How to create app store build from xcode 4.2? - build

I have developed the universal app using xcode 4.2. It is the time to upload the app to iTunes connect(Submit to App Store). Last time i have submitted and created app store build from xcode 3.2.5. Now, i really confused that to create an app store build from XCode 4.2. Please help me to get an app store build from XCode 4.2. I need to submit app to App store today itself. Please help me. Thanks in advance. How to get the .app file and how to upload the .app file through Application Loader application? Please help me.

I have got the answer for my own questions. I have used Apple document to submit my application to app store. This link may very useful for you. Please keep it safe.

In Xcode4.2 you need to do following steps;
1)Set iOS Device as platform
2)Go to Product->Archive
3)xcode organiser get open, select your archive and select Submit/Share as per your requirment.


expo dev client application doesn't open

I'm trying to use expo-dev-client to add react-native-sms-retriever library to my project because expo doesn't have a library that supports reading sms messages. In expo documentation, it's suggested that I should use expo-dev-client to add custom native code. You can see the documentation here:
I followed all of the steps in starting guide for expo-dev-client.
But when I start my app using "expo start --dev-client" and run on android, a white screen is shown for a second and then I'm redirected to expo go application page.
in console, the following 2 lines are written:
› Opening on Android...
› Opening com.droppgroup.masterclean://expo-development-client/?url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8081 on LDN_L21
I tried this on real device and 2 other emulators but I got the same result. I reinstalled expo go application and it still doesn't work.
Any suggestions on what I can do to make this work?
The issue may be a problem with Expo config plugins, which configure native code for an Expo project, by configuring Info.plist for example. I am currently experiencing a similar issue, though after scanning the QR code, I am directed to a black screen in my Expo Dev Client which crashes and takes me back to the home page. The Dev Client worked perfected until I ran expo add react-native-bluetooth-classic, since I am trying to access iOS bluetooth APIs. I am currently working on this issue, but I just wanted to point you in the direction of config plugins since the examples Expo gives for customizing your runtime have config plugins registred in the "plugins" property of app.json.
It may be necessary to create your own plugin, though I am unsure.
Please let me know if you come up with any fixes, and so will I.

Using Django web application to be submitted as a project

I have my main project created in Django as a web application, I have completed my coding. So now that I have to submit the project and have to present it. Is there any way I can render it as an application so that my tutor could just click on an icon or link and just directly open the application instead of starting a server and multiple other things before using the app. Any advice that would help the application to dodge this complicated process would be much appreciated.
I even tried looking up information on this but couldn't find anything ueful.
There are websites that provide free web hosting, you could upload your code there and upload the database and once you have that set up just get the url link to it and give it to the person you want.
I remember using for my school web projects. it could help you.
Theres is no way I know of that you could just render and get an .exe file to just click and install and run.

Titanium app not opening android N

Appcelerator application is not opening after installation. I tried one android module which was invoked in index.js to check if device datetime was enabled.When i commented this module reference from tiapp.xml, it worked. But i need this module. Please help on this.
Which version of Titanium SDK are you using? If we consider that you are using SDK 6.0 and above, then for Android modules, you need to re-build them with Titanium SDK 6.0 to make it compatible. For this reason if you remove the module it is working fine. Can you rebuild the module using the updated SDK and confirm.
I found the root cause is that Camera,Location,Storage,Calendar permissions are not getting set on app launch. Once i enable them manually via device app settings its working. I tried to set these permissions via example in!/api/Titanium.Android Permissions section but not getting set. Please advise how to set permissions in Android N

After new version is updated using WinSparkle it doesn't launch app automatically

I'm using WinSparkle (latest version 0.5.3) framework in my Qt C++ app for auto-update. It works perfectly with detecting new version, downloading and installing the new version automatically.
But I found after the new version is installed, it doesn't launch the app automatically, and users have to launch it manually.
I checked the WinSparkle API reference, but didn't find any settings related to this. I think it should have built-in support for auto-launching the app after update?
Is there a way in WinSparkle to handle it in the same way as Sparkle does?
I've got my answer from this Github issue:
Bascially WinSparkle cannot do this at the moment, we should implement the auto-launching function in the Windows app installer itself.
But it would be nice to allow WinSparkle to update from a ZIP file, and then take the control of launching app automatically after update. Any relevant PRs are welcome.

How to build a release version of iPad app on xCode

I actually need to get the .app file of a xcode application. I have tried searching for an answer and I found a similar question in here. I have tried:
after building the application, when I go to my app folder I cannot find the build folder that everyone talks about. I already have the Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning Profile in order to send the app. I just need to send an app to a friend and I have already created the Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning Profile. I believe I am just missing the .app file.
I found a doc from apple how to do that correctly,