Draw an anti aliased rounded rectangle in c++ - c++

As written in the title, i would like to draw anti aliased rounded rectangles in c++ and in a linux context (ubuntu). I already tried SDL_gfx but anti aliasing is not available on roundedBox shapes. I also read about SDL_Draw but I think it does neither provide anti aliasing.
That's why I am asking if anybody knows a framework providing this kind of shapes or if anybody knows a (light) anti aliasing algorithm (I need this for real time video processing).
Thank you Vjo, but I don't really want to use openGL in my soft ... And by the way, I think I figured out another way to draw anti aliased rounded rectangles !
What I did not explain in the first post is that i am already using SDL and opencv in my program. So I had an idea :
draw a 1 channel rounded rectangle with SDL_gfx
smooth it with cvSmooth to get the antialiasing alpha
use the result as the alpha channel of a simple rectangle
What do you think about that ? I'll try it this evening !

The only parts of the shape that need to be antialiased are the corners. draw four antialiased quater circles, one at each corner (Xiaolin Wu's circle algrithm is your best bet here), and bridge the gaps with simple lines. If the shapes will not be rotated (that is, all straight lines will be either vertical or horizontal, use Bresenham's non-antialiased line algorithm, otherwise use Wu's line algorithm. Wu's antialiasing algorithms are typically the fastest and give very good results.
If you really want to optimize your result, and are familiar with x86 assembly programming, I suggest writing the drawing routines using inline assembly language. Properly tuned, wu's line algorithm can be written in as few as 15 instructions, and his circle algorithm around 40-50 instructions.


Font Engine Multiplatform

I want to develop a font engine so my GUIs look identical in all platforms. I've come to a pickle here as I want to make sure I approach it in the most productive angle, yet an angle that gives me the ability to implement as much as possible on my own (for learning purposes).
I just want an outline of how I should do it, maybe give some example paths that I can follow.
I was researching bezier curves but I don't think it was a good idea because I don't see how drawing only lines can scale up properly making the letters empty. I was also looking into implementing it with ttf font files but didn't see upscaling and downscaling being dependent on the image size as a practical thing, mainly because of memory consumption.
Also provide some advantages/disadvantages with your approach.
The curves define the boundary of the font glyph, from which you determine where to fill color. It is just like how a solid polygon is defined by line segments on its boundary.

C++ Zooming Graphical Content

I'm trying to make a program that handles graphics and I am not quite sure how to implement zooming. I have done a zooming effect with primitive shapes such as lines and circles (with SDL_gfxPrimitives) by scaling them down but that wont work for a picture. How would I implement zooming?
There is a SDL library that supports zooming:
SDL2_gfx Library
The SDL_gfx library evolved out of the SDL_gfxPrimitives code which
provided basic drawing routines such as lines, circles or polygons and
SDL_rotozoom which implemented a interpolating rotozoomer for SDL
The current components of the SDL_gfx library are:
Graphic Primitives (SDL_gfxPrimitves.h)
Rotozoomer (SDL_rotozoom.h)
Framerate control (SDL_framerate.h)
MMX image filters (SDL_imageFilter.h)
Custom Blit functions (SDL_gfxBlitFunc.h)
Your question is not specific enough to produce a specific answer that is likely to get you what you appear to be looking for.
What I can offer you is the suggestion that you first come up with a way to represent zooming.
If you already know how to draw a picture, consider the fact that when it comes to computer graphics, it is almost always the case that "zooming in" or "zooming out" is nothing more than drawing your picture at a progressively larger or smaller size.
With that in mind, maybe you will begin to see that a reasonable way to represent the concept of zooming is with some form of Camera class that will unambiguously determine the size and location of the pictures you draw.

curves representable in OpenGL

I am a beginner in CAD development & want to know some things about OpenGL.
My main objective is to represent conics, cycloid, epicycloid, hypocycloid, involutes, etc
Can i directly represent them using some trigonometry, or do i need to convert these curves into B-Spline?
Actually i am currently developing the kernel & want to develop the kernel so that i cant display the above mentioned curves.(there is no use in supporting these curves in kernel if i cant graphically represent them!)
I dont know much about OpenGL, so please pardon me if my question is really stupid!
I tried searching over here but could not find anything useful.
OpenGL can directly render Bezier curves and surfaces using evaluators and even NURBS using the GLU API. See the OpenGL Programming Guide for more information. So you could transform those curves and surfaces into this form.
But I highly recommend you not to use these features, as they are deprecated (dropped from the core of newer OpenGL versions) and nowadays likely to be implemented in software and not in hardware.
Instead you should rather implement your own evaluation routines for such curves and surfaces, that evaluate the corresponding equations at a specified sampling rate and generate a simple vertex array (and maybe and index array). This way you stay future-ready as these can be rendered as standard line strips or triangular meshes using VBOs (the only way to render something in modern OpenGL).
And you even stay API agnostic, as a general vertex array can also be rendered using Direct3D or whatever. So this way you don't pollute your CAD kernel with draw calls. All it needs is a function to transform parametric curves and surfaces into arrays of vertices (and maybe indices) and the client/user of the kernel is responsible for drawing these with whatever API he likes.
If I am not wrong, OpenGL only works with flat polygons. Even though, you can check if the GLUT libraries have any method to draw the aforementioned figures, or google for a .obj of those figures, and scale, rotate and translate them to the desired position.

BlitzMax - generating 2D neon glowing line effect to png file

I'm looking to create a glowing line effect in BlitzMax, something like a Star Wars lightsaber or laserbeam. Doesn't have to be realtime, but just to TImage objects and then maybe saved to PNG for later use in animation. I'm happy to use 3D features, but it will be for use in a 2D game.
Since it will be on black/space background, my strategy is to draw a series of white blurred lines with color and high transparency, then eventually central lines less blurred and more white. What I want to draw is actually bezier curved lines. Drawing curved lines is easy enough, but I can't use the technique above to create a good laser/neon effect because it comes out looking very segmented. So, I think it may be better to use a blur effect/shader on what does render well, which is a 1-pixel bezier curve.
The problems I've been having are:
Applying a shader to just a certain area of the screen where lines are drawn. If there's a way to do draw lines to a texture and then blur that texture and save the png, that would be great to hear about. There's got to be a way to do this, but I just haven't gotten the right elements working together yet. Any help from someone familiar with this stuff would be greatly appreciated.
Using just 2D calls could be advantageous, simpler to understand and re-use.
It would be very nice to know how to save a PNG that preserves the transparency/alpha stuff.
p.s. I've reviewed this post (and others), have the samples working, and even developed my own 5x5 shader. But, it's 3D and a scene-wide thing that doesn't seem to convert to 2D or just a certain area very well.
Ok, well I don't know about BlitzMax, so I can't go into much detail regarding implementation, but to give you some pointers:
For applying shaders to specific parts of the image only, you will probably want to use multiple rendering passes to compose your scene.
If you have pixel access, doing the same things that fragment shaders do is, of course, possible "the oldskool way" in 2D, ie. something like getpixel/setpixel. However, you'll have much poorer performance this way.
If you have a texture with an alpha channel intact, saving in PNG with an alpha channel should Just Work (sorry, once again no idea how to do this in BlitzMax specifically). Just make sure you're using RGBA modes all along.

OpenGL equivalent of GDI's HatchBrush or PatternBrush?

I have a VB6 application (please don't laugh) which does a lot of drawing via BitBlt and the standard VB6 drawing functions. I am running up against performance issues (yes, I do the regular tricks like drawing to memory). So, I decided to investigate other ways of drawing, and have come upon OpenGL.
I've been doing some experimenting, and it seems straightforward to do most of what I want; the application mostly only uses very simple drawing -- relatively large 2D rectangles of solid colors and such -- but I haven't been able to find an equivalent to something like a HatchBrush or PatternBrush.
More specifically, I want to be able to specify a small monochrome pixel pattern, choose a color, and whenever I draw a polygon (or whatever), instead of it being solid, have it automatically tiled with that pattern, not translated or rotated or skewed or stretched, with the "on" bits of the pattern showing up in the specified color, and the "off" bits of the pattern left displaying whatever had been drawn under the area that I am now drawing on.
Obviously I could do all the calculations myself. That is, instead of drawing as a polygon which will somehow automatically be tiled for me, I could calculate all of the lines or pixels or whatever that actually need to be drawn, then draw them as lines or pixels or whatever. But is there an easier way? Like in GDI, where you just say "draw this polygon using this brush"?
I am guessing that "textures" might be able to accomplish what I want, but it's not clear to me (I'm totally new to this and the documentation I've found is not entirely obvious); it seems like textures might skew or translate or stretch the pattern, based upon the vertices of the polygon? Whereas I want the pattern tiled.
Is there a way to do this, or something like it, other than brute force calculation of exactly the pixels/lines/whatever that need to be drawn?
Thanks in advance for any help.
If I understood correctly, you're looking for glPolygonStipple() or glLineStipple().
PolygonStipple is very limited as it allows only 32x32 pattern but it should work like PatternBrush. I have no idea how to implement it in VB though.
First of all, are you sure it's the drawing operation itself that is the bottleneck here? Visual Basic is known for being very slow (Especially if your program is compiled to intermediary VM code - which is the default AFAIRC. Be sure you check the option to compile to native code!), and if it is your code that is the bottleneck, then OpenGL won't help you much - you'll need to rewrite your code in some other language - probably C or C++, but any .NET lang should also do.
OpenGL contains functions that allow you to draw stippled lines and polygons, but you shouldn't use them. They're deprecated for a long time, and got removed from OpenGL in version 3.1 of the spec. And that's for a reason - these functions don't map well to the modern rendering paradigm and are not supported by modern graphics hardware - meaning you will most likely get a slow software fallback if you use them.
The way to go is to use a small texture as a mask, and tile it over the drawn polygons. The texture will get stretched or compressed to match the texture coordinates you specify with the vertices. You have to set the wrapping mode to GL_REPEAT for both texture coordinates, and calculate the right coordinates for each vertex so that the texture appears at its original size, repeated the right amount of times.
You could also use the stencil buffer as you described, but... how would you fill that buffer with the pattern, and do it fast? You would need a texture anyway. Remember that you need to clear the stencil buffer every frame, before you start drawing. Not doing so could cost you a massive performance hit (the exact value of "massive" depending on the graphics hardware and driver version).
It's also possible to achieve the desired effect using a fragment shader, but learning shaders for that would be an overkill for an OpenGL beginner like yourself :-).
Ah, I think I've found it! I can make a stencil across the entire viewport in the shape of the pattern I want (or its mask, I guess), and then enable that stencil when I want to draw with that pattern.
You could just use a texture. Put the pattern in as in image and turn on texture repeating and you are good to go.
Figured this out a a year or two ago.