How to implement a master machine controlling several slave machines via Linux C++ - c++

could anyone give some advice for how to implement a master machine controlling some slave machines via C++?
I am trying to implement a simple program that can distribute tasks from master to slaves. It is easy to implement one master + one slave machine. However, when there are more than one slave machine, I don't know how to design.
If the solution can be used for both Linux and Windows, it would be much better.

You use should a framework rather than make your own. What you need to search for is Cluster Computing. one that might work easily is Boost.MPI

With n-machines, you need to keep track of which ones are free, and if there are none, load across your slaves (i.e. how many tasks have been queued up at each) and then queue on the lowest loaded machine (or whichever your algorithm deems best), say better hardware means that some slaves perform better than others etc. I'd start with a simple distribution algorithm, and then tweak once it's working...
More interesting problems will arise in exceptional circumstances (i.e. slaves dying, and various such issues.)
I would use an existing messaging bus to make your life easier (rather than re-inventing), the real intelligence is in the distribution algorithm and management of failed nodes.

We need to know more, but basically you just need to make sure the slaves don't block each other. Details of doing that in C++ will get involved, but the first thing to do is ask yourself what the algorithm is. The simplest case is going to be if you don't care about waiting for the slaves, in which case you have
while still tasks to do
launch a task on a slave
If you have to have just one job running on a slave then you'll need something like an array of flags, one per slave
slaves : array 0 to (number of slaves - 1)
initialize slaves to all FALSE
while not done
find the first FALSE slave -- it's not in use
set that slave to TRUE
launch a job on that slave
check for slaves that are done
set that slave to FALSE
Now, if you have multiple threads, you can make that into two threads
while not done
find the first FALSE slave -- it's not in use
set that slave to TRUE
launch a job on that slave
while not done
check for slaves that are done
set that slave to FALSE


Akka Cluster manual join

I'm trying to find a workaround to the following limitation: When starting an Akka Cluster from scratch, one has to make sure that the first seed node is started. It's a problem to me, because if I have an emergency to restart all my system from scratch, who knows if the one machine everything relies on will be up and running properly? And I might not have the luxury to take time changing the system configuration. Hence my attempt to create the cluster manually, without relying on a static seed node list.
Now it's easy for me to have all Akka systems registering themselves somewhere (e.g. a network filesystem, by touching a file periodically). Therefore when starting up a new system could
Look up the list of all systems that are supposedly alive (i.e. who touched the file system recently).
a. If there is none, then the new system joins itself, i.e. starts the cluster alone. b. Otherwise it tries to join the cluster with Cluster(system).joinSeedNodes using all the other supposedly alive systems as seeds.
If 2. b. doesn't succeed in reasonable time, the new system tries again, starting from 1. (looking up again the list of supposedly alive systems, as it might have changed in the meantime; in particular all other systems might have died and we'd ultimately fall into 2. a.).
I'm unsure how to implement 3.: How do I know whether joining has succeeded or failed? (Need to subscribe to cluster events?) And is it possible in case of failure to call Cluster(system).joinSeedNodes again? The official documentation is not very explicit on this point and I'm not 100% how to interpret the following in my case (can I do several attempts, using different seeds?):
An actor system can only join a cluster once. Additional attempts will
be ignored. When it has successfully joined it must be restarted to be
able to join another cluster or to join the same cluster again.
Finally, let me precise that I'm building a small cluster (it's just 10 systems for the moment and it won't grow very big) and it has to be restarted from scratch now and then (I cannot assume the cluster will be alive forever).
I'm answering my own question to let people know how I sorted out my issues in the end. Michal Borowiecki's answer mentioned the ConstructR project and I built my answer on their code.
How do I know whether joining has succeeded or failed? After issuing Cluster(system).joinSeedNodes I subscribe to cluster events and start a timeout:
private case object JoinTimeout
Cluster(context.system).subscribe(self, InitialStateAsEvents, classOf[MemberUp], classOf[MemberLeft])
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(15.seconds, self, JoinTimeout)
The receive is:
val address = Cluster(system).selfAddress
case MemberUp(member) if member.address == address =>
// Hooray, I joined the cluster!
case JoinTimeout =>
// Oops, couldn't join
Is it possible in case of failure to call Cluster(system).joinSeedNodes again? Maybe, maybe not. But actually I simply terminate the actor system if joining didn't succeed and restart it for another try (so it's a "let it crash" pattern at the actor system level).
You don't need seed-nodes. You need seed nodes if you want the cluster to auto-start up.
You can start your individual application and then have them "manually" join the cluster at any point in time. For example, if you have http enabled, you can use the akka-management library (or implement a subset of it yourself, they are all basic cluster library functions just nicely wrapped).
I strongly discourage the touch approach. How do you sync on the touch reading / writing between nodes? What if someone reads a transient state (while someone else is writing it) ?
I'd say either go full auto (with multiple seed-nodes), or go full "manual" and have another system be in charge of managing the clusterization of your nodes. By that I mean you start them up individually, and they join the cluster only when ordered to do so by the external supervisor (also very helpful to manage split-brains).
We've started using Constructr extension instead of the static list of seed-nodes:
This doesn't have the limitation of a statically-configured 1st seed-node having to be up after a full cluster restart.
Instead, it relies on a highly-available lookup service. Constructr supports etcd natively and there are extensions for (at least) zookeeper and consul available. Since we already have a zookeeper cluster for kafka, we went for zookeeper:

How to setup ZERO-MQ architecture to deal with workers of different speed

[as a small context provider: I am new to networking and ZERO-MQ, but I did spend quite a bit of time on the guide and examples]
I have the following challenge (done in C++, but irrelevant to the question). I have a single source that generates tasks. I have multiple engines that need to process those tasks, and send back the result.
First attempt:
I created a client with a ZMQ_PUSH socket. The engines have a ZMQ_PULL socket. To get the answers back to the client, I created the reverse: a ZMQ_PUSH on the workers and a ZMQ_PULL on the client. It worked out of the box. Only to find out that after some time the client ran out of memory since I was pushing way more requests than the workers could process. I need some backpressure.
Second attempt:
I added a counter on the client that took care of only pushing when no more than say 1000 tasks were 'in progress'. The out of memory issue was solved, since I was never having more than 1000 'in progress' tasks. But ... some workers were slower than others. Since PUSH/PULL uses fair queueing, the amount of work for that slow worker kept increasing and increasing...until the slowest worker had all 1000 requests queued and the others were starved. I was not using my workers effectively.
Now, what architecture could I use that solves the issue of 'workers with different speed'? Is the 'count the number of in progress tasks' approach a good way of balancing the number of pushed requests? Or is there a way I can PUSH tasks to the workers, and the pushing blocks on a predefined point? Can I do that with HWM?
I am sure this problem is of such a generic nature that I should be able to easily deal with this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
we used the Paranoid Pirate Protocol,
but in case of many very small jobs, where the overhead of communication might be high, a credit-based flow control pattern might be more efficient.
in both cases it is necessary for the requester to directly assign jobs to individual workers. this is abstracted away of course and, depending on the use-case, could be made available as a sync call, which returns when all tasks have been processed.

Best approach for writing a Linux Server in C (phtreads, select or fork ? )

i got a very specific question about server programming in UNIX (Debian, kernel 2.6.32). My goal is to learn how to write a server which can handle a huge amount of clients. My target is more than 30 000 concurrent clients (even when my college mentions that 500 000 are possible, which seems QUIIITEEE a huge amount :-)), but i really don't know (even whats possible) and that is why I ask here. So my first question. How many simultaneous clients are possible? Clients can connect whenever they want and get in contact with other clients and form a group (1 group contains a maximum of 12 clients). They can chat with each other, so the TCP/IP package size varies depending on the message sent.
Clients can also send mathematical formulas to the server. The server will solve them and broadcast the answer back to the group. This is a quite heavy operation.
My current approach is to start up the server. Than using fork to create a daemon process. The daemon process binds the socket fd_listen and starts listening. It is a while (1) loop. I use accept() to get incoming calls.
Once a client connects I create a pthread for that client which will run the communication. Clients get added to a group and share some memory together (needed to keep the group running) but still every client is running on a different thread. Getting the access to the memory right was quite a hazzle but works fine now.
In the beginning of the programm i read out the /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max file and according to that i create my threads. The amount of possible threads according to that file is around 5000. Far away from the amount of clients i want to be able to serve.
Another approach i consider is to use select () and create sets. But the access time to find a socket within a set is O(N). This can be quite long if i have more than a couple of thousands clients connected. Please correct me if i am wrong.
Well, i guess i need some ideas :-)
P.S. i tag it for C++ and C because it applies to both languages.
The best approach as of today is an event loop like libev or libevent.
In most cases you will find that one thread is more than enough, but even if it isn't, you can always have multiple threads with separate loops (at least with libev).
Libev[ent] uses the most efficient polling solution for each OS (and anything is more efficient than select or a thread per socket).
You'll run into a couple of limits:
fd_set size: This is changable at compile time, but has quite a low limit by default, this affects select solutions.
Thread-per-socket will run out of steam far earlier - I suggest putting the longs calculations in separate threads (with pooling if required), but otherwise a single thread approach will probably scale.
To reach 500,000 you'll need a set of machines, and round-robin DNS I suspect.
TCP ports shouldn't be a problem, as long as the server doesn't connection back to the clients. I always seem to forget this, and have to be reminded.
File descriptors themselves shouldn't be too much of a problem, I think, but getting them into your polling solution may be more difficult - certainly you don't want to be passing them in each time.
I think you can use the event model(epoll + worker threads pool) to solve this problem.
first listen and accept in main thread, if the client connects to the server, the main thread distribute the client_fd to one worker thread, and add epoll list, then this worker thread will handle the reqeust from the client.
the number of worker thread can be configured by the problem, and it must be no more the the 5000.

Open MPI: how to run exactly 1 process per host

Actually I have 3 questions. Any input is appreciated. Thank you!
1) How to run exactly 1 process on each host? My application uses TBB for multi-threading. Does it mean that I should run exactly 1 process on each host for best performance?
2) My cluster has heterogeneous hosts. Some hosts have better CPUs and more memory than the others. How to map process ranks to real hosts for work distribution purposes? I am thinking to use hostname.Is there a better to do it?
3) How process ranks are assigned? What process gets 0?
1) TBB splits loops into several threads of a thread pool to utilize all processors of one machine. So you should only run one process per machine. More processes would fight with each other for processor time. The number of processes per machine is given by options in your hostfile:
# my_hostfile slots=1 max_slots=1
2) To give each machine an appropriate amount of work according to its performance is not trivial.
The easiest approach is to split the workload into small pieces of work, send them to the slaves, collect their answers, and give them new pieces of work, until you are done. There is an example on my website (in German). You can also find some references to manuals and tutorials there.
3) Each process gets a number (processID) in your program by
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &processID);
The master has processID == 0. Maybe the other are given the slots in the order of your hostfile. Another possibility is they are assigned in the order the connections to slaves are established. I don't know that.

Web application background processes, newbie design question

I'm building my first web application after many years of desktop application development (I'm using Django/Python but maybe this is a completely generic question, I'm not sure). So please beware - this may be an ultra-newbie question...
One of my user processes involves heavy processing in the server (i.e. user inputs something, server needs ~10 minutes to process it). On a desktop application, what I would do it throw the user input into a queue protected by a mutex, and have a dedicated background thread running in low priority blocking on the queue using that mutex.
However in the web application everything seems to be oriented towards synchronization with the HTTP requests.
Assuming I will use the database as my queue, what is best practice architecture for running a background process?
There are two schools of thought on this (at least).
Throw the work on a queue and have something else outside your web-stack handle it.
Throw the work on a queue and have something else in your web-stack handle it.
In either case, you create work units in a queue somewhere (e.g. a database table) and let some process take care of them.
I typically work with number 1 where I have a dedicated windows service that takes care of these things. You could also do this with SQL jobs or something similar.
The advantage to item 2 is that you can more easily keep all your code in one place--in the web tier. You'd still need something that triggers the execution (e.g. loading the web page that processes work units with a sufficiently high timeout), but that could be easily accomplished with various mechanisms.
1) This is a common problem,
2) You're new to your platform
-- I suggest that you look in the contributed libraries for your platform to find a solution to handle the task. In addition to queuing and processing the jobs, you'll also want to consider:
1) status communications between the worker and the web-stack. This will enable web pages that show the percentage complete number for the job, assure the human that the job is progressing, etc.
2) How to ensure that the worker process does not die.
3) If a job has an error, will the worker process automatically retry it periodically?
Will you or an operations person be notified if a job fails?
4) As the number of jobs increase, can additional workers be added to gain parallelism?
Or, even better, can workers be added on other servers?
If you can't find a good solution in Django/Python, you can also consider porting a solution from another platform to yours. I use delayed_job for Ruby on Rails. The worker process is managed by runit.
Speaking generally, I'd look at running background processes on a different server, especially if your web server has any kind of load.
Running long processes in Django: