How can I do a text gradient with a drop shadow on a gradient background? - gradient

Here's what I need to pull off in CSS (it's terribly ugly, but it shows my problem well as an example):
We've got a gradient over text with a drop shadow on a background that has a slight gradient.
I've tried every method I could find.
This method won't work with a text-shadow.
The PNG overlay method won't work because I don't have a solid color background.
This method won't work because it requires me putting the text string in the CSS and my text will be dynamic.
So, I'm stumped.
It doesn't need to work in every browser (I'm fine with ignoring IE, if necessary). If it only works in Webkit browsers, that'd be fine as well.

That should be the answer:
h1 {
position: relative;
font-size: 300px;
line-height: 300px;
text-shadow: -3px 0 4px #006;
h1 span {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
z-index: 2;
color: #d12;
-webkit-mask-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(rgba(0,0,0,1)), to(rgba(0,0,0,0)));
h1:after {
content: attr(cssFilthyHack);
color: #000;
text-shadow: 3px 3px 1px #600;
$('h1').each(function(i, e){
var el = $(e);
el.attr('cssFilthyHack', el.find('span').html());
The important thing is to use content: attr(cssFilthyHack); to extract the text from the h1 text. You could add the text a second time in html like this
<h1 cssFilthyHack="Filthy"><span>Filthy</span></h1>
Or you use the js jQuery method to do this automatically.
Replaced the a tag with span, added js function.
See the example here in action:


Why does adding stylesheet to QListView change behavior that is not determined by the style sheet itself?

I have a QListView to which I added line separators using the following stylesheet:
listView_->setStyleSheet("QListView::item { border-bottom: 1px solid black; padding: 2px; }");
However something unexpected has happened - on single click on any item in the list, the data vanishes from the display. It comes back on a double click. This is quite weird I think. Why is this happening ?
Here is the QListView
This is what happens as soon as I click on any item:
The data that has just vanished, comes back when I double click (instead of a single click - or selection action)
Why is this happening and how can I avoid it ?
Each item in the view has states, for example a selected state represents an item that is currently selected. Now, if you look at the list without any stylesheet attached, you will notice that selected items have dark blue background and white text. However, when you are assigning this stylesheet
QListView::item { border-bottom: 1px solid black; padding: 2px; }
you are in fact modifiing all states at once, including the selected state, which causes it to have the default white background along with the white text. For example, if you add another property:
QListView::item { border-bottom: 1px solid black; padding: 2px; background:red; }
you will notice, that all items (both selected and not selected ones) will have red background. To fix the issue, you should specify that your stylesheet must be applied only to items that are not selected
QListView::item:!selected{ border-bottom: 1px solid black; padding: 2px; }

Show tooltip on Google chart legend even if the word is complete

The default behavior of the tooltip on google chart's legend is showing only when the word is broken for being too long.
What I want to do is to always show the tooltip regardless of the word being complete or not. Is this possible?
You could try to overwrite the tooltip functionality to display the text. Made an example using jquery, however it also makes tooltips for title and axis ticks, but should be close to what you want:
function myReadyHandler(){
$('g text').mouseenter(function(e){
if($(this).text().indexOf('...')!= -1) return;
$('body').append('<div style="position: absolute; visibility: visible; left: '+(e.pageX-50)+'px; top: '+(e.pageY+20)+'px;" class="charts-tooltip"><div style="background-color: infobackground; padding: 1px; border: 1px solid infotext; font-size: 14px; margin: 14px; font-family: Arial; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">'+$(this).text()+'</div></div>');
}, 'ready', myReadyHandler);
Here is a working example:

Margin not showing with 100% width & height

I was trying to build myself a portfolio site. When I thought I was about to finish building the basic template, the margin and media queries stuff totally drove me crazy.
Here is my temporarily hosted domain,
I made the pages fit to whatever browser size by using
html, body {
I'm trying to make 10px margin on all side and on every page so that I use this container.
#thecontainer {
margin: 10px;
background-color: #f29e28;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
#workcontainer {
margin: 10px;
background-color: #f29e28;
width: 100%;
I hope the end result would be like orange background with white margins on all sides. When seeing my site on the desktop, the margin-right and margin-bottom not showing. They only show when I use width: 98.5%;
Also, the orange background color should expand according to the size of browser. On the iPhone 5 portrait view, the orange background does not extent the bottom part. I tried to use some standard media queries for it, but I don't know what values should I give to each of the mobile devices.
# thethecontainer
now your code looks like
#thecontainer {
margin: 10px;
background-color: #f29e28;
height: 98%;
width: 98.5%;

orbit slideshow custom next prev buttons links left right arrows

I am using zurb foundation orbit slideshow. The next and the prev buttons or links on the left and right edge of the page is the default black triangle. Please have a look at this test page:
How do I customize the next and prev buttons or links? How do I add my own arrow code: ‹ and › OR add my own custom arrow images
like these orange left and right arrows here:
Please provide exact code example. I would appreciate it. Thank you very much in advance!
Working with orbit I found a pretty nice solution: using the :before on the .orbit-prev span and .orbit-next span tag via CSS you can modify the navigation buttons.
I do not think you can add images as button without editing the js code of the slider, but this solution works nicely, and you can obviously tweak it for your needs
See the jsFiddle here:
Basically you need to add this CSS, which remove the arrows ( are borders on the span element ) and replace them with a gliph ( see the content: "..." )
.orbit-container .orbit-prev span,
.orbit-container .orbit-next span {
color: red;
border: none;
font-size: 70px;
text-indent: 0;
margin-top: -32px;
.orbit-container .orbit-prev {
background-color: transparent;
.orbit-container .orbit-prev span:before {
content: "\2039";
.orbit-container .orbit-next {
background-color: transparent;
.orbit-container .orbit-next span:before {
content: "\203A";
Hope this helps, cheers :)
NOTE: Be aware that if stack_on_small is true you content will be stacked and the arrows hidden. I didn't tweak this behaviour because seems logical to me. just disable this option when you initialize Orbit to solve this problem.
My Dear friends! Please find complete solution for your troubles of ORBIT.
It takes 5 min to make custom buttons(image or chevron or font-"Font Awesome") as you navigation arrows.
In your js:
$(".next-slide").click(function() {
$("#ORBIT-ID").siblings(".orbit-timer").click(); // Remove this line to pause the orbit. (it pauses whenever you change slides by default)
$(".prev-slide").click(function() {
$("#ORBIT-ID").siblings(".orbit-timer").click(); // Remove this line to pause the orbit. (it pauses whenever you change slides by default)
In your css:
.orbit-container .orbit-prev, .orbit-container .orbit-next {display: none;}
.next-slide {/* PUT YOUR STyLES HERE*/}
.prev-slide {/* PUT YOUR STyLES HERE*/}
If you are using font awesom:
same js as above
.orbit-container .orbit-prev, .orbit-container .orbit-next {display: none;}
<span class='prev-slide'><i class='icon-chevron-left'></i></span>
<span class='next-slide'><i class='icon-chevron-right'></i></span>
Thats it! Rank me if you like it!
I had success with stacey.mosier's answer and was able to change my arrows to an image using the CSS content property. Using Foundation v5.2.2
Approach #1
This is what working code for a single class looks like:
.orbit-next {
content: url("Homepage/Homepage_Banner_Arrow_Next_on_retina.png");
width: 16px !important;
height: 62px !important;
margin-right: 20px;
I set the width and height of the .orbit-next class to be equal to that of the image I'm adding.
And for the hover styling:
.orbit-container .orbit-next:hover {
content: url("Homepage/Homepage_Banner_Arrow_Next_off_retina.png";
background-color: transparent; //so there's no background effect
For .orbit-previous the rules are basically the same as above (except margin-right becomes margin-left and you use the prev arrow path instead of the next)
Approach #2
To stay DRY I instead implemented a "multiple selector" and now only need one arrow asset by rotating the current one via css transform
.orbit-next, orbit-prev { //All the above rules except the margin }
.orbit-next { margin-right: 20px; }
.orbit-prev { margin-left: 20px; transform:rotate(180deg); }
.orbit-container .orbit-next:hover, .orbit-container .orbit-prev:hover {
//the above hover rules
I anticipate the need to scale/hide the size of the arrows based on the column width currently active, something to consider, but beyond the scope of this question. Hope this helped!
Obrit comes with default classes. You can customize the classes:
<ul data-orbit data-options="next_class: my_next_class; prev_class: my_prev_class;">
The default classes .next_class and .prev_class have a text-indent that is pushing the text out of the window.
If you are wanting to replace the content, use the css content: rule.
I think this is a little more straightforward:
For Foundation 5 - this is your jQuery:
$( "a.orbit-prev > span " ).replaceWith( "<img src='images/left_arrow.png' width='68' height='78' />" );
$( "a.orbit-next > span" ).replaceWith( "<img src='images/right_arrow.png' width='68' height='78' />" );
Replace the image URL with the URL of your own image, and the height/width of your own image height/width. To use a font icon, I would do something like this:
$( "a.orbit-prev > span " ).replaceWith( "<span><i class='icon-chevron-left'></i></span>" );
$( "a.orbit-next > span" ).replaceWith( "<span><i class='icon-chevron-right'></i></span>" );
You'll need to overwrite the default css styles too to use images:
.orbit-container .orbit-prev, .orbit-container .orbit-next {
text-indent: 0px !important;
line-height: 78px;
height: 78px;
width: 68px;
Keep the text indent at 0, and use your own heights/widths. For an icon font, I didn't try it but I think you should be able to use the existing CSS with no problem.
You'll probably want to remove the hover state as well, but maybe not:
.orbit-container .orbit-prev:hover, .orbit-container .orbit-next:hover {
background-color: transparent; }

Font & Height Size of Region Display Selector

I am using 2 regions with 1 region display selector to create some tab functionality between regions. See the following as an example: I used the following to remove the 'Show All' button
Mine looks the same as the example above however it doesnt have the rounded corners on the region display selector.
I wondered how you can apply the rounded corners to the display selector, increase the font size and height of the region display selector?
I've tried style="" in the 'Region Attributes' of the Region display selector but no luck. When investigating my page in Firefox using Firebug the display selector is held in a DIV / in an UL list but i wouldnt know how to access those in the APEX builder.
The region display selector has rounded corners when using Chrome, but not in Internet Explorer.
Please could i have some help with my problem.
Oracle Version: Oracle version
Full APEX version: Application Express
Browser(s) and version(s) used: Internet Explorer 7 & 8
Theme: Simple Red
Template(s): The standard templates with the Simple Red theme.
Region/item type(s): 3 HTML pages each holding text box fields.
Thank you.
See example below of region display selector:
Example of region selector html from Simple Red theme
<div class="apex-rds-container">
<ul class="apex-rds" id="485041125812774413_RDS">
<li class="apex-rds-first">
<span>Show All</span>
<li class="apex-rds-selected">
<li class="apex-rds-last">
<span>region 2</span>
inspect style tab for
.apex-rds-container {
height: 40px;
margin: 0 0 9px;
ul.apex-rds {
background: url("../images/bg-anchor-nc.gif") repeat-x scroll 0 0 transparent;
border: 1px solid #999999;
border-radius: 8px 8px 8px 8px;
box-shadow: 1px 2px 2px #AAAAAA;
float: left;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
ul.apex-rds li {
float: left;
list-style: none outside none;
ul.apex-rds li.apex-rds-first a {
border-left: 0 solid #000000;
ul.apex-rds li a {
border-left: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
border-right: 1px solid #999999;
display: block;
height: 16px;
padding: 1px 10px 0;
text-decoration: none;
a {
color: #660000;
ul.apex-rds li span {
color: #000000;
font-size: 11px;
So, this shows that a background image is used for the UL. This image's dimensions are 1x18px according to firebug. Hovering over an item will set a different background image, as will a current region selection.
So, if you want a larger selection, use a larger image. Increase the div height. Set the correct styles for current/non-current items.
To increase font size, alter the css for the SPAN.
Borders are done with border-radius: 8px 8px 8px 8px; which don't work in IE.
All css can be found in the theme css file in your apex_images folder: /i/themes/theme1/css/theme_4_0.css
Go to line 1316,
/* -------------------- Region Display Selector -------------------- */
You can find everything you need there.
Don't mess in that file though. If you will, make a backup. Work clean and override properly within a css of your own!