How do I manipulate input from the keyboard in Win32? - c++

Or to clarify this question, how can I make Windows think I hit a key, when I really didn't? I know I could possibly use SendMessage and specify the input there, but then wouldn't only my application receive it? I'd like control to the extent of all applications receiving the "fake" input. Any advice?

What you describe, faking input, is implemented by the SendInput function. Input goes to the thread which has input focus.

You can SendMessage to whatever window you want, even on other processes. You can even use HWND_BROADCAST to send it to every to-level window on the system. But is that what you really want? If you're only interested in a specific program, you can get its window's handle using FindWindow, and then send the message only to that window.
Note that if all you want to do is a simple keystrokes injection into another process, then SendInput is indeed the way to go. If you'd like to send some global keyboard shortcut it doesn't matter who has the focus. If you'd like to send the same input to more than one window using SendInput, you'll have to loop over the list of windows, and for each window first set the focus and then send the input.


Send keybinds to a non-active window

So this has been bothering me for quite a while now.
I have a program for sending keys to a window (user may select processes from a CComboBox, etc.), and I'm now trying for quite a while to figure out how it would be possible to send key-binds to a window (background !).
I know about this keybd_event function and the SendInput function. I use neither of them in my current code, as they require the window to be in the foreground.
Short said, my program can send keys and text to any (valid) window.
PostMessage(m_hwndEx, WM_CHAR, nKey, 0x00140001);
I have tried various solutions with SendMessage and PostMessage, but nothing seems to work.
Assume the program sends CTRL+SHIFT+F (as example). How would this be possible ? I would appreciate some pointer function(s) or even an external library if the 'basic' functions do not work for this matter.
I do not want the window to be in the foreground.

Most suitable way to read keyboard input in C++

I'm trying to write a Keyboard class that can read in the keyboard buttons. I have looked at this link - But as stated on there, it is not very accurate for all computers (I don't know if this is even true). Therefore, my question is whats the best method in implementing my keyboard class? This will be used for Windows
Many thanks
There are three ways to read keyboard input:
By reading input from a console window as described in your link. It's true that it's hard to get this to work correctly, for starters because it's reading ANSI characters and not Unicode characters, but there are other issues. Console input/output is kind of obscure, as is the documentation for it
By handling UI events associated with a normal window. In this case you would handle the WM_KEYDOWN message in a window procedure
By going deep into the Win32 API with functions like SetWindowsHookEx. In this case you don't even need a window (normal or console), and you can read keystrokes pressed in any application or in the desktop
It's hard to suggest which one to use without knowing how you intend to use this Keyboard class.

How to intercept mouse and keyboard events and send custom ones in C++?

Alright, I want to write a program that intercepts mouse and keyboard events before they are reported to the active window/application, whatever that may be. Based on my program logic I want to be able to send custom key events.
For example: When the mouse button is held down, for any key press, send the next alphabetical letter. So if I hold down the right mouse button and hit 'a', the application sees it as a 'b' keypress.
I have briefly researched hooks and methods of intercepting WinAPI messages, and I'm unclear as to whether this is the solution I am looking for or not. According to what I've read, some of these solutions require you to inject a DLL into the desired application; my program needs to work for any running application.
Also, I have noticed that most of these solutions are in C#. As a matter of personal preference I would like to use C++ to write this program. Is there any reason why I would need to use C#?
Any pointers or advice is appreciated.

Sending text/keystrokes to unselected window?

Is there a way to send keystrokes to a window that is not currently selected in C++? For example, if I have a notepad window minimized and want some text to be typed in it without bringing the window to the front.
I'm using Windows 7 64-bit.
Faking input is rather hard to achieve, in full generality, without using SendInput().
Yes you can try PostMessage(), but the answer from eznme is misleading at best when it talks about SendMessage. As I, and others, seem to say many times a day here, input is posted to the message queue rather than sent to a window handle.
All that said, if you don't want to give the Notepad window input focus then it's going to be hard to get the text in there by faking. The very simple alternative that works better and is easier to use, is to find the window handle of the Notepad EDIT window and use WM_GETTEXT and WM_SETTEXT, for example, to modify its contents directly.
In fact there is an enormous multitude of functionality available once your have this window handle at your mercy!
Absolutely: Check out PostMessage() and SendMessage(), they are part of the Windows API:
Specifically you probably want to send WM_KEYUP

C++ console keyboard events

Is there any way to get key events in a Windows console? I need a way to get keydown and keyup events quickly without a GUI. I've tried using getch(), but it doesn't get keyups and waits until a key has been pressed to return.
Use ReadConsoleInput() API. Watch for events of kind KEY_EVENT. This won't work for all keydown events (Ctrl-key, shift-key, Pause-key cannot be read), but most can be read.
Use GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents to avoid blocking.
You can use GetKeyState or GetAsyncKeyState, but that won't give you keydown/keyup events. It will only tell you what keys are currently down.
So if you really need to get the keydown/keyup events, you could install a hook.
A Console window has a window handle that is owned by code in Windows and a message pump, also owned by code in Windows.
You can get the window handle of of the console window by using GetConsoleWindowThen install a WH_CALLWNDPROC hook using SetWindowsHookEx to listen in on messages send to the console window.
You might try a WH_MSGFILTER hook instead. I don't know if this works for console windows, but it would generate less messages to be ignored if it does work.
I was just curious, how comes such a logical question doesn't have any explanation on Google,
So one has to ask it here. So I googled for: "keyboard events console application" and
guess what ... first 2 links are interesting (but unfortunately, not exactly answers to your question):
Processing mouse / keyboard input on MSDN.
Console event handlers (like Ctrl-C and window close button).
There are a number of ways. GetKeyboardState would be one of the most obvious.
You can also try SetConsoleCtrlHandler