Doxygen empty pages and bad margins - c++

i got serious problems with doxygen generatin pdf file. First of all i got blank/empty pages I don`t know why i unchecked the option SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES (set to 0). I looked through the files and found 2 lines with /cleandoublepages or something like this i deleted this. The result was that only the first blank page dissapeard. I got also problems with marign, every even page have weird marign. I eclosed a link to package with pdf and other files which doxygen generates + config.

You can set COMPACT_LATEX to YES to avoid empty pages.
I'm not sure what you mean with weird margins.


Adding preamble.tex and/or modifying css

Thanks for making papaja. It's really terrific!
I just submitted my first journal article using it and ran into problems. The layout staff don't know what to do with the code chunks and listings that are fine in single-column, full page format, but not in their 2-column format. I'm trying use the class 'jou' option to make 2 columns, but I can't figure out how to control the size of code and listing fonts (possibly by modifying the css, as recommended here), or how to using the latex package 'listings' to set listings to wrap (as recommended here).
I'd be grateful for any advice, and my apologies if I've missed how one might do this in the documentation.
If it's only about getting the listings package to work, you can modify the YAML header that it looks similar to the following:
documentclass : "apa6"
classoption : "jou"
output :
pandoc_args: --listings
- \lstset{breaklines=true}
However, note that using automatic line breaks will most likely break the code at some points. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider alternatives: For instance, you could try to use a code style that uses more line breaks. The styler package and add-in might be helpful accomplishing this:

content empty when using scrapy

Thanks for everyone in advance.
I encountered a problem when using Scrapy on Python 2.7.
The webpage I tried to crawl is a discussion board for Chinese stock market.
When I tried to get the first number "42177" just under the banner of this page (the number you see on that webpage may not be the number you see in the picture shown here, because it represents the number of times this article has been read and is updated realtime...), I always get an empty content. I am aware that this might be the dynamic content issue, but yet don't have a clue how to crawl it properly.
The code I used is:
item["read"] = info.xpath("div[#id='zwmbti']/div[#id='zwmbtilr']/span[#class='tc1']/text()").extract()
I think the xpath is set correctly and I have checked the return value of this response and it indeed told me that there is nothing under this directory. Results shown here:'read': [u'<div id="zwmbtilr"></div>']
If it has something, there should be something between <div id="zwmbtilr"> and </div>.
Really appreciated if you guys share any thoughts on this!
I just opened your link in Firefox with NoScript enabled. There nothing inside the <div #id='zwmbtilr'></div>. If I enable the javascripts, I can see the content you want. So, as you already new, it is a dynamic content issue.
Your first option is try to identify the request generated by javascript. If you can do that, you can send the same request from scrapy. If you can't do it, the next option is usually to use some package with javascript/browser emulation or someting like that. Something like ScrapyJS or Scrapy + Selenium.

How to disable DOI/URL for bibtex in Rmarkdown

I am using better bibtex and zotero to generate references in rmarkdown.
It works very good except that journal articles and books have an url/doi associated.
My adviser is not too happy about it and I could not figure out how to disable the url/doi in the rmarkdown config or elsewhere.
What I know is that you have to edit your *.csl file (asa.csl, apa.csl or something you use). You could accomplish this very easy by uploading it to this online csl editor. Browse to bibliography/layout/access(macro)/Group/conditional/ and look if there is an URL entry. I got rid of the DOI by setting an option there that the variable should be 'url' AND the document type 'webpage'. Then download the new *csl file, save it to your prefered directory and just knit it. (Look also here with pictures).
Note: Please make rather a safety copy before messing around with your *csl.

How do I change TOC location in wkhtmltopdf output?

I need the TOC to be on the 3rd page. Apparently, if there is a way to control this, it has to be through the XSL stylesheet. All my search attempts didn't give me a clue though. Is it possible at all?
I can't use cover option since I need the header to show on both first and second pages.
OK I've found a way to do it using wkhtmltopdf 0.11. I've extracted the first two pages into a separate HTML document and then run it like this
wkhtmltopdf [options] page cover.html toc --xsl-style-sheet ... input_file.html out.pdf
Unfortunately it took a lot more effort than I expected, since I'm using it in a Rails application through wicked_pdf, and it doesn't play nice with the new options format, so I had to fork it and make the necessary changes as well.
The command line generated by wicked_pdf looks like this (long paths omitted):
"c:/program files (x86)/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf.exe"
--header-html "file:///path/to/header" --footer-html "file:///path/to/footer"
--margin-top 20 --margin-bottom 15 --margin-left 5 --margin-right 40 page "file:///path/to/cover/page" --disable-javascript toc --xsl-style-sheet "path/to/style/sheet" - -

SketchFlow / SketchStyles is empty. ((Assets) Styles > SketchStyles)

I just installed the Expression Blend Studio 4 (Trial) from Microsoft.
I have several tutorials telling me to change the style, that I should go to
(Assets) Styles > SketchStyles
There is nothing under that area except a warning(and link)
This category shows all the styles you have created for the current document or application. Additional styles can be found in the online Expression Gallery.
That link gets me no where fast. It basically goes to the home page of Expression Blend.
If you look at this 90 second video.
At the 30-36 second mark, he is switching the style from squiggly to something more professional.
I'm trying to demo that same thing, which I believe (keep in mind I'm new to this) I am changing FROM the WigglyStyles style to something else.
(Assets) Styles > SketchStyles
being empty, I don't know what I'm missing.
So a 2 part question:
How do I get entries to show up under (Assets) Styles > SketchStyles?
(If different from #1), how do I change the overall style from WigglyStyles to something else (and back to WigglyStyles)?
Is misssing the SketchStyles.xaml.
SketchStyles.xaml – this file contain the resource dictionary with number of styles which SketchFlow project makes use of them internally.
Create a new solution, a (sketchflow silverlight solution), copy the SketchStyles.xaml from your created solution drag and drop the to the project that doesn't have this file, and press ctrl+shift+B to build it.
hope it helped.
The message was throwing me off.
The little triangle, pointed "to the right" initially, has to be clicked (and then points down) exposing the sub items.
The message:
This category shows all the styles you have created for the current document or application. Additional styles can be found in the online Expression Gallery.
is what was throwing me off. (And I was thinking the same thing as alimbada, that my install went awry).
Once I expand "Styles" (via the small triangle), everything is there.
Ok!! Did I mention I'm a developer, not a designer?? (haha).
Aka, this was just a big "duh" moment.
I just had a quick play with Sketchflow since I have Blend installed and those styles show up fine. Maybe your install went awry?