random access to buffer optimisation - c++

I have colorBuffer Color[width*height] (most likely 800*600)
and during rasterization I call:
void setPixel(int x, int y, Color & color)
colorBuffer[y * width + x] = color;
It turns out that this random access to color buffer is really ineffective and slows my application down.
I think that it is caused the way I use it. I calculate some pixel (with rasterization algorithms) and call setPixel.
So I think my buffer is not in cache and this is the main problem. When trying to write into the whole buffer at once, it is much much faster.
Is there any way, how to optimize this?
I do not use it to fill buffer with two for cycles.
I use it to paint "random" pixels.
eg when rasterize line I use it like
calculate next point
calculate next point
setPixel(next point)

They way I see it, the access-pattern to the buffer depends in the order in which your algorithm processes the pixels. Can you not simply change that order so that it creates a sequential access-scheme to your buffer?

Yes, you should try to be cache-friendly,
but the first thing I would do is find out what's taking time.
It's simple enough. Just pause it several times and see what it's doing.
If it's mostly in calculate next point, you should see what it's doing in there, because that's where the time is going.
(I assume you understand that by "in" I mean "on the stack".)
If it's mostly in SetPixel, when you pause it, look at the disassembly window.
If it's spending much time in the prologue/epilogue of the routine, it should be inlined.
If it's spending much time in the actual move instruction into colorBuffer, then you're hitting the cache issue.
If it's spending much time in the code for the index calculation y * width + x, then you might want to see if you could somehow use an initialized pointer that you step along.
If you fix anything, you should do it all again, because you may have uncovered another opportunity to speed it up further.

The first thing to notice is that the way you process your pixels makes a huge difference to speed. If you do
for (int x = 0; x < width;++x)
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
this will be really bad for performance because you're literally jumping around in memory width-wise (note that you do y*width + x).
If you simply change the order of processing to
for (int y = 0; y < height;++y)
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
you already should notice a performance gain as the processor now gets a chance to cache memory accesses (which it didn't before).
Furthermore you should check if you can determine that entire blocks of pixels will have the same color value before actually setting the memory. Then you can copy those constant color values block-wise to your image array which can save you also a good deal of performance.


How I can check that an element in a grid of tiles is on my viewport fast?

I have a for loop that I use to draw a grid of tiles with sdl on a game. Since the grid is quite huge with more than 50k elements I want to optimize it.
So there is this function that use to check if I should draw a tile, so if it's outside of the screen I ignore it.
bool Camera::isInViewport(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h) {
int translatedX = x + offsetX;
int translatedY = y + offsetY;
if (translatedX + w >= 0 && translatedX <= 0 + sdl.windowWidth) {
if (translatedY + h >= 0 && translatedY <= 0 + sdl.windowHeight) {
return true;
return false;
I checked this function it's eating 15% of the CPU alone when the grid is big. Will be possible to make this faster? I can't think of way that will make it eat less resources.
There is not a lot that you can do with this funciton. Do not pass ints as references, it internally passes them as pointers, and it increases costs by dereferencing them. Merge conditions into one if statement and start from those that most probably will be evaluated into false to make early short-circuiting possible.
What I would do instead to solve this performance issue is to organize your tiles in 2D array where index and coordinates could be calculated from each other. In this case you just need to understand index boundaries of tiles covered by your viewport. Instead of checking result of this function on every cell you will be able to just tell left and right X index and top and down Y index. Then just draw them in two nested loops like that:
for (int y = topY; y <= bottomY; ++y)
for (int x = leftX; x <= rightX; ++x)
// do drawing with tile[y][x];
Another approach would be to cache the previous results. If camera is not moving and tiles are not moving - then result of this function is not going to change. Just storing flag that indicates you whether each tile is visible could work here (but not a good practice in big game), update them every time camera moves or recalculate tile if it moves (if it is possible in your app). Still recalculation of all visibility flags on camera movement will be expensive, so try to use first optimization and reduce the task by finding what tile range is affected by camera at all

TBB Free Image lambda array comparison error

I hae been playing around with Thread building blocks with Free Image Plus on linux. I have been trying to compare the speeds between a sequential and parallel approach when subtracting one image from another, however I noticed that the final outcome when using the parallel approach generates some anomalies that I am unsure now to solve and am in need of some advice.
my question is: Why does the image seem to generate more array comparison errors when using parallel but work fine when using sequential (The image is supposed to be black with a few white spots, so the white pixels in the second image are comparison errors between the 2 image pixel arrays (of type RGBQUAD)).
RGBQUADs are declared before the call to these methods and act as global variables.
https://imgur.com/Qs6G3z7 "Sequential".
for (auto y = 0; y < height; y++)
for(auto x= 0; x < width; x++)
inputImage.getPixelColor(x, y, &rgb);
inputImage2.getPixelColor(x, y, &rgb2);
rgbDiffVal[y][x].rgbRed = abs(rgb.rgbRed - rgb2.rgbRed);
rgbDiffVal[y][x].rgbBlue = abs(rgb.rgbBlue - rgb2.rgbBlue);
rgbDiffVal[y][x].rgbGreen = abs(rgb.rgbGreen - rgb2.rgbGreen);
https://imgur.com/Yd3v1ko "with TBB parallel".
parallel_for(blocked_range2d<int,int>(0,height, 0, width), [&] (const blocked_range2d<int,int>&r) {
auto y1 = r.rows().begin();
auto y2 = r.rows().end();
auto x1 = r.cols().begin();
auto x2 = r.cols().end();
for (auto y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
for (auto x = x1; x < x2; x++) {
inputImage.getPixelColor(x, y, &rgb);
inputImage2.getPixelColor(x, y, &rgb2);
rgbDiffVal[y][x].rgbRed = abs(rgb.rgbRed - rgb2.rgbRed);
rgbDiffVal[y][x].rgbBlue = abs(rgb.rgbBlue - rgb2.rgbBlue);
rgbDiffVal[y][x].rgbGreen = abs(rgb.rgbGreen - rgb2.rgbGreen);
I believe it may have something to do with passing the reference pointer inside a lambda that is copying values by reference anyway as this is the only thing I can think of that may affect the process. (rgb, rgb2). I have observed that If I change the parallel for blocked range to height and width, this solves the issue, however this then defeats the point of using a parallel method in the first place.
The first thing I would do is put a spin mutex lock around the update (The last three lines of the inner loop where you are storing the result.) This will slow the program down a lot but will tell you if there is a synchronization problem with your update. (It is not obvious, but you are storing adjacent values in the same cache lines for some of the results. Testing is the only way to answer this.)
If it is, you can do atomic swaps to update the result, but that is super-expensive. If not, sorry I didn't spot your problem.
Even if this is not a problem, you might get better performance by using a 1-D blocked_range which is cache-aligned. I'll leave it to you to do the gory implementation.
If these variables are supposed to temporarily store pixel colors, maybe you just need to move the declarations into the lambda, making variables local to each thread. – Alexey Kukanov.
Variables were indeed placed outside the bounds for the lambda so each thread was modifying the referenced variable causing a race condition where one thread would try to read the data from the variable as another was modifying it.

How can I pixelate a 1d array

I want to pixelate an image stored in a 1d array, although i am not sure how to do it, this is what i have comeup with so far...
the value of pixelation is currently 3 for testing purposes.
currently it just creates a section of randomly coloured pixels along the left third of the image, if i increase the value of pixelation the amount of random coloured pixels decreases and vice versa, so what am i doing wrong?
I have also already implemented the rotation, reading of the image and saving of a new image this is just a separate function which i need assistance with.
picture pixelate( const std::string& file_name, picture& tempImage, int& pixelation /* TODO: OTHER PARAMETERS HERE */)
picture pixelated = tempImage;
RGB tempPixel;
tempPixel.r = 0;
tempPixel.g = 0;
tempPixel.b = 0;
int counter = 0;
int numtimesrun = 0;
for (int x = 1; x<tempImage.width; x+=pixelation)
for (int y = 1; y<tempImage.height; y+=pixelation)
//RGB tempcol;
//tempcol for pixelate
for (int i = 1; i<pixelation; i++)
for (int j = 1; j<pixelation; j++)
tempPixel.r +=tempImage.pixel[counter+pixelation*numtimesrun].colour.r;
tempPixel.g +=tempImage.pixel[counter+pixelation*numtimesrun].colour.g;
tempPixel.b +=tempImage.pixel[counter+pixelation*numtimesrun].colour.b;
//read colour
for (int k = 1; k<pixelation; k++)
for (int l = 1; l<pixelation; l++)
pixelated.pixel[numtimesrun].colour.r = tempPixel.r/pixelation;
pixelated.pixel[numtimesrun].colour.g = tempPixel.g/pixelation;
pixelated.pixel[numtimesrun].colour.b = tempPixel.b/pixelation;
//set colour
counter = 0;
cout << x << endl;
cout << "Image successfully pixelated." << endl;
return pixelated;
I'm not too sure what you really want to do with your code, but I can see a few problems.
For one, you use for() loops with variables starting at 1. That's certainly wrong. Arrays in C/C++ start at 0.
The other main problem I can see is the pixelation parameter. You use it to increase x and y without knowing (at least in that function) whether it is a multiple of width and height. If not, you will definitively be missing pixels on the right edge and at the bottom (which edges will depend on the orientation, of course). Again, it very much depends on what you're trying to achieve.
Also the i and j loops start at the position defined by counter and numtimesrun which means that the last line you want to hit is not tempImage.width or tempImage.height. With that you are rather likely to have many overflows. Actually that would also explain the problems you see on the edges. (see update below)
Another potential problem, cannot tell for sure without seeing the structure declaration, but this sum using tempPixel.c += <value> may overflow. If the RGB components are defined as unsigned char (rather common) then you will definitively get overflows. So your average sum is broken if that's the fact. If that structure uses floats, then you're good.
Note also that your average is wrong. You are adding source data for pixelation x pixalation and your average is calculated as sum / pixelation. So you get a total which is pixalation times larger. You probably wanted sum / (pixelation * pixelation).
Your first loop with i and j computes a sum. The math is most certainly wrong. The counter + pixelation * numtimesrun expression will start reading at the second line, it seems. However, you are reading i * j values. That being said, it may be what you are trying to do (i.e. a moving average) in which case it could be optimized but I'll leave that out for now.
If I understand what you are doing, a representation would be something like a filter. There is a picture of a 3x3:
.+. *
+*+ =>
What is on the left is what you are reading. This means the source needs to be at least 3x3. What I show on the right is the result. As we can see, the result needs to be 1x1. From what I see in your code you do not take that in account at all. (the varied characters represent varied weights, in your case all weights are 1.0).
You have two ways to handle that problem:
The resulting image has a size of width - pixelation * 2 + 1 by height - pixelation * 2 + 1; in this case you keep one result and do not care about the edges...
You rewrite the code to handle edges. This means you use less source data to compute the resulting edges. Another way is to compute the edge cases and save that in several output pixels (i.e. duplicate the pixels on the edges).
Update 2
Hmmm... looking at your code again, it seems that you compute the average of the 3x3 and save it in the 3x3:
.+. ***
+*+ => ***
.+. ***
Then the problem is different. The numtimesrun is wrong. In your k and l loops you save the pixels pixelation * pixelation in the SAME pixel and that advanced by one each time... so you are doing what I shown in my first update, but it looks like you were trying to do what is shown in my 2nd update.
The numtimesrun could be increased by pixelation each time:
numtimesrun += pixelation;
However, that's not enough to fix your k and l loops. There you probably need to calculate the correct destination. Maybe something like this (also requires a reset of the counter before the loop):
counter = 0;
... for loops ...
pixelated.pixel[counter+pixelation*numtimesrun].colour.r = ...;
... (take care of g and b)
Yet again, I cannot tell for sure what you are trying to do, so I do not know why you'd want to copy the same pixel pixelation x pixelation times. But that explains why you get data only at the left (or top) of the image (very much depends on the orientation, one side for sure. And if that's 1/3rd then pixelation is probably 3.)
WARNING: if you implement the save properly, you'll experience crashes if you do not take care of the overflows mentioned earlier.
Update 3
As explained by Mark in the comment below, you have an array representing a 2d image. In that case, your counter variable is completely wrong since this is 100% linear whereas the 2d image is not. The 2nd line is width further away. At this point, you read the first 3 pixels at the top-left, then the next 3 pixels on the same, and finally the next 3 pixels still on the same line. Of course, it could be that your image is thus defined and these pixels are really one after another, although it is not very likely...
Mark's answer is concise and gives you the information necessary to access the correct pixels. However, you will still be hit by the overflow and possibly the fact that the width and height parameters are not a multiple of pixelation...
I don't do a lot of C++, but here's a pixelate function I wrote for Processing. It takes an argument of the width/height of the pixels you want to create.
void pixelateImage(int pxSize) {
// use ratio of height/width...
float ratio;
if (width < height) {
ratio = height/width;
else {
ratio = width/height;
// ... to set pixel height
int pxH = int(pxSize * ratio);
for (int x=0; x<width; x+=pxSize) {
for (int y=0; y<height; y+=pxH) {
fill(p.get(x, y));
rect(x, y, pxSize, pxH);
Without the built-in rect() function you'd have to write pixel-by-pixel using another two for loops:
for (int px=0; px<pxSize; px++) {
for (int py=0; py<pxH; py++) {
pixelated.pixel[py * tempImage.width + px].colour.r = tempPixel.r;
pixelated.pixel[py * tempImage.width + px].colour.g = tempPixel.g;
pixelated.pixel[py * tempImage.width + px].colour.b = tempPixel.b;
Generally when accessing an image stored in a 1D buffer, each row of the image will be stored as consecutive pixels and the next row will follow immediately after. The way to address into such a buffer is:
For your purposes you want both inner loops to generate coordinates that go from the top and left of the pixelation square to the bottom right.

C++ plotting Mandlebrot set, bad performance

I'm not sure if there is an actual performance increase to achieve, or if my computer is just old and slow, but I'll ask anyway.
So I've tried making a program to plot the Mandelbrot set using the cairo library.
The loop that draws the pixels looks as follows:
vector<point_t*>::iterator it;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iterations; i++){
it = points->begin();
//cout << points->size() << endl;
double r,g,b;
r = (double)i+1 / (double)iterations;
g = 0;
b = 0;
while(it != points->end()){
point_t *p = *it;
p->Z = (p->Z * p->Z) + p->C;
if(abs(p->Z) > 2.0){
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, r, g, b, 1);
cairo_rectangle (cr, p->x, p->y, 1, 1);
cairo_fill (cr);
it = points->erase(it);
} else {
The idea is to color all points that just escaped the set, and then remove them from list to avoid evaluating them again.
It does render the set correctly, but it seems that the rendering takes a lot longer than needed.
Can someone spot any performance issues with the loop? or is it as good as it gets?
Thanks in advance :)
Very nice answers, thanks :) - I ended up with a kind of hybrid of the answers. Thinking of what was suggested, i realized that calculating each point, putting them in a vector and then extract them was a huge waste CPU time and memory. So instead, the program now just calculate the Z value of each point witout even using the point_t or vector. It now runs A LOT faster!
Edit: I think the suggestion in the answer of kuroi neko is also a very good idea if you do not care about "incremental" computation, but have a fixed number of iterations.
You should use vector<point_t> instead of vector<point_t*>.
A vector<point_t*> is a list of pointers to point_t. Each point is stored at some random location in the memory. If you iterate over the points, the pattern in which memory is accessed looks completely random. You will get a lot of cache misses.
On the opposite vector<point_t> uses continuous memory to store the points. Thus the next point is stored directly after the current point. This allows efficient caching.
You should not call erase(it); in your inner loop.
Each call to erase has to move all elements after the one you remove. This has O(n) runtime. For example, you could add a flag to point_t to indicate that it should not be processed any longer. It may be even faster to remove all the "inactive" points after each iteration.
It is probably not a good idea to draw individual pixels using cairo_rectangle. I would suggest you create an image and store the color for each pixel. Then draw the whole image with one draw call.
Your code could look like this:
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iterations; i++){
double r,g,b;
r = (double)i+1 / (double)iterations;
g = 0;
b = 0;
for(vector<point_t>::iterator it=points->begin(); it!=points->end(); ++it) {
point_t& p = *it;
if(!p.active) {
p.Z = (p.Z * p.Z) + p.C;
if(abs(p.Z) > 2.0) {
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, r, g, b, 1);
cairo_rectangle (cr, p.x, p.y, 1, 1);
cairo_fill (cr);
p.active = false;
// perhaps remove all points where p.active = false
If you can not change point_t, you can use an additional vector<char> to store if a point has become "inactive".
The Zn divergence computation is what makes the algorithm slow (depending on the area you're working on, of course). In comparison, pixel drawing is mere background noise.
Your loop is flawed because it makes the Zn computation slow.
The way to go is to compute divergence for each point in a tight, optimized loop, and then take care of the display.
Besides, it's useless and wasteful to store Z permanently.
You just need C as an input and the number of iterations as an output.
Assuming your points array only holds C values (basically you don't need all this vector crap, but it won't hurt performances either), you could do something like that :
for(vector<point_t>::iterator it=points->begin(); it!=points->end(); ++it)
point_t Z = 0;
point_t C = *it;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) // <-- this is the CPU burner
Z = Z * Z + C;
if(abs(Z) > 2.0) break;
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, (double)i+1 / (double)iterations, g, b, 1);
cairo_rectangle (cr, p->x, p->y, 1, 1);
cairo_fill (cr);
Try to run this with and without the cairo thing and you should see no noticeable difference in execution time (unless you're looking at an empty spot of the set).
Now if you want to go faster, try to break down the Z = Z * Z + C computation in real and imaginary parts and optimize it. You could even use mmx or whatever to do parallel computations.
And of course the way to go to gain another significant speed factor is to parallelize your algorithm over the available CPU cores (i.e. split your display area is subsets and have different worker threads compute these parts in parallel).
This is not as obvious at it might seem, though, since each sub-picture will have a different computation time (black areas are very slow to compute while white areas are computed almost instantly).
One way to do it is to split the area is a large number of rectangles, and have all worker threads pick a random rectangle from a common pool until all rectangles have been processed.
This simple load balancing scheme that makes sure no CPU core will be left idle while its buddies are busy on other parts of the display.
The first step to optimizing performance is to find out what is slow. Your code mixes three tasks- iterating to calculate whether a point escapes, manipulating a vector of points to test, and plotting the point.
Separate these three operations and measure their contribution. You can optimise the escape calculation by parallelising it using simd operations. You can optimise the vector operations by not erasing from the vector if you want to remove it but adding it to another vector if you want to keep it ( since erase is O(N) and addition O(1) ) and improve locality by having a vector of points rather than pointers to points, and if the plotting is slow then use an off-screen bitmap and set points by manipulating the backing memory rather than using cairo functions.
(I was going to post this but #Werner Henze already made the same point in a comment, hence community wiki)

Help with code optimization

I've written a little particle system for my 2d-application. Here is raining code:
// HPP -----------------------------------
struct Data
float x, y, x_speed, y_speed;
int timeout;
std::vector<Data> mData;
bool mFirstTime;
void processDrops(float windPower, int i);
// CPP -----------------------------------
: x(rand()%ScreenResolutionX), y(0)
, x_speed(0), y_speed(0), timeout(rand()%130)
{ }
void Rain::processDrops(float windPower, int i)
int posX = rand() % mWindowWidth;
mData[i].x = posX;
mData[i].x_speed = WindPower*0.1; // WindPower is float
mData[i].y_speed = Gravity*0.1; // Gravity is 9.8 * 19.2
// If that is first time, process drops randomly with window height
if (mFirstTime)
mData[i].timeout = 0;
mData[i].y = rand() % mWindowHeight;
mData[i].timeout = rand() % 130;
mData[i].y = 0;
void update(float windPower, float elapsed)
// If this is first time - create array with new Data structure objects
if (mFirstTime)
for (int i=0; i < mMaxObjects; ++i)
processDrops(windPower, i);
mFirstTime = false;
for (int i=0; i < mMaxObjects; i++)
// Sleep until uptime > 0 (To make drops fall with randomly timeout)
if (mData[i].timeout > 0)
// Find new x/y positions
mData[i].x += mData[i].x_speed * elapsed;
mData[i].y += mData[i].y_speed * elapsed;
// Find new speeds
mData[i].x_speed += windPower * elapsed;
mData[i].y_speed += Gravity * elapsed;
// Drawing here ...
// If drop has been falled out of the screen
if (mData[i].y > mWindowHeight) processDrops(windPower, i);
So the main idea is: I have some structure which consist of drop position, speed. I have a function for processing drops at some index in the vector-array. Now if that's first time of running I'm making array with max size and process it in cycle.
But this code works slower that all another I have. Please, help me to optimize it.
I tried to replace all int with uint16_t but I think it doesn't matter.
Replacing int with uint16_t shouldn't do any difference (it'll take less memory, but shouldn't affect running time on most machines).
The shown code already seems pretty fast (it's doing only what it's needed to do, and there are no particular mistakes), I don't see how you could optimize it further (at most you could remove the check on mFirstTime, but that should make no difference).
If it's slow it's because of something else. Maybe you've got too many drops, or the rest of your code is so slow that update gets called little times per second.
I'd suggest you to profile your program and see where most time is spent.
one thing that could speed up such algorithm, especially if your system hasn't got an FPU (! That's not the case of a personal computer...), would be to replace your floating point values with integers.
Just multiply the elapsed variable (and your constants, like those 0.1) by 1000 so that they will represent milliseconds, and use only integers everywhere.
Few points:
Physics is incorrect: wind power should be changed as speed makes closed to wind speed, also for simplicity I would assume that initial value of x_speed is the speed of the wind.
You don't take care the fraction with the wind at all, so drops getting faster and faster. but that depends on your want to model.
I would simply assume that drop fails in constant speed in constant direction because this is really what happens very fast.
Also you can optimize all this very simply as you don't need to solve motion equation using integration as it can be solved quite simply directly as:
x(t):= x_0 + wind_speed * t
y(t):= y_0 - fall_speed * t
This is the case of stable fall when the gravity force is equal to friction.
x(t):= x_0 + wind_speed * t;
y(t):= y_0 - 0.5 * g * t^2;
If you want to model drops that fall faster and faster.
Few things to consider:
In your processDrops function, you pass in windPower but use some sort of class member or global called WindPower, is that a typo? If the value of Gravity does not change, then save the calculation (i.e. mult by 0.1) and use that directly.
In your update function, rather than calculating windPower * elapsed and Gravity * elapsed for every iteration, calculate and save that before the loop, then add. Also, re-organise the loop, there is no need to do the speed calculation and render if the drop is out of the screen, do the check first, and if the drop is still in the screen, then update the speed and render!
Interestingly, you never check to see if the drop is out of the screen interms of it's x co-ordinate, you check the height, but not the width, you could save yourself some calculations and rendering time if you did this check as well!
In loop introduce reference Data& current = mData[i] and use it instead of mData[i]. And use this reference instead of index also in procesDrops.
BTW I think that consulting mFirstTime in processDrops serves no purpose because it will never be true. Hmm, I missed processDrops in initialization loop. Never mind this.
This looks pretty fast to me already.
You could get some tiny speedup by removing the "firsttime" code and putting it in it's own functions to call once rather that testing every calls.
You are doing the same calculation on lots of similar data so maybe you could look into using SSE intrinsics to process several items at once. You'l likely have to rearrange your data structure for that though to be a structure of vectors rather than a vector od structures like now. I doubt it would help too much though. How many items are in your vector anyway?
It looks like maybe all your time goes into ... Drawing Here.
It's easy enough to find out for sure where the time is going.