the arguments are different for every observer type.
An alternative way would be to 'pack' all arguments into one argument, like this:
struct DoThisInfo
DoThisInfo (int arg1, int arg2) : m_arg1(arg1), m_arg2(arg2) {}
int m_arg1;
int m_arg2;
And then define a more generic observer, like this:
template<typename T>
class IObserver
void notify(const T &t) = 0;
And a collection of these observers would then become this:
template<typename T>
class ObserverContainer
void addObserver (IObserver<T> &obs) {m_observers.push_back(&obs);}
std::list<IObserver<T>*> m_observers;
Now, much more logic can be centrally added to this ObserverContainer, including calling all observers. The 'initiator' of the call only needs to create and fill in the notification structure.
Classes that want to inherit from multiple kinds of observers, need to do it like this:
class MyObserver : public IObserver<NotifyThis>, public IObserver<NotifyThat>
Which of these approaches (observers with multiple explicit arguments or with one struct argument) seems the best? Are there any advantages or disadvantages to either of these approaches?
EDIT: I looked a bit further to alternative approaches, and the Slot/Signal approach seems another good candidate. Are there any important disadvantages in Slot/Signal that I should know of?
Why not just do:
class IObserver {
// whatever is in common
class IDoThisObserver : public IObserver
void handlDoThis(int arg1, int arg2) = 0;
class IDoThatObserver : public IObserver
void handlDoThat(double arg1) = 0;
Then you have:
class ObserverContainer
void addObserver (IObserver* t) {m_observers.push_back(t);}
std::list<IObserver*> m_observers;
The design with the struct argument is definitely better as it allows for generic code to be written in the ObserverContainer. It's generally a good design practice to replace longish argument lists with objects that encapsulate the arguments and this is a good example of the payoff. By creating a more general abstraction for your notify method (with the struct you're defining notify as a method that takes a chunk of "data" whereas with the arg list you're defining a method that takes two numbers) you allow yourself to write generic code that uses the method and doesn't have to concern itself with the exact composition of the passed in chunk of data.
Have you looked into Boost.Signals? Better than to reimplement the wheel.
As for Parameters: Calling an observer/slot should conceptionally be the same as if you would call an ordinary function. Most SignalSlots-Implementations allow multiple Parameters, so use it. And please use different signals for different observer types, then there is no need to pass around data in Variants.
Two Disadvantages of the Observer-Pattern/SignalSlots i have seen:
1) Program flow is difficult or even impossible to understand by looking only at the source.
2) Heavily dynamic programs with lots of Observers/SignalSlots may encounter a "delete this"
Everything aside, i like Observers/SignalSlots more than subclassing and thus high coupling.
I don't think either of your approaches would fit your requirement as is. However a little modification using a DataCarrier containing the dataset passed across all the observers wherein each observer would know what to read would do the trick. The sample code below might clear it (note i have not compiled)
enum Type {
struct Data {
virtual Type getType() = 0;
struct NotifyThisData: public Data {
NotifyThisData(int _a, int _b):a(_a), b(_b) { }
int a,b;
Type getType() { return NOTIFY_THIS; }
struct NotifyThatData: public Data {
NotifyThatData(std::string _str):str(_str) { }
std::string str;
Type getType() { return NOTIFY_THAT; }
struct DataCarrier {
std::vector<Data*> m_TypeData;
class IObserver {
virtual void handle(DataCarrier& data) = 0;
class NotifyThis: public virtual IObserver {
virtual void handle(DataCarrier& data) {
vector<Data*>::iterator iter = find_if(data.m_TypeData.begin(), data.m_TypeData.end(), bind2nd(functor(), NOTIFY_THIS);
if (iter == data.m_TypeData.end())
NotifyThisData* d = dynamic_cast<NotifyThisData*>(*iter);
std::cout << "NotifyThis a: " << d->a << " b: " << d->b << "\n";
class NotifyThat: public virtual IObserver {
virtual void handle(DataCarrier& data) {
vector<Data*>::iterator iter = find_if(data.m_TypeData.begin(), data.m_TypeData.end(), bind2nd(functor(),NOTIFY_THAT);
if (iter == data.m_TypeData.end())
NotifyThatData* d = dynamic_cast<NotifyThatData*>(*iter);
std::cout << "NotifyThat str: " << d->str << "\n";
class ObserverContainer
void addObserver (IObserver* obs) {m_observers.push_back(obs);}
void notify(DataCarrier& d) {
for (unsigned i=0; i < m_observers.size(); ++i) {
std::vector<IObserver*> m_observers;
class MyObserver: public NotifyThis, public NotifyThat {
virtual void handle(DataCarrier& data) { std::cout << "In MyObserver Handle data\n"; }
int main() {
ObserverContainer container;
container.addObserver(new NotifyThis());
container.addObserver(new NotifyThat());
container.addObserver(new MyObserver());
DataCarrier d;
d.m_TypeData.push_back(new NotifyThisData(10, 20));
d.m_TypeData.push_back(new NotifyThatData("test"));
return 0;
This way u need to modify only the enum if u add a new structure.
Also u can use boost::shared_ptr to handle the mess of pointers.
I wouldn't get the syntax right so I'm just going to list the declarations to illustrate the structures. A generic Observer could be made to expect a parameter that is either subclassed to specific forms of your required parameters or is struct including a horizontal mapping of all primitive parameters that will be required by your Observers. Then the ObserverContainer could function as an AbstractFactory and each subclass of the ObserverContainer could be DoThatObserverFactory and DoThisObserverFactory. The factory would build an observer and assign a configuration to the observer to tell it which parameter to expect.
class AbstractObserverFactory {...};
class DoThatObserverFactory : AbstractObserverFactory {...};
class DoThisObserverFactory : AbstractObserverFactory {...};
class ObserverParam {...};
class DoThatObserverParam : ObserverParam {...};
class DoThisObserverParam : ObserverParam {...};
class Observer;
class DoThisObserver : public Observer
void handlDoThis(DoThisObserverParam);

How to Elegantly convert switch+enum with polymorphism

I'm trying to replace simple enums with type classes.. that is, one class derived from a base for each type. So for example instead of:
E_BASE message = someMessage();
switch (message)
case EB_ALPHA: applyAlpha();
case EB_BRAVO: applyBravo();
I want to do this:
Base* message = someMessage();
message->apply(this); // use polymorphism to determine what function to call.
I have seen many ways to do this which all seem less elegant even then the basic switch statement. Using dyanimc_cast, inheriting from a messageHandler class that needs to be updated every time a new message is added, using a container of function pointers, all seem to defeat the purpose of making code easier to maintain by replacing switches with polymorphism.
This is as close as I can get: (I use templates to avoid inheriting from an all-knowing handler interface)
class Base
template<typename T> virtual void apply(T* sandbox) = 0;
class Alpha : public Base
template<typename T> virtual void apply(T* sandbox)
class Bravo : public Base
template<typename T> virtual void apply(T* sandbox)
class Sandbox
void run()
Base* alpha = new Alpha;
Base* bravo = new Bravo;
delete alpha;
delete bravo;
void applyAlpha() {
// cout << "Applying alpha\n";
void applyBravo() {
// cout << "Applying bravo\n";
Obviously, this doesn't compile but I'm hoping it gets my problem accross.
Well, after giving in to dynamic_cast and multiple inheritance, I came up with this thanks to Anthony Williams and
class HandlerBase
virtual ~HandlerBase() {}
template<typename T> class Handler : public virtual HandlerBase
virtual void process(const T&)=0;
class MessageBase
virtual void dispatch(HandlerBase* handler) = 0;
template<typename MessageType>
void dynamicDispatch(HandlerBase* handler, MessageType* self)
template<typename MessageType> class Message : public MessageBase
virtual void dispatch(HandlerBase* handler)
dynamicDispatch(handler, static_cast<MessageType*>(this));
class AlphaMessage : public Message<AlphaMessage>
class BravoMessage : public Message<BravoMessage>
class Sandbox : public Handler<AlphaMessage>, public Handler<BravoMessage>
void run()
MessageBase* alpha = new AlphaMessage;
MessageBase* bravo = new BravoMessage;
delete alpha;
delete bravo;
virtual void process(const AlphaMessage&) {
// cout << "Applying alpha\n";
virtual void process(const BravoMessage&) {
// cout << "Applying bravo\n";
int main()
return 0;
It looks like you are trying to find some sort of double-dispatch system. Look into the Visitor pattern or other multiple-dispatch systems.
Your Bravo and Alpha classes are actually closures... Too bad C++ does not support them directly.
You could use a member pointer to do this:
typedef void (Sandbox::*SandboxMethod)();
struct BrAlpha {
BrAlpha(SandboxMethod method) : method(method){}
void apply(Sandbox sb){sb->*method();}
BrAlpha alpha(&Sandbox::applyAlpha);
BrAlpha bravo(&Sandbox::applyBravo);
(syntax may not be exact, but you know hat I mean)
I don't necessarily have an answer for your design pattern issue (though Modern C++ Design has a lot to say about it), but I do want to address your switch vs inheritance comment.
The problem with that simple swtich statement is maintainability. If that switch statement were in 1 location, then it's probably about the same amount of typing to create classes and inherit, but that switch statement is still a ticking time-bomb awaiting yet another state added without adding a case for it. If you assert the default:, you'll catch it at run time - eventually, but that's very poor. If you setup a bunch of function pointers and compile time assert on the table's size, you're doing better, but that's another level deeper than the switch statement. And this all goes out the window as soon as you have a second place in the code that needs to check state.
It's just that much easier once you have your interface class setup to let the compiler handle all the junk code of switching on states internally. You add the class need not worry about any other code as long as you follow the interface.