C++ void function declarations [duplicate] - c++

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Closed 11 years ago.
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C++ Why put void in params?
What's the difference between these two declarations and which is used more commonly?
void function1();
void function2( void );

There is no difference in C++, where it is well defined that it represents 0 parameters.
However it does make one in C. A function with (void) means with no parameter, whereas () means with any number of parameters.
From http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/comphelp/v8v101/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.xlcpp8a.doc%2Flanguage%2Fref%2Fparam_decl.htm
An empty argument list in a function definition indicates that a function
that takes no arguments. An empty argument list in a function declaration
indicates that a function may take any number or type of arguments. Thus,
int f()
indicates that function f takes no arguments. However,
int f();
simply indicates that the number and type of parameters is not known.
To explicitly indicate that a function does not take any arguments, you should
define the function with the keyword void.

There is no difference in C++.
The second declaration just explicitly says that function takes no parameter.
Second is more commonly used in C, First is the one that is more common in C++.
There is a difference in case of C because:
With (void), you're specifying that the function has no parameters, while with () you are specifying that the parameters are unspecified(unknown number of arguments).
However, if it was not a function declaration but a function definition, then even in C it is same as (void).

There is no difference. I'd say the first one is more common, clear and concise.

In C++, there is no difference, and the second form is only retained for C compatibility. The first form is preferred in C++.
In C, they mean different things.
The first form specifies a function which takes an unknown number of arguments, and the second is a function taking zero arguments.

Some very old (non-standard) C compiler might complain about the first one, so the second one should be more portable.
Apart from that, there is no difference.
The first one is used more commonly in user code, quite simply because it's shorter.

actually there is no difference .if you have not any parameters to pass to the method user void or empty parentheses .notice that it just fro passed parameters.if your method has not any returned value you have to use void keyword.the first one is more common in C#


Are function prototypes necessary for C++?

Basically, I am reading through this book right here and in Section 1.6: Some Differences between C and C++ it is stated:
Another subtle difference between C and C++ is that in a C++ program,
all functions must be prototyped.
I am sure that this is not true from all the C++ programs that I have written. Is this only true for some versions of C++? Is it also true for C?
It has been true of C++ since the beginning (although in C++ it's just called a "declaration", not a "prototype").
As C existed decades ago, it allowed you to call a function without declaring it. You could, however, declare a function if you wanted to--usually to tell the compiler that it had a return type different from what the compiler would deduce on its own. So, in C a function declaration looks something like this:
long f();
Note that empty parens there. That's what separates a function "declaration" from a function "prototype" (though a prototype is basically a superset of a declaration, so a prototype also declares the function in question). A prototype always has something inside the parens to indicate the number and type of parameters the function accepts, on this general order:
short g(int a, double b);
If it doesn't accept any parameters, you have to put in void to indicate that:
int h(void);
If you leave the parens empty, that (as noted above) means it's a function declaration instead of a prototype--and that means you're telling the compiler the function's return type, but you're not telling it anything about the number or type of parameters.
C++ (since before it was called C++, if I recall correctly) has only had one concept instead of the two in C. In C++ every function must be declared--and a declaration always includes the number of parameters, and the type of each. This is absolutely necessary to support (for one obvious example) function overloading, where the correct function to call is determined from the number and types of arguments you pass in the call.
A function definition in C++ also acts as a function declaration. Every function must be declared, but the declaration doesn't have to be separate from the definition.
In reasonably modern C, you normally get pretty much the same--that is, a "new" (i.e., not ancient) type function definition also acts as a prototype for that function. As C was originally defined, it included a syntax for a function definition that looked like this:
int f(a, b, c)
int a;
short b;
long c;
// function body here
This defines the function, but the compiler treats it only as a function declaration, not a prototype--that is, it tells the compiler the return type, but the number and types of parameters (even though they're specified) are not used by the compiler in the same way they would be with a function prototype. C++ has never used or supported this style of function definition though.

How do to pass variable number of arguments to a function in c++ with no named parameters

I need to write a function which takes a variable number of arguements, its essentially a wrapper around a snprintf like function. I understand how to do this in general as shown in Passing variable number of arguments around.
How ever it appears that, atleast in C, we are required to pass one named parameter to the function before the variable arguments start( Why is void f(...) not allowed in C? ).
However the answers to the same questions say this is easily possible in C++. I was wondering how to achieve this, especially since the method for handling vararg functions seems to be the same as C(va_start, etc). Or are they referring to variadic templates?
So basically is it possible to write a variadic function with no named arguements, as shown below, and if so, how?
void f(...){
p.s. I would like to do this with c++03 if possible.
While C++ language allows writing functions whose parameter list consist only of ..., the language provides no means for accessing the arguments in functions declared with (...) parameter list.
Basically such functions in C++ exist for their behavior in overload resolution (... parameters match any parameter type). The body of such function will not have access to the arguments. If you see no uses for such functions, just don't use them.
Such functions are often used in non-executed context in some well-known template meta-programming techniques, in which case they don't even have to be defined - a mere declaration is sufficient.

Is the *only* purpose of a *function signature* (as opp. to type) to define duplicates in a potential overload set - or are there other purposes?

Related to Why does casting a function to a function type that is identical except for return type fail?, I would like to understand, in a fuller way, the distinction between a function's type and a function's signature.
For example, the type of a function must typically be considered when dealing with function pointers, and the type of the function includes the return type of that function.
However, as noted in Mike Seymour's answer to the above-linked question, the signature of a function is different from the type of a function. The signature is certainly used to disambiguate from among potential overloaded functions (noting that the return type of functions does not play a role in identifying unique functions). But, I would now like to understand the relevance and importance of function signatures vs. function types. It occurs to me that the only purpose of function signatures in C++ is to identify overload candidates and/or unique functions in an overload set, during overload resolution.
Am I correct? Is overload resolution the only purpose of function signatures in C++? Or are there any other uses/applications of function signatures, besides (or only indirectly related to) overload resolution?
ADDENDUM For clarity, please note that I am specifically seeking to understand the distinction between the purpose of a function signature and a function type. I.e., I know that a function type is required both for the use of function pointers, and for a compiler/linker's implementation of a calling convention. However, the calling convention is relevant only after overload resolution is complete. I am here asking, specifically, if the only purpose of the function signature (as opposed to type) is for overload resolution.
Am I correct?
As far as I'm concerned, there are other purposes too. Consider that C also has function signatures but doesn't have overloading.
Apart from overloading, the fundamental purpose of function signatures is conforming to the calling convention of a particular platform.
When a function accepts arguments and returns values, the compiler needs to know the type and the size of the arguments in order to pass them correctly to a function. In general, function arguments are pushed onto the stack (this is not a universal rule though, especially on 64-bit architecture systems). Consider the following situation. If you call a function like
how does the compiler know what is the size of the integer value it has to pass to the function? The number 42 can be represented using various bit width, for example as a 1, 2, 4 (or even 8)-byte integer:
Now if the function doesn't have a signature which tells that, for instance, the argument is a char (which is 1 byte), or a short (which may be 2 bytes) or an int, which may be 4 bytes, then the compiler has no way of determining the correct size. It means that if it pushes an arbitrary number of bytes to the stack, but the function expects another size, then stack corruption occurs.
Another good example is returning structures (struct). Usually, primitive return values (such as integers and floating-point numbers) are returned in a register; this is generally the EAX register on x86. But what if one wants to write a function returning a struct? if the overall size of the struct is so large that it doesn't fit into a register, the compiler must generate code that pushes the return value onto the stack as opposed to assigning it to a register. So if a function is defined as
int foo()
return 1337;
or as
struct bar {
int a;
char b[16];
float x;
struct bar foo()
struct bar ret;
ret.a = 0;
memcpy(&ret.b, "abcdefghijklmno", sizeof(ret.b));
ret.x = 3.1415927;
return ret;
different assembly (and machine code) will be generated - the first function that returns an integer will use the EAX register for storing the return value, but the second call will have to use the stack.
The standard mentions that signatures are used for name mangling and linking.
That being said, name mangling is not standarized. The return type is redundant in a function symbol (since there is only one possible return type for a function with a given name and arguments in a valid program, it is not required to differentiate two different symbols), but even then some ABIs do include the return type of a function in the mangled name, probably as a way of double checking that there is no violation of the rule above.

Why add void to method parameter list

I've seen methods with the following signature:
void foo (void);
They take no argument, however I'm wondering whether doing this is useful or not. Is there a reason why you would want to do it?
This is a holdover from older versions of C, where foo() meant "a function with an unknown number of parameters" and foo(void) means "a function with zero parameters." In C++, foo() and foo(void) both mean "a function with zero parameters", but some people prefer the second form because it is more explicit.
The C++03 standard says (emphasis mine):
The parameter-declaration-clause determines the arguments that can be
specified, and their processing, when the function is called. [Note:
the parameter-declaration-clause is used to convert the arguments
specified on the function call; see 5.2.2. ] If the
parameter-declaration-clause is empty, the function takes no
This means that if you are talking to the compiler it's just a matter of taste.
If you are writing code that will be read by others, then the C++ way of doing things is
void foo();
The other form remains valid only for reasons of compatibility with C, where there was a difference among the two signatures.
In C++ code there is no reason whatsoever to use void in this way. What's more it is very much not the idiomatic way to declare parameterless functions.
This is a legacy from the older versions of C for functions with no arguments.

Overloading in C or not?

How does Variable Length Argument lists functions like printf() , scanf(), etc in C differ from Function Overloading in C++?
And how does the call
printf("Didnt Work %s",s);
differ from
printf(s,"Didnt Work %s");
where s is defined as:
const char *s="string";
Please Explain.
const char *s="string";
printf(s,"Didnt Work %s");
The first argument "string" is interpreted as the format string. It has no insertion codes, so the second parameter won't ever be used. The result will be "string".
printf("Didnt Work %s",s);
There is an insertion code, so the second argument gets inserted as a string, the result is "Didn't Work string".
This isn't overloading, because although different argument types are possible just as in overloading, with variable arguments the same function is always called. With overloading different functions are called depending on the argument types.
To answer your second question, others have already for the first.
Variable argument lists in C are very different from overloading in C++. In C you have one function printf that does perhaps different things with different types of arguments. In C++, with overloading you choose between different functions according to the type of the argument.
Overloading allows for a specific ordering of parameters that the compiler will check for. In C++, if the types don't match for at least one of the function definitions, the compiler will complain. On the other hand, C with variable length arguments, ..., doesn't have this type checking at compile time. The compiler doesn't check any of the parameters to make sure they lined up. you can compile printf("1",3); on most if not all compilers. Printf will try to read the first argument as a string and will keep reading until it reaches an empty byte signifying the end of a string. This is why variable length argument lists are discouraged.