Capturing Snap from Camera using Win RT - c++

I am Wrting code to capture image from camera.Below is the code I have written.
Here method CapturePhotoToStorageFileAsync doesnot return.
auto MediaCap = ref new Windows::Media::Capture::MediaCapture();
auto ImageProp = ref new Windows::Media::Capture::ImageEncodingProperties ();
ImageProp->Height = 240;
ImageProp->Width = 320;
ImageProp->Subtype = "JPEG";
Windows::Storage::StorageFile^ strFile;
auto res = MediaCap->CapturePhotoToStorageFileAsync(ImageProp,strFile);
res->Completed = ref new AsyncActionCompletedHandler([](IAsyncAction ^action)
Am I missing something here??

Did you want to show UI to the user or just silently capture? The only C++ camera sample I've found uses CameraCaptureUI and CaptureFileAsync - then the operation is getting a StorageFile^ back.
If you're deliberately using CapturePhotoToStorageFileAsync, check your capabiities.

The Issue is resolved
I Added code for
Created file to be used to store image
Windows::Storage::StorageFileRetrievalOperation^ CreateFileOp = Windows::Storage::KnownFolders::PicturesLibrary->CreateFileAsync("Test.jpg");
I found Java script article and implemented in c++.


AVAssetExportSession make black video sometimes

I'm new baby for Video Processing use Swift 3. I try to merge multiple videos with AVAssetExportSession, and using AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool to add overlay for final video.
The problem is sometimes the final video is perfect, but sometimes it just give me a black video with sound only even I didn't change anything :(
Anybody who ran into that problem same me please give an idea, thanks!
let mixComposition: AVMutableComposition = AVMutableComposition()
//Add assets here
let mainComposition: AVMutableVideoComposition = AVMutableVideoComposition(propertiesOf: mixComposition)
mainComposition.frameDuration = CMTimeMake(1, 30)
mainComposition.renderSize = renderSize
mainComposition.renderScale = 1.0
mainComposition.animationTool = AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool(postProcessingAsVideoLayer: videoLayer, in: parentLayer)
mainComposition.instructions = instructions
let exportSession: AVAssetExportSession = AVAssetExportSession(asset: mixComposition, presetName: AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality)!
exportSession.videoComposition = mainComposition
exportSession.audioMix = audioMix
exportSession.outputURL = outputURL
exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileTypeMPEG4
exportSession.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = true
exportSession.exportAsynchronously {
// Ended here

C++/CX - DataReader out of bounds exception

I have the following code which opens a file and it works most of the time for one time. After that I get exceptions thrown and I don't know where the problem is hiding. I tried to look for this for a couple of days already but no luck.
String^ xmlFile = "Assets\\TheXmlFile.xml";
xml = ref new XmlDocument();
StorageFolder^ InstallationFolder = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current->InstalledLocation;
InstallationFolder->GetFileAsync(xmlFile)).then([this](StorageFile^ file) {
if (nullptr != file) {
task<Streams::IRandomAccessStream^>(file->OpenAsync(FileAccessMode::Read)).then([this](Streams::IRandomAccessStream^ stream)
IInputStream^ deInputStream = stream->GetInputStreamAt(0);
DataReader^ reader = ref new DataReader(deInputStream);
reader->InputStreamOptions = InputStreamOptions::Partial;
strXml = reader->ReadString(stream->Size);
MessageDialog^ dlg = ref new MessageDialog(strXml);
The error is triggered at this part of the code:
strXml = reader->ReadString(stream->Size);
I get the following error:
First-chance exception at 0x751F5B68 in XmlProject.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::OutOfBoundsException ^ at memory location 0x02FCD634. HRESULT:0x8000000B The operation attempted to access data outside the valid range
WinRT information: The operation attempted to access data outside the valid range
Just like I said, the first time it just works but after that I get the error. I tried detaching the stream and buffer of the datareader and tried to flush the stream but no results.
I've also asked this question on the Microsoft C++ forums and credits to the user "Viorel_" I managed to get it working. Viorel said the following:
Since LoadAsync does not perform the operation immediately, you should probably add a corresponding “.then”. See some code: This sample uses “create_task” and “then”: (file Scenario1.xaml.cpp, for example).
I have had to separate the content in the task<Streams::IRandomAccessStream^> and split it up in separate tasks.
I reconstructed my code and I have now the following:
String^ xmlFile = "Assets\\TheXmlFile.xml";
xml = ref new XmlDocument();
StorageFolder^ InstallationFolder = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current->InstalledLocation;
InstallationFolder->GetFileAsync(xmlFile)).then([this](StorageFile^ file) {
if (nullptr != file) {
task<Streams::IRandomAccessStream^>(file->OpenAsync(FileAccessMode::Read)).then([this](Streams::IRandomAccessStream^ stream)
IInputStream^ deInputStream = stream->GetInputStreamAt(0);
DataReader^ reader = ref new DataReader(deInputStream);
reader->InputStreamOptions = InputStreamOptions::Partial;
create_task(reader->LoadAsync(stream->Size)).then([reader, stream](unsigned int size){
strXml = reader->ReadString(stream->Size);
MessageDialog^ dlg = ref new MessageDialog(strXml);

How to get the screen size with C++ builder (Firemonkey)

I know it is a stupid question, but when changing visual libraries I found a "throuble" with FMX...
My problem is: I need to do my own border, so I set the propriety to Border Style:"None", but the application runs in full screen, also covering the windows toolbar, so I would like a way to resize the application form according to the screen eg.:
mainForm->Height = Screen->Height - 10;
It is possible using VCL, but are there any way to do it using FMX library?
The maximum I conquested with FMX is (I don't know how does it returns values, and the kind of values):
Screen->Size(); // TSize
I've also conquested it now, but I have compiler error:
TSize* Tamanho = new TSize;
Tamanho = Screen->Size();
frmPrincipal->Width = Tamanho->Width;
frmPrincipal->Height = Tamanho->Height - 10;
Error:"E2034 Cannot covert 'TSize' to 'TSize*'"
Finally I've tried to put it on frmPrincipal.h, but the same error:
TSize *Tamanho;
PS.: Other possible solutions to solve the "main problem" are acceptable...
Thanks a LOT!
TScreen::Size() return an actual instance of the TSize struct, not a TSize* pointer. You need to change your code accordingly:
TSize Tamanho = Screen->Size();
frmPrincipal->Width = Tamanho.Width;
frmPrincipal->Height = Tamanho.Height - 10;
Alternatively, you can use FMX's Platform Services framework to access the IFMXScreenService interface directly (this is what TScreen::Size() uses internally):
_di_IInterface Intf;
if (TPlatformServices::Current->SupportsPlatformService(__uuidof(IFMXScreenService), Intf))
_di_IFMXScreenService Svc = Intf;
TPoint size = Svc->GetScreenSize().Round();
frmPrincipal->Width = size.X;
frmPrincipal->Height = size.Y - 10;

Get Returned text from ScriptManager(javascript) - INDESIGN SDK Plugin

I am using javascript inside my Plugin for Indesign CS6.
It is working fine.
But I need the return value from my javascript code now inside my c++ code.
I am using this site as reference: plug-in/
I need something like that:
scriptRunner->RunScript("function xpto(){return 'Hello World';};xpto()", params);
// fake method
const char *string_return = scriptRunner->getReturnCode();
are there something like that on scriptManager?
ps: it is not a indesign server. I put this tag because this site do not let me create a new tag...
Best Regards,
Use RunScriptParams::QueryScriptRequestData() .
From the SDK documents:
Query the IScriptRequestData that is used to pass arguments and return
the result.
The key is to get the iScript object from the 'RunScriptParams' object after the script has run. Then is it straight forward. Here is some sample code:
RunScriptParams params(scriptRunner);
IScriptRequestData* requestData = params.QueryScriptRequestData();
if (scriptRunner->RunScript(script,params) != kSuccess) return NULL;
IScript *iScript = params.QueryTarget();
int resultsCount = requestData->GetNumReturnData(iScript);
PMString resultString;
if (resultsCount > 0) {
ScriptReturnData resultOne = requestData->GetNthReturnData(iScript,0);
ScriptData scriptReturnOne = resultOne.GetReturnValue();
The return value is in resultString.

Windows Phone 7 Consuming Webservice WSDL

Ok I have written some basic generic webservices before but I have never tried to consume a 3rd party one.
The one I am trying to consume is
I am not getting any results back from this what so ever and cannot figure out why.
More odd is it is not even reaching PredictionsClient_getPredictionsAndMetadataCompleted when I put a break point in the code it doesn't even reach it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
public void Bouy(double meters)
PredictionService.Parameters PredictionParams = new PredictionService.Parameters();
PredictionService.PredictionsPortTypeClient PredictionsClient = new PredictionService.PredictionsPortTypeClient();
GeoCoordinateWatcher gc = new GeoCoordinateWatcher(GeoPositionAccuracy.Default);
//gc.Position.Location.Latitude, gc.Position.Location.Longitude
GeoCoordinate myLocation = new GeoCoordinate(27.931631,-82.802582);
foreach (var bl in BouyLocation.GetAll())
GeoCoordinate otherLocation = new GeoCoordinate(bl.Lat, bl.Lon);
PredictionParams.beginDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
PredictionParams.endDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
PredictionParams.stationId = bl.LocationID;
PredictionParams.timeZone = 0;
PredictionParams.unit = 1;
PredictionParams.dataInterval = 6;
PredictionsClient.getPredictionsAndMetadataCompleted += new EventHandler<PredictionService.getPredictionsAndMetadataCompletedEventArgs>(PredictionsClient_getPredictionsAndMetadataCompleted);
double mymeters = myLocation.GetDistanceTo(otherLocation);
if (mymeters < meters)
TextBlock DynTextBlock = new TextBlock
Name = "Appearance" + bl.LocationID,
Text = bl.LocationName + PredictionResult,
TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.Wrap,
Margin = new Thickness(12, -6, 12, 0),
Style = (Style)Resources["PhoneTextSubtleStyle"]
this.nearByLocations.Add(new BouyLocationModel() { LocationName = bl.LocationName, LocationID = bl.LocationID, Lat = bl.Lat, Lon = bl.Lon });
var test = nearByLocations;
void PredictionsClient_getPredictionsAndMetadataCompleted(object sender, PredictionService.getPredictionsAndMetadataCompletedEventArgs e)
string err = e.Error.ToString();
PredictionResult = e.Result.ToString();
Loooking at the code you have here I think that you have used the importing of a ServiceReference to auto build the classes for you?
Unfortunately I have found that this is rather temperamental on WP7 and the only way I actually got it to work was when I connected it to a Microsoft WCF service. Connecting to anything else just doesn't work.
If you do google searches there are various pages talking about the fact it doesn't work and ways around it (which I couldn't get to work).
However, there are ways around it but it isn't as simple as the auto-generated stuff. Basically you do things manually.
Although there are other ways to manually create the web service what I did was follow the information in the following which worked well:
You will need to parse the response yourself but XML to LINQ works really well for this.
Hope that helps, or maybe someone will have the solution as it is something I am interested in knowing how to get working too