Bitwise operations between an integer and an array of bits - c++

Suppose I have a c++ array of bits, ones and zeros, and I want to have it bitwise XORed with an integer number, and get the result as an integer. What is the fastest way to do so?

Assuming that you mean a std::bitset and assuming that it would fit into an unsigned long, then unsigned long result = your_bits.to_ulong() ^ your_int;


How typecast works on initialization "unsigned int i = -100"? [duplicate]

I was curious to know what would happen if I assign a negative value to an unsigned variable.
The code will look somewhat like this.
unsigned int nVal = 0;
nVal = -5;
It didn't give me any compiler error. When I ran the program the nVal was assigned a strange value! Could it be that some 2's complement value gets assigned to nVal?
For the official answer - Section 4.7 conv.integral
"If the destination type is unsigned, the resulting value is the least unsigned integer congruent to the source integer (modulo 2n where n is the number of bits used to represent the unsigned type). [ Note: In a two’s complement representation, this conversion is conceptual and there is no change in the bit pattern (if there is no truncation). —end note ]
This essentially means that if the underlying architecture stores in a method that is not Two's Complement (like Signed Magnitude, or One's Complement), that the conversion to unsigned must behave as if it was Two's Complement.
It will assign the bit pattern representing -5 (in 2's complement) to the unsigned int. Which will be a large unsigned value. For 32 bit ints this will be 2^32 - 5 or 4294967291
You're right, the signed integer is stored in 2's complement form, and the unsigned integer is stored in the unsigned binary representation. C (and C++) doesn't distinguish between the two, so the value you end up with is simply the unsigned binary value of the 2's complement binary representation.
It will show as a positive integer of value of max unsigned integer - 4 (value depends on computer architecture and compiler).
You can check this by writing a simple C++ "hello world" type program and see for yourself
Yes, you're correct. The actual value assigned is something like all bits set except the third. -1 is all bits set (hex: 0xFFFFFFFF), -2 is all bits except the first and so on. What you would see is probably the hex value 0xFFFFFFFB which in decimal corresponds to 4294967291.
When you assign a negative value to an unsigned variable then it uses the 2's complement method to process it and in this method it flips all 0s to 1s and all 1s to 0s and then adds 1 to it. In your case, you are dealing with int which is of 4 byte(32 bits) so it tries to use 2's complement method on 32 bit number which causes the higher bit to flip. For example:
└──╼ $pcalc 0y00000000000000000000000000000101 # 5 in binary
5 0x5 0y101
└──╼ $pcalc 0y11111111111111111111111111111010 # flip all bits
4294967290 0xfffffffa 0y11111111111111111111111111111010
└──╼ $pcalc 0y11111111111111111111111111111010 + 1 # add 1 to that flipped binarry
4294967291 0xfffffffb 0y11111111111111111111111111111011
In Windows and Ubuntu Linux that I have checked assigning any negative number (not just -1) to an unsigned integer in C and C++ results in the assignment of the value UINT_MAX to that unsigned integer.
Compiled example link.

Is there a fundamental type for natural numbers in C/C++?

I have a problem in which I need to declare some variables as natural numbers. Which is the propper fundamental type that I should use for variables that should be natural numbers ? Like for integers is int ...
The following types resemble natural numbers set with 0 included in C++:
unsigned char
unsigned short int
unsigned int
unsigned long int
unsigned long long int, since C++11.
Each one differs with the other in the range of values it can represent.
Notice that a computer (and perhaps even the entire universe) is a finite machine; it has a finite (but very large number) of bits (my laptop has probably less than 1015 bits).
Of course int are not the mathematical integers. On my machine int is a 32 bits signed integer (and long is a 64 bits signed integer), so int-s have only 232 possible values (and that is much less than the infinite cardinal of mathematical integers).
So a computer can only represent a finite set of numbers, but quite a large one. That is smaller than the infinite set of natural numbers (remember, some of them are not representable on the entire Earth; read about Richard's paradox).
You might want to use unsigned (same as unsigned int, on my machine represents natural numbers up to 232-1), unsigned long, unsigned long long or (from <stdint.h>) types like uint32_t, uint64_t ... you would get unsigned binary numbers of 32 or 64 bits. Some compilers and implementations might know about uint128_t or something similar.
If that is not enough, consider using big ints. You could use a library like GMPlib (but even a big computer is not able to represent extremely large natural numbers -with all their bits-..., and your own brain cannot comprehend them neither).
If you need numbers that can't be negative, your best bet would be unsigned int. If you want to learn more about data types, you can check this site
There's not any particular data type representing natural numbers. But you can use data types for whole numbers and then make some appropriate edits. Here are a few ways to declare whole numbers:
- unsigned short int
- unsigned int
- unsigned long int
- unsigned long long int

Overflowing of Unsigned Int

What will the unsigned int contain when I overflow it? To be specific, I want to do a multiplication with two unsigned ints: what will be in the unsigned int after the multiplication is finished?
unsigned int someint = 253473829*13482018273;
unsigned numbers can't overflow, but instead wrap around using the properties of modulo.
For instance, when unsigned int is 32 bits, the result would be: (a * b) mod 2^32.
As CharlesBailey pointed out, 253473829*13482018273 may use signed multiplication before being converted, and so you should be explicit about unsigned before the multiplication:
unsigned int someint = 253473829U * 13482018273U;
Unsigned integer overflow, unlike its signed counterpart, exhibits well-defined behaviour.
Values basically "wrap" around. It's safe and commonly used for counting down, or hashing/mod functions.
It probably depends a bit on your compiler. I had errors like this years ago, and sometimes you would get runtime error, other times it would basically "wrap" back to a really small number that would result from chopping off the highest level bits and leaving the remainder, i.e if it's a 32 bit unsigned int, and the result of your multiplication would be a 34 bit number, it would chop off the high order 2 bits and give you the remainder. You would probably have to try it on your compiler to see exactly what you get, which may not be the same thing you would get with a different compiler, especially if the overflow happens in the middle of an expression where the end result is within the range of an unsigned int.

Extract long from arbitrary bitset subsequence

Is there a way to extract a CPU word size long subsequence of bits from a bitset efficiently without iterating over each bit individually? Something like
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
bitset<100> b;
// Do something with b
// ...
// Now i want sizeof(long) many bits starting at position 50
unsigned long l = (b>>50).to_ulong();
would do if it would truncate the bitstring instead of throwing an exception!
You could create a constant bitset mask that only has the bottom N bits set, eg like this:
bitset<100> const mask((unsigned long) -1);
Then you can do ((b >> 50) & mask).to_ulong() to extract the bits. If your definition of "word" isn't the same as unsigned long, a different mask will be needed.
(I changed your left shift to a right shift, which I believe will work better.)
A sufficiently smart compiler could convert this to just a shift and reading out the result; I doubt whether any compilers are actually sufficiently smart. But I suspect the cost of the shift outweighs the cost of the and anyway.
New info on comments make this answer irrelevant.
The answer needs a question: What basic datatype is your bitset made from?
Assuming the said bitset is stored lsb to msb on an lsB to msB array of unsigned chars, then:
1) the byte index holding bit X is found by X/8;
2) the bit index at byte (X/8), is found by X%8;
After X%8 -1 left shifting of that unsigned char you have the lsb of the resulting unsigned long and the next 8-X%8 bits. Because the shift operator operated on a single unsigned char, you'll need further code to copy to the next 3 (or 4) unsigned chars) into an auxiliary short/long, then or-copy to the result the relevant bits that will make the full unsigned long.

What does ~0 mean in this code?

What's the meaning of ~0 in this code?
Can somebody analyze this code for me?
unsigned int Order(unsigned int maxPeriod = ~0) const
Point r = *this;
unsigned int n = 0;
while( r.x_ != 0 && r.y_ != 0 )
r += *this;
if ( n > maxPeriod ) break;
return n;
~0 is the bitwise complement of 0, which is a number with all bits filled. For an unsigned 32-bit int, that's 0xffffffff. The exact number of fs will depend on the size of the value that you assign ~0 to.
It's the one complement, which inverts all bits.
~ 0101 => 1010
~ 0000 => 1111
~ 1111 => 0000
As others have mentioned, the ~ operator performs bitwise complement. However, the result of performing the operation on a signed value is not defined by the standard.
In particular, the value of ~0 need not be -1, which is probably the value intended. Setting the default argument to
unsigned int maxPeriod = -1
would make maxPeriod contain the highest possible value (signed to unsigned conversion is defined as an assignment modulo 2**n, where n is a characteristic number of the given unsigned type (the number of bits of representation)).
Also note that default arguments are not valid in C.
It's a binary complement function.
Basically it means flip each bit.
It is the bitwise complement of 0 which would be, in this example, an int with all the bits set to 1. If sizeof(int) is 4, then the number is 0xffffffff.
Basically, it's saying that maxPeriod has a default value of UINT_MAX. Rather than writing it as UINT_MAX, the author used his knowledge of complements to calculate the value.
If you want to make the code a bit more readable in the future, include
#include <limits>
and change the call to read
unsigned int Order(unsigned int maxPeriod = UINT_MAX) const
Now to explain why ~0 is UINT_MAX. Since we are dealing with an int, in which 0 is represented with all zero bits (00000000). Adding one would give (00000001), adding one more would give (00000010), and one more would give (00000011). Finally one more addition would give (00000100) because the 1's carry.
For unsigned ints, if you repeat the process ad-infiniteum, eventually you have all one bits (11111111), and adding another one will overflow the buffer setting all the bits back to zero. This means that all one bits in an unsigned number is the maximum that data type (int in your case) can hold.
The "~" operation flips all bits from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0, flipping a zero integer (which has all zero bits) effectively gives you UINT_MAX. So he basically the previous coded opted to computer UINT_MAX instead of using the system defined copy located in #include <limits.h>
In the example it is probably an attempt to generate the UINT_MAX value. The technique is possibly flawed for reasons already stated.
The expression does however does have legitimate use to generate a bit mask with all bits set using a literal constant that is type-width independent; but that is not how it is being used in your example.
As others have said, ~ is the bitwise complement operator (sometimes also referred to as bitwise not). It's a unary operator which means that it takes a single input.
Bitwise operators treat the input as a bit pattern and perform their respective operations on each individual bit then return the resulting pattern. Applying the ~ operator to the bit pattern will negate each bit (each zero becomes a one, each one becomes a zero).
In the example you gave, the bit representation of the integer 0 is all zeros. Thus, ~0 will produce a bit pattern of all ones. Even though 0 is an int, it is the bit pattern ~0 that is assigned to maxPeriod (not the int value that would be represented by said bit pattern). Since maxPeriod is an unsigned int, it is assigned the unsigned int value represented by ~0 (a pattern of all ones), which is in fact the highest value that an unsigned int can store before wrapping around back to 0.