Problems parsing a TCP-based TLV protocol in C++ - c++

I am trying to implement a (T)LV protocol over TCP sending protocol buffers from a python client and receiving with a C++ server.
My code looks more or less like this:
char* buffer[RCVBUFSIZE];
int recvsize= 0;
// Filling my buffer with as much as possible.
while(true) {
if(recvsize == RCVBUFSIZE) {
} else if(recvsize+= recv(sock, buffer+recvsize, sizeof(buffer)-recvsize, 0) < 1) {
//Parsing LV protocol
while(true) {
unsigned short protosize= 0;
//Copy first two bytes into protosize
memcpy((char *) &protosize, buffer, sizeof(unsigned short));
if(protosize == 0) { break; } // Protocol indicates EOM be setting length to "0"
void* protomsg[protosize];
memcpy(protomsg, buffer+sizeof(unsigned short), protosize);
int msglength= sizeof(unsigned short)+protosize;
//Now I'll move the whole buffer to the left so that I don't have to keep track of where I'm at.
memmove(buffer, buffer+msglength, RCVBUFSIZE-msglength);
protoMsg pm;
if(!pm.ParseFromArray(protomsg, protosize)) { break; } // Parsing failed.
// Do stuff with parsed message.
Now I have several problems:
The while loop receiving the message never terminates. I suspect that the recv call blocks when there isn't any data left anymore while I expected it to return with an error. I have found the select function to check whether there's something to read. I will give that a try.
But when I call receive only once to skip this problem (The message received comes in at ~10 bytes, so I expect all to be collected in one call.) I get another problem:
memcpy and memmove don't seem to be working as expected. On the first loop the short is processed as expected (I receive the same value I send on the other side), but then everything from parsing of the protocol buffer fails. Have I misunderstood something?
Edit: Regarding the comment about ntohs -- I'm transmitting the short as little-endian currently, forgot to mention that. (I will change this still, btw.)
Third edit: The code now works, but I had to change the following:
char* buffer[RCVBUFSIZE];
int recvsize= 0;
// Filling my buffer with as much as possible.
while(true) {
if(recvsize == RCVBUFSIZE) {
} else if((recvsize+= recv(sock, buffer+recvsize, sizeof(buffer)-recvsize, 0)) < 1) {
} else if(recvsize > 1) {
unsigned short msglength= 0;
memcpy((char *) &msglength, buffer+recvsize-sizeof(unsigned short), sizeof(unsigned short));
if(msglength == 0) { break; } // Received a full transmission.
So first I needed to add brackets around the recvsize+= recv() statement and second as the non-blocking method didn't work for some reason I am now checking whether the last two bytes that were transmitted translate to a 0 when read a unsigned short. This probably leads to a problem if I read a 0 by chance that is not the length field. I'll start another question about this probably.
I also changed protomsg to char[], but I don't think this really changed anything. (I had parsing working with a void array already.. )

If the message you receive is always around 10 bytes, and RCVBUFSIZE is more than that, you will never terminate until there is a error reading data. Also, the buffer variable in your code is an array of RCVBUFSIZE pointers, probably not what you want.
Modify your code as follows:
#define MINIMALMESSAGESIZE 10 // Or what the size may be
char buffer[RCVBUFSIZE];
int totalrecvsize= 0;
int recvsize= 0;
while(true) {
if(totalrecvsize >= MINIMALMESSAGESIZE) {
} else if(recvsize= recv(sock, buffer+totalrecvsize, sizeof(buffer)-totalrecvsize, 0) < 1) {
} else {
totalrecvsize += recvsize;


Writing to uart serial port & receiving response, losing bytes when using nonblocking mode

I made a simple c++ program for armv7 architecture (compiled with linaro gnueabihf using raspi rootfs) that takes in arguments with baud rate, data, serial port etc and sends it to the selected serial port and receives the response. At least that's the goal of it.
I'm currently using it to send a command to disable/enable backlight on an industrial screen through an UART port. The screen takes a simple text command ended with crlf and returns a response. The specification of the screen says it uses 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit for communication, so pretty much standard.
While the sending works flawlessly - I cannot seem to find a way to properly receive the response. I tried configuring the termios port structure in multiple different ways (disabling hardware control, using cfmakeraw, configuring the VMIN and VTIME values) but without luck.
First thing is that, I'm receiving all the input byte by byte (so each read() call returns exactly 1 byte..), but that wouldn't be a problem.
When using nonblocking mode without select() I'm receiving all bytes, but I don't know when to stop receiving (and I want it to be universal, so I send a command, expect a simple response and if there is no more data then just exit). I made a time counter since the last message, so if nothing was received in last ~500ms then I assume nothing more will come. But this sometimes loses some bytes of the response and I don't know why.
When using blocking mode, I receive correct bytes (still byte by byte though), but I don't know when to stop and the last call to read() leaves the program hanging, because nothing else comes in the input.
When adding select() to the blocking call, to see if input is readable, I get very frequent data loss (sometimes just receiving a few bytes), and sometimes select returns 1, but read() blocks, and I'm left hanging.
When I just send data without doing any reading, and look at the input using cat -v < /dev/ttyS3 I can actually see correct input on the serial port all the time, however when I run both cat and my program as receivers, only one of them gets the data (or cat receives a few bytes and my program a few), this suggests me that something is "stealing" my bytes the same way when I try to read it, but what could it be, and why is it like that?
My current code (using the nonblocking read + 500ms timeout), that still loses some bytes from time to time:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
int open_port(char* portname)
int fd; // file description for the serial port
fd = open(portname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
if(fd == -1) // if open is unsucessful
printf("Error: open_port: Unable to open %s. \n", portname);
//fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0);
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);
int configure_port(int fd, int baud_rate)
struct termios port_settings;
tcgetattr(fd, &port_settings);
cfsetispeed(&port_settings, baud_rate); // set baud rates
cfsetospeed(&port_settings, baud_rate);
port_settings.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; // no parity
port_settings.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; // 1 stop bit
port_settings.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;
port_settings.c_cflag |= CS8; // 8 data bits
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &port_settings); // apply the settings to the port
* Convert int baud rate to actual baud rate from termios
int get_baud(int baud)
switch (baud) {
case 9600:
return B9600;
case 19200:
return B19200;
case 38400:
return B38400;
case 57600:
return B57600;
case 115200:
return B115200;
case 230400:
return B230400;
case 460800:
return B460800;
case 500000:
return B500000;
case 576000:
return B576000;
case 921600:
return B921600;
case 1000000:
return B1000000;
case 1152000:
return B1152000;
case 1500000:
return B1500000;
case 2000000:
return B2000000;
case 2500000:
return B2500000;
case 3000000:
return B3000000;
case 3500000:
return B3500000;
case 4000000:
return B4000000;
return -1;
unsigned char* datahex(char* string) {
if(string == NULL)
return NULL;
size_t slength = strlen(string);
if((slength % 2) != 0) // must be even
return NULL;
size_t dlength = slength / 2;
unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)malloc(dlength);
memset(data, 0, dlength);
size_t index = 0;
while (index < slength) {
char c = string[index];
int value = 0;
if(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
value = (c - '0');
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
value = (10 + (c - 'A'));
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
value = (10 + (c - 'a'));
else {
return NULL;
data[(index/2)] += value << (((index + 1) % 2) * 4);
return data;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int baud_rate = B9600;
baud_rate = get_baud(atoi(argv[1]));
if(baud_rate == -1) {
printf("Error: Cannot convert baud rate %s, using 9600\n", argv[1]);
baud_rate = B9600;
bool convertHex = false;
char portName[24] = "/dev/ttyS0";
bool debug = false;
bool noreply = false;
for(int i = 3; i < argc; i++) {
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "hex"))
convertHex = true;
else if(strstr(argv[i], "/dev/") != NULL)
strncpy(portName, argv[i], sizeof(portName));
else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "debug"))
debug = true;
else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "no-reply"))
noreply = true;
unsigned char* data = nullptr;
size_t len = 0;
if(convertHex) {
data = datahex(argv[2]);
if((int)data == (int)NULL) {
convertHex = false;
printf("Error: Couldn't convert hex value! Needs to be even length (2 chars per byte)\n");
len = strlen(argv[2])/2;
if(!convertHex) {
data = (unsigned char*)argv[2];
len = strlen(argv[2]);
int fd = open_port(portName);
if(fd == -1) {
printf("Error: Couldn't open port %s\n", portName);
return 0;
configure_port(fd, baud_rate);
if(debug) {
printf("Sending data (raw): ");
for(int i =0; i< len; i++) {
printf("%02X", data[i]);
size_t writelen = write(fd, data, len);
printf("Sent %d/%d bytes\n", writelen, len);
if(writelen != len)
printf("Error: not all bytes were sent (%d/%d)\n", writelen, len);
else if(noreply)
printf("WRITE OK");
if(!noreply) {
unsigned char ibuff[512] = {0};
int curlen = 0; // full length
clock_t begin_time = clock();
while(( float(clock() - begin_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) < 0.5 && curlen < sizeof(ibuff)) {
int ret = read(fd, ibuff+curlen, sizeof(ibuff)-curlen-1);
if(ret < 0) {
ret = 1;
if(ret > 0) {
curlen += ret;
begin_time = clock();
if(curlen > 0) {
ibuff[curlen] = 0; // null terminator
printf("RESPONSE: %s", ibuff);
return 0;
I launch the program like ./rs232 9600 [hex string] hex debug
The scren should return a response like #BLIGHT_ON!OK, but sometimes I receive for example #BLI_ON!O
What can be the cause of this? I made some serial communcation earlier with QtSerial <-> STM32 controller and had no such issues that would cause data loss.
First thing is that, I'm receiving all the input byte by byte (so each
read() call returns exactly 1 byte..) [...]
That's not surprising. The response is coming back at 9600 baud, which is likely much slower per byte than one iteration of the loop requires. It would also arise directly from some configurations of the serial driver. It should be possible to tune this by manipulating VMIN and VTIME, but do note that that requires disabling canonical mode (which you probably want to do anyway; see below).
When using nonblocking mode without select() I'm receiving all bytes,
but I don't know when to stop receiving (and I want it to be
universal, so I send a command, expect a simple response and if there
is no more data then just exit). I made a time counter since the last
message, so if nothing was received in last ~500ms then I assume
nothing more will come. But this sometimes loses some bytes of the
response and I don't know why.
It's all in the details, which you have not presented for that case. We cannot therefore speak to your particular data losses.
Generally speaking, if you're working without flow control, then you have to be sure to read each byte before the next one arrives, on average, else pretty soon, new bytes will overwrite previously-received ones. VMIN and VTIME can help with that, or one can try other methods for tune read timing, but note well that a 9600 baud response will deliver bytes at a rate exceeding one per millisecond, so a 500 ms delay between read attempts is much too long. Supposing that the particular responses you are trying to read are relatively short, however, this will not explain the data losses.
When using blocking mode, I receive correct bytes (still byte by byte
though), but I don't know when to stop and the last call to read()
leaves the program hanging, because nothing else comes in the input.
So the command is required to be CRLF-terminated, but the response cannot be relied upon to be likewise terminated? What a rude device you're working with. If it terminated its responses the same way it required terminated commands, then you could probably work in canonical mode, and you could definitely watch for the terminator to recognize end-of-transmission.
When adding select() to the blocking call, to see if input is
readable, I get very frequent data loss (sometimes just receiving a
few bytes), and sometimes select returns 1, but read() blocks, and I'm
left hanging.
I cannot suggest what the problem may be in that case without any relevant code to analyze, but you really shouldn't need select() for this.
When I just send data without doing any reading, and look at the input
using cat -v < /dev/ttyS3 I can actually see correct input on the
serial port all the time,
That's a good test.
however when I run both cat and my program
as receivers, only one of them gets the data (or cat receives a few
bytes and my program a few),
That's exactly as I would expect. Once a program reads a byte from the port, it is no longer available for any other program to read. Thus, if multiple programs try to read from the same port at the same time then the data available will be partitioned among them in some unspecified and not necessarily consistent fashion.
this suggests me that something is
"stealing" my bytes the same way when I try to read it, but what could
it be, and why is it like that?
That seems unlikely, considering that cat is not affected the same way when you run it alone, nor (you report) are some versions of your own program.
In the first place, if the device supports flow control then I would enable it. Hardware flow control in preference to software flow control if both are viable. This is mainly a fail-safe, however -- I don't see any reason to think that flow control is likely to actually trigger if your program is well written.
Mainly, then, in addition to setting the serial line parameters (8/n/1), you should
Disable canonical mode. This is necessary because you (apparently) cannot rely on the response to be terminated by a line terminator, among other reasons.
Disable echo.
Avoid enabling non-blocking mode on the file.
(Optional) read the first response byte with VMIN == 1 and VTIME == 0; this allows for an arbitrary delay before the device starts sending the response. Alternatively, if you have a reliable upper bound on the time you're willing to wait for the device to start sending the response then you can probably skip this step by using a suitable VTIME in the next one. Or perhaps use a a larger VTIME for this first byte to accommodate a delay before start of transmission, yet not hang if the device fails to respond.
Do read the remaining response bytes with VTIME == 1 (or larger) and VMIN == 0. This probably gets you the whole remainder of the response in one call, but do repeat the read() until it returns 0 (or negative). The 0 return indicates that all available bytes have been transferred and no new ones were received for VTIME tenths of a second -- much longer than the inter-character time in a 9600-baud transmission even for VTIME == 1. Do note that the larger you make VTIME, the longer will be the delay between the device sending the last byte of its response and the program detecting end-of-transmission.
Do not implement any artificial delay between successive read attempts.
You should not need non-blocking mode at the fcntl level, and you should not need select(). There may be other termios settings you could apply to better tune your program for the particular device at the other end of the serial link, but the above should be enough for single-command / single-response pairs with ASCII-only data and no control characters other than carriage returns and newlines.

Sending a compressed string through winsock

Hie, everyone! I have a simple TCP server and client on winsock2 lib c++. The server simply send string messages. The client simply receives them. Everything is fine here. But when I use the zlib library to compress the string, the data is corrupting and I can't properly receive them on the client to unzip. Can someone help me?
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
std::cout << "Client connected\n";
int k = rand() % strings.size();
msg = strings[k];
msg_size = msg.size();
msgl_size = msg_size + msg_size*0.1 + 12;
msgl = new unsigned char[msgl_size + 1]{0};
if (Z_OK != compress((Bytef*)msgl,
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(msg.c_str()),
std::cout << "Compression error! " << std::endl;
std::thread * thread = new std::thread([&newConnection, msgl, msgl_size, msg_size, msg]() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
send(newConnection, (char*)&msgl_size, sizeof(unsigned long), NULL);
send(newConnection, (char*)&msg_size, sizeof(unsigned long), NULL);
int res;
do {
res = send(newConnection, (char*)(msgl), sizeof(msgl_size), NULL);
while (msgl_size != res);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtxx);
unsigned long msgl_size, msg_size;
recv(Connection, (char*)&msg_size, sizeof(unsigned long), NULL);
recv(Connection, (char*)&msgl_size, sizeof(unsigned long), NULL);
unsigned char * msgl = new unsigned char[msgl_size + 1]{0};
int res;
do {
res = recv(Connection, reinterpret_cast<char*>(msgl), msgl_size, NULL);
while (msgl_size != res);
char * msg = new char[msg_size + 1];
if (Z_OK == uncompress(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(msg),
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(msgl),
msg[msg_size] = '\0';
std::cout << msg << std::endl;
std::cout << "Compress ratio: " << msgl_size / (float)msg_size << std::endl;
delete[] msgl;
Client side:
recv only returns whatever data is immediately available or blocks until data becomes available, this is unlikely to happen with a large file or a slow network. Quite likely recv will block until the first network packet arrives and depending on the underlying network that could be anywhere from a few hundred bytes to tens of thousands. Maybe the message fits in that and maybe not.
Setting recv's flags parameter to MSG_WAITALL is useful for shorter messages because you will either get exactly the number of bytes what you asked for or an error. Because of the possibility for error you always have to test the return value.
To repeat: Always check the return value.
recv's return value is either negative for socket failure, 0 for socket shutdown, or the number of bytes read. For more, consult the winsock documentation for recv.
recv(Connection, (char*)&msg_size, sizeof(unsigned long), NULL);
recv(Connection, (char*)&msgl_size, sizeof(unsigned long), NULL);
do not check the return value. The socket could have failed or the call to recv could have returned less than what was requested and the remainder of the program will be operating on garbage.
These are a decent place to use MSG_WAITALL, but it's possible that the socket is fine and you were interrupted by a signal. Not sure if this can happen on Windows, but it can on Linux. Beware.
if (recv(Connection, (char*)&msg_size, sizeof(unsigned long), MSG_WAITALL) != sizeof(unsigned long) &&
recv(Connection, (char*)&msgl_size, sizeof(unsigned long), NULL) != sizeof(unsigned long)(
// log error
// exit function, loop, or whatever.
do {
res = recv(Connection, reinterpret_cast<char*>(msgl), msgl_size, NULL);
} while (msgl_size != res);
will loop until one recv returns exactly the right amount in a single call. Unlikely, but if it does, it must happen on the first read because the code writes over the previous read every time.
Say only 1/2 of the message is read from the socket on the first try. Since this isn't the full message, the loop enters and tries to read again, overwriting the first half of the message with the second half and perhaps enough bytes from the subsequent message to satisfy the requested number of bytes. This amalgam of two messages will not decrypt.
For a payload of potentially great size, loop until the program has it all.
char * bufp = reinterpret_cast<char*>(msgl);
int msg_remaining = msgl_size;
while (msg_remaining )
res = recv(Connection, bufp, msg_remaining, NULL);
if (res <= 0)
// log error
// exit function, loop, or whatever.
msg_remaining -= res; // reduce message remaining
bufp += res; // move next insert point in msgl
There may be problems with the decompression. I don't know enough about that to be able to answer. I suggest removing it and sending easily-debuggable plaintext until you have all of the network issues worked out.
Server side:
Like recv, send sends what it can. You may have to loop sending to make sure you didn't overfill the socket with a message too large for the socket to eat in one shot. And again like recv, ssend can fail. Always check the return value to see what really happened. Check the documentation for send for more information.
It looks to me like you have the right basic idea: send the size of data to expect, followed by the data itself. On the receiving side, read the size first, then read the specified amount of data.
Unfortunately, you've made a mistake or two when it came to the details of implementing that intent. The first big one is when you send the data:
do {
res = send(newConnection, (char*)(msgl), sizeof(msgl_size), NULL);
while (msgl_size != res);
This has a couple of problems. First of all, it uses sizeof(msg1_size), so it's only trying to send the size of an unsigned long (at least I'm guessing that msg1_size is an unsigned long).
What I'm pretty sure you intended here was to send the entire buffer instead:
unsigned long sent = 0;
unsigned long remaining = msg1_size;
do {
res = send(newConnection, (char*)(msgl + sent), remaining, NULL);
sent += res;
remaining -= res;
} while (msgl_size != sent);
With this, we start sending from the beginning of the buffer. If send returns after sending only part of that (as it's allowed to), we record how much was sent. Then on the next iteration, we re-start sending from the point where it left off. Meanwhile, we keep track of how much remains to be sent, and only attempt to send that much on each subsequent iteration.
At least at first glance, it looks like your receive loop probably needs roughly the same kind of repair, keeping track of the total received rather than trying to wait for a single transfer of the entire amount.
Oh, and of course for real code you also want to check for res being 0 or negative. As it stands right now, this doesn't even attempt to detect or properly react to most network errors.

C++ What's the proper way to receive data over tcp until I get as many as I want [duplicate]

I am trying to send a message over Socket in c++. I have read many questions on stack overflow related to this but couldn't still figure out how it works. lets say i am sending following characters(M,a,r,t,i,n) to a local host server, people suggest that you can use 4 bytes as the length(i.e 32 bits, so that it can handle a message up to 4GB length).
I did the same thing at my client side but still dont know how can i figure out this thing at server side whether i want to receive only starting 3 bytes(M,a,r) or last 3 bytes(t,i,n) of my data.
I am posting my code please help me mainly in the server side, will be thankfull if can write few lines with relevance to code.
Client side code
std::vector<char> userbuffer(20);
char* p =;
*p = 'M';
++p; *p = 'a';
++p; *p = 'r';
++p; *p = 't';
++p; *p = 'i';
++p; *p = 'n';
size_t length = strlen(;
uint32_t nlength = htonl(length);
//line containg message length information
int header_info = send(socketFD, (char*)&nlength, 4, 0);
// Data bytes send to the server
int bytes_sent = send(socketFD,, length, 0);
if(bytes_sent == SOCKET_ERROR){ //some errror handling}
Server Side Code
char receivebuffer[MAX_DATA] = { '\0' };
int bytesReceivedFromClientMsg = 1;
int length_bytes = 0;
uint32_t length, nlength;
//code to check length if we have received whole data length
while(length_bytes < 4){
int read = recv(clientSocket, ((char*)&nlength)+length_bytes, (4-length_bytes), 0);
if (read == -1) { //error handling}
length_bytes += read;}
// Most painfull section to understand.
// I implemented this code from some ideas on internet
//but still cant find how its extracting length and what i am reading :(
while(bytesReceivedFromClientMsg > 0){
int msgheader = recv(clientSocket,(char*)&nlength,6, 0);
length = ntohl(nlength);//leng value here is in severel thousand size
char *receivebuffer = new char(length+1);
bytesReceivedFromClientMsg = recv(clientSocket, receivebuffer, msgheader, 0);
receivebuffer[length] = 0 ;
std::cout<<"msg header is :"<<msgheader<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"msg data is :"<<bytesReceivedFromClientMsg<<std::endl;
if(bytesReceivedFromClientMsg == SOCKET_ERROR){//some error handling}
You need a design for your network protocol. There are protocols like SMTP that are text-like protocols. You have to read characters until you find a termination character like the new-line in a text-like protocol.
With a message based protocol you have better chances for high performance protocol. You define a header (that is used in your code but not defined). In the header you put information about the length and probably about the type of the next message. Then you send the header in front of the message body. The body is "Martin" in your example.
The receiver has a state "header received". When the header is not received complete (or nothting at all) it will use the size of the header as chunk size. It receives chunksize bytes into the header variable. When the header is received complete the receiver sets the chunksize to the sized the is set in the header and receives so many bytes to the payload buffer. When this has been complete the state "header received" is false again.
int receive(socket sock, char * buffer, int chunk_size)
int offset = 0;
while (chunk_size > 0)
// add select() here when you have a non-blocking socket.
int n = recv(sock, buffer+offset, chunk_size);
// TODO: error handling
offset += n;
chunk_size -= n;
// return amount of received bytes
return offset;
void do_receive(void)
struct {
int size;
// other message information
} header;
while (true)
receive(sock, &header, sizeof(header);
receive(sock, buffer, header.size);
process_message(buffer, header.size);
The code above will not pass any compiler. But it shows the idea..

What should I do when write returns smaller size?

I am writing a wrapper around generic file operations and do not know how to handle the case when write returns a smaller size written then provided.
The man page for write says:
The number of bytes written may be less than count if, for example, there is insufficient space on the underlying physical medium, or the RLIMIT_FSIZE resource limit is encountered (see setrlimit(2)), or the call was interrupted by a signal handler after having written less than count bytes. (See also pipe(7).)
From my understanding of the above, it's a mixture of errors (medium full) and incitation to come back (interrupted call). If my file descriptors are all non-blocking, I should not get the interrupt case and then the only reason would be an error. Am I right ?
Code example:
int size_written = write(fd, str, count);
if (size_written == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN) {
// poll on fd and come back later
} else {
// throw an error
} else if (size_written < count) {
// ***************
// what should I do here ?
// throw an error ?
// ***************
You need to use the raw I/O functions in a loop:
ssize_t todo = count;
for (ssize_t n; todo > 0; )
n = write(fd, str, todo);
if (n == -1 && errno != EINTR)
// error
str += n;
todo -= n;
if (todo != 0) { /* error */ }
The special condition concerning EINTR allows the write call to be interrupted by a signal without causing the entire operation to fail. Otherwise, we expect to be able to write all data eventually.
If you can't finish writing all data because your file descriptor is non-blocking and cannot accept any data at the moment, you have to store the remaining data and try again later when the file descriptor has signalled that it's ready for writing again.

how can i get the number of bytes available to read on async socket on linux?

I have a simple tcp/ip server written in c++ on linux. I'm using asynchronous sockets and epoll. Is it possible to find out how many bytes are available for reading, when i get the EPOLLIN event?
From man 7 tcp:
int value;
error = ioctl(sock, FIONREAD, &value);
Or alternatively SIOCINQ, which is a synonym of FIONREAD.
Anyway, I'd recommend just to use recv in non-blocking mode in a loop until it returns EWOULDBLOCK.
From your comments below I think that this is not the appropriate solution for your problem.
Imagine that your header is 8 bytes and you receive just 4; then your poll/select will return EPOLLIN, you will check the FIONREAD, see that the header is not yet complete and wayt for more bytes. But these bytes never arrive, so you keep on getting EPOLLIN on every call to poll/select and you have a no-op busy-loop. That is, poll/select are level-triggered. Not that an edge triggered function solves your problem either.
At the end you are far better doing a bit of work, adding a buffer per connection, and queuing the bytes until you have enough. It is not as difficult as it seems and it works far better. For example, something like that:
struct ConnectionData
int sck;
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
size_t offset, pending;
void OnPollIn(ConnectionData *d)
int res = recv(d->sck, d-> + offset, d->pending);
if (res < 0)
d->offset += res;
d->pending -= res;
if (d->pending == 0)
And whenever you want to get a number of bytes:
void PrepareToRecv(ConnectionData *d, size_t size)
d->offset = 0;
d->pending = size;