How to integrate social-auth in my project - django

I want to use social-auth to provide registration/authentication via social network sites. I have been trying to understand how to use social-auth, but I have been unable to get beyond installing dependencies and configuring backends.
I am basically new to Django and I have tried hard to understand before posting on the forum. Maybe because I am not very familiar with it that is why I have been unsuccessful. Can anybody please point me to a tutorial on how to use social-auth. This will also help me in integrating other apps.
Although the answer given below solved my problem, I just want to share that I ended up using django-allauth instead of social-auth. And the latest version of django-allauth appears to be the best Django authentication app.

It's somehow unclear from documentation.
You need to create apps in Twitter/Facebook/whatever you want to use.
If you want twitter see:
If you want facebook:
They will give you api key and api secret.
Follow these basic steps that refer to socialauth docs:
pip install
add social-auth to installed apps
fill api key and api secret
add social auth url patterns
configure authentication and association complete URL names (SOCIAL_AUTH_COMPLETE_URL_NAME)
context processor
Now, what the documentation doesn't tell you, is to put links in your login template:
Login with Twitter
Should work.


Django REST authentication with React/ Redux

I am building a web app with a Django backend and React/Redux frontend running on separate servers. I have begun to try and start working on authentication and I cannot find a tutorial that suits my needs. Every tutorial either uses deprecated modules like drf-jwt (as opposed to simple-jwt) or has a simple mono-server that houses both the backend and the frontend in one directory. The former is useless and I do not want to do the latter as I like having the two separate servers for when I move on to deployment. Now can someone direct me to a good source of knowledge for getting this done? It doesn't have to be a tutorial it can be anything. I am really lost and I do not know how to begin.
you can use 3rd party packages djoser: Provides a set of views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and account activation. for more information:
I'm using token authentication from Django Rest Framework so, after a login/password verification, the token on response can be used on any DRF endpoint.

ember-simple-auth multiple authenticator architecture

I am trying to implement multiple login options in my ember-cli site (so you can authenticate via facebook, google, or my own oauth2 server). However, I'm a little at a loss as to the right way to accomplish this. As far as my research goes, I can see that there are multiple ways to do this using ember-simple-auth.
The first option is to simply use ember-simple-auth-oauth2, and create authenticators that extend that for each login method. This is a combination of the Authenticated Account and Multiple External Providers examples provided by ember-simple-auth. Obviously, this would mean writing all my authenticators myself including the ones for facebook/google.
The second option I see is to use ember-simple-auth-torii to authenticate each of my login methods, as in the Torii example provided by ember-simple-auth. However, I simply cannot find a good oauth2 example to help me create a provider for my custom oauth2 server. If anyone could help me out with this by showing me how to add a custom oauth2 provider to ember-simple-auth-torii, I would appreciate it.
Finally, the last option (that I can see) is a combination of the two above - Using ember-simple-auth-torii authenticators for google/facebook, and a ember-simple-auth-oauth2 authenticator for my own server. Obviously, I don't really want to rely on 2 separate ember-simple-auth packages, but if I have to I can (I'm assuming doing this would work?).
If anyone could pipe in on these methods or suggest a new one to allow me to do oauth2 authentication via facebook, google, and a custom server, I'd appreciate it.
Using both packages is the way to go. The Ember Simple Auth packages are built so that you always include the base package (ember-simple-auth) plus any additional packages for authentication strategies etc. that you want to use. If you e.g. want to use the OAuth 2.0 package to authenticate against your own server plus the torii package to authenticate against Facebook, Google+ etc. then you simply include both packages. There will also be no duplicate code that you're requiring as the common functionality is in the ember-simple-auth package and the ember-simple-auth-oauth2 as well as the ember-simple-auth-torii packages only include the code that's specific to the respective authentication strategy.

Django library for Stack Exchange API authentication?

I'm writing a webapp that heavily uses the StackExchange API. I'm currently using OpenID authentication but given the only people that will use the site will be SE members, I've been wondering if there's a library for Django (or Python, in general) that can handle the login process for me.
I'm specifically thinking of something that slots into the process like the django_openid_auth project does.
Look at django-allauth. The supported authentication providers are:
Facebook (both OAuth2 and JS SDK)
Google (OAuth2)
SoundCloud (OAuth2)
Stack Exchange (OAuth2)
You can use django-allauth for signup/login process as it supports Stack Exchange OAuth2.
Since your app heavily uses StackExchange API, you should consider using Py-StackExchange along with django-allauth. Please have a look at FAQ and it's API support for StackExchange.
You have Py-StackExchange, perfect for using from Python. Check out the code at GitHub or its page at StackApps.
Added after Oli's comment
For managing login/registration there are some good working projects. You can read a good review of 4 of the most common libraries at hackerluddite. Django-social-auth and django-allauth are likely the most complete, stable and used.

how to only allow google apps auth from one domain with django

I tried django-social-auth and googleappsauth but both allow me to
authenticate from any domain. Has anybody had luck setting this up
with these, or any other packages? If not, could someone point me in the right direction on how to implement from scratch?
Got it: Hacked the django-social-auth Google back-end to filter by domain. I'll see if the project wants to accept my changes as a setting.

Django + Google SSO openid

I would like to have my application to accept a google account as a login. I found a bunch of libs for django but most work on top of existing Django authentication system that I do not use. I have my own set of user tables where I keep user info and privileges.
Any suggestion on how to integrate that with the Google Openid?
Seems I will have to do it manually using python-openid. Or could I use django-openid?
However, with the latter, I don't even know how to issue the discover command.
Regardless, I get stuck on google's step 5, sending a login authentication request (optionally with OAuth parameters) to the provided endpoint address. Can someone provide a sample request? is it a GET/POST? content?
You can try - I'm using it in a commercial project, for both regular Google Accounts and Google Apps accounts. I remember that it was the most convincing one at the time I was doing a review, although I can't give you any details now due to my short memory. Anyway - it's working great.