OpenGL translating up when it shouldn't - opengl

I have a skybox and some water with a waving effect. The skybox and water move as the camera moves. This is all well and good, but when I press space, I want the camera to move up, but without the skybox or water moving up too. The skybox doesn't move, but the water comes up as well as the camera, which I dont want. Anyone know why?
glRotatef(elevation, 1,0,0);
glRotatef(heading, 0,1,0);
glRotatef(rot, 0,0,1);
None of the translate variables are being used in drawSea().

Well, for a skybox you should not try to "compensate" the camera. It's far easier to reset the modelview matrix to identity and then just apply only the camera rotation. As it happens this is done by simply taking the modelview matrix and clearing the last column and last row to [0,0,0,1].


Calling glLoadIdentity shows awkward behaviour

I have written this piece of code in c to draw a planet system with a sun and a planet
glutWireSphere(1.0, 20, 16);
glRotatef((GLfloat) year ,0.0,1.0,0.0);
glTranslatef(2.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glRotatef((GLfloat) day, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glutWireSphere(0.2, 10, 8);
But when I compile and run the code, second sphere is not in the view. After I increase the value of y, it appears for half of the rotation when it is behind the centre sphere and then goes out of View again, also the size of the sphere is larger than expected. if I comment out the call to glLoadIdentity(), everything works fine. As much as I know, glLoadIdentity() loads the current Matrix(ModelView_Matrix) with an identity matrix so that the effect of all the translations and rotations is reversed but why in this case the objects drawn when its called are in different manner when no rotations or transformations are being performed before its call?
I suspect that you do have other transformations in the ModelView matrix. If it was already set to the identity, then loading identity would not change the behaviour.
The code you have provided only sets up a local model transform. There are no projection or view transformations being applied, so these must be done elsewhere. Perhaps at initialisation.
Without a prior view transformation, the first sphere would be drawn at the same position as the view - in other words, the camera would be inside the sphere.
I suspect your problem is related to the way you make use of glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix in conjunction with glLoadIdentity:
Suppose you have some matrix A on your modelview stack. Now you use glPushMatrix, essentially saving A to restore it later. Inside the push-pop block, you tell GLUT to draw a sphere, which it dutyfully does, using the previously mentioned modelview matrix A.
If you now call glLoadIdentity, anything that A was before, is gone until you call glPopMatrix, which restores the previous state of A.
So in short, transformation calls after glLoadIdentity are based on the identity matrix rather than the matrix state previous to glPushMatrix.
Seeing that what you want to do is drawing a solar system. It'd probably be best to do something like:
/* Transformations positioning the sun */
/* Draw the sun */
/* Transformations for getting from the sun to the planet */
/* Draw the planet */
As an aside, the fixed-function pipeline (glTranslate, glRotate, glPushMatrix, ...) has been deprecated for quite a while now (about 10 years?), so I'd suggest picking up OpenGL using a more modern approach.
While re-reading the question, another thing struck my attention:
Assuming year is designating where the planet is in its revolution around the sun and day specifies how much the plant is rotated around its own polar axis, the correct order of transformations would be:
Rotate by day around the y-axis
Rotate by year around the y-axis
(Right now, you're doing it the opposite way, which could explain the strange behaviour you're experiencing. See also here.)
According to the comment by JasonD, your transformation order was right in the first place, but still it won't hurt to know about the background. ;)

glOrtho in a 3D scene isn't working

I made a 3D scene and I used glOrtho and gluOrtho2D to get things to stay on my screen when I move the camera to look around in my 3D scene. But when I start to look around the characters disappear.
How do you get the characters to stay on your screen.
The projection matrix kind of defines your lens. But no matter what lens you use, if you turn the scene or move the camera, the view will change.
How do you get the characters to stay on your screen.
Well, by keeping the "camera" in place.
OpenGL actually doesn't have a camera. It doesn't even have a scene. The only thing it sees are points, lines and triangles it draws one after another to the screen. What OpenGL has are transformation matrices. And in your case, all you have to do is set a projection and modelview, that will draw the characters at the desired place on the screen. And since OpenGL does not maintain a scene, you can change the transformation matrices anytime you want.
You probably forgot a "glLoadIdentity();" somewhere...
After your calls to glOrtho...
glOrtho(0.0, windowWidth, 0.0, windowHeight, -10.0, 10.0);
Hope this helps.

OpenGL : How can I put the skybox in the infinity

I need to know how can I make the skybox appears as it's in the infinity??
I know that it's something related to depth, but I don't know the exact thing to disable or to enable??
First, turn off depth writes/testing (you don't need to bother with turning off depth testing if you draw the skybox first and clear your depth buffer):
Then, move the camera to the origin and rotate it the inverse of the modelview matrix:
// assume we're working with the modelview
// inverseModelView is a 4x4 matrix with no translation and a transposed
// upper 3x3 portion from the regular modelview
Now, draw your sky box and turn depth writes back on:
You'll probably want to use glPush/PopAttrib() to ensure your other states get correctly set after you draw the skybox too (make sure to turn off things like lighting or blending if necessary).
You should do this before drawing anything so all color buffer writes happen on top of your sky box.
First, Clear the buffer.
Then, save your current modelview matrix and load the identity.
Then render your skybox.
Then, clear the depth buffer and continue normally with rendering
The only problem with drawing the sky box is first is that your pixel shader will execute for every pixel in the sky box. Just to be overwritten by other object in your world later on. Your best bet is to render all opaque object first then render your sky box. That way the pixel shader for the sky box only gets executed for the pixel who pass the z buffer test.
There is no infinity. A skybox is just a textured box, with normaly 0,0,0 in the middle.
Here is a short tut: link text
The best approach I can think of is to draw it on a first pass(or layer), then clear only the depth buffer. After that just draw the rest of the scene in another pass. This way the skybox will always remain "behind" the scene. Just remember to use the same camera for both passes and somehow snap the skybox to the camera.

Setting up a camera in OpenGL

I've been working on a game engine for awhile. I've started out with 2D Graphics with just SDL but I've slowly been moving towards 3D capabilities by using OpenGL. Most of the documentation I've seen about "how to get things done," use GLUT, which I am not using.
The question is how do I create a "camera" in OpenGL that I could move around a 3D environment and properly display 3D models as well as sprites (for example, a sprite that has a fixed position and rotation). What functions should I be concerned with in order to setup a camera in OpenGL camera and in what order should they be called in?
Here is some background information leading up to why I want an actual camera.
To draw a simple sprite, I create a GL texture from an SDL surface and I draw it onto the screen at the coordinates of (SpriteX-CameraX) and (SpriteY-CameraY). This works fine but when moving towards actual 3D models it doesn't work quite right. The cameras location is a custom vector class (i.e. not using the standard libraries for it) with X, Y, Z integer components.
I have a 3D cube made up of triangles and by itself, I can draw it and rotate it and I can actually move the cube around (although in an awkward way) by passing in the camera location when I draw the model and using that components of the location vector to calculate the models position. Problems become evident with this approach when I go to rotate the model though. The origin of the model isn't the model itself but seems to be the origin of the screen. Some googling tells me I need to save the location of the model, rotate it about the origin, then restore the model to its origal location.
Instead of passing in the location of my camera and calculating where things should be being drawn in the Viewport by calculating new vertices, I figured I would create an OpenGL "camera" to do this for me so all I would need to do is pass in the coordinates of my Camera object into the OpenGL camera and it would translate the view automatically. This tasks seems to be extremely easy if you use GLUT but I'm not sure how to set up a camera using just OpenGL.
EDIT #1 (after some comments):
Following some suggestion, here is the update method that gets called throughout my program. Its been updated to create perspective and view matrices. All drawing happens before this is called. And a similar set of methods is executed when OpenGL executes (minus the buffer swap). The x,y,z coordinates are straight an instance of Camera and its location vector. If the camera was at (256, 32, 0) then 256, 32 and 0 would be passed into the Update method. Currently, z is set to 0 as there is no way to change that value at the moment. The 3D model being drawn is a set of vertices/triangles + normals at location X=320, Y=240, Z=-128. When the program is run, this is what is drawn in FILL mode and then in LINE mode and another one in FILL after movement, when I move the camera a little bit to the right. It likes like may Normals may be the cause, but I think it has moreso to do with me missing something extremely important or not completely understanding what the NEAR and FAR parameters for glFrustum actually do.
Before I implemented these changes, I was using glOrtho and the cube rendered correctly. Now if I switch back to glOrtho, one face renders (Green) and the rotation is quite weird - probably due to the translation. The cube has 6 different colors, one for each side. Red, Blue, Green, Cyan, White and Purple.
int VideoWindow::Update(double x, double y, double z)
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glFrustum(0.0f, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), 0.0f, 32.0f, 192.0f);
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glRotatef(0, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glTranslated(-x, -y, 0);
return 0;
The problem turned out to be an issue with the Near and Far arguments of glFrustum and the Z value of glTranslated. While change the values has fixed it, I'll probably have to learn more about the relationship between the two functions.
You need a view matrix, and a projection matrix. You can do it one of two ways:
Load the matrix yourself, using glMatrixMode() and glLoadMatrixf(), after you use your own library to calculate the matrices.
Use combinations of glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) and glTranslate() / glRotate() to create your view matrix, and glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) with glFrustum() to create your projection matrix. Remember - your view matrix is the negative translation of your camera's position (As it's where you should move the world to relative to the camera origin), as well as any rotations applied (pitch/yaw).
Hope this helps, if I had more time I'd write you a proper example!
You have to do it using the matrix stack as for object hierarchy,
but the camera is inside the hierarchy so you have to put the inverse transform on the stack before drawing the objects as openGL only uses the matrix from 3D to camera.
If you have not checked then may be looking at following project would explain in detail what "tsalter" wrote in his post.
Camera from OGL SDK (CodeColony)
Also look at Red book for explanation on viewing and how does model-view and projection matrix will help you create camera. It starts with good comparison between actual camera and what corresponds to OpenGL API. Chapter 3 - Viewing

OpenGL Rotation

I'm trying to do a simple rotation in OpenGL but must be missing the point.
I'm not looking for a specific fix so much as a quick explanation or link that explains OpenGL rotation more generally.
At the moment I have code like this:
glRotatef(90.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
glVertex3f( 3.0, 2.0, 0.0 );
glVertex3f( 3.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
But the result is not a triangle rotated 90 degrees.
Hmm thanks to Mike Haboustak - it appeared my code was calling a SetCamera function that use glOrtho. I'm too new to OpenGL to have any idea of what this meant but disabling this and rotating in the Z-axis produced the desired result.
Ensure that you're modifying the modelview matrix by putting the following before the glRotatef call:
Otherwise, you may be modifying either the projection or a texture matrix instead.
Do you get a 1 unit straight line? It seems that 90deg rot. around Y is going to have you looking at the side of a triangle with no depth.
You should try rotating around the Z axis instead and see if you get something that makes more sense.
OpenGL has two matrices related to the display of geometry, the ModelView and the Projection. Both are applied to coordinates before the data becomes visible on the screen. First the ModelView matrix is applied, transforming the data from model space into view space. Then the Projection matrix is applied with transforms the data from view space for "projection" on your 2D monitor.
ModelView is used to position multiple objects to their locations in the "world", Projection is used to position the objects onto the screen.
Your code seems fine, so I assume from reading the documentation you know what the nature of functions like glPushMatrix() is. If rotating around Z still doesn't make sense, verify that you're editing the ModelView matrix by calling glMatrixMode.
The "accepted answer" is not fully correct - rotating around the Z will not help you see this triangle unless you've done some strange things prior to this code. Removing a glOrtho(...) call might have corrected the problem in this case, but you still have a couple of other issues.
Two major problems with the code as written:
Have you positioned the camera previously? In OpenGL, the camera is located at the origin, looking down the Z axis, with positive Y as up. In this case, the triangle is being drawn in the same plane as your eye, but up and to the right. Unless you have a very strange projection matrix, you won't see it. gluLookat() is the easiest command to do this, but any command that moves the current matrix (which should be MODELVIEW) can be made to work.
You are drawing the triangle in a left handed, or clockwise method, whereas the default for OpenGL is a right handed, or counterclockwise coordinate system. This means that, if you are culling backfaces (which you are probably not, but will likely move onto as you get more advanced), you would not see the triangle as expected. To see the problem, put your right hand in front of your face and, imagining it is in the X-Y plane, move your fingers in the order you draw the vertices (1,1) to (3,2) to (3,1). When you do this, your thumb is facing away from your face, meaning you are looking at the back side of the triangle. You need to get into the habit of drawing faces in a right handed method, since that is the common way it is done in OpenGL.
The best thing I can recommend is to use the NeHe tutorials - They begin by showing you how to set up OpenGL in several systems, move onto drawing triangles, and continue slowly and surely to more advanced topics. They are very easy to follow.
Regarding Projection matrix, you can find a good source to start with here:
It explains a bit about how to construct one type of projection matrix. Orthographic projection is the very basic/primitive form of such a matrix and basically what is does is taking 2 of the 3 axes coordinates and project them to the screen (you can still flip axes and scale them but there is no warp or perspective effect).
transformation of matrices is most likely one of the most important things when rendering in 3D and basically involves 3 matrix stages:
Transform1 = Object coordinates system to World (for example - object rotation and scale)
Transform2 = World coordinates system to Camera (placing the object in the right place)
Transform3 = Camera coordinates system to Screen space (projecting to screen)
Usually the 3 matrix multiplication result is referred to as the WorldViewProjection matrix (if you ever bump into this term), since it transforms the coordinates from Model space through World, then to Camera and finally to the screen representation.
Have fun