How do I install the boost library to my MinGW compiler? - c++

I'm compiling from the command line using g++ on a Windows MinGW installation. How do I get boost...conceptually or if it is easy...what do I need to download and install?

I know this is an old question but for future reference for anybody coming to this page try this website,
They have done all the hard work so you don't have to. The most recent distribution on this page has boost 1_52_0 (which is the latest version on the boost website as I'm writing this) including the separately compiled libraries (e.g. boost thread, boost regex etc) which I beleive you're asking for

I spent hours searching for a good solution for Boost 1.54. If you already have MinGW and you're just looking for instructions on compiling the binary boost libraries, try this:
From your boost_X_XX_X directory, go to
and type:
build.bat mingw
This will create a folder called bin.ntx86 or bin.ntx86_64 depending on your architecture. Add this directory to your PATH environment variable.
Return to your boost_X_XX_X directory and type:
bjam toolset=gcc
This worked for me on my system. I'd be interested to know if other systems have trouble with these instructions.

However there would have been a simpler, yet identical way; your steps until the bjam call are automatically done by bootstrap.bat:
C:\boost_1_52_0> bootstrap.bat mingw
Building Boost.Build engine
C:\boost_1_52_0> b2 toolset=gcc

Thanx to Neal Kruis. This worked for me. I have Qt 5.4 with mingw 4.9 installed. I downloaded boost 1.59. Go to "...\boost_1_59_0\tools\build\src\engine\" folder
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\Qt\Qt5.4.0\Tools\mingw491_32\bin
build.bat mingw
go to "...\boost_1_59_0\" folder, change boost path accordingly
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\boost_1_59_0\tools\build\src\engine\bin.ntx86
bjam toolset=gcc


Building boost 1.61.0 with MinGW 5.3.0

Has anyone had any success in building boost 1.61.0 for Mingw? I've Googled for this, and all the suggestions that apparently worked well in the past result in errors now. It doesn't help that boost's "Getting Started on Windows" page is a poorly structured, incomplete mess that seems to have been getting only the most rudimentary updates for a while now (there are even a couple of dead links in there). I somehow managed to build boost 1.58 for an older MinGW version, but that was quite a while ago and I foolishly neglected to write down the individual steps required to make it work. :-\
Ok, I did get it to work, but apparently the bug in the boost build system discussed here is still in boost 1.61. I worked around that by skipping the libraries that run into this problem and only building the ones that I need. Here's what worked for me.
Download and unzip boost_1_61_0.7z to D:\Dev\Libs\boost\boost_1_61_0
Extend PATH variable to contain bin folder that contains MinGW g++.exe, and make sure no other g++.exe instances appear in PATH before this one (that actually tripped me up the first time, because several programs I've installed come packaged with their own g++ version).
Open cmd window.
Run cd D:\Dev\Libs\boost\boost_1_61_0\tools\build
Run .\bootstrap.bat (if you skip this, step 6 will fail with 'Unknown toolset: mingw' ... WTF???)
Run .\bootstrap.bat mingw
Run .\b2.exe install toolset=gcc --prefix=D:\Dev\Libs\boost\boost_1_61_0\b2_for_mingw
Run cd D:\Dev\Libs\boost\boost_1_61_0
Run set PATH=%PATH%;D:\Dev\Libs\boost\boost_1_61_0\b2_for_mingw\bin
Run b2 toolset=gcc --build-type=complete stage --with-filesystem --with-system (since I only need the filesystem and system libraries).
EDIT: For boost 1.64, step 5 must be skipped entirely, and in step 6 gcc needs to be specified instead of mingw, as pointed out in the comments by user fest.
The answer from #antred worked pretty well. Only changes I needed to do to compile boost 1.67.0 is follows:
Instead of step 5 and 6 run .\bootstrap.bat gcc
At step 10 run b2 --build-dir="C:\Program Files\boost_1_67_0\build" --prefix="C:\Program Files\boost" toolset=gcc install

How can I conditionally include two differently named libraries of the same version for a cross-compile project in Eclipse?

I have an Eclipse project that I want to compile on both Ubuntu and Windows.
I am using boost libraries (specifically asio) which require including the libboost_system...* library. I have compiled boost on both Windows and Ubuntu and ended up with libboost_system_mgw48-mt-1_55.a on Windows and libboost_system.a,, on Ubuntu.
I'm not sure which Ubuntu library I need to include but the bigger issue is how to include both the Windows and Ubuntu library but only on the right OS.
I am using the MinGW toolchain on Windows which by my understanding is more or less GCC? I am then assuming that I should simply use GCC on Ubuntu to have the same compile process.
Windows boost build commands:
bootstrap.bat mingw
b2 toolset=gcc
Ubuntu boost build commands:
Can Eclipse get the OS in use on a per install basis that I can access via a globally recognizable variable?
How can I then, assuming yes, use that information to conditionally include only the right libraries?
The solution I came up with was to use two configurations: Debug-Win32 and Debug-Unix in the project properties. This keeps track of independent library & path configurations as well as different tool chains while still pulling from the same code base.

Can't find bjam in boost homebrew installation

I installed Boost with homebrew(brew install boost) on my Mac running Lion with the purpose of extending python with an existing C++ program I have. Now I can't follow the starting guide because 1 - I don't have 'bjam' installed in my system and 2-I don't see the examples folder anywhere. My question is: how I am supposed to do the the c++-python linking with this homebrew installation without 'bjam'? is there some alternative method I should use or something I am missing here?
The right formula to install boost for linking c++ with python programs is:
brew install boost-build
as pointed out by senderle in the comments to my question. This installs bjam automatically.
For Windows, you go into $(BoostDir)\tools\build\v2\engine and run build.bat which automatically builds bjam (into the bin.ntx86 directory on windows). There is a file there too, but I've never used a Mac so I don't know if that will work for you. Otherwise, just do a Google search for a precompiled bjam executable for Mac OS X.
It should just be a case of downloading Boost then running "Bootstrap" followed by "Bjam".
Bootstrap should build you a Bjam executable in the Boost folder.

Mingw64 bit - what to do with this

I've downloaded source files for mingw.
Could someone please tell me what steps shall I make to build it on Windows7?
You have downloaded the sources to the MinGW-w64 CRT and headers.
You want the prebuilt toolchain binaries found in:
There, you will find Personal builds by me (GCC 4.7 prerelease and 4.6) and sezero (GCC 4.4/4.5) in the form of zip or 7z archives you can unzip and use after adding mingw??/bin to your PATH.
You can also use the sometimes more updated autobuilds, but they're lacking some features.
Note there are also cross-compilers for Linux.

Adding gdb to MinGW

I've gone to, downloaded the Automated MinGW Installer for MinGW 5.1.4 and at the same time the GNU Source-Level Debugger Release Candidate: GDB 6.8-3. I've then installed MinGW base tools into C:\MinGW. No problem so far.
However when I come to install the gdb debugger it has a lot of files and folders with the same names as some already installed but the files are different to those already installed. e.g C:\MinGW\include\bfd.h is 171 KB but gdb-6.8-mingw-3\include\bfd.h is 184 KB.
How do I add gdb to MinGW without breaking what's already installed?
In a command prompt I browsed to C:\MinGW\bin and ran:
mingw-get.exe install gdb
That fixed it for me. Not sure if it matters but I have C:\MinGW\bin in my path (guess I probably didn't need to browse to C:\MinGW\bin).
The Current Release (5.2.1) version of gdb at the project files page has always worked for me. The download is a stand-alone .exe, you don't need anything else.
But I'll bet the .exe in the 6.8 package will work, too. I'd try using just the .exe, and then if there are problems, try extracting the other files from the 6.8 package. (Though that may cause problems with the rest of the MinGW installation.)
Update: There seems to be a 7.something version. I haven't tested it thoroughly, but it seems to work, even with gcc 3.
Get Wascana Desktop Developer. It combines MinGW, gcc, Eclipse and gdb in one package.
You can safely overwrite the files prepackaged with MinGW with the (newer) ones from the gdb tarball. You can also choose not to overwrite them - just make sure to pick either one set, i.e. avoid mixing files from the older and the newer package.
Most of the offending files are probably not really relevant to you anyway. For example, the files belonging to the libbfd library aren't required for gdb's day to day operation, they're used if you want to extend the debugger or write debugging tools yourself.
At any rate, make a backup of the mingw directory before untarring the new release. It's very easy since MinGW is self-contained in that directory. That way, if anything should malfunction, you can just delete the directory and restore from the backup.
Usually for installing gdb in windows, You have to 2 ways to install:
1) use ready-made binaries that were build and compiled from GNU gdb by some provider (easy to install)
use TDM-GCC binaries provided from the following URL and that is including inturn the gcc complier and also gdb debugger.
use Equation package inside which GNU GDB was already compiled and built.
2) use minimal mingw or cygwin package then after install gdb inside it.
Install either mingw or cygwin inside which GDB is already shipped
Open cygwin or mingw terminal and just type the following to make sure it is already installed
$ gdb --version
Hint: if you did not find gdb installed, simply open the cygwin or mingw package installer and make sure you already check gdb
Hint: getting and installing a debug build of the OHRRPGCE is providing useful information about crashes.
From cygwin or mingw terminal, Start gdb using the following
c:\mingw\bin\gdb.exe program_to_debug.exe
The TDM GCC/MinGW32 builds installer includes gdb. It's gcc 4.4.x with all the core binary packages required for basic Windows development, and is widely used without any unusual problems.